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Friendly Reminder from TigerTown: Take minute and think


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2 minutes ago, The Fish said:



This is the actual big picture truth, but we're fans. We like the team and want to talk ball. It does affect us, even if it's somewhat superficial. 

Very true but the thing we need to do is to think before we post so we do not get into hot water by saying something we don’t really mean or regret 

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1 hour ago, csmopar said:

Nah. There's no silver lining in this one. We got flat out embarrassed by the Jags. Lost several key players to injuries including our first round stud safety. 


At least in some of our losses we were competitive. This one, we never even showed up

Ok Princeton tiger thought about yep whole coaching staff needs to go tomorrow.

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54 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Very true but the thing we need to do is to think before we post so we do not get into hot water by saying something we don’t really mean or regret 


 I can promise you that perceived "hot water" or not; I have not said (or written) anything tonight that I am going to regret.


I don't let popularity to any side of a topic influence my thoughts. I have found that logic is the best way to find the truths. 

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56 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Understanding the truth does not give me ulcers. 


Denying the truth might though.


We are a bad football team. For sanity's sake, it is important to acknowledge and understand it. Holding back the truth from yourself is going to make it hurt a lot more. 

I think you missed his point. It's not about denying the truth, it's about not stressing about the things you have no control over. 

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7 minutes ago, Shive said:

I think you missed his point. It's not about denying the truth, it's about not stressing about the things you have no control over. 

It is something I had to learn because when I was growing up I would fret about a Tiger loss so much I would make myself sick and/or cry and it got worse when I started playing and then coaching.

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28 minutes ago, Shive said:

I think you missed his point. It's not about denying the truth, it's about not stressing about the things you have no control over. 


Who’s stressing? 


Don’t you think it’s more plausible that someone who understands the truth also understands what he can and cannot control?


It’s baffling how you connected the wrong dots, but I am not going to stress over it. 

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4 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


I recently heard Gil Brandt say the Colts were not a very good football team.  The bar on my expectations level fell right then.  It appears he was right, and it's not likely to change this year.


Even Gil Brandt can’t add a positive spin to the Colts current situation. That should say it all.

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9 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:


Even Gil Brandt can’t add a positive spin to the Colts current situation. That should say it all.

Another point that has me down is what's this team going to look like in another 4/5 games when we start losing more guys.


Not the end of the world, but watching feels like you're watching a 50 loss team in basketball or 100 loss team in baseball.

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2 hours ago, Nadine said:


I'm tired of being bored senseless 

So am I. When you're a fan of a team and they just lose games that they can win or get blown out, after each loss you come home with less excitement for the game on Sunday. Like "oh they're playing today again. Is it even worth watching? Will they * away another 3rd quarter lead or just not show up at all and get utterly  embarrassed?" When you're asking yourself those questions it's hard to have a lot of fun or excitement for your team and for the games. That's why football is so awesome. It can kickstart you with a good attitude for the rest of the week with a win. 

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27 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

Not at all just saying that scouting across the league has been bad and/or several teams played the need game during that time 

Oh I'm not saying that I expect us to draft studs every single round. Everyone had a tough time drafting those years (and I believe 2013 was a historically bad draft). But it doesn't change the fact that what Indy did was dreadful.


It's because of the failures in the 2013, 2014 and even 2015 draft (although there are some okay pieces from the last one, like Anderson and Geathers), that have caused this team to completely implode and look unwatchable right now.


Guys from those years should be established/establishing themselves as stars and leaders on this time right now. Yet nobody from then is even playing on the Colts right now. 


Obviously I'm super over it, as that's the last GMs fault and he's gone. The new guy is doing what he can to reconstruct the roster from the ground up, and whilst I'm not ready to crown him as the second coming of Jesus yet (although some here already have haha), I can see his vision and agree with most of what Ballard has done so far.


In the meantime, we gotta endure what is likely to be a very dreadful next few months watching this team. 

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I could care less about this loss, I predicted it and it was very likely. My problem is that Hooker is hurt with a torn ACL and MCL, and his career could be over, deeply affected, or he may have lost a step permanently. This game meant nothing, this season means nothing, that injury meant everything to our future, and now we managed to hurt the future somehow even worse even while losing and getting a higher pick.

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5 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I could care less about this loss, I predicted it and it was very likely. My problem is that Hooker is hurt with a torn ACL and MCL, and his career could be over, deeply affected, or he may have lost a step permanently. This game meant nothing, this season means nothing, that injury meant everything to our future, and now we managed to hurt the future somehow even worse even while losing and getting a higher pick.

That's my concern as well. I'm no where near the same since my ACL injury 9 years ago and I'm not playing pro football. Now that said, there is room for hope but this still sucks. He'll likely start the season on PUP next year as well

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4 minutes ago, csmopar said:

That's my concern as well. I'm no where near the same since my ACL injury 9 years ago and I'm not playing pro football. Now that said, there is room for hope but this still sucks. He'll likely start the season on PUP next year as well

Yep, this team always gets itself in these bad situations somehow. Time to sit Luck and tank. It won't be soon enough when Pagano is gone.

