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Luck Not Practicing again this week.


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2 hours ago, DaColts85 said:

I wouldn't say that is false.  Just like they will mention Tom Brady and the Patriots constantly.  Tom Brady is 40 if you did not know.  Just wait and every possible ESPN programming will let you know.

They mention Tom Brady because Tom Brady is the most iconic football player still active right now. A few years back it was Favre, Favre, Favre, and then for awhile it was Rodgers, Rodgers, Rodgers, but Rodgers hasn't done much recently, he's in the playoffs but not making much noise when he gets there, and Brady just won the Superbowl again so cue the Brady, Brady, Brady all year.  It's not so much favoritism as the way the media works.  What have you done for me lately.

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4 hours ago, MB-ColtsFan said:

That may be true the past few years, but making it the playoffs with the turnover this team has had, and without star power for at least three to four games is pretty remarkable - quite an achievement.  At least I think so.

I don't think we are a threat for the postseason based on barely beating the browns if we can beat the Seahawks in their house I might become a slight believer of this years team but if we go up there and get destroyed no.

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17 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I feel better knowing that QB Jacoby Brissett can score TDs with his legs worst come to worst & for the most part, he's making good decisions with the ball making the right reads until Luck gets back in the starting rotation. 


At least JB is competitive & I like that kid's drive & tenacity. 


Slightly off topic: Why did the TV broadcasters on NFL Sunday Ticket doing play by play for the game talk about Cleveland so much in the 2nd half when we used to be the Baltimore Colts BTW? 


My pet peeve was this: It was LOS home game & the way the broadcasters talked about the Browns you would have thought INDY was down all game long. I was so disgusted by that. #Deflate Gate Bias rhetoric. Why do so many broadcasters hate INDY so darn much? Sigh...

A lot of them must be patriots, or brady fans

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11 hours ago, Luck 4 president said:

"No setbacks" yet he was supposed to be back by training camp lol


You have not followed my posts on it, or those of @ProFootballDoc  (Dr. Chao).  Luck is on the high side of the medical recovery time frame, but still within it. I guarantee no physician told any of the Colts he would be ready by training camp. Or for game 1...


43 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

I am beginning to think that way as well.  This article says now a November return is more likely lol




Dr. Chao has always said Luck will play a month after he begins practice in earnest (full participation). He has never wavered from that.  I've felt  3 weeks of team drills might do it if he feels confidence in it holding up. But the Colts show a conservative nature here, so Dr. Chao's timeline is likely the correct bet.


Cam did have a setback, but he had a much less invasive repair, and it  seems they (he?) might have rushed his return.

The takeaway was and still is-


"By not placing Luck on the regular season PUP list, the Colts were not saying that he would play before the end of week 6, they were simply calculating that Luck would be able to practice prior to the start of week 7. That is still expected to happen. "





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19 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


You have not followed my posts on it, or those of @ProFootballDoc  (Dr. Chao).  Luck is on the high side of the medical recovery time frame, but still within it. I guarantee no physician told any of the Colts he would be ready by training camp. Or for game 1...



Dr. Chao has always said Luck will play a month after he begins practice in earnest (full participation). He has never wavered from that.  I've felt  3 weeks of team drills might do it if he feels confidence in it holding up. But the Colts show a conservative nature here, so Dr. Chao's timeline is likely the correct bet.


Cam did have a setback, but he had a much less invasive repair, and it  seems they (he?) might have rushed his return.

