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Linkenbach, Why is he still here?


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I have never seen a man this big get pushed around, ran around and looked totally lost since Ogden was victimized by Freeney. He can't move quickly. Never loosing his footing or falling down, but just stands around. Is he dating one of the Irsay girls? The ability to play football has nothing to do with him being in the NFL.

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His only chance of making it this year is if his versatility and experience is valued over the 'raw' talent of guys like Cleary and Sowell.


I figure we'll carry 10 Olinemen.  Satele, Holmes, Thomas, McGlynn, Thorton, Castonzo, Cherilus all should make it.  That leaves 3 spots.  I'd like them to be Reitz, Ijalana, and Cleary, but I could be way off.

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His only chance of making it this year is if his versatility and experience is valued over the 'raw' talent of guys like Cleary and Sowell.

I figure we'll carry 10 Olinemen. Satele, Holmes, Thomas, McGlynn, Thorton, Castonzo, Cherilus all should make it. That leaves 3 spots. I'd like them to be Reitz, Ijalana, and Cleary, but I could be way off.

Link is 5x better than Sowell
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Haven't seen enough of Cleary so I would go with Link for the final 10 on your list


Link is in what, his 4th year?  I assume he's still on his rookie contract?  I don't know if Cleary is as good either, but he must be a little cheaper.  Or he'll be cheaper next year out of the two of them.  They must know by now who Link is.


I may have my hopes up too high with Ijalana, but I'm still pulling for him.

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Im thinking:


10 O Linemen


Castonzo-1(LT....I think RT)


Satele-3(LG I think would be a more natural fit for him)

Thornton-(RG/LG and RT)4

Cherilus-5(Right Tackle...maybe RG?)

Reitz-6(LettTackle or LG in my opinion)

Cleary-7(can play Left Tackle or Left Guard)

Mcglynn-8 (If Mcglynn dont make it my dark horse is Ijalana if he continues to remain healthy do to Ijalanas ability to play Tackle as well as Guard)


Holmes-10(can play Center or LG)

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Yes, I see by the clock on the wall that it's time once again for another round of.........



Why is (__________) still on the team?!?    He sucks!!


It's the favorite party game of Colts fans young and old,  from East and West,  North and South.


And, it's never too soon to the get the kids involved!    Teach them to hate the OL from last year's team as well.   It's easy to learn how to boo!


And once (___________) is finally off the team -- whenever that happens -- we'll simply move on to the next underachieving talentless OL.    And then we'll start asking the same question all over again.....    

Why is (______________) still on the team?!?   He sucks!!


<<sigh.....>>       :facepalm:


p.s. -- I hate to spoil the fun....   but all 32 teams have players like Linkenbach and McGlynn on their roster.  There simply aren't enough quality OL to man starting positions for all 32 teams, plus back-ups.    It's a numbers game.   The need far out weighs the supply.



p.p.s.   My guess is we don't carry 10 OL.   I think it's more likely we carry 9 since some have the versatility to play more than one position.

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This won't be popular with some but because the Colts don't feel they have someone better or he wouldn't be here anymore.

It is popular with guys that understand football.  Do I love Link?....Heck to the no.  In fact I think he is horrible at right tackle.  He was absolutely SOLID inside last year at LG when Reitz and Satele were down. (As Gavin said in another thread...Right Guard?)


We can call it versatility.  We can say experience....bottom line is the man played in every single game.  He, AC and Shipley got the majority of the blocks that got Ballard his yardage.


Link makes this football team without a doubt in my mind.  Sowell is awful....and Cleary needs the reps...A UFA better than someone who just came off of 16 games in the trenches and a playoff loss the the Super Bowl Champions?  HMMMMM!  


It is a nice situation to have Reitz and Link as backups when they have started so many games....(Now if we can get Big Ben healthy......and ready to back up Cherilus!!! )  :colts:  :colts:  :colts:

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Im thinking:


10 O Linemen


Castonzo-1(LT....I think RT)


Satele-3(LG I think would be a more natural fit for him)

Thornton-(RG/LG and RT)4

Cherilus-5(Right Tackle...maybe RG?)