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10 hours ago, Shadow_Creek said:

you want me to take a breath ok here it goes....1 2 buckle my shoes 3 4 shut the door 5 6 pick up sticks 7 8 lay em straight 9 10 Fireeee Pagano!!! :grumpy2:

1 2 Jimmy's coming for you, 3 4 Show Pagano the door,  5 6 Never bet on the Knicks, 7 8 The Colts just aren't great,

9 10  I wish I could sleep until 2010 

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Watching the clips come in last night was difficult to watch, the team just seemed devoid of everything, so I do not think you can just blame the coaches, the players need to take some professional pride as well, and that was not evident last night (I accept I could only see clips that were broadcast).


That said, it is normally the coach that has to take the blame and most likely he will leave sooner that some of the players.


Over here there a number of out of work managers/coaches ready to step in should some-one get fired, is it the same in US, or would a current assistant coach step up, and is it the norm to get rid of coaches mid season?

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1 hour ago, rpeay said:

Agree....keep Mack and Simon.....Fire all coaches and trade Luck.  This team is worse than the year Peyton was out.  


Trade Luck?!? Are you nuts or just plain dumb? Trade away the franchise QB.... just plain stupid. There's no sugar coating that dumb dumb idea. 

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After a night to calm down, I have taken your advice...  However, I am more depressed than I was yesterday.  I thought we might not make the playoffs this year with Luck's availability in question, but I realize this morning that a lot of things I thought about this team were incorrect.


I thought we had a good crop of WR's.  Now I see that we have TY Hilton and that is it.  And even TY has me questioning his commitment to getting open.


I thought we had improved the front seven.  They get steamrolled for 188 yards by the Fournette-less Jags, and provide no pressure against an equally suspect OL.


I thought we had some playmakers in the secondary.  They turned freaking Blake Bortles into Dan Marino.


I thought this team was committed to fixing the offensive line.  We yielded a third of a season's worth of sacks and QB hits in one game on a QB we are trying to develop.


I thought this team had some fight in them and I was clearly mistaken.  







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18 minutes ago, kcccolts said:

Watching the clips come in last night was difficult to watch, the team just seemed devoid of everything, so I do not think you can just blame the coaches, the players need to take some professional pride as well, and that was not evident last night (I accept I could only see clips that were broadcast).


That said, it is normally the coach that has to take the blame and most likely he will leave sooner that some of the players.


Over here there a number of out of work managers/coaches ready to step in should some-one get fired, is it the same in US, or would a current assistant coach step up, and is it the norm to get rid of coaches mid season?


You are right, players shall take their share of blame for yesterday's performance too. Darius Butler did...


If I'm correct, usually an assistant coach is stepping up, likely Chud or Philbin.

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3 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:


 Then you are wasting your time here. Good Luck to you and i hope you have
 some Other good distractions. :coltshorse:

I think we might have a different understanding because the criticism of the coaching staff is not a problem but what is the reactionary and/or personal attacks on a player/coach off the field

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5 hours ago, csmopar said:

That's my concern as well. I'm no where near the same since my ACL injury 9 years ago and I'm not playing pro football. Now that said, there is room for hope but this still sucks. He'll likely start the season on PUP next year as well


No procedure is 'guaranteed' to be a complete success, but ACL reconstruction techniques continue to advance and evolve.  in 2015, there were over 1500 papers on the ACL... the most researched ligament in the body. This does not necessarily mean Hookers career is over, or he is a journeyman safety when he returns.  New techiniques offer the chance to not only return, but at a high levl of performance.


Some sites on advancement of ACL reconstruction-








Remember, I say there are 3 components to a players success in returning after major surgery-


1. Technique and skill of the operating surgeon

2. Skill and ability to motivate and advance the patient in rehab

3. The desire and commitment of the patient/player to staying on course in recovery /rehab.  Not getting behind, nor going 'ahead on their own'.  But strictly follow the plan/exercise to their maximum ability.


I also wan to caution folks not to 'overreact (right...) to the fact Hooker's ACL surgery is delayed from 1-3 weeks or so.  This is typical and dependent upon the Grade of MCL tear.  Hooker will be PUP in training camp, like Luck.  also like luck, he might be activated off the 2018 Active/PUP before the season begins.   So we hope for the best here.



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16 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

What really bothers me are the personal attacks on the players/coaches and/or other posters 


5 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:


 Then you are wasting your time here. Good Luck to you and i hope you have
 some Other good distractions. :coltshorse:


He specifically said personal... mods are watching as that is against forum rules.  And I would hope members here would use the Report post button on such posts to expedite the handling of them appropriately.


Thaks in advance for not lashing out at each other...  :)

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