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Upset With Irsay [Merge]


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Jim Irsay has said over and over again that if Peyton is healthy he will be a Colt. Then he said money was not a factor. Then he says its up to Peyton if he wants to play.

This afternoon, we will see the real Jim Irsay. Letting go of the soon to be HOF QB even though Peyton said he wanted to come back.

Although I can understand why this happened. I can not stand the fact that he stood in front of camera's, talked to media, and even tweeted about how much he wanted Peyton back. But, in the end, it sounds like he knew all along he was getting rid of him. It is reported that Irsay says its not about money, or health, or Peyton wanting to come back. It is that he wants to rebuild the team. So, he should have been a man and said that from the beginning.

I respected Jim, now I think its fair to say we are all just *s in his opinion. He can lie to us, and we will all just accept it. And, us loyal Colts fan will. Its just a sad sad situation.

I agree with you 100%! Irsay knew what his plans were from the begining. This is one of the top Football Organization. They don't make hasty decisions. I can't support a man that lies and thinks we don't know he lying. Give the fans some credit! We know it's mostly a money game for owners. Thats what the business is for. It would've been better from him to be HONEST right off the top. Before Peyton Manning, Colts Fan base was what???? I agree that Luck should not be villanized or attacked, he's not the decision maker. He's gotta earn a living. Season tickets sales will tell Irsay what we feel about his decision. Peyton deserved the right to stay - n - play and retire from a team that was NOTHING before him. Peyton, wherever you play, . . . I will be one of their newest fans!
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I believe Irsay made a very courageuos and correct move. It was very difficult, lots at stake, it certainly could all go up in smoke, knew he would be attacked, certainly no guarentees, and he made it. He has to live with the consequences more than any of us. I believe in a couple years, or maybe even 7 or 8 months, it could appear to be an amazingly great decision. I believe the Colts need to rebuild and that could take 3-4 years to be a Super Bowl contender. I believe taking a chance on Luck being the QB through this process was the best move. Only time will tell for sure. But I believe a very gutsy and smart move.

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I believe Irsay made a very courageuos and correct move. It was very difficult, lots at stake, it certainly could all go up in smoke, knew he would be attacked, certainly no guarentees, and he made it. He has to live with the consequences more than any of us. I believe in a couple years, or maybe even 7 or 8 months, it could appear to be an amazingly great decision. I believe the Colts need to rebuild and that could take 3-4 years to be a Super Bowl contender. I believe taking a chance on Luck being the QB through this process was the best move. Only time will tell for sure. But I believe a very gutsy and smart move.

I couldn't agree more. People think that Irsay lied through all of this because of some of the things he said and its just not an accurate description of what went down. Im positive that Irsay would have loved to keep Peyton here but the circumstances just didn't make it a logical conclusion. Even Manning himself said that they both concluded that moving on was the best decision for them both and yet people are still mad at Irsay. I understand that people are hurt and make irrational statements without understanding the big picture, but Irsay done what he had to do and he knew he would take a pounding from part of the fanbase and he still went through with it. That is what a smart business owner does.

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I couldn't agree more. People think that Irsay lied through all of this because of some of the things he said and its just not an accurate description of what went down. Im positive that Irsay would have loved to keep Peyton here but the circumstances just didn't make it a logical conclusion. Even Manning himself said that they both concluded that moving on was the best decision for them both and yet people are still mad at Irsay. I understand that people are hurt and make irrational statements without understanding the big picture, but Irsay done what he had to do and he knew he would take a pounding from part of the fanbase and he still went through with it. That is what a smart business owner does.

And honestly, I feel worse for Luck coming in. So much of this fan base is gonna take their rage out on him when he comes in and throws a pick or doesn't complete a pass when in reality, it wasn't his fault. He was just being the best player he could be in college. Not his fault that the Polians built a team that depended so much on one player. Luck is going to mess up and have his rookie mistakes but if the likes of Andy Dalton and Cam Newton can come in and have a decent amount of success off the bat, I believe Luck can too. Just don't expect him to be the savior overnight. Give him a chance.