Reitz-6(LettTackle or LG in my opinion)

Cleary-7(can play Left Tackle or Left Guard)

Mcglynn-8 (If Mcglynn dont make it my dark horse is Ijalana if he continues to remain healthy do to Ijalanas ability to play Tackle as well as Guard)


Holmes-10(can play Center or LG)

I'd say Link and Cleary are 9 and 10 on that list, right? Is Ijalana 11 or further down? I haven't been to camp, he looked okay going against their 3s in the game.

I'm just trying to get a feel on his chances.

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Link is in what, his 4th year?  I assume he's still on his rookie contract?  I don't know if Cleary is as good either, but he must be a little cheaper.  Or he'll be cheaper next year out of the two of them.  They must know by now who Link is.


I may have my hopes up too high with Ijalana, but I'm still pulling for him.

I don't think the money will be a major consideration in this matter.

For what it's worth, though, Linkenbach is on a one year restricted free agent tender contract this year, worth $1.323m, which is fully guaranteed as of the start of the regular season. Cleary's cap hit is $412k in 2013, about a third.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I don't think the money will be a major consideration in this matter.

For what it's worth, though, Linkenbach is on a one year restricted free agent tender contract this year, worth $1.323m, which is fully guaranteed as of the start of the regular season. Cleary's cap hit is $412k in 2013, about a third.

I think Reitz will actually be kept as the guy who can play T and G, and Linkenbach is the odd man out this year.  I believe Reitz is a better tackle than guard, and his cap hit is only 555,000 I believe.  I think Cleary is set for the PS.

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I think Reitz will actually be kept as the guy who can play T and G, and Linkenbach is the odd man out this year.  I believe Reitz is a better tackle than guard, and his cap hit is only 555,000 I believe.  I think Cleary is set for the PS.

I've heard a couple people say this about Reitz, but I don't think we've ever played him anywhere but guard, even in camp. I could be wrong...

I really hope Ijalana stays healthy and makes the final roster. Dude was highly touted coming out, and in his brief action for us, he looked pretty good as a rookie. He has the versatility to play guard, but is pegged as a tackle. If we want a swing outside/inside lineman, I hope it's him. That makes Linkenbach expendable, and it salvages a former high pick who has been derailed by injuries so far.

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I'd say Link and Cleary are 9 and 10 on that list, right? Is Ijalana 11 or further down? I haven't been to camp, he looked okay going against their 3s in the game.

I'm just trying to get a feel on his chances.

I think Ijalana needs to continue stay healthy to through the pre season to win a spot, talent wise I think he can beat out Reitz and Mcglynn rather easily, But I think as of right now those will be the 10 O Linemen who make it, that could sure change if Ijalana continues to stay healthy however......Of course I could be way off especially if an injury occurs

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I've heard a couple people say this about Reitz, but I don't think we've ever played him anywhere but guard, even in camp. I could be wrong...

I really hope Ijalana stays healthy and makes the final roster. Dude was highly touted coming out, and in his brief action for us, he looked pretty good as a rookie. He has the versatility to play guard, but is pegged as a tackle. If we want a swing outside/inside lineman, I hope it's him. That makes Linkenbach expendable, and it salvages a former high pick who has been derailed by injuries so far.

I'm pulling for Ijalana just like you, not just for the benefit of our team, but this kid really deserves a shot.

This is my expectation for our line as it sits right now...this hinges on everyone staying healthy.


LT- Castanzo-Reitz


C-  Satele-Holmes






With McGlynn able to play C, we keep only 2 C's and no one on PS

With Reitz and Ijalana able to play T and G we only carry 9 total lineman, and one PS player.

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I'm pulling for Ijalana just like you, not just for the benefit of our team, but this kid really deserves a shot.

This is my expectation for our line as it sits right now...this hinges on everyone staying healthy.


LT- Castanzo-Reitz


C-  Satele-Holmes






With McGlynn able to play C, we keep only 2 C's and no one on PS

With Reitz and Ijalana able to play T and G we only carry 9 total lineman, and one PS player.

Cleary I'd bet wouldn't last long at all on our PS that would be the only problem I'd see. I'd drop Mcglynn, Only think he has shown he can do is Pull

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Cleary I'd bet wouldn't last long at all on our PS that would be the only problem I'd see. I'd drop Mcglynn, Only think he has shown he can do is Pull

I really think Cleary is going to have to show something in a game to make the roster, but I wouldn't be surprised if that is exactly what he does.  Then if Thornton gets healthy, move Ijalana to backup RG, you could make Cleary a backup tackle, and cut McGlynn.  That's my dream scenario, but I don't think any of that is going to happen.

