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Backup QB (merge)


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That's a completely different quarterback. Not every backup qb is absolutely terrible, like Curtis Painter. Some are Tom Brady or Kurt Warner. Most are more like TJ Yates. I'm not sure how good or bad Harnish is, but you don't keep him buried just because Painter sucked.


or matt flynn hows he doing.

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That's a completely different quarterback. Not every backup qb is absolutely terrible, like Curtis Painter. Some are Tom Brady or Kurt Warner. Most are more like TJ Yates. I'm not sure how good or bad Harnish is, but you don't keep him buried just because Painter sucked.


I agree; why draft, develop, and retain a QB if you aren't going to let him do the job you drafted him for (to be the backup)... and from a couple of different stories I have read it seems like Luck has developed a good working relationship with Harnish.

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I don't think Fitzpatrick would want to be Luck's back-up. He wants an outside chance to play and a few more dollars.

We're likely going to offer something like $1M-1.25M and a chance to watch every play of every game. Not much fun.

As for Harnisch. He is simply not ready. He is simply not even close to being ready. Forget being the holder of the clipboard.

What does Harnisch do if Luck goes down for a game or two? Harnisch has never even seen a 1st string defense in a pre-season game, much less a 1st string defense in a regular season game. And those two things are completely different.

And forget the talk of 'liking what you saw' of him in the pre-season. You saw nothing. All you saw was Harnisch playing against the 3rd string defenses. Talk about scrubs?!? Come on now. My mother looks good in the pre-season against 3rd string defenses and she's been dead for more than 20 years! (but she had quite the arm!)

Harnisch maybe the back-up next year. But I don't see it for this year. Not if we're serious about being a playoff contender -- and we are.

Tom Brady, Brett Farve, and many others started their careers as backups
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Of all the free agent qb's available, I think we're better off with what we have as backup.  He's just as likely to win or lose us a game as any other FA qb available and he doesn't cost us much. I don't see the point in bringing in someone else. 

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So Harnish don't have experience. So what? Tell me...how is a QB supposed to get experience if you don't ever give him a chance? Every player has to start somewhere, even QB's. Look, almost every team would be in serious trouble if their starting QB went down with an injury. The Colts are no different, if Luck goes down, were probably in trouble no matter who the backup is. There are rare exceptions of course, but for the most part every team is in trouble if their starter goes down. Every backup has to start somewhere.

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I think Jason Campbell is a safe option.  Familiar with the WCO, and manages the game well.  He is actually one of the least intercepted QBs to play.  What else do you want in a veteran backup?


That said, Harnish put up 'scary' collegiate numbers in this type of offense...I am not against letting the little bird fly!!!

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That's a completely different quarterback. Not every backup qb is absolutely terrible, like Curtis Painter. Some are Tom Brady or Kurt Warner. Most are more like TJ Yates. I'm not sure how good or bad Harnish is, but you don't keep him buried just because Painter sucked.

Yup...and add to that list Steve Young and Kenny Stabler who carried clipboards for years while waiting for their shot.

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I like him, but he don't have any experience

Neither did Sorgi... but he still held the clipboard just right!  Harnish is just fine....if you can find an veteran cheap, maybe bring him to camp....but I like Harnish and what he showed last preseason....

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Neither did Sorgi... but he still held the clipboard just right! Harnish is just fine....if you can find an veteran cheap, maybe bring him to camp....but I like Harnish and what he showed last preseason....

Sorgi was Manning backup when #18 was in your 7th season. Luck goes to 2nd season

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I think we should just let Harnish have the spot,  he is still with the team on reserve.  Why bring anyone else in,  could Harnish be any worse sitting in the wings than Painter was?


No but if Luck twists his ankle or something he could be worse at playing football.  


Wouldn't mind taking a backup QB with say a 5th round compensatory pick if the coaches don't think Harnish could at least hold the fort together if Luck was out for a bit.  

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Neither did Sorgi... but he still held the clipboard just right!  Harnish is just fine....if you can find an veteran cheap, maybe bring him to camp....but I like Harnish and what he showed last preseason....

I think the term "cheap veteran" is difficult to accept for me because Harnish is set to make vet minimum this year in his contract($480K). So anyone else we get will cost more and won't necessarily give us any better chance at winning should Luck miss any games.  

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I like to think of it as we tried that experiment and learned that a backup QB needs practice reps and needs the coaches to tailor the offense to his abilities

The Colts must have learned a lesson, I hear Harnish is not lacking in reps in practice. Far more reps than Painter ever saw.
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Expensive and would cost us a draft pick.  Seahawks won't get rid of him without it.  And he's already backing up a (edit:) former rookie.  How would Indy be any different?

I wasn't suggesting we look at Flynn. I was making a point

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I don't see Harnish being ready. Just a gut feeling (how would any of us really know where he's at in his development?)

