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Martavis Bryant facing year long suspension


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1 hour ago, Clem-Dog said:

The NFL should not punish its players' to this extent for weed.  


For once the NFL should take its cue from the NBA on this particular infraction.



No matter what your personal feelings are regarding weed these players sign a contract. If a player don't have the will power to avoid what they know is against the rules it's on them. When you put your name on the line to get paid a bunch of money and then break the rules you face the penalties. The players know they are going to be tested and still gamble with their livelihood, it's not smart.

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2 hours ago, Clem-Dog said:

The NFL should not punish its players' to this extent for weed.  


For once the NFL should take its cue from the NBA on this particular infraction.




It's not a severe punishment for smoking weed, it's a severe punishment for being too stupid to avoid smoking weed when you know when they are going to test you and then you go and get caught two more times.  Basically he fail an intelligence test.  If he has a problem that requires therapy then the year off could be used productively.

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4 hours ago, Cynjin said:


It's not a severe punishment for smoking weed, it's a severe punishment for being too stupid to avoid smoking weed when you know when they are going to test you and then you go and get caught two more times.  Basically he fail an intelligence test.  If he has a problem that requires therapy then the year off could be used productively.

its seems the money just goes straight to some of these kids brain and they think they are unstoppable, not sure what goes through their head when they know they are getting tested, especially for a guy like this who already served 4 games for it, and knew full well he would be facing a year if he got caught again, haha like you sayd he failed an intelligence test

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On 3/11/2016 at 3:48 PM, Clem-Dog said:

The NFL should not punish its players' to this extent for weed.  


For once the NFL should take its cue from the NBA on this particular infraction.




You're not serous, right?  The NFL substance abuse policy is not a drug test, it is an intelligence test.  One that a handful of players fail to pass.


Here's the deal.  The NFL tests for 'street drugs' only once per year!  And it is in May or June (around the OTA's) time frame.  One you pass that, you are home free to smoke it up until next year. (but don't do PED's!!  They'll still test and bust you for that).


So a player fails to study for his test (IOW, smokes through OTA's anyway, or at the combine, etc...).    and fails test #1.  Player has strike one, and now the NFL will test 'that player' for street drugs all throughout the year as long as they are in the league.  All for not cleaning up around the OTA's.  Stupid and totally avoidable.


But, the NFL gives more chances.  If the player goes through the protocol set by the league, no suspensions, even on the next positive if player is trying and following protocol. he needs to test positive 2 more times to get a 4 games suspension!  That is 3 positives to get 4 games suspension and lose 1/4 of the seasons salary.  How many more times does it take to get one full year?  Or a permanent ban?  As Ross Tucker (ex NFL lineman) once wrote -


"This isn't about whether or not marijuana should be illegal. Many people much better educated on the subject have written on the topic. This is about the fact that, even though the NFL's current substance abuse policy tests for the drug, it is incredibly easy to pass that test and still play football while smoking pot in your spare time, if you are so inclined."


Many NFL players do it, but they know that game as well as their on the field game.  So I have little sympathy for those few that cannot, or do not care enough to pass their once a year exam, and the repercussion that follow.

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Like most folks the idea that there are athletes making gobs of cash to be set for life and after professional counseling and knowing the history of all the other players they just keep on pointing loaded guns at their heads. Well he will be on the sideline this coming season and the NFL should make it mandatory he hold a calculator in his hand for all four quarters. We have four dogs and they are all smarter than skin poppers, snorters and none of the four smoke anything that we are aware of, Martavis, may we offer you a chair?

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8 hours ago, Indianapolis-Colts-Fan said:


Thats what Iismean. They're completely legal in society,all but in the NFL not so. Same for Marry Jane. Even if it was legal in society, it wouldn't matter in the NFL. So the guy should still face the penalty. 

meh, I just dont see the problem with weed. If alcohol Is allowed weed should be too.  It even makes sense as a pain killer

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2 hours ago, aaron11 said:

meh, I just dont see the problem with weed. If alcohol Is allowed weed should be too.  It even makes sense as a pain killer


Its not about legality, its about decision making and goal driven purpose.  If your goal driven purpose is to binge drink all night or smoke MJ before your-


1.  SAT's

2.  Major job interview

3. Scouting combine

4. Football OTA's


Then there is a problem of focus and dedication that others don't want to deal with.  If you can't straighten up and fly right for just a little tiny bit for the purpose of attaining goal-


(High Scores)

(Nailed Job Interview)

(Breakout combine)

(Conditioning and training for your Job - Football)



then you don't deserve the prize. Character issue that raises the eyebrows of the CEO, scouts, FO, and owners.


Now, on top of this, weed is still against the law for the most part.  Possessing a bottle of Jack Daniels- OK.  Open bottle while driving? Not ok. Legal consequences. Possessing pot? Not ok.  Legal consequences there. In addition, people still believe those that use might also use other street drugs too.  That weed isn't the be all/end all.  It's so easy to use and not get caught in the NFL, yet a few dummies fall from grace every season.


Who they are and what they do away from football are two of the hardest non-predictors.   Character assessment is now 50% of a scouts evaluation job.  Teams remember the Odell Thurman (skipped a drug test, then arrested for DUI, yet ended up with 2 years suspension then cut from team, then fails another drug test and perma banned.) saga and the Bengals of 2006-2008. A lot of Odell's issues were Alcohol related, so it is not just weed.

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