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For Those Who Are Happy With Caldwell Returning (Incorrect Title)


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This is a message board -- we discuss issues pertinent to the team, frustrating or not. When fans are unhappy with a player should we just keep quiet for fear of "spreading angst?" :flag:

Edited by PeytonGirl
personal shot - ' Don't hurt yourself falling off that pedestal'
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The Colts go 2-14, so we fire a HOF guy in Bill Polian and retain a guy who seems to have no idea what half adjustments are. Yeah, it is not Caldwells fault about Manning getting hurt, but he is the one that ran the same offense for so long as if Manning was still in here. I just think he is a flat out bad coach. Funny that so much was made out of Chris Polian just getting by on his dads curtails.. Isnt that the same with Caldwell and Dungy. So he went 14-2. Big deal. He inherited the entire time. Don McCafferty, in 1970, won Super Bowl V as the Colts coach after succeeding Don Shula. Two years later, he was gone.

Terrible, terrible move if he stays. He really is one of the worst head coaches I have ever seen. No adjustments, no nothing.

Edited by Coltssouth
Edited to remove political comments
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The Colts go 2-14, so we fire a HOF guy in Bill Polian and retain a guy who seems to have no idea what half adjustments are. Yeah, it is not Caldwells fault about Manning getting hurt, but he is the one that ran the same offense for so long as if Manning was still in here. I just think he is a flat out bad coach. Funny that so much was made out of Chris Polian just getting by on his dads curtails.. Isnt that the same with Caldwell and Dungy. So he went 14-2. Big deal. He inherited the entire time. Don McCafferty, in 1970, won Super Bowl V as the Colts coach after succeeding Don Shula. Two years later, he was gone.

Terrible, terrible move if he stays. He really is one of the worst head coaches I have ever seen. No adjustments, no nothing.


Caldwell is a poor mans Randy Shannon......

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The Colts go 2-14, so we fire a HOF guy in Bill Polian and retain a guy who seems to have no idea what half adjustments are. Yeah, it is not Caldwells fault about Manning getting hurt, but he is the one that ran the same offense for so long as if Manning was still in here. I just think he is a flat out bad coach. Funny that so much was made out of Chris Polian just getting by on his dads curtails.. Isnt that the same with Caldwell and Dungy. So he went 14-2. Big deal. He inherited the entire time. Don McCafferty, in 1970, won Super Bowl V as the Colts coach after succeeding Don Shula. Two years later, he was gone.

Love the analogy !! +1

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This is a message board -- we discuss issues pertinent to the team, frustrating or not. When fans are unhappy with a player should we just keep quiet for fear of "spreading angst?" Don't hurt yourself falling off that pedestal

Ummmm you are on a Colt message board. We all know very well of the "HORRIFIC" TO Caldwell called.

It's over... and the fact of the matter is the Colt D had a chance to make a play also... and didn't...

darn, Caldwell is not my first choice to coach this team but he is not on my "hate list" either:..

I think your post was a tad bit un .... needed.


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The Colts go 2-14, so we fire a HOF guy in Bill Polian and retain a guy who seems to have no idea what half adjustments are. Yeah, it is not Caldwells fault about Manning getting hurt, but he is the one that ran the same offense for so long as if Manning was still in here. I just think he is a flat out bad coach. Funny that so much was made out of Chris Polian just getting by on his dads curtails.. Isnt that the same with Caldwell and Dungy. So he went 14-2. Big deal. He inherited the entire time. Don McCafferty, in 1970, won Super Bowl V as the Colts coach after succeeding Don Shula. Two years later, he was gone.

Terrible, terrible move if he stays. He really is one of the worst head coaches I have ever seen. No adjustments, no nothing.

WHAT IF.... Bill P was the "puppetmaster" and Jim NOW gets to "do his thing?" ...

Heck with it ... give him a chance.

This really is a soap opera.. NFL style .. Irsay really needs to end this silllyness soon.

One way or another.

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WHAT IF.... Bill P was the "puppetmaster" and Jim NOW gets to "do his thing?" ...

Heck with it ... give him a chance.

This really is a soap opera.. NFL style .. Irsay really needs to end this silllyness soon.