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And honestly, I feel worse for Luck coming in. So much of this fan base is gonna take their rage out on him when he comes in and throws a pick or doesn't complete a pass when in reality, it wasn't his fault. He was just being the best player he could be in college. Not his fault that the Polians built a team that depended so much on one player. Luck is going to mess up and have his rookie mistakes but if the likes of Andy Dalton and Cam Newton can come in and have a decent amount of success off the bat, I believe Luck can too. Just don't expect him to be the savior overnight. Give him a chance.

I agree. Some of the remarks made about Luck already are absolutely childish. He is a good kid that will come here and do his best. Hopefully that turns into something great but he should get a fair chance without the people that are so scorned over Manning getting on his case whenever he makes a typical rookie mistake(just like Manning did when he was a rookie).

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I guess I missed it, because I never recall hearing Irsay come out and say I promise you on my honor that I will resign Peyton Manning.

Okay lets get technical I was summarizig..but here is this better:

he made statements, bold one with that. And he did the opposite.

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And honestly, I feel worse for Luck coming in. So much of this fan base is gonna take their rage out on him when he comes in and throws a pick or doesn't complete a pass when in reality, it wasn't his fault. He was just being the best player he could be in college. Not his fault that the Polians built a team that depended so much on one player. Luck is going to mess up and have his rookie mistakes but if the likes of Andy Dalton and Cam Newton can come in and have a decent amount of success off the bat, I believe Luck can too. Just don't expect him to be the savior overnight. Give him a chance.

If the fans take this out on Luck they are *s and imo not Colt fans but Manning fans. When you are hoping your new players fail to make your old ones look better you are a sad sad person and a bad fan.

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If the fans take this out on Luck they are *s and imo not Colt fans but Manning fans. When you are hoping your new players fail to make your old ones look better you are a sad sad person and a bad fan.

I may not speak for all...BUT all this empty, sadness, upset, whatever mixed feeling I have, HAS nothing to do with Luck, it is not possible. Whether he busts or nor today's thoughts and arguments has no ties to him. Because you cannot predict the future or someone's carreer. Only time will tell.

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If the fans take this out on Luck they are *s and imo not Colt fans but Manning fans. When you are hoping your new players fail to make your old ones look better you are a sad sad person and a bad fan.

Completely agree but as someone who has lived in Indy his whole life and understands how Indy's fans are as a whole, a lot of them will stoop to that low of a level. Now there are some of us who see it like you and I and a few others but most are gonna be like how you pointed until Luck starts to get the grasph of things and start to win.

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Get over it you cry babies. He's gone. The king is dead, long live the king. One funny itme raised yesterday on the NFL network was the following; "Indianapolis should rent a Mayflower truck and drop Manning off in Baltimore". (If you were around when the Colts snuck out of Baltimore you will get that.)

Hats off to Manning as yesterday we saw what a class act he is. You rarely see anyone in pro sports thank so many people while not bragging on themselves about how great they are. You #18 and "Old High Tops" #19 have brought great joy and great heartache and I am fortunate to be a Colt fans sine 1957. The Colts are very fortunate to follow up with a kid like Luck. Look at Denver since Elway left and Miami since Marino left and San Franscico since Montana split. We will be OK, trust me.

P.S. Hey Brady, he ain't out of your hair yet!

Calling people cry babies isn;t helping, and it's really quite insulting.

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So disappointed in Irsay. Peyton Manning, Dungy and Polian made the Colts a successful team with their leadership, commitment and integrity. Irsay is disloyal, impulsive and incompetent. What if Irsay were more like John Mara, who stood by his coach when fans called for his firing? See how karma works, Irsay. . .Mara was not influenced by his fans, but stuck by his coach and what did their team do? Oh, they won the Super Bowl. He has class, loyalty, integrity. Only time will tell. Peyton will continue to succeed and I hope he has the opportunity to win another Super Bowl and beat Irsay any chance he's given.

“If you start making too many changes and getting impulsive, it just doesn’t work,” Mara said. “Put it this way: With Tom, I’m glad we let things play out.


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DRAMA! DRAMA! WHAT IS TRUE? Did he want to stay? Does Irsay care about what we really want? I'm a business owner and I bend over backwards to keep my customers happy. Do you all realize, we pretty well make Irsays paycheck, with our support, tickets, jerseys, hotdogs etc.

Actually while it helps to make revenue on the Colts, Irsay is guaranteed money through college games as LOS well. Im not sure but he may even get a cut on convention revenue.

You all of course pay an increased tax for LOS, especially those fans in Monroe.