There will be a veteran signed even if Harnish is #2. Fitz would be ok with me. He has game experience. 




There's no doubt we'll sign another QB considering there is only 2 on the roster, but I would bet that when the regular season rolls around Harnish will be the backup.

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I don't see Harnish being ready. Just a gut feeling (how would any of us really know where he's at in his development?)

There will be a veteran signed even if Harnish is #2. Fitz would be ok with me. He has game experience. 

I think he is MORE ready for a WCO than he ever would have been in the Arians offense....I agree he is a little wet behind the ears....I would sign Campbell for 1.3....

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I doubt he would come for cheap, but if I had to pick from a list of Free Agents who I would want to back up Luck I'd probably take him.  


At least for the next year or two, he has enough guaranteed money to live off, so he might be fine with being a backup on a winning team. If he can swallow his pride, he would come for cheap.


After 1 or 2 more years, I think we can roll the dice with just 1 backup QB with Harnish having gotten ample reps. Fitzpatrick would be a stop gap for 1 or 2 years at best at backup.

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I don't see Harnish being ready. Just a gut feeling (how would any of us really know where he's at in his development?)

There will be a veteran signed even if Harnish is #2. Fitz would be ok with me. He has game experience.

You ask: How would any of us know where he's at in his development? You have a good point. The answer lies in asking Grigs, pagano, and Andrew. Ask them and you will have an idea where he stands. Might surprise you!
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At least for the next year or two, he has enough guaranteed money to live off, so he might be fine with being a backup on a winning team. If he can swallow his pride, he would come for cheap.


After 1 or 2 more years, I think we can roll the dice with just 1 backup QB with Harnish having gotten ample reps. Fitzpatrick would be a stop gap for 1 or 2 years at best at backup.


Swallowing his pride is probably easier said then done.  And I mean there have got to be teams out there who are interested in him as a potential starter.  


Shoot he could get signed by Jacksonville and would be a clear upgrade over Blaine Gabbert.  He might be an upgrade over Brandon Weeden if the Browns signed him.  


He could be an upgrade for the Jets but they already signed Garrard.  


If he just waits a bit he can find a team where he can at least compete for the starting job.  Jacksonville would be a good spot for him as I'm certain he could beat out Gabbert.  


And for that matter since Jacksonville is in our division and I like to talk trash to my wife's friends about the Jags, I hope he doesn't go there.  They might be able to actually compete for 3rd place then.  I prefer the Jags remain at the bottom of the AFC south, makes trash talking easier and more fun.  

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Harnish for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if they get some nobody or a UDFA to compete with him.


I'd be surprised if we don't have a total of at least four quarterbacks on our roster to start camp. While I'm not opposed to Harnish getting the backup spot, he must earn it.

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Swallowing his pride is probably easier said then done.  And I mean there have got to be teams out there who are interested in him as a potential starter.  


Shoot he could get signed by Jacksonville and would be a clear upgrade over Blaine Gabbert.  He might be an upgrade over Brandon Weeden if the Browns signed him.  


He could be an upgrade for the Jets but they already signed Garrard.  


If he just waits a bit he can find a team where he can at least compete for the starting job.  Jacksonville would be a good spot for him as I'm certain he could beat out Gabbert.  


And for that matter since Jacksonville is in our division and I like to talk trash to my wife's friends about the Jags, I hope he doesn't go there.  They might be able to actually compete for 3rd place then.  I prefer the Jags remain at the bottom of the AFC south, makes trash talking easier and more fun.  


Fitzpatrick was grossly overpaid, but he's not terrible as a quarterback. He's probably not good enough to warrant any team dropping their guy for him, but there's a handful of teams where he could compete for the starting job, and maybe even win it.

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Fitzpatrick was grossly overpaid, but he's not terrible as a quarterback. He's probably not good enough to warrant any team dropping their guy for him, but there's a handful of teams where he could compete for the starting job, and maybe even win it.


I'm not suggesting that the Jag's dump Gabbert.  But they already said that the starting position in Jacksonville is not Gabbert's yet he has to win it in camp.  If he could get signed on with the Jags, Gabbert would probably be his backup.  Fitz would win it over Gabbert.  


But yeah, he'll go someplace where he has a chance of winning the starting job.  

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I'm not suggesting that the Jag's dump Gabbert.  But they already said that the starting position in Jacksonville is not Gabbert's yet he has to win it in camp.  If he could get signed on with the Jags, Gabbert would probably be his backup.  Fitz would win it over Gabbert.  


But yeah, he'll go someplace where he has a chance of winning the starting job.  


They still have some notable money devoted to Chad Henne, but yeah, I think Fitzpatrick is better than both of those two.

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You ask: How would any of us know where he's at in his development? You have a good point. The answer lies in asking Grigs, pagano, and Andrew. Ask them and you will have an idea where he stands. Might surprise you!

That's a good point, I will ask them when I see them. 

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