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I'm not saying it. It's fact.



2013 Strength of schedule Team
Opponent record Carolina Panthers
138-116-2 Detroit Lions
138-118-0 New Orleans Saints



I cut out most of the post to keep it from being too long.  These numbers are last years record.  That's how SOS is determined.  So while Colts may have one of the weakest SOS, it's because of their opponent's record last year.  This year so far it's at .480. 

let's see what those win loss records are at the end of the year.

Unfortunately, we'll play the Jags twice this year which will really skew our SOS at the end of the season.  Say they go 2-14, it will count doubly in the SOS calculations if I'm not mistaken, so 4-28.  It's an overrated statistic in the NFL and in college.  That's why I'm glad it doesn't mean much in the NFL.  One or two extremely bad opponents distorts it so bad.  In a game that prides itself on parity, you're never going to have an impressive SOS rating when you play teams like the Jags twice, but every other game is against quality opponents.  The only time it really comes into play is tiebreakers for hte draft and playoffs.  And while it's used fairly often to determine draft position, I can't remember the last time it ever came into play for playoff seeding.  I tried looking it up and came up with nothing.  So as far as I know, it's never been used to determine a playoff seed.

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I agree with your comment about Manning but only a butthurt ex Colt fan would even bring up the Irsay's from 1972-1997. Jim is no Robert and has proven that over and over. You have brought a lot of good comments and observations to this forum but sometimes you feel the need to put a dig into something that has zero to do with todays Colts. You having a non stop desire to always bring up what Robert Irsay did or didn't do. Well Robert is dead and 90% of the Colts fans have moved on into this century. You have your Ravens and they have been very successful but that don't seem to be enough for you. Maybe an analyst or some professional help would help you get over your obsession with a dead man. 



I wasn't trying to bring up the older Irsay per se, just saying Jim had a legacy of losing to overcome , up to time he became owner of the team, and Peyton arrived in 1998. Trust me, the Colts were not highly regarded during the final years in Baltimore 1972-1983, or the early Indy years 1984-1997, with the exception of the 1995 season. So that is a true statement, but not the point of what I was saying. Obviously, Elway did not want to come to the Colts.


I think Jim deserves credit for drafting Manning and bringing in Polian. I was just speculating that he wants more credit for those years, by validating it by his imprint on the current Luck years. Unfortunately, to start the new Luck era, Manning had to go. 


I think Irsay made the right decision, but only NFL historians will judge this move, by how it turns out for Denver and Indy. The only criteria will be Super Bowl victories, and by whom.


I am also speculating that Manning will want to show that Irsay made the wrong decision, and that is a common sentiment by most players who are traded or released. Manning is a competitor, as is Irsay, especially when you see him in a blue mohawk and his two rings. I think both men will want to prove the other wrong, and that is what makes this game so appealing. 

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Saying that he would feel vindicated would assume that there was an argument or disagreement between the two to begin with.  I saw no indication that there was ever such dispute between the organization and manning.  Nobody is saying that he wasnt the reason for the success, theres no reason to say anything.  Any good QB makes an organization better.  Brees uplifted the saints, Elway the broncos, Montana the 49ers, and many others.  Just because manning left the colts doesnt mean that he lost, so his competitive side has nothing to do with being hurt by what happened, and thats assuming he was hurt.  Being upset about leaving something youve known for 13 years is different than being hurt.  Saying he was hurt is assuming that somebody offended him.  Youre assuming again that manning was arguing to stay by saying that he is eager to show them they made a mistake.  From all the talks it seemed they were on an equal understanding of the situation.  If you want to talk about his competitiveness, then it makes more sense to believe that he was eager to leave.  Just by showing raw numbers they would not have been able to keep anything around for manning to succeed.  His competitiveness would then compel him to leave and find a place that could offer him a chance to win another Superbowl, more than wanting to stay and retire with the same team.  Looks like his competitiveness drove him away.  Again i reiterate that it makes more sense to believe that they were both on a reasonable agreement that one could not survie and succeed with the other and respectfully parted ways so that each party could succeed.  It makes more sense that manning cared enough to leave, so that he wouldnt hurt the colts and that the colts released manning so that they could see him win because of the respect they had for him.  Plus releasing him and respectfully letting him go, plus retiring his number basically shows the respect and says without saying aloud that manning did make that team a success. 


