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Ways to beat the Broncos


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1.  Coin toss, defer to second half.  The broncos run up the score at the end of the 2nd quarter and have scored in their first drive of the 3rd quarter 6 out of 6 times.  no matter the score of the game, this is usually the flipping point.


2.  Run the hell out of the ball in the first half, or use the passing game like the run.  Eat clock and try and keep it close.  


3. execute.  and don't drop the friggin ball.   nuff said.


4. 3rd quarter is where Manning usually comes alive, keep him off the field.  one 9 minute drive would go along long way.


5.  4th quarter its all you Luck.  


6. Do not let Trindon Holliday touch the ball.  I repeat, Do not let Holliday touch the ball!!!!!!


7. Prayer never hurts.


Sounds easy enough,  lol.  Lucks arm strength is our strength, speed can beat the Broncos db's down the field. 


Watch the pump fake on bubble screens!



any thoughts on where you see we have an edge?   tired of talking about what someone tweeted lol


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1.  Coin toss, defer to second half.  The broncos run up the score at the end of the 2nd quarter and have scored in their first drive of the 3rd quarter 6 out of 6 times.  no matter the score of the game, this is usually the flipping point.


2.  Run the heck out of the ball in the first half, or use the passing game like the run.  Eat clock and try and keep it close.  


3. execute.  and don't drop the friggin ball.   nuff said.


4. 3rd quarter is where Manning usually comes alive, keep him off the field.  one 9 minute drive would go along long way.


5.  4th quarter its all you Luck.  


6. Do not let Trindon Holliday touch the ball.  I repeat, Do not let Holliday touch the ball!!!!!!


7. Prayer never hurts.


Sounds easy enough,  lol.  Lucks arm strength is our strength, speed can beat the Broncos db's down the field. 


Watch the pump fake on bubble screens!



any thoughts on where you see we have an edge?   tired of talking about what someone tweeted lol


I disagree with running the ball. 

The Broncos have one of the worst pass defences in the league right now and we struggle to run the ball at the best of times. 


I say we abandon the run for just one game and pass like our lives depend on it. We all saw how many points Dallas put up through the air. If they had half the defence that we do then they almost certainly would have won the game.


Pass, pass, pass and put up a big score. Then see if our defence can hold Peyton to a reasonable number of TDs.

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I disagree with running the ball.

The Broncos have one of the worst pass defences in the league right now and we struggle to run the ball at the best of times.

I say we abandon the run for just one game and pass like our lives depend on it. We all saw how many points Dallas put up through the air. If they had half the defence that we do then they almost certainly would have won the game.

Pass, pass, pass and put up a big score. Then see if our defence can hold Peyton to a reasonable number of TDs.

True, but "if" we could manage to run the ball well on them we can play keep away. Like SD did to us and like teams did to Manning for years.

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Oh I see Luck in the 4th airing it out.



I see Manning throwing 4 td's in this game.  He's gonna try and throw 8, but we hold him to 4  that's 28 points.  He scores the most in the 3 rd quarter coming out of the half, after he has seen everything you are about.   If we can keep him off the field in the third with long sustained drives, or like I said, one 9 minute drive that gets us points, I think that will put us in a good spot for the air it out portion of the game at the end of the third and the 4th quarters.  


I say that then I remember the Marino/Manning  Favre/Manning games, so yeah never mind, they are going to air it out lol, but I still feel if you can eat clock that drives PM mad, especially in the third quarter.  Also I stand by my assertion that deferring to the second half is of utmost importance.  

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True, but "if" we could manage to run the ball well on them we can play keep away. Like SD did to us and like teams did to Manning for years.


This is true but I think it's very unlikely that we manage to run the ball on them. Then by the time we've tried and failed to control the game, we'll already be 30 points behind and the game will be lost.