So at the end of the day, the Colts are only one source of revenue for the Billionaire.

But this post is about being upset with Irsay. Probably because of the way this was handled more so than the fact that folks arent ready to part with PM. The grief is merely adding fuel to the fire, but there would be no fire had Manning retired. Theres fire becuase Irsay knew all along and he purposely mislead folks. He leaked inflammatory PR. There is no way that the media could have known what they knew without someone on the inside telling them.

I can see a con and a mark. And yesterday I saw the con and I saw the mark. The mark never even knows hes the mark in a good con and Irsay ran a good con.

Lets not lose sight of what happened here folks. Peyton was pushed out before he was ready to leave. And that wasn't cool.

You don't have to like the owner of the team you root for, but like every brand, you don't want to feel like a sucker when you buy it.

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Actually while it helps to make revenue on the Colts, Irsay is guaranteed money through college games as LOS well. Im not sure but he may even get a cut on convention revenue.

You all of course pay an increased tax for LOS, especially those fans in Monroe.

So at the end of the day, the Colts are only one source of revenue for the Billionaire.

But this post is about being upset with Irsay. Probably because of the way this was handled more so than the fact that folks arent ready to part with PM. The grief is merely adding fuel to the fire, but there would be no fire had Manning retired. Theres fire becuase Irsay knew all along and he purposely mislead folks. He leaked inflammatory PR. There is no way that the media could have known what they knew without someone on the inside telling them.

I can see a con and a mark. And yesterday I saw the con and I saw the mark. The mark never even knows hes the mark in a good con and Irsay ran a good con.

Lets not lose sight of what happened here folks. Peyton was pushed out before he was ready to leave. And that wasn't cool.

You don't have to like the owner of the team you root for, but like every brand, you don't want to feel like a sucker when you buy it.

If peyton wanted to restructure and irsay still said no - you might see the end of football in Indiana if Luck busts

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Okay lets get technical I was summarizig..but here is this better:

he made statements, bold one with that. And he did the opposite.

Actually, I've been saying that the claims that Irsay lied or misled anyone are patently false, and misconceptions probably spring from an incomplete picture of the inner workings of the decision...

But I just recalled a BLATANT lie. After the Super Bowl win, when he was parading the Lombardi Trophy all over the State and region, allowing Colts fans to be a part of the celebrations like no other NFL Owner has ever done, he claimed Colts fans are the best and smartest in the NFL. Clearly, we have witnessed irrefutable evidence on this forum, and specifically in this thread, that Irsay was being a bold faced liar.

I, for one, will never trust him again.

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Actually, I've been saying that the claims that Irsay lied or misled anyone are patently false, and misconceptions probably spring from an incomplete picture of the inner workings of the decision...

But I just recalled a BLATANT lie. After the Super Bowl win, when he was parading the Lombardi Trophy all over the State and region, allowing Colts fans to be a part of the celebrations like no other NFL Owner has ever done, he claimed Colts fans are the best and smartest in the NFL. Clearly, we have witnessed irrefutable evidence on this forum, and specifically in this thread, that Irsay was being a bold faced liar.

I, for one, will never trust him again.

So Manning said we are the best too, are you calling him a liar now?

what a joke, it's our right to call him a liar if we see it that way. You have no proof he wasn't. We have the same facts you do, and when you add those up. He looks like a liar. Yes, there might be some info missing, but he's guilty in the eyes of public perception..

I bet you get mad when people call OJ simpson a murderer.

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He looks like a liar. Yes, there might be some info missing, but he's guilty in the eyes of public perception..

To you. And I don't think you can claim a few posters here as "public perception". You aren't even in the majority in this thread, from what I've read.

I bet you get mad when people call OJ simpson a murderer.

What??? That may be the least intelligent thing I've seen you post yet. How in the double hockey sticks does anything Irsay might have done relate to a murderer? And how does my doubt that you have an accurate grasp of the whole picture relate to any take I might have on OJ? I just ask that you at least try to make sense.

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To you. And I don't think you can claim a few posters here as "public perception". You aren't even in the majority in this thread, from what I've read.