One way or another.

was bill p. at wake forest? whats everyones excuse for jim c. their? just woundering..excuses excuses
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If he stays he stays and I will still cheer for the Colts. If he's fired then I will be eager to see who takes his place and still cheer for the Colts.

I am not a fan of his coaching style but as many people have said before his players didn't quit on him this season.

I think this fiasco of a season was the perfect storm... we have Manning go down, poor personnel decisions in signing Collins, then going with Painter and then when all was already lost switching to Orlovsky, plus what seemed to be a building toxic enviornment with the Polians... which seems to be more from Chris Polian than bill, but we will never know really.

Caldwell may not be the most game savvy coach but his players respect and play hard for him. If we retain Caldwell then we need to get an experienced DC and ST Coord in there. I also wouldnt mind seeing a different OC at this point... but really it doesnt matter if Manning is back. And then you get into who is out there that could be a strong DC, STC, OC?

Lots of things up in the air this offseason... gonna be fun to sit back and watch it all go down...

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was bill p. at wake forest? whats everyones excuse for jim c. their? just woundering..excuses excuses

What was Belichick's excuse in Cleveland? Spurrier's excuse anywhere except Florida?

You can't use a college resume, or circumstantial situations to project NFL success or failure. If we could, you should all be JUMPING to hire Tressel as our new Head Coach.

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If he stays he stays and I will still cheer for the Colts. If he's fired then I will be eager to see who takes his place and still cheer for the Colts.

I am not a fan of his coaching style but as many people have said before his players didn't quit on him this season.

I think this fiasco of a season was the perfect storm... we have Manning go down, poor personnel decisions in signing Collins, then going with Painter and then when all was already lost switching to Orlovsky, plus what seemed to be a building toxic enviornment with the Polians... which seems to be more from Chris Polian than bill, but we will never know really.

Caldwell may not be the most game savvy coach but his players respect and play hard for him. If we retain Caldwell then we need to get an experienced DC and ST Coord in there. I also wouldnt mind seeing a different OC at this point... but really it doesnt matter if Manning is back. And then you get into who is out there that could be a strong DC, STC, OC?

Lots of things up in the air this offseason... gonna be fun to sit back and watch it all go down...

Well said.

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Ummmm you are on a Colt message board. We all know very well of the "HORRIFIC" TO Caldwell called.

It's over... and the fact of the matter is the Colt D had a chance to make a play also... and didn't...

darn, Caldwell is not my first choice to coach this team but he is not on my "hate list" either:..

I think your post was a tad bit un .... needed.


Yikes. Forgive me for talking about things that happened in 2011. Caldwell's timeout is particularly relevant to our coaching staff's skills, particularly because he never learned from it. He did it in the Jacksonville game earlier that season, and after the Jets game he said he would have called the timeout again. He didn't learn from it. It will happen again.

And sure, the Colts D had a chance to make a play and they didn't. From now on, let's elect to kick off in overtime, and when we lose you can come here and say "the Colts D had a chance to make a play!"

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What was Belichick's excuse in Cleveland? Spurrier's excuse anywhere except Florida?

You can't use a college resume, or circumstantial situations to project NFL success or failure. If we could, you should all be JUMPING to hire Tressel as our new Head Coach.

You can't use college as the end all be all, but you CAN use it. At what point are you able to point at record Doog? After 3 years? 4 years? Lifetime? How many games is enough? 100? 200?

Bill B- HC record- 175-97 (all NFL)

Spurrier HC Record 244-116-2 (NCAA,NFL,USFL)

Caldwell HC Record- 52-85 (NCAA, NFL)

Now, which one was given the keys to a SB caliber team for 48 of there career NFL games?

While I agree, college record isn't the holy grail, it really helps paint a nice little portrait.

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The Colts go 2-14, so we fire a HOF guy in Bill Polian and retain a guy who seems to have no idea what half adjustments are. Yeah, it is not Caldwells fault about Manning getting hurt, but he is the one that ran the same offense for so long as if Manning was still in here. I just think he is a flat out bad coach. Funny that so much was made out of Chris Polian just getting by on his dads curtails.. Isnt that the same with Caldwell and Dungy. So he went 14-2. Big deal. He inherited the entire time. Don McCafferty, in 1970, won Super Bowl V as the Colts coach after succeeding Don Shula. Two years later, he was gone.

