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Irsay-Says Mannings-Condition-Improving-Might-Play-This-Season


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I think the whole idea is dumb stupid ignorant and down right insane he going to risk manning behind a really crappy online a defense that cant stop a cold just so he can hopefully have a win

Honestly I don't think it has anything to do with getting a win. Irsay can't just come out and say, "we need to evaluate Peyton and make sure he is back to his old self so we can determine whether to exercise the opt-out clause in his contract." While that would be very direct and probably the most honest answer he can give, imo it would be a PR nightmare.

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i find the number of people who don't want him to play to be baffling

he's our guy. if healthy, he plays. period

I think what it is, is that according to what I have read and what Nsurg has posted it takes about a minimum of 6 to possibly 9 months for a full fusion to take place. He may feel fine well before that and feel like he can go, but unless that fusion is absolutely 100% complete it is absolute nonsense to put him out there. I don't pretend to have any idea what im talking about on this subject but I just don't see how on earth it would be possible for that to be completely healed anytime this season. Like others have said, to put him in a game to get a win or 2 when this season is all but done anyways is just crazy. They could do an evaluation of him in practice.

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But they can evaluate him in practice. What could they see in a game that they couldn't see in a two-minute drill in practice? Makes no sense to me. Don't get me wrong, I'll be thrilled to see him out there. Just baffled as to why.

Remember how for the past 3 years how Polian, Caldwell, and all the media said Painter made the right reads and throws in practice and was a very good back-up quarterback? Until very recently, that NEVER translated into in-game success. Playing in a game is much different than playing in practice. That is why Peyton needs to be evaluated in-game, and personally I'd give his chances of playing at least a snap in a game this season is probably more like 75%.

Edited by vitoaf27
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What will the Colts do if we have recurrence of neck symptoms for Peyton during those 2 games he plays? Cut him? Or regret that they tried to play him a bit too early? It is one thing to be back in physical shape, another thing to be back in football shape, and then on top of that, a totally different thing to get back zip on the ball to make all the throws he needs to make. If Peyton were 25 yrs old, you can hope for the optimistic side of things but he is not. He is 35 yrs old and the body will take a tad longer to get back to top notch football shape.

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What will the Colts do if we have recurrence of neck symptoms for Peyton during those 2 games he plays? Cut him? Or regret that they tried to play him a bit too early? It is one thing to be back in physical shape, another thing to be back in football shape, and then on top of that, a totally different thing to get back zip on the ball to make all the throws he needs to make.


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Remember how for the past 3 years how Polian, Caldwell, and all the media said Painter made the right reads and throws in practice and was a very good back-up quarterback? Until very recently, that NEVER translated into in-game success. Playing in a game is much different than playing in practice. That is why Peyton needs to be evaluated in-game, and personally I'd give his chances of playing at least a snap in a game this season is probably more like 75%.

The difference is that we already know that Peyton has in-game success. He is a proven accurate QB. We just need to know if he has strength, range of motion, mobility, etc. Those can be evaluated in practice.

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But they can evaluate him in practice. What could they see in a game that they couldn't see in a two-minute drill in practice? Makes no sense to me. Don't get me wrong, I'll be thrilled to see him out there. Just baffled as to why.

Practice is no where near a real nfl game. If you wanna evaluate if a player can still perform, you put him in a game, not practice......

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If I read the article correctly it said he has to be 100% and cleared by the physicians as such. I don't think the doctors will clear him 100% healthy in December. I totally agree with others he can be evaluated in practice to get on the field next year. We know what he does on the field it's what he can do with the throwing that will be evaluated for purpose of contract issues. IMO Peyton won't screw the Colts out of money or he wouldn't have taken a lesser contract like he did this year and previously. I feel if he can't play up to his contract he will make the right decision and let the Colts opt out of the contract.

JMO of course.

I think this has been discussed many times before if I'm not mistaken. Would love to see him Back Next Year. Better to be safe than sorry.

Edited by Susie Q
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If I read the article correctly it said he has to be 100% and cleared by the physicians as such. I don't think the doctors will clear him 100% healthy in December. I totally agree with others he can be evaluated in practice to get on the field next year. We know what he does on the field it's what he can do with the throwing that will be evaluated for purpose of contract issues. IMO Peyton won't screw the Colts out of money or he wouldn't have taken a lesser contract like he did this year and previously. I feel if he can't play up to his contract he will make the right decision and let the Colts opt out of the contract.

JMO of course.

I think this has been discussed many times before if I'm not mistaken. Would love to see him Back Next Year. Better to be safe than sorry.

IT HAS been discussed many times before. I just hadn't seen it addressed by anybody in charge! Caldwell and Polian always give non-answers like "we haven't ruled it out." and "obviously we think it's a possibility or we would have put him on IR" Sure the fans have addressed it plenty, but this is the first hint of a real plan I've seen from somebody up top.