Irsay is Irsay and he owns the team, he doesnt seem like the Jerry Jones type that has to stamp his name on anything, he owns them.  His stamp is already there.  Im sorry to disagree but it seems that the argument you make, and not you specifically because others are in that same party, assume too many assumptions.


Jones had  two Super Bowl titles, but had to show everyone he could do it without Johnson. Well he got one more with Johnson's guys, then it all fell apart. Don't ever think that billionaires don't have big egos. They all do, and they are very powerful men. 


Certainly I am making some assumptions, but you also don't know that everything is great between the two. If it was, wouldn't they be talking , or something. I don't believe the split was entirely friendly at all, and I'm not sure that Irsay would be totally happy to see Bowlen get a title, even with Manning on the team.


We all know the business reasons for what happened, but it's the emotional side I'm talking about . I think those emotions are still raw, but that is why everyone will be watching. 

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Two completely different teams in that Denver was being built to win now and so was San Fran as opposed to the Colts. Irsay knew, at that time, this was going to be a multi-year restructuring before we got to solid grounds in terms of getting a more complete roster. I whole heartedly believe Irsay wasn't going to allow Peyton to sit through this when his playing time left was very limited. Irsay wants to see him succeed and you can bet your bank account that if the Colts aren't playing for the SuperBowl he's rooting for the Broncos.


I think your true Colts fans are perfectly ok with what happened as we looked at it from a business perspective, however your "Peyton Manning" fans are a whole different breed. You would have thought Irsay exiled a family member with the way they talk and reacted. Had the Colts had a more complete team, I have no doubts that Peyton would still be here, but the team as a whole just wasn't there to help Peyton. Irsay gave him the ability to go and solidify his legacy and the guy, right now, is on a mission. I wish the guy all the luck in the world, however all bets are off when he's lined up against the Colts.


This may be true, but it could also be true that this was a cold, calculated business decision by Irsay because you had Luck available with the #1, and no one knew, Irsay included, how or if he would come back from the neck surgeries. I don't think it was Irsay looking out for Peyton's legacy, or being good hearted about him going to a competitive team, it was about a cold business decision he had to make. I don't fault him for this, but would you blame Manning for not being motivated to prove this business decision wrong ? When it's business, which this is, I'd expect both guys to beat the other over the head, and get the win, or win the argument. 

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The talent level on this Colts squad just isn't going to hang gracefully against some of those squads. i'd love see a few of those games as close as today's game was. Next week is going to be rough sledding  

Agree.  If we can't fix the O-Line issues, it will either get luck hurt, richardson hurt, or both and lose at the same time.  I'm going to watch the reply here at 3:30 and see how we look and DVR it and watch the o-line more carefully.  I keep hearing how bad the o-line played but, goodness, we won, but i realize we have to keep luck healthy to have ANY chance to make the playoffs. Knocking on wood vs. San Diego.

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Jones had  two Super Bowl titles, but had to show everyone he could do it without Johnson. Well he got one more with Johnson's guys, then it all fell apart. Don't ever think that billionaires don't have big egos. They all do, and they are very powerful men. 


Certainly I am making some assumptions, but you also don't know that everything is great between the two. If it was, wouldn't they be talking , or something. I don't believe the split was entirely friendly at all, and I'm not sure that Irsay would be totally happy to see Bowlen get a title, even with Manning on the team.


We all know the business reasons for what happened, but it's the emotional side I'm talking about . I think those emotions are still raw, but that is why everyone will be watching. 

Who said that Manning and Irsay wasn't talking? A link or website perhaps? 

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Who said that Manning and Irsay wasn't talking? A link or website perhaps?

I haven't seen anything to say they have been talking either. Looks like nothing since the press conference. I didn't hear any good wishes towards Manning last year when Denver played Baltimore, by Irsay. Conversely , I didn't see Manning sending good luck wishes to the Colts against the Ravens. It's been eerily silent. I can tell you Unitas never liked the old man for trading him to the Chargers. Maybe , Manning doesn't feel that way, but perhaps he does.

