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Manning To The Titans? [Merge]


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The Titans will meet with free agent Peyton Manning on Wednesday.

The news comes straight from owner Bud Adams, who told WSMV-TV Tuesday a Titans' contingent will fly out of Nashville Wednesday and "spend the day with Manning." Adams insists Manning "really is interested" in the team's overture, and is hoping "to sign up with somebody pretty quickly." More than anything, Manning is likely interested in the leverage the Titans are freely providing him in contract talks.

That would be a killer if the Colts have to face Peyton twice a year and he performs at a elite level like before.
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Adams always struck me as a bit on the crazy side. One of those types of owners who's better served by leaving football matters to football people.

The only allure to Peyton would be playing in the Vol state again. If I were to make a guess I'd say Arizona has to be the front runner with Miami second.

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Adams always struck me as a bit on the crazy side. One of those types of owners who's better served by leaving football matters to football people.

The only allure to Peyton would be playing in the Vol state again. If I were to make a guess I'd say Arizona has to be the front runner with Miami second.

i agree, Bud has lost his wits over the years and should have someone controlling his empire, to safeguard against irrationale decisions (not that getting Manning would be considered that). Denver is the clear cut favorite for certain and Miami has actually lost a lot of steam in its bid to win the PM sweepsstakes IMO. I have said it a long time ago, I thought Titans were a strong possibility and makes sense because of his old ties and Bud will pay this man and offer him front office duties after retirement. The defense is pretty good, the offense needs something but PM did alot with our guys so there is no reason he couldn't do the same down there and he has electrifying Chris Johnson in the mix.

I think it will be Denver, I have no idea why, but it just seems like they are the frontrunners right now. It could be a Peyton smokescreen but we'll find out soon enough I guess.

If PM ends up in Tennessee, I am seasrching for my posts months ago stating I thought Titans were a good shot to land him.

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If PM ends up in Tennessee, I am seasrching for my posts months ago stating I thought Titans were a good shot to land him.

It could be Tenn., but if he does go there I think it will be all about revenge for himself and nothing else. If thats how he feels and he needs to get it out of his system, then go for it is what I would say. I think he'll regret it eventually because his chances of winning more championships are better somewhere else IMO. I think out of the teams mentioned, Arizona gives him the best chance at a Lombardi or 2.

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Manning is meeting with TItans right now (as we speak/type)....... looks like it will be a long, long, long meeting according to indications. Since teams are getting worn out on this whole process, a decision is likely to come immediately following this meeting. This,in part, is due to Mr. Adams not having a co-pilot yesterday and Manning realizes he is holding up the show in the NFL. I believe we will know something by late afternoon,,,,, Manning does want to speed this thing up.

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It could be Tenn., but if he does go there I think it will be all about revenge for himself and nothing else. If thats how he feels and he needs to get it out of his system, then go for it is what I would say. I think he'll regret it eventually because his chances of winning more championships are better somewhere else IMO. I think out of the teams mentioned, Arizona gives him the best chance at a Lombardi or 2.

I really don't think Peyton is considering revenge as part of his decision factor. But I don't expect him to pull any punches when he faces the Colts either. He'll torch us just like every other team if he gets the chance.

Denver would be surprising to me simply because of the weather. It would be such a change to the conditions he's played in all his life.

I agree about Arizona, and I also like it because he's far away and would probably only play us one time for the rest of his career.

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It could be Tenn., but if he does go there I think it will be all about revenge for himself and nothing else. If thats how he feels and he needs to get it out of his system, then go for it is what I would say. I think he'll regret it eventually because his chances of winning more championships are better somewhere else IMO. I think out of the teams mentioned, Arizona gives him the best chance at a Lombardi or 2.

