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Thoughts Of A True Colts Fan


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Until this year I didn't think a one man team existed and I still don't. Peyton being out finally showed the glaring weaknesses on this team and I hope those are addressed. I'm not as optimistic about what the teams record could have been with Peyton in the lineup. I was thinking around 9-7. The D can't stop nobody and while the running game was better, it wasn't where I think it should be. That could fall on the talent at RB or OL. I'm fine with it if the team moves on w/o Peyton because it takes more than one person to make a team and Peyton would tell you that as well. He's been a joy to watch and still will be, if healthy, either here or elsewhere. To me, if you're a fan of a team you can't be a fan of just one player on that team. We as fans have to hope no matter what happens, the team shows improvement next season.

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And posters scoff at my idea that the Colts bandwagon will get very light when Manning retires. The OP is a perfect example.

I live in Indy and have witnessed first hand what Manning has done for this city and this organization, but that does not change the fact that we have to plan for life after Manning.

As amazing as some of these players are their life in football is very very short compared to the organization. In eight years the Colts will still be here, but Peyton will be long retired by that time. The organization owes it to itself and its fans to do what is best for the organization in the long run.

As much as it sucks to think about Manning not on this team it is only a matter of time before we see Manning in front of that podium saying he retires.

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And posters scoff at my idea that the Colts bandwagon will get very light when Manning retires. The OP is a perfect example.

I live in Indy and have witnessed first hand what Manning has done for this city and this organization, but that does not change the fact that we have to plan for life after Manning.

As amazing as some of these players are their life in football is very very short compared to the organization. In eight years the Colts will still be here, but Peyton will be long retired by that time. The organization owes it to itself and its fans to do what is best for the organization in the long run.

As much as it sucks to think about Manning not on this team it is only a matter of time before we see Manning in front of that podium saying he retires.

Well said! I love my Colts no matter what! I am a fan of the whole team and not just one player (Manning)

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I agree 100% with what the OP said. Colts fans have the shortest memory spans ever recorded.

Thank god I am not like that. I wanna see Manning retire here even if he has to play until he is 50 and play horribly if need be.

Show some respect and appreciation.

People have their heads in Andrew Luck's blah...and he is not even guaranteed to be good. Most QB's are busts.

Like I said, If Manning doesnt start next year I guarantee a losing season. Lock it up!!! I said it here!!! I guarantee a losing season.

I never agree with you. It must be opposite day because I finally can say that I do agree with you. Good post! I would disagree with only one thing, that is, that most QB's are busts. I suppose that depends on what you qualify a "bust" as meaning?

But aside from that, yes, if we go with Luck and no Manning next year, count on a losing season. History supports this as a probability.

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I love peyton but everything changes and all good things come to an end.If we are truly rebuilding,do you rebuild with a 36 year old with a bad neck?{who is due 28 million}

Peyton has been well compensated for his years in Indy. Very well compensated and didn't play a down in the last season. I would like to see an entirely different focus in Indy, going forward. Instead of a team built on speed on turf that cannot compete with the Pats and Bolts, I would like to see a team that can run the ball and stop the run.

Then we may not have 10 years of 12 plus wins, but we may have 3 or 4 Super Bowl wins. If only Polian would have built a team like that during Peytons prime. :facepalm:

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I never agree with you. It must be opposite day because I finally can say that I do agree with you. Good post! I would disagree with only one thing, that is, that most QB's are busts. I suppose that depends on what you qualify a "bust" as meaning?

But aside from that, yes, if we go with Luck and no Manning next year, count on a losing season. History supports this as a probability.

What history? In the past 5 years rookie QB's have led their team to the playoffs. Roethlisberger, Flacco, Sanchez, Dalton, Yates.
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What history? In the past 5 years rookie QB's have led their team to the playoffs. Roethlisberger, Flacco, Sanchez, Dalton, Yates.

They LED their TEAMS to the playoffs?

QBs just play offense..not defense or special teams......and you weaken your arguement by using Yates...a disaster full-in.

the vats majority of rookie QBs sit down and shut up..as they should

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So are "true" fans more of a fan than "real" fans?

I need to know so when I post my next manifesto on what we should do I can look down my nose at all those who disagree with me while using the proper terms for my level of fanhood compared to theirs.

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Prolly. Maybe. Should be. Could be. Perhaps. Lets trade away the best QB to ever play so we can find out.