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Honestly I don't think it has anything to do with getting a win. Irsay can't just come out and say, "we need to evaluate Peyton and make sure he is back to his old self so we can determine whether to exercise the opt-out clause in his contract." While that would be very direct and probably the most honest answer he can give, imo it would be a PR nightmare.

BINGO!!!!!!!!!! I am so tired of reading he should not return this year if possible but the Colts need to know whats up? If Peyton is not gonna be the same we need to know so we can opt out of the "BIG" contract. People around here just do not think thru their thoughts.

Lets say Peyton is not gonna return to the same level then we opt out and draft the best QB available.

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Well we sat him on the road to 16-0. Why play him on the road to 0-16?

If two more wins was meaningless toward 16-0 - I'd sure as heck hope Caldwell, sorry I mean Polian considers one or two wins for NOTHING even more pointless.

Let the man heal. Completely.

Edited by Moose Of Woe
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Maybe it's just BP trying to tick of the fans again! I mean, they always play to win, right?

BINGO!!!!!!!!!! I am so tired of reading he should not return this year if possible but the Colts need to know whats up? If Peyton is not gonna be the same we need to know so we can opt out of the "BIG" contract. People around here just do not think thru their thoughts.

Lets say Peyton is not gonna return to the same level then we opt out and draft the best QB available.

But two games 3 months after the surgery doesn't tell us if P-money is gonna be able to return to the same level. He'll be rusty and not in as good of shape b/c the neck limited his workout routine. We won't know for at least a few months after that, realistically the preseason next year.


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BINGO!!!!!!!!!! I am so tired of reading he should not return this year if possible but the Colts need to know whats up? If Peyton is not gonna be the same we need to know so we can opt out of the "BIG" contract. People around here just do not think thru their thoughts.

Lets say Peyton is not gonna return to the same level then we opt out and draft the best QB available.

If you would actually read the contract it has an opt out clearly stated in it and that has been discussed many time as well. Sorry I just remember reading that a while ago so we won't get taken. HTH

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If you would actually read the contract it has an opt out clearly stated in it and that has been discussed many time as well. Sorry I just remember reading that a while ago so we won't get taken. HTH

I think you misunderstood...He mentioned the opt out clause in his post and he was replying directly to my post where I too mentioned the opt out clause. Yes there is the clause that would allow them out of his contract but there's a deadline as to when they can exercise it. I don't know exactly when that deadline is (anyone happen to know this?) but I believe it is definitely before the 2012 regular season and may even be before the preseason. This is why I could see them playing him this year in the last couple of games, no matter how meaningful or meaningless they are, because they need to see him in game-time action so they can make the determination about his contract.

According to this: http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/The-Puzzle-of-Peyton.html

A $28 million option bonus is exercisable on the fourth day of the 2012 League Year, typically in early March. If Manning is still a Colt that day, he will receive that $28 million payment whether the Colts exercise it or not (insured through a non-exercise fee for the same amount).

The Colts would have to exercise the opt out clause by the 4th day of the 2012 football year, which would be in early March, before the draft, before any training camps etc etc. If this is true (I have no idea of the validity of this source and this is the only source I've been able to find that has put any date on it which makes me wonder) then that's why they would play him if he's healthy. If he can't pass a physical then the contract is void anyway if my understanding is correct.

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1. They won't play Peyton "too early." They will play him when the doctors say, and Peyton feels, 100%.

2. It is absolutely necessary to find out how he's recovering, from an in-game perspective, before we advance to the off-season.

3. Once he's 100%, there's no greater risk of him getting injured by playing now instead of waiting until next season.

4. This offensive line isn't doing that bad in terms of pass protection. Even with the injuries, Painter has had ample time, and our backs have found holes. I'm not worried about that. Manning rarely took hits anyway.

5. It gives the fans a reason to buy some late-season tickets, and also gives us some optimism about the remainder of Manning's career. Those are both very positive things for everybody.

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1. They won't play Peyton "too early." They will play him when the doctors say, and Peyton feels, 100%.

2. It is absolutely necessary to find out how he's recovering, from an in-game perspective, before we advance to the off-season.

3. Once he's 100%, there's no greater risk of him getting injured by playing now instead of waiting until next season.

4. This offensive line isn't doing that bad in terms of pass protection. Even with the injuries, Painter has had ample time, and our backs have found holes. I'm not worried about that. Manning rarely took hits anyway.

5. It gives the fans a reason to buy some late-season tickets, and also gives us some optimism about the remainder of Manning's career. Those are both very positive things for everybody.

I'm going to have to ask that you stop bringing facts and logical points into these discussions. Geez, you should know better. rotfl (j/k of course :D )

Seriously though, these are the reasons why Peyton is not on IR nor will he be this season. If he winds up being moved to IR then I would sadly expect that opt out clause to be exercised and we may not see Peyton in a Colt's uniform again.

