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Richardson Predictions


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:blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe: man i cant wait for this game bjeornwerner back, t-rich could get 100, ty hilton could be a good game ...but i realy wanted darick rogers out there to



I asked Kevin in the chat today if Darick knew the playbook and would be ready to come in if needed ( because Of DHB possible Hammy) he said that the coaches were happy where he was ... that was it... he also said that Whalen knew the playbook and has chemistry with Luck and has the relationship / knowledge with Pep and his Offense .. tells me we probably aren't gonna see Darick anytime soon...

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I asked Kevin in the chat today if Darick knew the playbook and would be ready to come in if needed ( because Of DHB possible Hammy) he said that the coaches were happy where he was ... that was it... he also said that Whalen knew the playbook and has chemistry with Luck and has the relationship / knowledge with Pep and his Offense .. tells me we probably aren't gonna see Darick anytime soon...

that sucks man he's got potential like crazy if the coaches give him a chance he would dominate feel really bad for the kid

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Where does this DaRick fascination come from? Trust me, if he could dominate he would be out there.

He was a top college prospect with fantastic measurables during the combine who dropped completely out of the draft based on attitude. The feeling is if hes got his head on straight and is given a chance, he has all the physical tools to be a #1 reciever in the league.
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He was a top college prospect with fantastic measurables during the combine who dropped completely out of the draft based on attitude. The feeling is if hes got his head on straight and is given a chance, he has all the physical tools to be a #1 reciever in the league.

I know exactly who he is. Talented players don't fall completely out of the draft because of attitude....see janoris Jenkins and the honey badger. I thinks it's a case of scouting "experts" overrating a guy compared to actual nfl scouts.

The kid has potential, but the it's gotten out of hand on this forum.

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I know exactly who he is. Talented players don't fall completely out of the draft because of attitude....see janoris Jenkins and the honey badger. I thinks it's a case of scouting "experts" overrating a guy compared to actual nfl scouts.

The kid has potential, but the it's gotten out of hand on this forum.

Its no worse than the slobbering Whalen gets. Honestly the obsession with practice squad recievers to avoid looking at the lack of depth at that position on this board is a pet peeve of mine lol.
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Nothing spectacular, slight improvement in yards per carry, 15-20 carries, but catches 2-3 passes and makes 7-10 yard gains on each of those catches. Beyond this game I think Richardson will make slow slight improvements all the way to the end of the season in running the ball, and I think that Pep will find several reliable ways to get Richardson the ball in the passing game where he can make a moderate gain on consistent basis with an increase in targets to the end of the season.

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We are going to win. I have a good feeling about the game. I just don't think that Trich gets a lot of yards rushing this week. It will come, just not this week.

Texans are one of the worst teams in the league at stopping the run. The running game should be a huge part of the gameplan. Somebody has to get those carries.
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no one has a good feeling about this game

I relish the chance to drive a stake in the heart of the Texans and do it on national TV. Will we do it? I'm not sure but having the chance and a little wiggle room if it doesn't happen….well that's a good feeling for me personally. I can't escape the idea that Andrew is a Texan at heart and he's not going to want to lose in his home state….that reinforces my confidence.

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My prediction? He'll get equally ripped or worshiped on Monday (make that Sunday night) regardless of his stat line.


Never mind that it takes ALL 11 players on offense to sell and execute a successful offensive play....be it run or pass. Which is why no matter what Richardson does this week....next week....or any time in the near future....if we win the game, then I don't give a ratsass what his or Luck's or Hilton's or Mathis' stat line is.


We know opposing defenses already have Andrew Luck in their heads, but does the Colts offense....as a unit, including the OC....force the opposing defense to respect the run now as well as the pass? 


Yes, they do....as evidenced by a clearly more balanced offensive game plan...and most importantly our 5-2 record.


But some of us REALLY need to get away from this endless, helpless addiction to flashy offensive player statistics. Sometimes stats are a reflection of what actually happened in the game and sometimes they lie like hell, like when turnovers and special teams plays throw a wrench in the gears. For fans...they're icing on the cake when we win and a hammer to beat the player with when we don't.


And they're utterly useless in do-or-die playoff games when the measuring stick is ALWAYS....."did we make enough plays when we needed to?".....which we've heard NFL coaches say a million times.


Screw the stats....just make plays and beat Houston.

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i was always amazed by how many posters fall in love with players that have never done a thing in the nfl.

Yeah, I sort of understood the love affair with Mike Hart, since he put up crazy numbers for Michigan & just seemed like a real hard working, high character guy, the type of guy that is easy to root for...

but the extent to which the fandom for some of these PS caliber guys gets to is funny...

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