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We should try to do to the Broncos, what SD did to us on Monday. The trick is to get Denver to drop a bunch of passes like we did.

that's true but even with we so were in the game. You are right in the fact that we should do what SD did to is but the most important thing is we need TOUCHDOWNS. . The main reason we had a chance in the 4th is because we kept them out the endzone (for the most part).. vini can not beat the Broncos. . Luck can though (no pun intended) lol
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WHo cares what we need to do. Here is what we will do


1. Power Run Game w/ Short Passes

2. Fall Behind

3. Power Run Game w/ Short Passes

4. Fall more behind

5. Let Luck run the game

6. 4th 1/4 game winning drive by Luck.

I fear you may be right, and if they do that *ic crap again I'm going to really call for Pep's head!! And there will still be apologists on here saying we are investing in 1 yd body blows, we r trying to win in the playoffs..etc, etc, etc...You play to win the game, and if we don't wake up we will coach ourselves out of the playoffs...

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that's true but even with we so were in the game. You are right in the fact that we should do what SD did to is but the most important thing is we need TOUCHDOWNS. . The main reason we had a chance in the 4th is because we kept them out the endzone (for the most part).. vini can not beat the Broncos. . Luck can though (no pun intended) lol

We need to let luck have the freedom Rivers had so he can change plays at the line instead of blindly running into stacked boxes like Hamilton loves to do..Take the handcuffs off and let him become what he is destined to become..

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I don't think we have the oline to have the passing type game a lot of you all want.  OK maybe one here and there, but not sustained, and yeah I want to see Luck air it out too, but this game has got to be about balance.  Will it be, probably not...  This team is still finding its identity.

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The ONLY way you are going to beat Peyton is hope that you can cover his receivers long enough to get a coverage sack or at least put pressure on Manning to force a bad throw.  Blitz, he'll find the open guy.  Don't get a push off the line, you don't got to be a genius to know what Manning can do if he's in the pocket unpressured for 4 or 5 seconds.  As for as everything else, just execute and don't let the run game compensate for any good plays we make against Manning.  It's the biggest reason we lost to SD.  Either we'd get a good stop on first down, then let them run 8 yards for a manageable 3rd down or vice versa, stop the run on first down and let Rivers hit a wide open route 7 yards.  Can't do that repeatedly and expect to beat the Broncos.

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There are 2 vastly differing factors going on here. The way to beat the Broncos is to keep Peyton off the field, which would dictate us running the ball, which we do well. The problem is that the Denver defense only gives up 3.2 ypc which is near the best in the league, but their pass defense is the worst. Therefore, to put up points, I think Luck will find that he can get chunks of yards in the passing game. Make no mistake, there are 2 arguments the coaches are going through now. (1) keep Peyton off the field with our running game or (2) take advantage of the Bronco pass defense, which is very bad and try to just put up as many points as we can.

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1.  Coin toss, defer to second half.  The broncos run up the score at the end of the 2nd quarter and have scored in their first drive of the 3rd quarter 6 out of 6 times.  no matter the score of the game, this is usually the flipping point.


2.  Run the heck out of the ball in the first half, or use the passing game like the run.  Eat clock and try and keep it close.  


3. execute.  and don't drop the friggin ball.   nuff said.


4. 3rd quarter is where Manning usually comes alive, keep him off the field.  one 9 minute drive would go along long way.


5.  4th quarter its all you Luck.  


6. Do not let Trindon Holliday touch the ball.  I repeat, Do not let Holliday touch the ball!!!!!!


7. Prayer never hurts.


Sounds easy enough,  lol.  Lucks arm strength is our strength, speed can beat the Broncos db's down the field. 


Watch the pump fake on bubble screens!



any thoughts on where you see we have an edge?   tired of talking about what someone tweeted lol

Exactly what my thoughts were.

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I would LOVE to see some early hurry-up offense. Still mixing pass/run evenly, but aggressively throwing and running out of more dynamic formations. Go into the 3rd quarter and, if the game is close and/or we have the lead, THEN start milking the clock with a power game. 