The takeaway was and still is-


"By not placing Luck on the regular season PUP list, the Colts were not saying that he would play before the end of week 6, they were simply calculating that Luck would be able to practice prior to the start of week 7. That is still expected to happen. "





I have been following your posts and if I remember correctly you recently posted the Titans game wasn't realistic but the Jags or Bengals game was.  Both of those games are in October.  The way it sounds, the absolute earliest he'll be back is week 9 against the Texans and that's not even for sure.  It makes sense as far as not placing him on the PUP so he can practice before week 6. I get that.  I guess we'll see what happens, it seems like the return date keeps getting pushed back but I know a lot of reporters post garbage so that could be some of the problem too.  You had people saying he'd be ready for training camp, some say ready at the beginning of the regular season, some say he'd miss the first 4 games, some say he'd miss the first 6, and then recently a lot of people were saying week 6 was a targeted return date.  It's looking more like week 9, 10 or 11 too me pending when he practices now.  It'll all play out and we'll find out soon enough I suppose. 

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3 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

I have been following your posts and if I remember correctly you recently posted the Titans game wasn't realistic but the Jags or Bengals game was.  Both of those games are in October.  The way it sounds, the absolute earliest he'll be back is week 9 against the Texans and that's not even for sure.  It makes sense as far as not placing him on the PUP so he can practice before week 6. I get that.  I guess we'll see what happens, it seems like the return date keeps getting pushed back but I know a lot of reporters post garbage so that could be some of the problem too.  You had people saying he'd be ready for training camp, some say ready at the beginning of the regular season, some say he'd miss the first 4 games, some say he'd miss the first 6, and then recently a lot of people were saying week 6 was a targeted return date.  It's looking more like week 9, 10 or 11 too me pending when he practices now.  It'll all play out and we'll find out soon enough I suppose. 

It's all a guess really. I originally thought Week 5 vs the 49ers when this all began. I even thought maybe Week 3 but Week 5 seemed real realistic, now I am not sure at all. Now that we have Brissett I wouldn't rush him back.

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6 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

It's all a guess really. I originally thought Week 5 vs the 49ers when this all began. I even thought maybe Week 3 but Week 5 seemed real realistic, now I am not sure at all. Now that we have Brissett I wouldn't rush him back.

It's been a guess from the get go in my opinion.  Anywhere from training camp through October now through November.  If that's true about him practicing for 4 weeks before seeing game action, it won't be until the Texans game that he returns which is November 9th I believe.  Your right though, Jacoby will do just fine, lets hope and pray he doesn't go down with injury. 

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28 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

I have been following your posts and if I remember correctly you recently posted the Titans game wasn't realistic but the Jags or Bengals game was.  Both of those games are in October.  The way it sounds, the absolute earliest he'll be back is week 9 against the Texans and that's not even for sure.  It makes sense as far as not placing him on the PUP so he can practice before week 6. I get that.  I guess we'll see what happens, it seems like the return date keeps getting pushed back but I know a lot of reporters post garbage so that could be some of the problem too.  You had people saying he'd be ready for training camp, some say ready at the beginning of the regular season, some say he'd miss the first 4 games, some say he'd miss the first 6, and then recently a lot of people were saying week 6 was a targeted return date.  It's looking more like week 9, 10 or 11 too me pending when he practices now.  It'll all play out and we'll find out soon enough I suppose. 


I still feel if Luck practices full beginning October 4, he may well be ready for the October 22 game (IMHO) vs. the Jags... if there are no issues that arise once team drills begin. Dr. Chao would lean (via his written opinions to date) toward the October 29 Bengals game.  If Luck, once again, does not practice next week, then push those dates out further.  That is why Dr. Chao feels it is November before Luck plays. There is no question in my mind he feels there will likely be minor issues arise once drills begin and the conservative nature necessary to address it (as the Colts have alredy demonstrated) will make November (and the Texans game) very realistic.  I'm an optimist (and a hopeful fan) and look toward the brighter side of realistic time frames.  But know it may not work out that well. Lucks practice status on Wednesday October 4 will be really telling.  Until then, we wait and speculate.