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I've heard a couple people say this about Reitz, but I don't think we've ever played him anywhere but guard, even in camp. I could be wrong...

I really hope Ijalana stays healthy and makes the final roster. Dude was highly touted coming out, and in his brief action for us, he looked pretty good as a rookie. He has the versatility to play guard, but is pegged as a tackle. If we want a swing outside/inside lineman, I hope it's him. That makes Linkenbach expendable, and it salvages a former high pick who has been derailed by injuries so far.


I believe Reitz played LT for the first half of the 4th quarter against the Bills.  Ijalana played LT for the latter half. 

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I believe Reitz played LT for the first half of the 4th quarter against the Bills.  Ijalana played LT for the latter half.

I tried to pay close attention to the second half of that game, but just couldn't. Not only were we making a ton of mistakes, but I just really didn't care. I think we pulled our first two units too quickly.

On topic, I didn't realize Reitz was getting work at tackle. That's a good thing. The more versatile a reserve lineman is, the better. We'll typically only dress 7 or 8 on game day, so if the reserves can all play multiple positions, it helps.

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I tried to pay close attention to the second half of that game, but just couldn't. Not only were we making a ton of mistakes, but I just really didn't care. I think we pulled our first two units too quickly.

On topic, I didn't realize Reitz was getting work at tackle. That's a good thing. The more versatile a reserve lineman is, the better. We'll typically only dress 7 or 8 on game day, so if the reserves can all play multiple positions, it helps.


I know what you mean...my first time watching the game, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the offense...well the entire 2nd half to be honest..I was more paying attention to the defense.  However after the game, needanoline started this thread about Reitz http://forums.colts.com/topic/19600-joe-reitz/ and mentioned Reitz playing LT in the 4th, and after reading his thread I was curious so went back and watched the 4th quarter.  Like I said, Reitz played LT the first 7 or 8 minutes an Ijalana finished out the game at LT and to be honest, I thought both looked pretty good for the most part.  They both also made a couple of mistakes but overall I thought they played well, all things considered.  


Hopefully they keep trying Reitz out at LT so that, ideally, he could be Castonzo's backup, which would leave Ijalana free to hopefully challenge McGlynn for the starting RG spot.

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I tried to pay close attention to the second half of that game, but just couldn't. Not only were we making a ton of mistakes, but I just really didn't care. I think we pulled our first two units too quickly.

On topic, I didn't realize Reitz was getting work at tackle. That's a good thing. The more versatile a reserve lineman is, the better. We'll typically only dress 7 or 8 on game day, so if the reserves can all play multiple positions, it helps.

I was there,,,see Reitz thread....OL is my expertize....

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His only chance of making it this year is if his versatility and experience is valued over the 'raw' talent of guys like Cleary and Sowell.


I figure we'll carry 10 Olinemen.  Satele, Holmes, Thomas, McGlynn, Thorton, Castonzo, Cherilus all should make it.  That leaves 3 spots.  I'd like them to be Reitz, Ijalana, and Cleary, but I could be way off.

I would pick LInk over Ijalana. I just don't like him.

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I would pick LInk over Ijalana. I just don't like him.

Honestly, how can you not like Ijalanna when we really haven't seen him play yet? This is his 3rd year and he's really a rookie with a potential huge upside.

I'm hoping that if he can make it through camp the coaches will want to keep him just to see if he can reach his (percieved) potential. He's already got a lot of the mental game stuff down. Now he has to show the physical side.

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Link has experience playing different positions on the offensive line.


If anybody on the O-line goes down (knock on wood) I feel confident knowing that Link is there to do a serviceable job.

Except for Center, but still being able to play any of the other four positions on the line has value. 


I don't want Link starting for us but like you said I think he's a serviceable back up.  If back ups were good enough to be full-time starters they would be full-time starters in this league.  Sometimes I think people have unrealistic expectations for back ups on the roster.  I also think sometimes people let their own personal feelings about a player drive their judgment of him on the field rather than watching what's there.  Like you said I think Link is serviceable.  He's not good enough to be a full-time starter but if you need him for a game or two because someone is hurt he can step in and play.  No he wont be great and I am sure Grigson will always be looking for someone better if he can get him but players like Link are on every team in the NFL. 

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