Terrible, terrible move if he stays. He really is one of the worst head coaches I have ever seen. No adjustments, no nothing.

Polian was probably fired for reasons other than the 2-14....

If the goal is to be in the playoffs every season..

Its not logical to fire a coach who had two playoff seasons because he had one that wanst...is it?

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What was Belichick's excuse in Cleveland? Spurrier's excuse anywhere except Florida?

You can't use a college resume, or circumstantial situations to project NFL success or failure. If we could, you should all be JUMPING to hire Tressel as our new Head Coach.

It can't be used to project success or failure, because if that were the case Caldwell's* 16 win's in year 1 are more than Nick Saban had in 2 years with the Dolphins. That would define Caldwell as a better coach than Saban, and for something to make that statement they would be as ignorant as they come because that is simply not true.

One walked into a gift situation with the greatest quarterback to play the game, and one nearly took Gus Frerotte to the playoffs. Huge difference in comparing the two situations.

Oh and please note the * used for Caldwell's 16 wins. I use that phrase very loosely.

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1) He hasn't been retained yet.

2) There are numerous 'I hate Caldwell' threads already in place, yet some of the haters find it necessary to start new ones, seemingly to impose their hatred on the rest of the group.

3) Most threads these days end up being arguments about this topic. Everyone gets it, and it's getting old.

4) Tell me if I'm exaggerating, but I haven't seen many, if any, Caldwell lovers, as some of the haters suggest. For some reason the haters think that those who don't share in their hatred are staunch supporters. They seem to believe the topic is purely black and white, when the fact of the matter is that there's plenty of grey. I suppose this is just one trickle down from 9/11 when Bush declared to our allies that either you're with us or you're against us. That attitude seems to spread like wildfire over topics to which it's inapplicable, and unnecessary.

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I think a big question that needs to be asked deals with the future more than Caldwell AND his staff's past successes and failures.

My question is....

Whether or not Peyton returns next season, can Caldwell AND Christensen AND Metzelaars and the rest of this coaching staff be counted on to effectively coach up and develop the young offensive line we're building and whatever other prospects on offense and defense we acquire through the draft.... regardless if we take Andrew Luck or not.... and can they do it quickly enough and effectively enough for a realistic run at the Super Bowl OR at least well enough for the successful rebuild and return as a perennial contender if Manning is done in Indy?

Because IMO.... this past season does not give me a whole lot of confidence that they can, and integrating fresh talent into this lineup is something we have to do no matter who is at QB.

Sure, we would benefit from Peyton's return, if he does return, but in his absence there were many glaring weak spots that you can be certain other teams will focus on even if Manning is under center next year. And let's face it.... we're in pretty much a full rebuild if Manning doesn't return.

While I don't think it's right to flippantly dismiss Caldwell.... and Irsay hasn't.... I just don't think he and his staff are the right staff to take the team forward.

And even of Peyton returns fully healthy and back to form.... I don't think Caldwell, Christensen and staff are a "make or break" element to another Super Bowl run with Manning.

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1) He hasn't been retained yet.

2) There are numerous 'I hate Caldwell' threads already in place, yet some of the haters find it necessary to start new ones, seemingly to impose their hatred on the rest of the group.

3) Most threads these days end up being arguments about this topic. Everyone gets it, and it's getting old.

4) Tell me if I'm exaggerating, but I haven't seen many, if any, Caldwell lovers, as some of the haters suggest. For some reason the haters think that those who don't share in their hatred are staunch supporters. They seem to see the believe the topic is purely black and white, when the fact of the matter is that there's plenty of grey. I suppose this is just one trickle down from 9/11 when Bush declared to our allies that either you're with us or you're against us. That attitude seems to spread like wildfire over topics to which it's inapplicable, and unnecessary.

What should we talk about then? Our team is on the verge of announcing the return of the head coach. If we can't talk about it on the fan forum, where should we talk about it? Please enlighten

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Polian was probably fired for reasons other than the 2-14....

If the goal is to be in the playoffs every season..

Its not logical to fire a coach who had two playoff seasons because he had one that wanst...is it?

Of course it is. Each season was worse than the one before. And the team, while individuals played hard, was in disarray on the field.