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i just dont see the positive in peyton playing this year. he can get hurt again and set him back even more and say by the time he does come back and we're eliminated from going the playoffs and peyton wins us a couple of games that just puts us in a worse position in the draft.

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I want him to play, for all the reasons listed by many posters above. But I think the real reason most people don't want him to play this year is because it might take us out of #1 draft pick selection. And I think that's kinda silly. So he wins two games for us. We still have a high draft pick. Just not "he who must not be named or you get relegated to the draft threads". (which I'm glad the moderators did btw. I was tired of having EVERY thread derailed by the yes/no discussion on "he who must not be named" :wall:

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If he winds up being moved to IR then I would sadly expect that opt out clause to be exercised and we may not see Peyton in a Colt's uniform again.

I don't think him being moved to IR would necessarily result in the opt out clause to be exercised. It could very well mean that his recovery is not as fast as they expected. They may continue their evaluation off the field after putting him on IR but withhold the evaluation from fans and other teams alike to just keep an uncertainty going before the draft. Once the draft is done, they may let the cat out of the bag. From the end of April (which is when the draft happens) to the end of August, Peyton will have ample opportunities to show what he can do, he may even play in pre-season more than usual if the team needs a good gauge on him.

Peyton did after all choose a more painful procedure using a hip bone for the fusion in order to recover faster, so it is not out of the practical realm of possibility. But when teams like the Titans and Texans could be fighting for playoff spots, the possibility of a division rival dishing out some serious hurt is what I am worried about. Brady, when he came back from his season ending injury back in 2009, he was a bit jittery whenever defenders came close to his legs, it is only natural (it can affect your decision making), he worked through it in the pre-season to begin with. Not sure if I would rather have Manning deal with those jitters in pre-season next year or the regular season this year.

A low draft pick, whether it is No.1/2/3 or 6/7/8, I do agree that it should not be a criteria for Manning playing or not.

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I don't think him being moved to IR would necessarily result in the opt out clause to be exercised. It could very well mean that his recovery is not as fast as they expected. They may continue their evaluation off the field after putting him on IR but withhold the evaluation from fans and other teams alike to just keep an uncertainty going before the draft. Once the draft is done, they may let the cat out of the bag. From the end of April (which is when the draft happens) to the end of August, Peyton will have ample opportunities to show what he can do, he may even play in pre-season more than usual if the team needs a good gauge on him.

You're right, it may not mean that at all...that's just the gut feeling I'm getting right now. It all depends on when the deadline is to exercise the opt-out clause. If it actually is in early March like the article I linked to says then the end of this year would really be the only opportunity they'd have to evaluate him. Hopefully that date is wrong.

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You're right, it may not mean that at all...that's just the gut feeling I'm getting right now. It all depends on when the deadline is to exercise the opt-out clause. If it actually is in early March like the article I linked to says then the end of this year would really be the only opportunity they'd have to evaluate him. Hopefully that date is wrong.

Unlike a playoff year, we won't be playing past the first week of January, safe to say that :). So, unlike a lockout year, maybe he could participate in offseason OTAs earlier than the others to show what he can do. Or, the team can negotiate to re-do his contract for the 2012 season so that more money is moved to 2013 since we will have to re-sign a bunch of free agents and give the team the room for error should they continue to not exercise the opt out clause. I am certain Peyton and the Colts can come to such an arrangement if necessary.

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I think what it is, is that according to what I have read and what Nsurg has posted it takes about a minimum of 6 to possibly 9 months for a full fusion to take place. He may feel fine well before that and feel like he can go, but unless that fusion is absolutely 100% complete it is absolute nonsense to put him out there. I don't pretend to have any idea what im talking about on this subject but I just don't see how on earth it would be possible for that to be completely healed anytime this season. Like others have said, to put him in a game to get a win or 2 when this season is all but done anyways is just crazy. They could do an evaluation of him in practice.

The fusion is only stage 1, the nerve must regenerate so that the triceps can be rehabbed & gain strength, Fusion alone wont let him play , & yes a good hard fusion takes 6 months

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I think the whole idea is dumb stupid ignorant and down right insane he going to risk manning behind a really crappy online a defense that cant stop a cold just so he can hopefully have a win

If Manning was able to play the first game of the season, would you be saying the same thing? Because most likely most of these injuries would have happened still. So should we have shut Manning down, just for these facts? They were just as bad last year? We didn't shut Manning down.

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If you just consider Manning takes every practice snap in mini camp, training camp, practice and how ever many QTs of preseason games. Thats with him not being injured. Now you have to be out of your mind to think he will have a fusion and minor hip procedure, then come back without all the before mention snaps. No way. Its not smart and this team is a disaster.

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well I don't want to see PM play, unless we're 0-14, and he's cleared for heavy contact. Even then, I don't want to risk an injury that could seriously hurt him. Painter's doing fine, and I'd like to see him finish the season.

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