What??? That may be the least intelligent thing I've seen you post yet. How in the double hockey sticks does anything Irsay might have done relate to a murderer? And how does my doubt that you have an accurate grasp of the whole picture relate to any take I might have on OJ? I just ask that you at least try to make sense.

my least intelligent = your most


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All of you saying dont let the door hit ya.. well, hope you dont drowned while this ship is sinking.

Ok. Let the door hit ya.

I am not serious, but I am just amazed. There is a whole lot of, "I'm hurt and someone has to be blamed" giong on around here

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I was crediting you with having some intelligent points, despite our different perspectives. The OJ bit was not your best work, and you subsequently regress to junior high banter?

I was just trying to fire you up, I admit it wasn't nice or even had a purpose. I take it back

It will be interesting to see who is the first to talk bad about the other though. My bet is that irsay can't keep his mouth shut too long about his talks with Manning, and manning will stay quiet and just want to kill him on the field.

I just hope that manning will want to come back to Indy for visits with the fans in the future, and he doesn't stay away because of Irsay. I really don't think they parted on good terms, Manning is just a good at PR.

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I was just trying to fire you up, I admit it wasn't nice or even had a purpose. I take it back

It will be interesting to see who is the first to talk bad about the other though. My bet is that irsay can't keep his mouth shut too long about his talks with Manning, and manning will stay quiet and just want to kill him on the field.

I just hope that manning will want to come back to Indy for visits with the fans in the future, and he doesn't stay away because of Irsay. I really don't think they parted on good terms, Manning is just a good at PR.

I saw this differently too. I thought they showed genuine respect and affection for each other. I think the main reason for Manning flying all the way up to Indianapolis to participate in a news conference, the likes of which have NEVER happened before (where a cut player stands at a podium with his former Owner) is that Manning wants to keep that relationship in tact so he can have an easy "in" for a coaching position when he decides to hang up his cleats.

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if manning actually wanted to be here he still would be fist and foremost the NFL is a business and Manning is the ultimate businessman, if he wanted to stay he could have taken a pay cut which would have had to happen or the colts would have been in cap room heck, he left cause he didnt want to deal with the uncertainty of the organization oh and MONEY in the long run Irsay has to do whats right for the organization and that includes thinking of the future, I look forward to seeing a much more balanced attack both offensively and defensively in the years to come, Im happy for him that he gets to go to a contender which I expect the colts to be again soon, lets face it way neglected parts of the colts team for years, cant stop the run OR the pass, the teams needs to focus more on defense and NOT the strategy that we have had for 14 years MANNING WILL BAIL US OUT, I even suggested 28 million over four years but manning made his choice I only fault Jim Irsay in paying Manning up the butt thereby putting us in this cap situation now, 90 million really!? that money should go towards those that do REAL work for a living, nurses, teachers ect.... not those that throw touchdown passes that at the end of the day truly dont save lives or amount to alot except give us something to cheer for on sundays and thursdays, I know hes done more, but I dont seem him as ever beeing a team player, just look to the practice time his backups got

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I saw this differently too. I thought they showed genuine respect and affection for each other. I think the main reason for Manning flying all the way up to Indianapolis to participate in a news conference, the likes of which have NEVER happened before (where a cut player stands at a podium with his former Owner) is that Manning wants to keep that relationship in tact so he can have an easy "in" for a coaching position when he decides to hang up his cleats.

I saw it as he knew the fans great affection for him, and he could separate that from his situation with Irsay. I think he could get a QB coach position for any team if he retired this season.

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I saw this differently too. I thought they showed genuine respect and affection for each other. I think the main reason for Manning flying all the way up to Indianapolis to participate in a news conference, the likes of which have NEVER happened before (where a cut player stands at a podium with his former Owner) is that Manning wants to keep that relationship in tact so he can have an easy "in" for a coaching position when he decides to hang up his cleats.

also, manning was in Miami that very night. Why didnt he stick around with his buddy? I think that type of press conference has never happened before because this is the first time a team cut a player that is just as big as the team he plays for.

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also, manning was in Miami that very night. Why didnt he stick around with his buddy? I think that type of press conference has never happened before because this is the first time a team cut a player that is just as big as the team he plays for.

Marcellus Wiley made an awesome comment today on First Take. He said when he arrived in Buffalo he remembers Thurman Thomas, Bruce Smith, and Andre Reed (?) all getting released on the same day, and there wasn't a press conference. Four straight Super Bowls, AFC dominance for years, and hall of famers, and all just shown the door. No tears, no presser, no nothing. I think yesterday was handled with class.