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Polian was probably fired for reasons other than the 2-14....

If the goal is to be in the playoffs every season..

Its not logical to fire a coach who had two playoff seasons because he had one that wanst...is it?

Caldwell just don't have the skills necessary to be a head coach. As an example contrast his skills, leadership ability, ability to delegate, hire competent assistant coaches, manage the game, and get the best of out players with those of say, Jim Harbaugh. Caldwell took over a SB caliber team from Dungy and has turned it into a 2-14 basket case. Harbaugh took over a 6-10 team and with essentially the same players turned it into a team that is playing for the NFC conference championship in his first year. Look at Coughlin of the Giants - his team suffered many injuries on the defense and he got eaten alive by the NY media this year yet he took it in stride and probably did his best coaching job and the NY football Giants are playing for the conference championship. Look at Belichek - he has the worst defense in the NFL yet his team is playing for the AFC Conference championship. Caldwell is also terrible in finding and assessing coaching talent - look at who he hired as DC and ST coaches. He cannot make meaningful in-game adjustments if his life depended on it. His best attribute is the blank stare on the sidelines.

Time for a change. We need a new head coach to move forward and lead the team back to greatness.

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We can win with Caldwell...we've done it...

...and I havent heard from a player that doesn't like him..

he benched Donald Brown in September...and Brown still likes him

Being a guy that is liked by all and being a guy all consider a good football coach are worlds apart. His being a good guy has never been questioned, his coaching has always been questioned. Everyone I knows loves my wife and she is a great person, but I don' want her coaching the Colts either!!!!!
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To me, Caldwell returning signals that Manning returns...

...Lets stay with a proven winner....at least one more season...

And the proven winner being Manning or Caldwell?

Sure we will stick with Manning, but Caldwell is NOT a provern winner. He is a proven loser. Each season worse than the one before, only ONE count 'em one winning season in college, two in the pros.

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And the proven winner being Manning or Caldwell?

Sure we will stick with Manning, but Caldwell is NOT a provern winner. He is a proven loser. Each season worse than the one before, only ONE count 'em one winning season in college, two in the pros.


Be fair..

You cant credit Manning with the wins..and Caldwell with the losses...

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Being a guy that is liked by all and being a guy all consider a good football coach are worlds apart. His being a good guy has never been questioned, his coaching has always been questioned.

That is a good point. A lot of the pro Caldwell backers can't seem to separate the two. Everyone believes Caldwell is a fine person and an excellent citizen and would be happy to be considered his friend. However, as a coach, he sucks. Just look at his record and his overall decision making. We can't afford to have a good guy but pathetic coach as the head coach of the Colts.

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The 5th person to post after this single post could likely win with Manning & the Colts. This is post 34.... So whoever posts # 39, could likely have a winning record with Peyton Manning as their Quarterback.

Then Caldwell is as good as anybody...That's not what your saying, FJC....is it?

I think there is an obcession with NFL coaches that they are all evil losers...

..and that only players win

Every coach in every town has a squad of people who hate them

Check out a Green bay chat room this week.

they want the head coach hung....

Dont fall into that trap./..

We have holes in the lineup.....Caldwell didnt cause them

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Then Caldwell is as good as anybody...That's not what your saying, FJC....is it?

I think there is an obcession with NFL coaches that they are all evil losers...

..and that only players win

Every coach in every town has a squad of people who hate them

Check out a Green bay chat room this week.

they want the head coach hung....

Dont fall into that trap./..

We have holes in the lineup.....Caldwell didnt cause them

I completely agree with this. I been saying this all year.

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That is a good point. A lot of the pro Caldwell backers can't seem to separate the two. Everyone believes Caldwell is a fine person and an excellent citizen and would be happy to be considered his friend. However, as a coach, he sucks. Just look at his record and his overall decision making. We can't afford to have a good guy but pathetic coach as the head coach of the Colts.

Did you question Caldwell's coaching when we were 14-0./...in 2009

or when we won 4 in a row to make the playoffs in 2010..

Did you really?

I'm juts saying..give him a year with Manning..

Caldwell plus Manning has always equalled playoffs.

I'm not ready to give up playoff berths..just because folks want more anger and emotion...

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