Just to be clear (because someone asked!), for my dollar if Peyton can go he can have his job. I'm of the opinion that this is a farily unique and high class problem. Andrew Luck is either a good insurance policy if peyton cant return or icing on the cake, either way, i'm not witcing!

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So are "true" fans more of a fan than "real" fans?

I need to know so when I post my next manifesto on what we should do I can look down my nose at all those who disagree with me while using the proper terms for my level of fanhood compared to theirs.

I like writing manifesto's about fanhood. Ted

Kaczynski would be proud.. lol

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Just to be clear (because someone asked!), for my dollar if Peyton can go he can have his job. I'm of the opinion that this is a farily unique and high class problem. Andrew Luck is either a good insurance policy if peyton cant return or icing on the cake, either way, i'm not witcing!

lol...yea this "problem" with having Luck and Manning is like having a "problem" with too much money in my bank account.

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And posters scoff at my idea that the Colts bandwagon will get very light when Manning retires. The OP is a perfect example.

I live in Indy and have witnessed first hand what Manning has done for this city and this organization, but that does not change the fact that we have to plan for life after Manning.

As amazing as some of these players are their life in football is very very short compared to the organization. In eight years the Colts will still be here, but Peyton will be long retired by that time. The organization owes it to itself and its fans to do what is best for the organization in the long run.

As much as it sucks to think about Manning not on this team it is only a matter of time before we see Manning in front of that podium saying he retires.

I agree with everything except the "bandwagon getting light"... Indy is a football town now, and the state is also. Manning arrived at the perfect time. Class BB introduced, and the decline of the Pacers in the mid 2000's. All the while HS football in Indiana is now KING.

This season is a prime examle, LOS was rocking up until the final game. Andrew Luck and the new Colts will be just fine and have just as loyal a following as Peyton.

My family has held season tix since the Mayflower arriveed. I have seen a light bandwagon. This city is nowhere near that level of fandom. Indy is a "true" football city now.

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So are "true" fans more of a fan than "real" fans?

I need to know so when I post my next manifesto on what we should do I can look down my nose at all those who disagree with me while using the proper terms for my level of fanhood compared to theirs.

I am severely disappointed at your lack of recognition of ....

Dedicated fans

Old School fans

I dont know about your level of "fanhood", but I just replaced mine. It had low sone noise and 60 watt lights. Ducting in the attic was a mutha.

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I am severely disappointed at your lack of recognition of ....

Dedicated fans

Old School fans

I dont know about your level of "fanhood", but I just replaced mine. It had low sone noise and 60 watt lights. Ducting in the attic was a mutha.

heheh.... I follow every game... does that make me a "true fan"...


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Are there Colt fans on this forum that are not "true" Colt fans? Anyway, I also love Peyton and believe but for him Indy would still not be a football "town" (perhaps the Colts would not even be in Indy). We (Colts organization and fans) owe Peyton and although Peyton has been properly compensated ($) for his play, we can never really repay him for what he did to turn the Indianapolis Colts from a complete "sad sack NFL joke" (Peyton's words were a circled win on the schedule for other teams) into the team resembling the team they once were as the truly great Baltimore Colts. I feel sorry for those fans who believe this is just "business" and Peyton got paid and we owe him nothing more....they miss the meaning behind why the games are played and why we should watch and care. There is a phrase "a pro's pro" well Peyton is the gold standard on that and he is proving that once again with both his attitude on his injury and his attitude about the resulting chaos of 2-14.

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heheh.... I follow every game... does that make me a "true fan"...



How much money have you spent on tickets in the last calendar year? If it's less than $500 than I seriously question your ability to call yourself a true fan. True fans don't just sit there and watch, they go to the games, they buy season tickets. If you can't afford to be a true fan, maybe you should have done better in school, maybe you should've made better choices in life?

I know this fella that won the lottery a few years ago. He was always a terrible fan. He watched every game but never once even tried to buy a ticket. Now that he's rich he buys season tickets and has become a great fan.

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I've been a Colt's fan since I started watching football in the 70's. I've never been able to see them in person. Wish I could, but I'm not going to give the Titans money for a ticket since this is the only way I could possibly see the Colts live. I am so sorry by some peoples definition I'll never be a "great" fan.