I don't think revenge will play into it at all. In fact, I would guess that he would easily have picked Tn but because it is a div rival of the Colts (and I truly elieve PM thinks of himself as a Colt for life) he has/will struggle selecting them. Of the teams avail to him, or currently talked about, I would have to say Denver gives him the best chance based on that defense he would have. Arizona has a good defense as well but on offense, it is just Fitz that makes it so attractive to him. I think either team though could lead to him getting back to the SB if he is healthy. I just think on the emotional level and the comfort zone level, Tennessee makes a lot of sense to me and there is nothing PM could do wrong in Nashville. Jeez, they may throw a parade for him every other day if he becomes their QB. I agree that of the 3, TN is the least likely destination to make it to the SB right out of the gate.

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I really don't think Peyton is considering revenge as part of his decision factor. But I don't expect him to pull any punches when he faces the Colts either. He'll torch us just like every other team if he gets the chance.

Denver would be surprising to me simply because of the weather. It would be such a change to the conditions he's played in all his life.

I agree about Arizona, and I also like it because he's far away and would probably only play us one time for the rest of his career.

The best thing for the Colts to do to counter PM torching us is to go out and get Asante Samuel :) The weather thing would be a big change but honestly, is probably not as big of a factor as we would make it out to be except maybe some of the last few games of the season if they were at home. The downside to picking any NFC team is you have zero chance of a MAnning/Manning superbowl appearance, not that it is a realistic goal to hold up a contract but it is the remote once in a lifetime kinda chance to have.

Maybe we get Wayne to lobby for his return to the Colts. LOL, I am just kidding since it had been reported in the news that teams would sign RW to influence him coming to that team. :)

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I really don't think Peyton is considering revenge as part of his decision factor. But I don't expect him to pull any punches when he faces the Colts either. He'll torch us just like every other team if he gets the chance.

Denver would be surprising to me simply because of the weather. It would be such a change to the conditions he's played in all his life.

I agree about Arizona, and I also like it because he's far away and would probably only play us one time for the rest of his career.

Well, I hope you guys are right and it wouldn't be about revenge, but I just don't see any other reason for it. Yes, he is beloved in Tenn. but he is going to be loved in any city he ends up in. I still believe the Colts made the 100% correct decision to part ways with Manning and I have to think that Manning is a little chafed about it too. I would like to believe he isn't upset with the Org. but with him being so prideful, I think he feels like he has something to prove to the Colts even if he says he don't.

I don't think revenge will play into it at all. In fact, I would guess that he would easily have picked Tn but because it is a div rival of the Colts (and I truly elieve PM thinks of himself as a Colt for life) he has/will struggle selecting them. Of the teams avail to him, or currently talked about, I would have to say Denver gives him the best chance based on that defense he would have. Arizona has a good defense as well but on offense, it is just Fitz that makes it so attractive to him. I think either team though could lead to him getting back to the SB if he is healthy. I just think on the emotional level and the comfort zone level, Tennessee makes a lot of sense to me and there is nothing PM could do wrong in Nashville. Jeez, they may throw a parade for him every other day if he becomes their QB. I agree that of the 3, TN is the least likely destination to make it to the SB right out of the gate.

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I think this Titans stuff is just a leverage thing with contract talks. Manning is going to Arizona or Denver. Arizona makes the most sense with QB coach and all. However, Denver is in the afc. Does relationship triumph over the whole wanting to be in the afc debate?

I think it does, because otherwise he wouldn't talk to an nfc team.

Its Arizona

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Well, I hope you guys are right and it wouldn't be about revenge, but I just don't see any other reason for it. Yes, he is beloved in Tenn. but he is going to be loved in any city he ends up in. I still believe the Colts made the 100% correct decision to part ways with Manning and I have to think that Manning is a little chafed about it too. I would like to believe he isn't upset with the Org. but with him being so prideful, I think he feels like he has something to prove to the Colts even if he says he don't.

Peyton has more reason to be angry with the Texan's owner saying "ha ha, we beat him when he was healthy and we will beat him again" (paraphrased) yesterday in response to Peyton's purported interest in their team. That should make him want to torch them as often as possible. But the Colts? I would think that he would want to play them as little as possible. Sure he wants Irsay to know that "he still has it", but Irsay never said that he didn't - he just made a business decision while expressing hope that Peyton will have continued success. The two men are friends, and Peyton clearly loves the fans. His goal is clearly to win the Super Bowl, not to focus on making the Colts miserable. He knows better than anyone that the Colts have enough problems. What would be the point?