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16 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


I still feel if Luck practices full beginning October 4, he may well be ready for the October 22 game (IMHO) vs. the Jags... if there are no issues that arise once team drills begin. Dr. Chao would lean (via his written opinions to date) toward the October 29 Bengals game.  If Luck, once again, does not practice next week, then push those dates out further.  That is why Dr. Chao feels it is November before Luck plays. There is no question in my mind he feels there will likely be minor issues arise once drills begin and the conservative nature necessary to address it (as the Colts have alredy demonstrated) will make November (and the Texans game) very realistic.  I'm an optimist (and a hopeful fan) and look toward the brighter side of realistic time frames.  But know it may not work out that well. Lucks practice status on Wednesday October 4 will be really telling.  Until then, we wait and speculate. .

Totally understand where you're coming from. I know practice is a key step.  I'll continue my hardest to stay optimistic as well, I'd love for him to be back for the Jags game just as well as everyone else.  Thanks for the info :thmup:!  I will be watching closely. 

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The more I think about it if he starts to practice next week, he is getting snaps with the PS guys.  He will probably be doing this for like 2 weeks as well before you split snaps with JB.  You cannot short change JB on snaps if he is playing each week.  That might prolong everything a little.  So the Texans or Steelers games look like the best case scenario to me.

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The word is week eight and that is guessing. Honestly, as long a we aren't subjected to disgraceful games with Tolzein playing I can live with Brissett's play if for no other reason to see how good he may become. Many teams need a reliable qb so maybe we can get a juicy draft pick or trade for him in the future.

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Just now, King Colt said:

The word is week eight and that is guessing. Honestly, as long a we aren't subjected to disgraceful games with Tolzein playing I can live with Brissett's play if for no other reason to see how good he may become. Many teams need a reliable qb so maybe we can get a juicy draft pick or trade for him in the future.

I agree. I wouldn't play Luck until he is 100%. We aren't winning the SB this season anyway and anything is better than Tolzien! Tolzien is Painter material. I like Brissett and he at least makes it fun to watch.

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6 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I agree. I wouldn't play Luck until he is 100%. We aren't winning the SB this season anyway and anything is better than Tolzien! Tolzien is Painter material. I like Brissett and he at least makes it fun to watch.

I highly doubt Luck plays before he is 100%.  We have been conservative with him and he is probably being conservative with himself.  If he goes out and plays say week 6 or 7 my assumption is he would be 100%.


Plus you saying we aren't winning a SB does not change the competitive nature of the 53 players out there each week.

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4 minutes ago, DaColts85 said:

I highly doubt Luck plays before he is 100%.  We have been conservative with him and he is probably being conservative with himself.  If he goes out and plays say week 6 or 7 my assumption is he would be 100%.


Plus you saying we aren't winning a SB does not change the competitive nature of the 53 players out there each week.

Of course it doesn't, I am sure Luck wants to play now but knowing we wont it all makes it easier to be real cautious with Luck was my point. I am really surprised the Panthers are playing Cam, to me he doesn't look 100%.

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Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Of course it doesn't, I am sure Luck wants to play now but knowing we wont it all makes it easier to be real cautious with Luck was my point. I am really surprised the Panthers are playing Cam, to me he doesn't look 100%.

Ok I gotcha.  Yea Cam was rushed back and I think he might regret that decision by now.  No one wants  to go under the knife for possibly the same thing a year later.

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1 minute ago, DaColts85 said:

Ok I gotcha.  Yea Cam was rushed back and I think he might regret that decision by now.  No one wants  to go under the knife for possibly the same thing a year later.

Yep. Yeah not being negative saying we wont it all but we wont. I do think we can still win the Division though if Brissett can be .500 until Luck comes back.

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Yep. Yeah not being negative saying we wont it all but we wont. I do think we can still win the Division though if Brissett can be .500 until Luck comes back.

I just want to see Brissett and this team get better every week.  Once healthy and hopefully clicking on all cylinders anything can happen.  The Giants in 2011 were 6-6 during the season.  Finished 9-7 which is very feasible for us this yea imo.  Just need to catch fire at the right time.  I will lose all hope when we are mathematically eliminated.   

