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I will Never Boo Peyton.... Root for the Colts to Win over Him, Yes. Boo? No...Just saying...


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I don't think you'll hear many boos Sunday night.  You are always going to have someone who has to be THAT person.  However, I think most people will just elect to not cheer him if the Broncos do well.  I am also sure when he is honored it will be about as loud of an ovation as you've heard in LOS.

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I guarantee you he does not root for us to win....He is the enemy now!! When he retires then we can welcome him back with open arms...I cannot believe we are gonna honor a current player on another team who wants to beat our brains in...When he retires put him in the Ring of Honor, retire his number, and offer him the Head coaching job...Too honor a current player who is trying to beat us before the game is a joke and embarrassing no matter who he is!

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I guarantee you he does not root for us to win....He is the enemy now!! When he retires then we can welcome him back with open arms...I cannot believe we are gonna honor a current player on another team who wants to beat our brains in...When he retires put him in the Ring of Honor, retire his number, and offer him the Head coaching job...Too honor a current player who is trying to beat us before the game is a joke and embarrassing no matter who he is!



Man, I remember going to a game in 2009 against the Seahawks where the Colts honored a certain Edgerrin James during the game. I don't think I've ever cheered so loud before in my life, and the crowd cheered every time he hit the field. Why would you believe that honoring a person so important to Indianapolis and the Colts was an embarassment? 

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Man, I remember going to a game in 2009 against the Seahawks where the Colts honored a certain Edgerrin James during the game. I don't think I've ever cheered so loud before in my life, and the crowd cheered every time he hit the field. Why would you believe that honoring a person so important to Indianapolis and the Colts was an embarassment? 


I was there for the Jeff Saturday honor.  It was awesome just to see him and I loved the video clips on the jumbo tron

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Man, I remember going to a game in 2009 against the Seahawks where the Colts honored a certain Edgerrin James during the game. I don't think I've ever cheered so loud before in my life, and the crowd cheered every time he hit the field. Why would you believe that honoring a person so important to Indianapolis and the Colts was an embarassment? 

Did the Packers honor Favre when he played them? He took them to 2 Super Bowls and won 1 just like Manning?? Edge is different he was no longer a factor at that point and he wasn't gonna beat us and Saturday wasn't either...Peyton wants to destroy us I promise you that....Other than Mariano Rivera I don't know of this really happening before?? Who honors a player before he is going to try to beat you?? It will be great and mean more once he is retired and isn't affiliated with a team trying to beat us in my humble opinion...We are the only team that does this nonsense!! Wait till they retire! I'm sure this will be great for Luck seeing Manning highlights and watching his crowd cheer for an opposing QB right before he plays him on National TV Sunday night...Brilliant move..Smh

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well booing manning himself & booing the opposing team are not the same thing. making noise when the opposing offense is on the field has always been somewhat equivalent to booing in my mind


not sure that makes sense :)


I never boo but I do MakeNOISE

Are you saying if we make noise during the broncos offense that means we are booing at Peyton?  NAH

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I doubt there will be many boos for Peyton. He practically built Indianapolis into the franchise that it was, he is the first player many think of when they think of the Colts back then. I almost expect a standing ovation from LOS. Peyton has always been my favorite player and will forever have a place in my football heart, I could never boo him for what he did for the Colts, but Luck's the future, and will be rooting for Indy this Sunday night.

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I actually think that honoring Manning is a brilliant idea. He did a lot for Indy, but more importantly Manning is very particular about his pre-game. Maybe making him feel all lovey and homesick could mess with him mentally. He wont be able to approach this as just another game against another faceless opponent. Could also get the fans really fired up and keep them loud!

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Peyton was my fatherly athlete figure if that makes simce. I was only 8 yrs olf when we drafted him. Peyton was all i ever knew. I can admit i darn near broke down during his farewell presser. But luck is our future. Behind him 100%. I highly doubt he gets any boos. I also remember my first ever game i attended was against thr bucs. We did a tribute to cato june and it was cool to watch. I was also there for the stokley tribute when he first left for denver. My ? Is. Will fans get confused and go into quiet mode when peyton waves his arms to calm the crowd down. Will we remember hes not ours anymore? Btw this last part was a joke lol

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I actually think that honoring Manning is a brilliant idea. He did a lot for Indy, but more importantly Manning is very particular about his pre-game. Maybe making him feel all lovey and homesick could mess with him mentally. He wont be able to approach this as just another game against another faceless opponent. Could also get the fans really fired up and keep them loud!