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Do exactly to the Broncos what the Chargers did to us!!! Hold the ball 10 mins at a time, but score TD's instead of FG's and get some 3rd down stops...



Do exactly to the Broncos what the Chargers did to us!!! Hold the ball 10 mins at a time, but score TD's instead of FG's and get some 3rd down stops...

I still think we need to do what Dallas almost did to them because the way I see it we can hold the ball for 10 mins at a time but the the Broncos  offense only needs a minute to score.

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1. Coin toss, defer to second half. The broncos run up the score at the end of the 2nd quarter and have scored in their first drive of the 3rd quarter 6 out of 6 times. no matter the score of the game, this is usually the flipping point.

2. Run the heck out of the ball in the first half, or use the passing game like the run. Eat clock and try and keep it close.

3. execute. and don't drop the friggin ball. nuff said.

4. 3rd quarter is where Manning usually comes alive, keep him off the field. one 9 minute drive would go along long way.

5. 4th quarter its all you Luck.

6. Do not let Trindon Holliday touch the ball. I repeat, Do not let Holliday touch the ball!!!!!!

7. Prayer never hurts.

Sounds easy enough, lol. Lucks arm strength is our strength, speed can beat the Broncos db's down the field.

Watch the pump fake on bubble screens!

any thoughts on where you see we have an edge? tired of talking about what someone tweeted lol

Good point about #4 Colts need to limit his time on the field and they will have more of a chance doing that on offense. I don't see our D forcing a bunch of 3 and outs.

The 3rd way just happens by chance, let Manning drive the field but then stopped on 3rd down, forcing a punt because the FG try is too long. Or on rare occasions you can let the opponent eat the clock for you but You better be able to score on almost every drive though.

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Running the ball to milk the clock will be extremely important but the Colts need to keep drives alive, is paramount. No wasted drives! Even if they need to abandon the run. I guess what I'm saying is they need to have an open gameplan and be ready to adjust.

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Good point about #4 Colts need to limit his time on the field and they will have more of a chance doing that on offense. I don't see our D forcing a bunch of 3 and outs.

The 3rd way just happens by chance, let Manning drive the field but then stopped on 3rd down, forcing a punt because the FG try is too long. Or on rare occasions you can let the opponent eat the clock for you but You better be able to score on almost every drive though.


The tide turner or mojo flop for the Broncos is all about that 2nd quarter score in the last 2 minutes and getting the ball back to start the 3rd.  If they lose the toss we have a chance there lol, if not We def need to eat clock in the first half and keep it close. Either way manipulate it so we end the first half with the ball, not the Broncos.  


To beat Manning We all know and seen how, its always the teams that manage the clock and put points on the board.  Just because I'm saying manage the clock and eat up time doesn't mean field goals are going to be the answer.  We still need 17-21 points in the first half to stay up with this team.

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I still think we need to do what Dallas almost did to them because the way I see it we can hold the ball for 10 mins at a time but the the Broncos  offense only needs a minute to score.

We don't have the O-line for that. If this becomes a shootout, we'll get killed. Pressure on Manning and constantly changing tempo on offense, I believe is the key. 

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I think there are multiple scenarios that could play out but I will leave my preferred.


1.  We RECEIVE the ball first.  We then have an extremely long time consuming drive that ends in a TD with us running the ball A WHOLE BUNCH and Luck throwing on 3rd.  We then hit the pedal in the 2nd Quarter scoring 14 off of play action and a quick one before the half.  We know what Peyton does when he is down and his D cant get off the field.  He tries to carry the game on his own back.  The bad part about this is we have to keep scoring.  Meaning no drops no punts.


2. We DEFER and play press with 2 deep and let our pass rush dictate the game.  This means Peyton is punting early and often similar to what the Jags did.  Difference will be we score points whether its 3 or 7 and keep pressure on Manning.  Then when we get the ball in the 3rd we let Luck air it out for 240 yards in the 2nd half.