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2 minutes ago, DaColts85 said:

I just want to see Brissett and this team get better every week.  Once healthy and hopefully clicking on all cylinders anything can happen.  The Giants in 2011 were 6-6 during the season.  Finished 9-7 which is very feasible for us this yea imo.  Just need to catch fire at the right time.  I will lose all hope when we are mathematically eliminated.   

Anything can happen no doubt, I should never underestimate Luck's ability to win big games because he has pulled out some huge wins. So you have a point.

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Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Anything can happen no doubt, I should never underestimate Luck's ability to win big games because he has pulled out some huge wins. So you have a point.

Best game yet for Luck was playoffs against the Chiefs in 2013.  Beautiful ending...he put us in the position to then have to comeback, but man that second half and mainly 4th quarter was amazing.  Edge of your seat entertainment right there!

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Just now, DaColts85 said:

Best game yet for Luck was playoffs against the Chiefs in 2013.  Beautiful ending...he put us in the position to then have to comeback, but man that second half and mainly 4th quarter was amazing.  Edge of your seat entertainment right there!

Yeah that was unreal. Winning in MileHigh in 2014 over Peyton and that Defense led by Von Miller was amazing too. Beating the Packers in 2012 when Rodgers was unbeatable was another although that was Regular Season, same for the Seattle win in 2013.

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2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I agree. I wouldn't play Luck until he is 100%. We aren't winning the SB this season anyway and anything is better than Tolzien! Tolzien is Painter material. I like Brissett and he at least makes it fun to watch.

If Brissett keeps it entertaining, and we conclude that the Superbowl is a forlorn hope, then I can wait with almost infinite patience for Luck.  Right now developing our youngsters, including Brissett, is possibly one of the most productive things this franchise can do.  Worst case scenario we bottom out and have a healthier Luck next year.  But the better-than-worst-case scenarios are very interesting to me.

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On 9/27/2017 at 10:45 AM, NannyMcafee said:


Geathers may end up IRd. It's a shame because he's the only S we have that is virsital enough to be a hybrid like last year. I'm sure others can but he sure has a knack for doing it well. 


I've been thinking that the same thing the whole time, but in Monachino's presser last week he mentioned Clayton's named without being asked a question, it was completely unprovoked. He kind of insinuated that maybe he's in a better place recovery-wise than what I originally thought, and that he might actually be ready to go sooner than later (after week 6 obviously). I'm not holding my breath considering how this team has been really misleading with injuries from time to time, but that'd be pretty awesome if he was ready to go once we get to the meat of our schedule.

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On ‎9‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 12:54 PM, BullsColtsFan1 said:

Not what anyone wanted to hear, but hopefully he'll be on the practice field this time next week.  Even if he doesn't' make it back until the Jaguars home game, the schedule is very favorable.  Probably won't be much room for error but they will have a decent chance in all of those games, especially if the defense continues to get better.  Hopefully the crew can pull out 2 more wins before he comes back, I'd say the 49ers game is a must win. 


Last 10 games

Vs Jags


@ Texans

Vs Steelers

Vs Titans

@ Jags

@ Bills

Vs Broncos

@ Ravens

Vs Texans

That schedule definitely gets tougher as we go...need to keep up with division leaders until Luck gets back.

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3 hours ago, dgambill said:

That schedule definitely gets tougher as we go...need to keep up with division leaders until Luck gets back.

Your right as far as being tougher than teams like Cleveland and the 49ers but none are powerhouses, they are winnable with Luck.  Steelers worry me, but they've been out of sorts imo.  I don't trust Baltimore either.  Texans and Titans are very winnable.  If Luck can get back for the Jags game, they'll have a shot. 

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1 hour ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

Your right as far as being tougher than teams like Cleveland and the 49ers but none are powerhouses, they are winnable with Luck.  Steelers worry me, but they've been out of sorts imo.  I don't trust Baltimore either.  Texans and Titans are very winnable.  If Luck can get back for the Jags game, they'll have a shot. 