Or it could mess Luck's head up real good too, as if he doesn't already have enough pressure on him before this game..Brilliant idea!

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Did the Packers honor Favre when he played them? He took them to 2 Super Bowls and won 1 just like Manning?? Edge is different he was no longer a factor at that point and he wasn't gonna beat us and Saturday wasn't either...Peyton wants to destroy us I promise you that....Other than Mariano Rivera I don't know of this really happening before?? Who honors a player before he is going to try to beat you?? It will be great and mean more once he is retired and isn't affiliated with a team trying to beat us in my humble opinion...We are the only team that does this nonsense!! Wait till they retire! I'm sure this will be great for Luck seeing Manning highlights and watching his crowd cheer for an opposing QB right before he plays him on National TV Sunday night...Brilliant move..Smh

Bingo. You hit a home run on this one.

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Did the Packers honor Favre when he played them? He took them to 2 Super Bowls and won 1 just like Manning?? Edge is different he was no longer a factor at that point and he wasn't gonna beat us and Saturday wasn't either...Peyton wants to destroy us I promise you that....Other than Mariano Rivera I don't know of this really happening before?? Who honors a player before he is going to try to beat you?? It will be great and mean more once he is retired and isn't affiliated with a team trying to beat us in my humble opinion...We are the only team that does this nonsense!! Wait till they retire! I'm sure this will be great for Luck seeing Manning highlights and watching his crowd cheer for an opposing QB right before he plays him on National TV Sunday night...Brilliant move..Smh

Favre also didn't part on nearly as good of terms with the Packers as Manning did with the Colts.  Honestly if there is a wrong way to leave a team Brett Favre wrote the book on that while Peyton wrote the book on the right way to do it.  If you can't see the difference between the two I don't know what to tell you other than I don't think you want to see it. 


Saturday came to Indy as a member of a team that just gone 15-1 the year before against a team that was viewed to be in complete rebuilding mood coming off a loss to the Jags at home and had just found out their coach had Cancer.  No one on earth thought we had a chance in that game so if you really don't think the Saturday and Packers had a chance to beat to us again I don't think you want to see it.  I think you are just trying to rewrite history to support your point of view. 


Collinsworth said it best on Sunday night.  Colts fans never got a chance to say good bye to Peyton Manning when he left.  This is really our chance to do that.  I think that is one of the main reasons behind this.  That and people would probably get upset/really question why they were willing to honor Saturday, Edge, and Stokley with video tributes but not Manning?  People would have had a hard time swallowing that and Irsay's not dumb, he knows if he just ignored it his own fan base may have turned on him for a night.  Look at the forum when we released him some people have not and will not ever get over it so ignoring it wasn't going to help that.  People want to say thank you to Peyton and have a chance to cheer him on Sunday.  Most of those same people then hope Manning heads home to Denver with a L and the ones that don't weren't going to be pulling for the Colts that night to start with. 


I know most people want to think the Colts are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts and they might be, but it wouldn't shock me if there isn't some gamesman ship being played here.  Irsay knows Peyton didn't like to have the spot light on him and not his teammates and he also knows that the way you get to Peyton is to rattle his routine.  Well doing a big tribute to him right before the start of the game is going to mess with his routine. 


Judging by the number of Colts fans who like what the Colts are planning on doing Sunday and what we have done for other ex-players I think you are in the minority that thinks it's nonsense.  Also we aren't the only team that does this the Giants did it for Bradshaw when we played them earlier this year. 


I also seriously doubt Luck's psyche is so fragile that he's going to be effected by fans cheering for Peyton Manning one bite. 

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Did the Packers honor Favre when he played them? He took them to 2 Super Bowls and won 1 just like Manning?? Edge is different he was no longer a factor at that point and he wasn't gonna beat us and Saturday wasn't either...Peyton wants to destroy us I promise you that....Other than Mariano Rivera I don't know of this really happening before?? Who honors a player before he is going to try to beat you?? It will be great and mean more once he is retired and isn't affiliated with a team trying to beat us in my humble opinion...We are the only team that does this nonsense!! Wait till they retire! I'm sure this will be great for Luck seeing Manning highlights and watching his crowd cheer for an opposing QB right before he plays him on National TV Sunday night...Brilliant move..Smh

Sure, Peyton wants to win so does Luck. I don't view the game as a stomp down personally more like a message to Jim Irsay that #18 is far from retirement or being put out to pasture.


Okay, you are certainly entitled to your opinion jshipp23, but for any fans who want to express their support of Manning and his tenure here there is no need to make them feel like banished citizens excommunicated from their fanbase because of it. It's 1 game that has more significance for Manning than for Luck. Andrew will handle the tension just fine no matter what happens IMO. 