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I haven't seen anything to say they have been talking either. Looks like nothing since the press conference. I didn't hear any good wishes towards Manning last year when Denver played Baltimore, by Irsay. Conversely , I didn't see Manning sending good luck wishes to the Colts against the Ravens. It's been eerily silent. I can tell you Unitas never liked the old man for trading him to the Chargers. Maybe , Manning doesn't feel that way, but perhaps he does.

Manning wasn't going to tell the Colts good luck before playing the Ravens because someone would have taken that as him spiting their team rather it be the Colts spinning it to say that Manning wanted the Colts to win because they would be an easier match up or the Ravens spinning it to say Manning disrespected us by telling the other team good luck.  Irsay has never wished any other ex player good luck when they were playing in the playoffs.  It would have looked odd for him to do it for Manning.  I think you are trying to stir up something that there is friction between Irsay and Manning.  If you are suggesting things aren't fine between the two the burden on you to show proof there is a problem.  The fact there is nothing to show that there is friction between the two seems to suggest that things are fine between the two. 


What does Johnny U and Bob Irsay have to do with Manning and Jim Irsay?  They are four completely different people with two completely different relationships.  Based on what I have seen about Unitas he never liked Bob Irsay.  Jim Irsay and Peyton Manning have been reported to have a much more positive relationship over the years. 


Unless you have proof to show that Peyton Manning has an issue with Jim Irsay you are pretty just throwing something out there with no proof to back it up which looks to be designed to rile Colts fans up.  That's the very definition of trolling. 

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I haven't seen anything to say they have been talking either. Looks like nothing since the press conference. I didn't hear any good wishes towards Manning last year when Denver played Baltimore, by Irsay. Conversely , I didn't see Manning sending good luck wishes to the Colts against the Ravens. It's been eerily silent. I can tell you Unitas never liked the old man for trading him to the Chargers. Maybe , Manning doesn't feel that way, but perhaps he does.

There have been reports of Manning and Irsay talking on the phone and texting each other. Irsay has already said that when Manning retires the #18 will also officially be retired. For you to speculate there is this big problem between the two is what by you? Even though these two are public people there is a private part that we will never see or hear about. Exactly what does Unitas not liking Robert Irsay have to do with Manning and Jim Irsay? Just because you didn't hear best wishes and all of what you bring up means exactly zero. Are you a secret reporter for the National Enquirer? 

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when people start acting like they need to have the colts win to have a fulfilling life, then you have a problem. I'm one of the biggest colts fans ever. But I keep it to GAME DAY. On game day, I'm one of the most passionate fans you'll ever meet. Win or lose, the next day I move on and have real world worries. Some of you act like your life depends on how the colts do.


Once again, on Sunday, I'm a madman. Monday, I have to work and deal with .. I can separate the two. Some of you can't.

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There have been reports of Manning and Irsay talking on the phone and texting each other. Irsay has already said that when Manning retires the #18 will also officially be retired. For you to speculate there is this big problem between the two is what by you? Even though these two are public people there is a private part that we will never see or hear about. Exactly what does Unitas not liking Robert Irsay have to do with Manning and Jim Irsay? Just because you didn't hear best wishes and all of what you bring up means exactly zero. Are you a secret reporter for the National Enquirer?

The correlation is when high profile athletes get traded or released , they are sometimes angry , or have something to prove, especially when they have defined an organization. I have seen or heard of no reports of communication between the two, but if there has been , that's fine. Anytime a high level athlete comes back to the town he played in for the first time, it's big news, and people will speculate about it. You know this will be a story line for the game, so I'm confused why it upsets many to talk about it. I agree that if you're a Colts fan, you should be pulling for the Colts. If you think this isn't a story line the national media will be following , you're mistaken. It's just a topic, nothing more, but it is interesting. It's not trolling to speculate how these men feel about each other considering their long association , and the upcoming Colts - Denver game that will have everything on the line.

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The correlation is when high profile athletes get traded or released , they are sometimes angry , or have something to prove, especially when they have defined an organization. I have seen or heard of no reports of communication between the two, but if there has been , that's fine. Anytime a high level athlete comes back to the town he played in for the first time, it's big news, and people will speculate about it. You know this will be a story line for the game, so I'm confused why it upsets many to talk about it. I agree that if you're a Colts fan, you should be pulling for the Colts. If you think this isn't a story line the national media will be following , you're mistaken. It's just a topic, nothing more, but it is interesting. It's not trolling to speculate how these men feel about each other considering their long association , and the upcoming Colts - Denver game that will have everything on the line.