He may be interviewing with the Titans as a courtesy because of his connections to the State, or he may feel that the AFC South is a winnable division for the Titans if he joins them. You focus on making the playoffs first, anything can happen after that. The weather (and the weather of the other teams in the division, not to mention his familiarity with it) may also factor in. But when all is said and done, the Broncos have a rational owner (unlike the Titans), a management team that speaks his language and is ready to mold the team around him (unlike the Titans), one of the worst divisions in football, and a team that made the playoffs despite having a joke of a QB, whom their management is so desperate to get rid of that they will probably consider Peyton's hiring to be a success even if he doesn't return to 100%. And their weather is NOT as bad as everyone assumes, and it's an unusual city with a completely different character than places like Nashville and Phoenix. I would bet that that's where he will end up.

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Peyton has more reason to be angry with the Texan's owner saying "ha ha, we beat him when he was healthy and we will beat him again" (paraphrased) yesterday in response to Peyton's purported interest in their team. That should make him want to torch them as often as possible. But the Colts? I would think that he would want to play them as little as possible. Sure he wants Irsay to know that "he still has it", but Irsay never said that he didn't - he just made a business decision while expressing hope that Peyton will have continued success. The two men are friends, and Peyton clearly loves the fans. His goal is clearly to win the Super Bowl, not to focus on making the Colts miserable. He knows better than anyone that the Colts have enough problems. What would be the point?

He may be interviewing with the Titans as a courtesy because of his connections to the State, or he may feel that the AFC South is a winnable division for the Titans if he joins them. You focus on making the playoffs first, anything can happen after that. The weather (and the weather of the other teams in the division, not to mention his familiarity with it) may also factor in. But when all is said and done, the Broncos have a rational owner (unlike the Titans), a management team that speaks his language and is ready to mold the team around him (unlike the Titans), one of the worst divisions in football, and a team that made the playoffs despite having a joke of a QB, whom their management is so desperate to get rid of that they will probably consider Peyton's hiring to be a success even if he doesn't return to 100%. And their weather is NOT as bad as everyone assumes, and it's an unusual city with a completely different character than places like Nashville and Phoenix. I would bet that that's where he will end up.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think he has a persanel vendetta for the Colts, city, or the fans at all. All im saying is there has to be that little tiny piece of him that wants to just say "Ha, told you so", after he beats the Colts and then move on. With that said, I just don't see him ending up in Tenn. they are not a good team at all, afterall we beat them last yr.. I'll say that again, A 2-14 Colts team beat them last yr. with a ton of injuries and a 1 win QB in 7 yrs.. Plus, Adams is a senile old coot that likes to flip off fans. :D

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Denver is the one. Elway would be crushed and look pretty bad if Peyton decides to go to the lowly Titans. Not happening. Elway wins !!! (as usual).

Farley you also claimed Reggie was gone. Are you sure this time?

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The Titans will meet with free agent Peyton Manning on Wednesday.

The news comes straight from owner Bud Adams, who told WSMV-TV Tuesday a Titans' contingent will fly out of Nashville Wednesday and "spend the day with Manning." Adams insists Manning "really is interested" in the team's overture, and is hoping "to sign up with somebody pretty quickly." More than anything, Manning is likely interested in the leverage the Titans are freely providing him in contract talks.

That would be a killer if the Colts have to face Peyton twice a year and he performs at a elite level like before.

I hope Adams keeps talking all day long just like that. There is nothing Peyton likes more than his personal business being discussed in public! :)

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If PM ends up in Tennessee, I am seasrching for my posts months ago stating I thought Titans were a good shot to land him.