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Marcellus Wiley made an awesome comment today on First Take. He said when he arrived in Buffalo he remembers Thurman Thomas, Bruce Smith, and Andre Reed (?) all getting released on the same day, and there wasn't a press conference. Four straight Super Bowls, AFC dominance for years, and hall of famers, and all just shown the door. No tears, no presser, no nothing. I think yesterday was handled with class.

well the colts are doing that with reggie wayne and saturday??? both Hofers....

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uh answer me this, why would Irsay want Manning out of the way when he brought us a superbowl, brought attention to the city and the franchise, do you think people like Tommie Harris yes I know he was cut, their have been a few other fairly big name players as well, but do you honestly think he wanted to cut manning just to get him out, he brought the city a superbowl both a victory and the actual event, manning would be here if he wanted to BUT hes a businessman first and foremost, sure he loves the game but not more then 90 million and or 28 million, he went where a team was willing to cater to his financial demands, Im happy were moving on, thank you manning for all you have done for the city and the fans but for future reference work on being more of a team player, start with giving your backups some actual practice snaps

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Reggie Wayne is an average WR who had the luck to work with the greatest. He will not be missed.

Not by you, maybe. LOS rocked with adoring chants of "R... E... G... G... I... E..." altogether too often, even this past year without Manning, for me to believe nobody will miss him. That said, it is probably time for him to move on, and his departure will probably get less notice because of the shadow cast by Manning's.

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I want to win now, not years down the road. Manning had Faulk, Dilger and Pollard and Harrison. Then came Edge and Reggie Get up off your butt now and get Luck some weapons, like this tuesday! Colts fans are used to winning and will except nothing but that. Forget a few years, thats talk from a loser. Get a big :edit: run clogging DT, LBers who can tackle, and an all world RB. Get yourself a Moss or T.O 6 " 4 WR who can jump and win fights for balls. We were in 3/4 of the games last year right down to the end. I expect a wild card berth this year. :edit: If the Bengals can do it with that tick poor team we can do it as well this year. You play to WIN! THIS AIN;T THE pga, YOU GET NO MULLAGANS! Go get playmakers now for Luck before we have to pull out of Indy in the middle of the night! If he can play he will play for us? Load the colts up with free agents just like you did with the dream team in philly Grigson. Can't wait for the fury of the F/A signings here. Sanchez took the Jets to the afc champ his first 2 years. I know Luck can top that. Win Now and win often . Heard the same thing years ago with a guy called Jeff George .

Edited by shecolt
masked profanity
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If the fans take this out on Luck they are *s and imo not Colt fans but Manning fans. When you are hoping your new players fail to make your old ones look better you are a sad sad person and a bad fan.

Just like all the fans who took out their frustrations with the management for pulling starters on Painter. Sad. Luck is in for a very bumpy ride. If he is made of strong stuff, he will better for weathering it.

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I think people need to read between the lines a bit. It occurred to me that, assuming that irsay and manning are both telling the truth, there is a major piece missing from what was discussed in the press conference, and the proof of this may be that both sides are still at peace at face value for the discussion:

Peyton is simply not at nfl form at this time.

Peyton thinks he can recover, irsay (and probably those advising him such as the team neurosgeon feuer) thinks he cannot.

Feuer has the power to sway this... when I lived in indy I remember feuer once mentioning how he nixed drafting a very promising tight end due to cervical issues from the mri done at the combine. He was right by the way.

I believe that irsay really would keep manning... he said he would keep him if he can play. I believe the "not about money" comment, as they gave him this killer contract even after he had 2 surgeries. Manning clearly wants to play football for the colts. So the only conclusion I can reach is that irsay sadly doesn't think he can get the full peyton back.

I would bet money they both respectfully disagree on peyton returning, so agreed to not voice medical concerns so peyton could at least have the fair opportunity to have teams court him. Irsay is probably taking a huge PR slap in the face by not publicly explaining his health concerns for Manning, but respects manning this much that irsay allows himself to look like the bad guy by not burning manning. I'll bet they agreed to this conclusion and irsay simply promised to keep mum on the health concerns.

Sure the march 8 money forced an early conclusion to this problem, but unless somebody is lying here what else makes sense?

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