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There comes a time when every team has to cut ties with their marquee player...49ers w/ Joe Montana, Colts with Johnny U, Chargers with LT, Eagles with McNabb, Rams with Kurt Warner, Packers with Favre and the time will come for guys like Brady and Rodgers and Brees...and the list goes on and the time is now for Peyton.

What happens if we don't draft a QB and Peyton who is 36 and is coming off 3 neck surgeries in a year drops off significantly we will only further set our selves back.

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I agree 100% with what the OP said. Colts fans have the shortest memory spans ever recorded.

Thank god I am not like that. I wanna see Manning retire here even if he has to play until he is 50 and play horribly if need be.

Show some respect and appreciation.

People have their heads in Andrew Luck's blah...and he is not even guaranteed to be good. Most QB's are busts.

Like I said, If Manning doesnt start next year I guarantee a losing season. Lock it up!!! I said it here!!! I guarantee a losing season.

Thats not called being a good fan, its called being a dumb one. I want to see Manning retire a Colt too, but I dont want to see him pull a Favre and just trot out there just for the sake of it. If it gets to the point that the Colts will be better off with a different QB, its time to move on. I am not saying that is now or that I want it to be, but playing just to play is the dumbest thing ever. Judging by some of the posts its pretty clear posters dont have a billion dollar business with their own $$ on the line. Glad Irsay is the one making the call and not some of the fans on here.

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I'd be willing to bet money that the active Colts fan base jumped a minimum of 30% in the Manning era. Why? because of Peyton Manning! no one else. If he came back at 75% he be better that 75% of the leagues QB's by decision making alone. I personally don't understan why any "college" superstar wouldn't fall in love with the chance to work under Manning for a couple years.

We dropped Harbaugh for manning years ago. Harbaugh a QB that actually took us to a conference tile game. We dropped him for Manning. We gambled and it paid off. a huge gamble! It paid off but do you really expect that gamble to pay off again just like that? Manning should be retained if for nothing else than his knowledge and how he's turned this city into a football town.

Willing to bet you were apart of that 30%. I was, fan since 2003 I moved my family to Indiana so I could go to every home game. There comes a time when eras have to change. I hate to think that Jets game is the last time we will get to see Peyton play, but if it helps the Colts to cut ties, then so be it. The buisness decisions have to be made with that in mind, buisness not emotions.

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I agree 100% with what the OP said. Colts fans have the shortest memory spans ever recorded.

Thank god I am not like that. I wanna see Manning retire here even if he has to play until he is 50 and play horribly if need be.

Show some respect and appreciation.

People have their heads in Andrew Luck's blah...and he is not even guaranteed to be good. Most QB's are busts.

Like I said, If Manning doesnt start next year I guarantee a losing season. Lock it up!!! I said it here!!! I guarantee a losing season.

You aren't really saying anything here that most Colts fans don't already expect so your guarantee rings hollow. I don't see anyone here saying that the Colts will win next year with Luck or whoever if Peyton is not here. You know that is kind of what rebuilding teams go through intially. Even Peyton lost games his first season. Poor seasons lead to more high draft picks which hopefully accelerates the rebuilding process.

That said, I appreciate all that Peyton has done but it is about what is in the best interest of this franchise going forward. If Peyton is healthy then I'd welcome him back. But if he isn't where he needs to be then the Colts will have no choice but to move forward as painful as that would be.

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What history? In the past 5 years rookie QB's have led their team to the playoffs. Roethlisberger, Flacco, Sanchez, Dalton, Yates.

every QB you mentioned went to the playoffs as a rookie because of the team defense. So please just stop ok?

Colts will not make playoffs in 1st, even 2nd year with Luck. LOCK IT UP!!!

We do not have the D to bail out a rookie QB. Your post was not thought out at all.

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lol...yea this "problem" with having Luck and Manning is like having a "problem" with too much money in my bank account.

Manning = 2012 playoffs guaranteed

Luck = a few years with no playoffs and rebuilding

So yeah, it is a problem for fans who wanna win now and don't wanna bake in the sun while the team is rebuilding. This can take decades. Who said rebuilding is a fast process?

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you can't even guarantee his health at this point....much less making the playoffs given the questions surrounding him and the team at this point.

If healthy, the chances are better. Even "if" PM returns, I don't believe the playoffs are a guarantee. I think there are too many holes. Better yes, guaranteed no. I agree with you, just taking it a step further.

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