I said the same thing and a member who I won't name said I lacked knowledge and the titans wouldn't even look at him. Funny cause the guy who said I lacked knowledge said texans 49ers or ravens lmao. Anyways I think PM would be good for either titans or broncos. If he goes to the titans locker can learn from pm for a few years. The broncos are a qb away from being a real super bowl contender so I think that would be best for him.

You guys think if he goes to the titans it could hurt his legacy as a colt much like Favre going to the Vikings??

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Denver is the one. Elway would be crushed and look pretty bad if Peyton decides to go to the lowly Titans. Not happening. Elway wins !!! (as usual).

Elway could potentially stick it to the Colts again, potentially :)!!! Hopefully Luck does not pull an Elway or Eli.

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I just don't know what to think after hearing all the talk about Peyton meeting with the Titans. I heard today that he is planning a second meeting today. Now that is not good to hear that a second meeting is in place. He would be reunited with some Colts players that have defected and went to Tennessee and be back where he went to college but if he does chose the Titans is it anything but a chance to be like Brett Favre and stick it to the owner?

The Colts would have to face him twice a year and that would leave Irsay seeing his mistake in letting him go most likely burn him twice a year until Andrew Luck gets the hang of things.

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Elway could potentially stick it to the Colts again, potentially :)!!! Hopefully Luck does not pull an Elway or Eli.

People keep saying this, but it just isn't happening. For one thing, there is no rational reason in the world for him to avoid Indy. When Elway refused to play here the Colts were about as well respected as the Bengals were until a couple of years ago. A LONG period of misery and such dysfunction that there was every reason to believe that things would only get worse. But even with all that, the only reason he was able to pull it off was that he already had a baseball contract with the Yankees. Luck should consider the Colts to be a highly desirable destination, plus he has NO leverage what so ever. If he "refuses" to play for the Colts, then he is refusing to play football. He can go play architect if he wants to, but that's about it.

And no, Eli didn't have any leverage either. In my opinion that trade was made because the Chargers (who already had Brees) didn't need a QB enough (or rate Manning highly enough) to want to deal with the nonsense. And with all that the deal probably still wouldn't have happened if the Giants didn't want him so badly. Don't forget that the Giants GM (Acorsi) was the COLTS GM who had been victimized by Elway. It felt to me that the deal was about him wanting to be on the other side of history, not about Eli having control. The Chargers could have easily told Manning to "shut up and sit down, we're drafting you". Considering that they received a one-sided haul in return (an all-pro linebacker, one of the best kickers in the league, and a QB who just might be better than Manning anyway) I wouldn't even refer to the Elway and Manning situations in the same sentence. And neither has anything to do with Luck. He isn't going anywhere.

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If he's got a "noodle arm" or otherwise has not fully recovered, that is hardly a worst-case scenario for the Colts.

If his arm was close to a noodle arm he would have already retired. I don't see him playing unless he can "really play".

I read somewhere that Bud Adams personal plane was set to get him--then the flight was cancelled.

Take it for what it's worth.

It seems the rendezvous is back on.


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If his arm was close to a noodle arm he would have already retired. I don't see him playing unless he can "really play".

It seems the rendezvous is back on.


You may be right but it was speculated on NFL.com that they were going to look at another player.

Speculation is a fancy way to assume, and you know what that does......lol!

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Ok, so Manning runs into the field for the first time in Lucas Oil Stadium with the flaming thumb tack on his helmet. What does the crowd do?

The crowd boo's the opposing team. Then when he lights up the Colts, there will be mixed booing and a show of respect/appreciation as he trots off the field.

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It's funny that the two teams he has narrowed it down to are outdoor stadiums. very odd?????!!!!!!!

The whole indoor stadium thing was always very overrated, if you ask me. Even teams that play in the outdoor stadiums only face bad weather maybe three or four times a year, at most. In Tennessee, he'd probably only have to worry about some wind and maybe some rain. But I get the draw.

And, despite the fact that I don't want him to go to another team in the division, I hope he goes to a team that comes to Indy next year, that way we can put him in the Ring of Honor and have his ceremony asap.

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