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Favre also didn't part on nearly as good of terms with the Packers as Manning did with the Colts.  Honestly if there is a wrong way to leave a team Brett Favre wrote the book on that while Peyton wrote the book on the right way to do it.  If you can't see the difference between the two I don't know what to tell you other than I don't think you want to see it. 


Saturday came to Indy as a member of a team that just gone 15-1 the year before against a team that was viewed to be in complete rebuilding mood coming off a loss to the Jags at home and had just found out their coach had Cancer.  No one on earth thought we had a chance in that game so if you really don't think the Saturday and Packers had a chance to beat to us again I don't think you want to see it.  I think you are just trying to rewrite history to support your point of view. 


Collinsworth said it best on Sunday night.  Colts fans never got a chance to say good bye to Peyton Manning when he left.  This is really our chance to do that.  I think that is one of the main reasons behind this.  That and people would probably get upset/really question why they were willing to honor Saturday, Edge, and Stokley with video tributes but not Manning?  People would have had a hard time swallowing that and Irsay's not dumb, he knows if he just ignored it his own fan base may have turned on him for a night.  Look at the forum when we released him some people have not and will not ever get over it so ignoring it wasn't going to help that.  People want to say thank you to Peyton and have a chance to cheer him on Sunday.  Most of those same people then hope Manning heads home to Denver with a L and the ones that don't weren't going to be pulling for the Colts that night to start with. 


I know most people want to think the Colts are doing this out of the goodness of their hearts and they might be, but it wouldn't shock me if there isn't some gamesman ship being played here.  Irsay knows Peyton didn't like to have the spot light on him and not his teammates and he also knows that the way you get to Peyton is to rattle his routine.  Well doing a big tribute to him right before the start of the game is going to mess with his routine. 


Judging by the number of Colts fans who like what the Colts are planning on doing Sunday and what we have done for other ex-players I think you are in the minority that thinks it's nonsense.  Also we aren't the only team that does this the Giants did it for Bradshaw when we played them earlier this year. 


I also seriously doubt Luck's psyche is so fragile that he's going to be effected by fans cheering for Peyton Manning one bite. 

Well said GC8818! My favorite part is the bolded section. Thank you. Providing closure on Manning's INDY chapter does really help fans appreciate what he did here & move forward. 

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Well said GC8818! My favorite part is the bolded section. Thank you. Providing closure on Manning's INDY chapter does really help fans appreciate what he did here & move forward. 

I don't know why but when Collinsworth said that on Sunday night it just kinda clicked, the media got to say good bye, Irsay got to say good bye, his teammates got to say good bye, heck even he got to say good bye but the one group of people who never really got a chance was the Fans.  They were going to cheer for him at some point on Sunday night you might as well get it out of the way before the game. 

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I was there for the Jeff Saturday honor.  It was awesome just to see him and I loved the video clips on the jumbo tron

That would have been so spectacular to see unfold LIVE Nadine. Jeff Saturday is so grounded, humble, & smart. He deserves all the accolades he gets.  :thmup:

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I don't know why but when Collinsworth said that on Sunday night it just kinda clicked, the media got to say good bye, Irsay got to say good bye, his teammates got to say good bye, heck even he got to say good bye but the one group of people who never really got a chance was the Fans.  They were going to cheer for him at some point on Sunday night you might as well get it out of the way before the game. 

True, the entire fanbase was dropped a bomb shell at that press conference with Peyton & Jim.


It's like when you plan a beloved family member's funeral. You stay strong until they drop that casket in the ground for real & then the waterworks start flowing. Reality slaps you smack across the face & you just lose it & the next thing you know the Manning free agency sweepstakes begin & poof 18 is now a Denver Bronco. It's like a departure with no last Sayonara for good measure. I agree 100%


There was no constructive place to channel that collective grief. It just hung in the air like a thick fog that failed to clear the air swiftly & seamlessly. 

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I guarantee you he does not root for us to win....He is the enemy now!! When he retires then we can welcome him back with open arms...I cannot believe we are gonna honor a current player on another team who wants to beat our brains in...When he retires put him in the Ring of Honor, retire his number, and offer him the Head coaching job...Too honor a current player who is trying to beat us before the game is a joke and embarrassing no matter who he is!

You do realize that the Colts have always done this with any player that has spent significant amount of time with this team don't you?


This is nothing new, from James, to Lilja, to Saturday, the list goes on and on.....they all have received some sort of video package that was played during the game.