The problem is you are speculating there is some big negative thing between Irsay and Manning. Being big news does not mean there is this thing you have made up in your head about Manning and Irsay. Trolling is what you do when you make up stuff with no proof or even a hint of negativity but you think there is and then put it out for all to read. There is no confusion between the Colts and the Broncos. They are both coming into this game expecting to win. Manning coming back to Indy is a big deal but not what you make it out to be. Why is it so hard for you to understand? Manning prepares every game the same. To win. He don't need to make it a personal thing against Irsay no matter what you choose to believe. 

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The correlation is when high profile athletes get traded or released , they are sometimes angry , or have something to prove, especially when they have defined an organization. I have seen or heard of no reports of communication between the two, but if there has been , that's fine. Anytime a high level athlete comes back to the town he played in for the first time, it's big news, and people will speculate about it. You know this will be a story line for the game, so I'm confused why it upsets many to talk about it. I agree that if you're a Colts fan, you should be pulling for the Colts. If you think this isn't a story line the national media will be following , you're mistaken. It's just a topic, nothing more, but it is interesting. It's not trolling to speculate how these men feel about each other considering their long association , and the upcoming Colts - Denver game that will have everything on the line.

I don't think anyone is doubting that it will be a major national story or that Manning isn't going to want to prove something.  I think what people are doubting is what you have thrown out there about there being bad blood between Irsay and Manning that is lingering.  It's human nature for a former player to want to beat his old team no matter how much you might like them.  Heck Rice talked about wanting to beat the 49ers when he played them as a Raider but when it came time for him to retire he did it as a 49er and showed no ill will towards the 49ers.  Just because Manning might want to prove something on the 20th doesn't mean he hates Irsay and I think you referring to that is what bothers people.

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I haven't seen anything to say they have been talking either. Looks like nothing since the press conference. I didn't hear any good wishes towards Manning last year when Denver played Baltimore, by Irsay. Conversely , I didn't see Manning sending good luck wishes to the Colts against the Ravens. It's been eerily silent. I can tell you Unitas never liked the old man for trading him to the Chargers. Maybe , Manning doesn't feel that way, but perhaps he does.


He's being honored next week when we play them.

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Interesting, we know how Irsay feels about Manning, but still don't know how Manning feels about it. I think it's kind of crazy to honor him at this point when the Colts are playing a dangerous rival for the top spot between them, the Bronco's, and the Chiefs. Since the Bronco's and Chiefs play each other twice, this could be a critical game for the top seed in the AFC, and home field advantage. Again, Irsay is acting like a fan, and not an owner, as I don't think this game is an appropriate forum for a tribute. 


When Ed Reed came back to Baltimore as a Houston Texan, he was given warm cheers by the fans which is appropriate, but he wasn't given any kind of tribute. He's a Texan now, playing against the Ravens !The time for that is a ROH ceremony, old-timers game, or 2006 Super Bowl reunion. I'm frankly shocked !

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I've begun to learn going through each game of the season and typing out W or L next to each opponent is a big waste of free time, next thing you know you get most of them wrong more often then not and wasted 15 or so minutes doing it

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Interesting, we know how Irsay feels about Manning, but still don't know how Manning feels about it. I think it's kind of crazy to honor him at this point when the Colts are playing a dangerous rival for the top spot between them, the Bronco's, and the Chiefs. Since the Bronco's and Chiefs play each other twice, this could be a critical game for the top seed in the AFC, and home field advantage. Again, Irsay is acting like a fan, and not an owner, as I don't think this game is an appropriate forum for a tribute.

When Ed Reed came back to Baltimore as a Houston Texan, he was given warm cheers by the fans which is appropriate, but he wasn't given any kind of tribute. He's a Texan now, playing against the Ravens !The time for that is a ROH ceremony, old-timers game, or 2006 Super Bowl reunion. I'm frankly shocked !

they did the same thing for Jeff Saturday and edge. Just because biscotti chose not to honor reed, doesn't mean he shouldn't have

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Interesting, we know how Irsay feels about Manning, but still don't know how Manning feels about it. I think it's kind of crazy to honor him at this point when the Colts are playing a dangerous rival for the top spot between them, the Bronco's, and the Chiefs. Since the Bronco's and Chiefs play each other twice, this could be a critical game for the top seed in the AFC, and home field advantage. Again, Irsay is acting like a fan, and not an owner, as I don't think this game is an appropriate forum for a tribute. 


