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Top 10 Reasons You Should Root for New England This Weekend


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10. When Indy comes to Foxboro, we acknowledge that you are the "Indianapolis Colts." Baltimore? Nope. "Indianapolis Football Team."


9. It's been almost two years since the Bruins won the Stanley Cup. We're starved for a championship!


8. Tom Brady will send all of you a pair of Uggs.


7. The Patriots need to advance so that Mayor Menino can continue to butcher names. (http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/boston-mayor-thomas-menino-flubs-names-patriots-vince-164337514--nfl.html)


6. The Ravens advancing to the Super Bowl is a sign of the apocalypse, right there in the book of Revelations, before the four horsemen and after the plague of locusts.


5. No one wants to see another Gisele rant... right?


4. We're not the Chargers.


3. If you hate him, maybe another SB win will bring us that much closer to Belichick's retirement.


2. You can always root for the NFC team if they win and make it to the SB.


And the #1 reason...


1. Peyton would have wanted it that way!




I'm probably offline until after the weekend, so... enjoy the games everyone. Peace and prosperity to you and yours!

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"8. Tom Brady will send all of you a pair of Uggs."


When someone sends me free stuff, I kinda like that. Plus, everybody tells me they are expensive shoes & extremely comfortable. Sure, I'm more than happy to take my new shoes out for a test drive. Size 9 and a half Tom thanks man!  haha





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10. When Indy comes to Foxboro, we acknowledge that you are the "Indianapolis Colts." Baltimore? Nope. "Indianapolis Football Team."


Bill Belichick never gets enough credit for his incredible work in Cleveland. He would have delivered a Championship to the Browns dog pound too. Jim Brown knows it, all of Patriots Nation knows it, I know it, & Art Modell should have known better...Sigh....



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6. The Ravens advancing to the Super Bowl is a sign of the apocalypse, right there in the book of Revelations, before the four horsemen and after the plague of locusts.


Locust: "A multitude of grasshoppers that swarm & devour vegetation & crops in a warm climate or region." Kind of like what running backs Woodhead & Ridley will do to wear out the Ravens defense in the 4th Qtr.


Grasshoppers are associated with an ancient insect symbol of the Far East & the Orient to symbolize wisdom & intellectual knowledge. Similar to Bill Belichick's brilliant defensive mind & a Russian Chess master of strategy.





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"1. Peyton would have wanted it that way!" Cute, yes I have a sense of humor.  :funny:  lmao


I've been really critical of Peyton Manning lately. Chalk it up to tough love, but I don't kick Yoda when he is down...Like in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith, Yoda is merely retreating, regrouping for next season. [Yes, SW1 is a huge Star Wars nerd. I will admit it.  haha ] Peyton needs to get more aggressive & develop a pitbull fight mentality. Put your foes down in the post season #18.





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7. The Patriots need to advance so that Mayor Menino can continue to butcher names.


How in Hades can you be wearing Vince Wilfork's jersey #75 & murder the name?  haha  :lol: Who is this Gonk player you speak of?  :facepalm:  Gronk...Pronounce the R please. Thank you. 

Well...he is from Bahstin where they talk like sissy pirates. I love it when Bostonians say "Law"..... as in "Lar"

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"9. It's been almost two years since the Bruins won the Stanley Cup. We're starved for a championship!"


When it comes to hockey, I'm dumber than a post or the puck used to play the game. Besides, their union just recently came off a strike & went back to work. Be patient GoPats...Just Kidding man!!!





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#'s 8, 5 and 3 made me laugh out loud. As a Pats fan though I must say wouldn't the biggest reason you want the Pats to win is because the Ravens beat you? I know that would fuel me.


Can I also just say this too. The Colts are unbelievably more likeable with Andrew Luck and Pagano. I found myself voting for them all season except when they played the Pats of course. The Green Bay game and the second Houston game were the best regular season games of the year in my opinion. Also, do you guys think the Colts can overtake Houston next year for the division?

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