Both I can see happening just you never know when Manning is on the other side.  Also both of these points are moot if Richardson has a big game.  If Richardson has a huge game Peyton might not see the field enough to beat us.

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Irsay looked and sounded defeated a lil while ago on espn, I need to add one to my list...  



Time to start believing we can win.  


Playing a team like this is a chance to test our limits, and see who is coming to play.  Win lose or get our Tails whipped, its time to figure out who we are as a team, so we can make it to the playoffs, and I have a feeling we will be seeing this team one more time this year.  

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I'm a Denver fan here, and I come in peace.


Honestly I think running the football would be a mistake. Denver is down their Captain/MLB Wesley Woodyard, and is the #1 Run defense in the league. Passing defense is soft but opportunistic. The ways Indianapolis will beat the Broncos is to air it out. Dink and dunk as a replacement for the running game and use it to set up shots downfield.


On defense, assuming Denver doesn't have a bad game (it happens) you're going to have to capitalize on our fumbling issues by recovering fumbles, and you're going to have to score TD's and not FG's on offense. There's not much that can really be done to stop Denver's O, the passing game is historic and unfair, and the run game is "good". Considering Indy's run D being where it is, I see the advantage being Denver's whether they are passing or running. But I GUARANTEE you that Denver will cough up a fumble or two, whether from the replacement center snapping like crap or Ball/Decker/Hillman putting it on the ground recklessly. If you keep pace with the Denver O (which I think you can if 2013 Colts from week 1-5 show up) and recover those fumbles, the game is yours.


The way I see Denver winning this game is if your coaching staff runs on 1st and 2nd down and then is forced to convert 3rd and longs all first half. A recurring storyline in Denver games thus far this year is that coaches try to run to keep Manning off the field and get stuffed by the Denver D, then cough it up and get scored on. Then they get down 2 or 3 scores, go one-dimensional in airing it out, and succeed at it because Denver's pass D has been terrible (albeit coming up with big turnovers when it counts). 


The Wildcard is really how much of an impact Von Miller has. He's bulked up to 260 from 240 and dropped his bodyfat from 12 to 10%, so he could be a different player out there. I've seen that sort of bulking backfire heavily before, so I'm a bit concerned. 


Best of luck and hoping to NO INJURIES!

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There are 2 vastly differing factors going on here. The way to beat the Broncos is to keep Peyton off the field, which would dictate us running the ball, which we do well. The problem is that the Denver defense only gives up 3.2 ypc which is near the best in the league, but their pass defense is the worst. Therefore, to put up points, I think Luck will find that he can get chunks of yards in the passing game. Make no mistake, there are 2 arguments the coaches are going through now. (1) keep Peyton off the field with our running game or (2) take advantage of the Bronco pass defense, which is very bad and try to just put up as many points as we can.

I'll bite at this... big topic in Denver. But from watching every game this and last season the above quote is best in the thread. Yes Richardson is a great RB, but we do have a stellar rush defense. Our pass defense is horrendous, Key is score a lot of points early and quick, kill us with the pass. Once you have us focusing on the pass, use Richardson and eat up the clock as much as you can. Get 1st downs... don't drop passes... double team Von Miller.. .keep him away from Luck... he's been out all season due to suspension, he's hungry... very hungry... Don't let Richardson run his direction. And yes keeping Peyton off the field works, but isn’t that the goal every game? keep the opposing teams O off the field? When Peyton is on the field you have to pressure him... as you know gets him off track... last week the jags killed drives early due to cheap shots... yes they got some penalties, but it kept the game close.


thought I'd share :) will be a fun game for sure... should be another shoot out... lets see points totaling above 100 total... between Peyton and Luck we ALL know that's possible. GO DENVER!

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Colts play perfectly + Broncos play perfectly  = Broncos win

Colts play poorly + Broncos play poorly = Broncos win

Colts play poorly + Bronco play perfectly  = Broncos win

Colts play perfectly + Broncos play poorly = Colts win!


We need a 0 turnover game and catch some breaks from Denver mistakes.

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