When Ed Reed came back to Baltimore as a Houston Texan, he was given warm cheers by the fans which is appropriate, but he wasn't given any kind of tribute. He's a Texan now, playing against the Ravens !The time for that is a ROH ceremony, old-timers game, or 2006 Super Bowl reunion. I'm frankly shocked !


What I find interesting is that you seem to be going out of your way to find trouble between Irsay and Manning.

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they did the same thing for Jeff Saturday and edge. Just because biscotti chose not to honor reed, doesn't mean he shouldn't have


I'm glad Bisciotti didn't. Trust me, there will be a day when Ed retires like Ray, and he will be welcomed back at the appropriate time and put in the Raven's ROH, and eventually the HOF. The Texans game would not have been the appropriate forum, in my opinion. 


I don't like giving an edge to any opposing player or team before a game. There would be plenty of time in the future for Indy fans to properly and deservedly honor Peyton. I just don't think October 20th is that appropriate moment. 

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I'm glad Bisciotti didn't. Trust me, there will be a day when Ed retires like Ray, and he will be welcomed back at the appropriate time and put in the Raven's ROH, and eventually the HOF. The Texans game would not have been the appropriate forum, in my opinion.

I don't like giving an edge to any opposing player or team before a game. There would be plenty of time in the future for Indy fans to properly and deservedly honor Peyton. I just don't think October 20th is that appropriate moment.

how does a video tribute pregame give the broncos an advantage?

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What I find interesting is that you seem to be going out of your way to find trouble between Irsay and Manning.


Apparently, there is no animosity from Irsay towards Manning, but then Manning didn't release Irsay. If there was any with Manning, there is no doubt this tribute will help defuse any ill feelings. The question is, will it impact the game ? It probably won't , but you always want to set up a polite, but hostile environment for an opposing team. I'm not sure this tribute fits the bill. Look how the Pittsburgh Pirate fans unnerved that Red's pitcher. A tribute to an opposing player pregame, doesn't quite set up the environment you want for a game of that magnitude. If I was an Indy fan, it would be no quarter for Bronco players and fans, in terms of good cheer. 

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how does a video tribute pregame give the broncos an advantage?


To me, it just doesn't set the tone to get Colt players as fired up as they should be. If I'm Robert Mathis, I don't want to see a video tribute for the opposing quarterback I want to hammer and sack. From a Bronco's players point of view, it would look like easy pickins , as this isn't a very hostile environment. 

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To me, it just doesn't set the tone to get Colt players as fired up as they should be. If I'm Robert Mathis, I don't want to see a video tribute for the opposing quarterback I want to hammer and sack. From a Bronco's players point of view, it would look like easy pickins , as this isn't a very hostile environment.

we beat the packers last year and they had a video tribute to Saturday. So i guess it has zero effect on the outcome of the game

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Interesting, we know how Irsay feels about Manning, but still don't know how Manning feels about it. I think it's kind of crazy to honor him at this point when the Colts are playing a dangerous rival for the top spot between them, the Bronco's, and the Chiefs. Since the Bronco's and Chiefs play each other twice, this could be a critical game for the top seed in the AFC, and home field advantage. Again, Irsay is acting like a fan, and not an owner, as I don't think this game is an appropriate forum for a tribute. 


When Ed Reed came back to Baltimore as a Houston Texan, he was given warm cheers by the fans which is appropriate, but he wasn't given any kind of tribute. He's a Texan now, playing against the Ravens !The time for that is a ROH ceremony, old-timers game, or 2006 Super Bowl reunion. I'm frankly shocked !

Honestly, I think you're making a mountain out of a mole hill.  Respect is far and above the game of football.  And while us fans make a big deal about the games and rivals, players, coaches, owners, respect one another first and play rivals second.  Patriots and Colts were bitter rivals, but Manning and Brady are very close friends.  Don't make more out of it than it really is.  The competition is important, but it doesn't trump common decency and respect between players/coaches/owners.

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