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Peyton Agrees To Go To Denver [Mega-Merge]


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Id want to knock him out of the playoffs, nobody can tell me the reason he didnt go to the 49ers was because he didnt want to play Eli, did anyone ever think in the next 3-4 years it could be Gaints and Broncos in the SuperBowl regardless? now with manning they are a definite playoff team, but Superbowl, I suggest the wide receivers focus on getting better first, and did anyone see what the Patriots defense did to them? now I know Peyton is wayyyyyyy far from a Tim Tebow in more areas then one, Manning can pick up the blitz but Tim can run like to buy time if their is an all out blitz which we have seen in the past Peyton on ocassion struggles with, obviously they will have to Jell as a team beyond Peyton just liking the team for whatever reason, I will be interested to see how things unfold but my main attention will be on the Colts lets not forget whats done is done and we actually are addressing the defense amonth other things

In the Super Bowl all bets are off.

I can promise you Eli/NFC was a larger % of why he didn't choose San Fran.

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Mathis confirmed this to

ROBERT MATHIS @RobertMathis98

i know the titans and SF are extremely ticked bc they have to work damage control now

ROBERT MATHIS @RobertMathis98

there is your answer

LOL damage control indeed. What the heck is SF going to do if Smith signs with the Dolphins?? Bring in Tim Tebow lol??

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LOL damage control indeed. What the heck is SF going to do if Smith signs with the Dolphins?? Bring in Tim Tebow lol??

Bring in Josh Johnson(former Harbaugh QB at U of San Diego or whatever it is called, and go with him and Kapernick.

Offense system in place that average qb's can have success.. See Alex Smith as exhibit 1.

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I could see him declining the opportunity, and I could see him accepting the kind gesture.

I read about Tripuka. Interesting story, but not much of a football player. He didn't want his uniform retired in the first place, and is probably embarrassed at the thought that he might be the reason that a QB like Peyton has to change. He would likely rather be associated with him, and see the Broncos succeed, than be the guy who said "NO, it's MY number:.

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(In response to damage control for SF)

SF is better off moving away from Alex Smith, regardless. He does not have what it takes to win the Super Bowl, and if he couldn't get it done last year with the team that he had around him, then what's the point? It's time they look for a QB that can complete passes to a receiver instead of a check down to a RB.

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Good for him, now people on this site and Colts fan everywhere can officially move on, cheer for him but focus on the future of the Colts

You're never going to get fans to do that Mr. D...

We just cant quit him......

But you are 100% right in that the two universes will exist seperately.....

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WOW, so actually winning a SB was not the biggest motivating factor ... least IMO the 49ers were closer than the Broncos. I sort of figured that Smith only went to the Fish to get a bigger contract offer though.

Sure the 49ers were closer - everyone accepts that - but I wouldn't draw the conclusion that you did. I'm sure that Peyton expects to be able to win the SB wherever he goes. In the meantime there are tons of reasons why the Broncos make more sense.

With the 49ers he could well be considered a failure just by losing in the NFC championship game. Everyone will ASSUME that they will win beforehand. But things change quickly and getting to the SB is hard. What if the defense steps backwards (people on their forum only expect it to last a couple of years - I'd like Peyton to play longer than that). What if he doesn't get along with Harbaugh? )I loved the guy as a Colts QB, but he seems like a jerk.) The Broncos will build an offense around him guided by an old QB who speaks Peytons language. There is nowhere to go but up.

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Why wouldn't someone like him not want to learn/observe the best QB in the league? I would. Especially if I knew my throwing, reading defenses etc was lacking.

I think he knows he has a lot to learn....

..and he was somewhat fortunate last year...If he can check his ego....

He stays and learns from an all-pro

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I cant believe he didnt go to niners!! Dang it!!

I thought that you were looking forward to going to see him play?

The Broncos were my preference - but the best part is that it isn't the Titans. That would stink.

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I thought that you were looking forward to going to see him play?

The Broncos were my preference - but the best part is that it isn't the Titans. That would stink.

Oh I am. No worries there. I just feel the niners are the better team to get him to the big show.

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Can't stop SMH. What kind of world do I live in where so many fans seem upset because they got stuck with Peyton Manning over Tim Tebow? lol......like some people are jacked up.

From Broncos forum;

If they get rid of tebow because of Manning coming here I am so done I will give my season tickets away because then its just stupid when a kid has that much potential and an old man is only going to be around for a couple years... Come on Elways use your head!!!

Don't want to look like the Colts if PM goes down.


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what do ya all think, Tebow backup to Luck, could happen now, as iffy as Tebow was at Quarterback, I do feel bad for the guy yes I know they signed Manning but Elway said it himself he was going to work on Tebows mechanics but things have yet to fully play out, I understand why the decision was made on Elways part for sure

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what do ya all think, Tebow backup to Luck, could happen now, as iffy as Tebow was at Quarterback, I do feel bad for the guy yes I know they signed Manning but Elway said it himself he was going to work on Tebows mechanics but things have yet to fully play out, I understand why the decision was made on Elways part for sure

They can send that cultist somewhere else.

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Oh I am. No worries there. I just feel the niners are the better team to get him to the big show.

They have a heck of a defense, but there was more wrong with their offense than just Smith. It might be a situation where anything other than a SB victory would turn him from hero to pariah - and seeing him with Harbaugh just made me nervous. The guy is a loose canon who likes to do things his way. I think that he can win it all in Denver as well (if they make a few more roster moves, and he gets the offense up to speed quickly enough) - and once they see what a real QB looks like they will be kissing his feet even if he doesn't win it all.

Obviously I want him to have the best chance to win it, but it's dangerous whenever someone assumes that you can do so easily. There are tons of variables, and it's HARD to get there.

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