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Rams Called Brett Favre to play QB


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what they need to do is fix that O Line, Rams are still 3-4 so they are in the hunt as of now, Rams have receiving  talent. Wouldn't have hurt if Favre went there on a 1 year deal to keep them in contention although he also recently said on the NFL Network he is done, Bradford from an overall production standpoint was progressing well this year with 14 td's and only 4 picks

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Ram's management has failed Bradford. Kid could have been top flight.

I feel his career is going the same as David Carr's.  Just kept getting hit too much.

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Wasn't Favre hardly able to move back in 2010 in his final year with the Vikings? And now the Rams expect more from him an additional three years down the road at age 44? "Desperate" is putting it lightly.


I do agree though that I like Favre and wouldn't mind seeing him back in the league. It would certainly be at the Ram's expense, however, which is fine with me.

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This is our media trying to make a story out of nothing as usual while playing a full deck of the usual drama (Schiano story, Manning story, he said this, I said this blah blah blah)



Before the year Favre said he had no intentions of returning to Football. Yet again when the season started he repeated it.


My guess is they are bored and decided to come up with a non-story to sell around and get press.


There is no story here folks, don't act surprise the old gunslinger don't want to come back. He has said for the last 2 and a half years repeatedly he does not want to return.


Sports media has become a soap opera. Even John Elway had something to say about this (OMG!) Next it will be Mike Holmgren and Aaron Rodgers! You can catch it at 3 PM tomorrow night, the big showdown you've been waiting for!

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Reading that the Rama were not really serious. If you think about it , there's no way that Farve could come back at 44 and "jump in and play...





We've all had our sanctioned fun with the St. Louis Rams' phone call to assess 44-year-old Brett Favre's mindset on a return to football.

If you were hesitant to suspend disbelief about the Rams' interest, your instincts were correct.


Citing a team source and a source informed of the "talks," NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport reported Thursday on NFL Network's "Around the League Live" that St. Louis only asked about Favre's interest as a one-line wisecrack.

"It's not like the Rams sent Tavon Austin and Robert Quinndown to Hattiesburg to try to lure Brett Favre off his tractor," Rapoport said. "As he told us on Sunday, he realized that after about 20 years in the NFL he doesn't like getting hit."

Rams official initially inquired about recently signeddevelopmental quarterback Austin Davis, who just happens to share the same agent with Favre. While he had Bus Cook on the phone, the official offhandedly quipped, "Hey, what about Favre?"

"It was just a joke," a Rams source told Rapoport. "It was just a throwaway line. Doesn't anyone have a sense of humor?'"

We do! And we appreciate any football mirth that evolves into the potential mid-season resurrection of a former player who is edging toward Old Man Withers and away from professional quarterback.

The "Around The League Podcast" spoke with NFL Films senior producer Greg Cosell on Wednesday. Click here to listen and subscribe.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Brett Favor (intentionally misspelled) has always been an overrated *, just like the Mel Gibson of Hollywood. Getting him would be an absolute cancer to any team today.

Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR INAPPROPRIATE PHOTOS!!!!




-Brett Favre  13th Century Scotland

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Brett Favor (intentionally misspelled) has always been an overrated *, just like the Mel Gibson of Hollywood. Getting him would be an absolute cancer to any team today.

You know there are counselors that are available that can help right?

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It's been reported he now has serious memory problems due to all the head hits.

I was looking at a article on him saying he couldn't even remember his daughter had been playing volleyball, or something like that. It mentioned that he had been sacked, or hit behind the line of scrimmage some 500+ times in his career. He is probably a poster child for people taking too many shots to the head.

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