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Weslye Saunders Suspended 8 games


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Weslye Saunders really isn't one of our guys we just signed him during the season to fill a void

Saunders had been here long enough to know what we stand for as Colts. I'm sure it won't be too hard to replace him, but we've never had this much type of stuff going on. I'm sure we'll get things back to normal, but it's getting to be somewhat annoying. I actually liked Saunders a little bit, but I don't see him remaining a Colt after this shenanigan.

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Saunders had been here long enough to know what we stand for as Colts. I'm sure it won't be too hard to replace him, but we've never had this much type of stuff going on. I'm sure we'll get things back to normal, but it's getting to be somewhat annoying. I actually liked Saunders a little bit, but I don't see him remaining a Colt after this shenanigan.

He was here for 12 games, he was suspended the 1st 4 games of last season for adderall
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He was here for 12 games, he was suspended the 1st 4 games of last season

Is that not long enough to have a decent sense of what the team stands for? Even if he was somehow still oblivious, did he not learn from the 4 game suspension from last year? I'm sure there are other guys on the team getting high, but at least be smart enough not to get caught. At least be good at fooling us into thinking you are not a potential distraction.

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the guy was just playing the odds. you have to figure he'd have no chance without 'help'


i won't judge the man as i have never walked in his shoes. plus i am sure there are plenty of juiced colts who never get caught


He's tested positive twice before. He can be tested up to ten times a month. I don't know how anyone could like those odds.

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the odds may be worth it when you have zero chance otherwise, going from submarginal to marginal nfl talent


I guess. 


It just seems to me like, when you've already been burned playing the odds -- twice -- and now the stakes are even higher, you would make readjust your decision making.


I'm on the record as being someone who thinks pro sports and the media are a little over zealous with this PED stuff, and I think that the whole issue needs to be revisited without all the sanctimony and outrage (taking Adderal is nowhere near as serious as taking stanozolol, and being suspended four games is way more serious than the slap on the wrist ten days MLB used to hand out). But the rules are the rules. It's silly to me that anyone would flirt with this kind of punishment, considering all the permissible substances you can use to get stronger and recover.

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No doubt. It explains why the dude fell apart every 5 snaps. 



Yea mean it's not normal tearing a muscle every time you lift your arm to knock a pass down ? I really loved the way the guy played but 5'7' guys just don't normally weigh 210 with about 2% body fat and run sub 4.4's.


My last comment on this as I know we are not allowed to relate players and steroids.


One more thing... yea I worry about Landry too.... 

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I likes Saunders. He was a very good blocker.


Also, I personally think the whole ban on PEDs is a little ridiculous. Peanuts, vitamin C or Tylenol cause more deaths annually than PEDs. I don't use steroids, but I don't think they're as bad as the media makes them out to be.

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I likes Saunders. He was a very good blocker.


Also, I personally think the whole ban on PEDs is a little ridiculous. Peanuts, vitamin C or Tylenol cause more deaths annually than PEDs. I don't use steroids, but I don't think they're as bad as the media makes them out to be.

Made for some beastly wrestlers in the 80's.

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good ridden's...  I saw this on Rants Sports via Chat Sports and the author Eric Smith said that the Colts released Brazil.. I checked

the colts.com and other sites and did NOT find confirmation on this has anyone heard this.


The Colts released Brazill as a result of the failed test. Now, many will ask what this Saunders suspension means to the team.
Read more at http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/2013/07/18/what-suspension-to-indianapolis-colts-weslye-saunders-means-to-the-team/?waq0b8XKfMQaLoF6.99 

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