We do have one of the easiest schedules in football...of course things change year to year and week to week but I expect divisional games to be very tough for us.

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10 minutes ago, dgambill said:

We do have one of the easiest schedules in football...of course things change year to year and week to week but I expect divisional games to be very tough for us.

I don't disagree.  I think the Colts can take the Texans and Jags with Luck and possibly both Titans games(at least the home one, Luck is undefeated against Tenn), we'll see.  Hopefully he gets back on the practice field next week, that's the next major step.  It'd be awesome if Brissett could get 2, 3 or 4 wins with Luck out, that'd make things some what easier. 

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On 9/28/2017 at 9:38 AM, ColtsBlueFL said:


You have not followed my posts on it, or those of @ProFootballDoc  (Dr. Chao).  Luck is on the high side of the medical recovery time frame, but still within it. I guarantee no physician told any of the Colts he would be ready by training camp. Or for game 1...



Dr. Chao has always said Luck will play a month after he begins practice in earnest (full participation). He has never wavered from that.  I've felt  3 weeks of team drills might do it if he feels confidence in it holding up. But the Colts show a conservative nature here, so Dr. Chao's timeline is likely the correct bet.


Cam did have a setback, but he had a much less invasive repair, and it  seems they (he?) might have rushed his return.

The takeaway was and still is-


"By not placing Luck on the regular season PUP list, the Colts were not saying that he would play before the end of week 6, they were simply calculating that Luck would be able to practice prior to the start of week 7. That is still expected to happen. "





I get it.  


But the issue here is that Irsay said he'd be back by training camp. At worst he'd be ready week one.  


The owner lie to us to sell tickets.  


He should at least be called a liar.  


That's unacceptable to me and people should call him out.

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23 minutes ago, ricker182 said:

I get it.  


But the issue here is that Irsay said he'd be back by training camp. At worst he'd be ready week one.  


The owner lie to us to sell tickets.  


He should at least be called a liar.  


That's unacceptable to me and people should call him out.

I guess every time you have been wrong makes you a liar.

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15 hours ago, ricker182 said:

I get it.  


But the issue here is that Irsay said he'd be back by training camp. At worst he'd be ready week one.  


The owner lie to us to sell tickets.  


He should at least be called a liar.  


That's unacceptable to me and people should call him out.


Irsay is not medical personnel.  He just didn't 'make it up'.  And he doesn't need to be 'called out'. He was likely given a time frame.  And he possibly did what all so many members here have done and continue to do.  That is, take the best part of the news and treat it as if it is 'The_Answer'.


IE:  After the Bronco game where Luck suffered a core (stomach) muscle pull/tear along with a kidney laceration, Pagano/Colts reported 2-6 weeks out of the line up (while I predicted 6 weeks minimum, and likely 8 weeks). So many posters were creating threads on how to get 2 wins, or at least be .500 in those games until he returns in 2 weeks.  Luck never returned that season.  Folks heard, and saw the "2" and disregarded the rest and rolled with it... until... 3 weeks passed, then 4, and on and on...


Irsay may well have asked right after Lucks surgery, the timeline to recovery.  (this is hypothetical, but seems quite reasonable)  The doctor may have said, if all goes exceptionally well, as soon as 6 months. {ears go deaf after hearing this part} but then the Doc likely adds it could also last as long as 9 months or so depending how it responds in rehab work.  Like fans here, Irsay is likely hoping beyond all hope it is just 6 months. Docs later reveal there is (and never was) no timeline, just an anticipated range.  Then we only hear 'No Timetable' in Colts updates (which was incredibly honest and true, too!)


He didn't really lie, he likely took the best part of the timeline news he was given (like many/most posters here do as well) and reported it, not explaining the whole scenario.  Because it is speculation, especially that early. At least, that's how I see it.

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