While it's not a conventional thing to do, I'll give you that....but then again not a lot of things Irsay does is conventional.  I think after setting a precedent of doing these honors in the past, to not do it this time for Manning would be a huge show of disrespect.  Sure, he's the enemy now, but that still doesn't mean that you can't show some respect to the man that has done so much for the horseshoe.

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Did the Packers honor Favre when he played them? He took them to 2 Super Bowls and won 1 just like Manning?? Edge is different he was no longer a factor at that point and he wasn't gonna beat us and Saturday wasn't either...Peyton wants to destroy us I promise you that....Other than Mariano Rivera I don't know of this really happening before?? Who honors a player before he is going to try to beat you?? It will be great and mean more once he is retired and isn't affiliated with a team trying to beat us in my humble opinion...We are the only team that does this nonsense!! Wait till they retire! I'm sure this will be great for Luck seeing Manning highlights and watching his crowd cheer for an opposing QB right before he plays him on National TV Sunday night...Brilliant move..Smh

Again, you have now clue because yes the Packers honored Brett Farve when he came back to Green Bay in a Viking's uniform.

He was quoted on radio after the game saying he had tears in his eyes and "how can I play a game now"


Your negativity is annoying.

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I never boo but I do MakeNOISE

Are you saying if we make noise during the broncos offense that means we are booing at Peyton? NAH

I'm with you. In fact, I rarely hear booing at other teams. If it happens, it's usually because of a bad call... or the impression a player is pulling a McGinest. I do vaguely recall the north end zone booing a returning player a few years ago (Stokely?), but I also recall them getting totally trashed by the club, in the media, and on fan sites for it.

I plan to lose my voice making noise when PM is on the field, tho.

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Or it could mess Luck's head up real good too, as if he doesn't already have enough pressure on him before this game..Brilliant idea!

You seriously think Luck is that fragile? Are you watching the same player I am? I think that your midnite toke may have been stronger than usual...
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I don't think you'll hear many boos Sunday night.  You are always going to have someone who has to be THAT person.  However, I think most people will just elect to not cheer him if the Broncos do well.  I am also sure when he is honored it will be about as loud of an ovation as you've heard in LOS.

Anyone who would Boo someone who has done so much for this team, franchise, and city should move to Houston and be a texan fan.  Now Irsay, likely will be booed and probably deserves it.......  he needs to pick and choose his comments before he becomes the total laughing stock of the league.... and needs to learn not to talk to media that is looking for hype.

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Anyone who boo's Peyton should be kicked out of Luca's Oil Stadium (you know, the house that Peyton built) on his or her hind end.  Peyton will always be a Colt, no matter what uniform he wears.


Now I am not saying to be quiet during the Bronco's possessions, in fact, make tons of noise, applause is just as deafening as jeers.  (Although I'd be willing to bet money that when Peyton does his silence thing at the line, the crowd will comply out of habit, he's trained us that well.....)


As a matter of fact, I challenge all those in attendance to give Peyton a standing ovation every time he takes a snap, blow the roof off the building.

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Anyone who would Boo someone who has done so much for this team, franchise, and city should move to Houston and be a texan fan. Now Irsay, likely will be booed and probably deserves it....... he needs to pick and choose his comments before he becomes the total laughing stock of the league.... and needs to learn not to talk to media that is looking for hype.

boy the Irsay haters are out in full force this week.
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boy the Irsay haters are out in full force this week.

I don't think anyone hates him...I personally love that he is our owner and wouldn't want any other...These comments were plain stupid though and probably after taking too much prescription medication...Just hope he learns from this 1..Still a supporter of Irsay he needs a handler at times though...

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Man, I remember going to a game in 2009 against the Seahawks where the Colts honored a certain Edgerrin James during the game. I don't think I've ever cheered so loud before in my life, and the crowd cheered every time he hit the field. Why would you believe that honoring a person so important to Indianapolis and the Colts was an embarassment? 


I was also there for that game.  I also got to attend the game that Tony Dungy got put in the ring of honor since I was able to get one of the tickets that Dallas Clark had donated to the Military.

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I don't think you'll hear a lot of boos (or any, for that matter).  But you will certainly hear a ton of noise when the Broncos have the ball on offense.



That's the big question to me, how loud, especially after a couple long drives where we are reminded of the offensive flow we use to know.  The broncos are already seeing a nice percentage of Manning jersey at away games, this isn't exactly an away game for the broncos.  I don't think we will have ever, or will ever again see what we are going to be privileged enough to watch Sunday night.

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