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Grigson & Caldwell


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So if this is the future combination, who is ready to move forward and rejoice in our new future, and who will be attitudy judy for the next 6 months?

I love the new GM. I have watched every piece of video I can find about the man and I am impressed. I see heart, love of the game, determination, work ethic, and old fashioned grit. Outstanding job, Mr. Irsay. If it is an agreed decision between you and our new GM that Caldwell is the best guy at this time for our future, then I am 100% behind you both.

I know we will struggle some in our transition, but I am excited as all heck at our new direction. Man its good to be a Colts fan! :shake:

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Yeah I like him too. He really seems to have a true eye for talent as well. I'm glad we went with a younger man who could potentially do what Polian did with the Bills in the 90s-- he was a younger man who built a team for 4 Super Bowls. I also like his eye for talent in Free Agency, as he was responsible for going after Nnamdi Asomugha, from what I understand. It would be nice to get some veteran weapons in here (cap allowing, of course). I always wish we would go after somebody with a name, and with Grigsn's resume, I salivate.

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I think Grigson is a good choice for GM position, but only time will tell if he really is. I trust in him, and he is able to rebuild the team IMO.

I never was a Caldwell-fan, and after this disastrous season I rather would see him leaving (as an employee and engineer I don't think I ever had a chance to miss 14 projects in a year).

A head coach may feel unsafe, when new GM is named, as it isn' sure that they have the same vision on the future, and new GM may want to bring in his own staff. I think Irsay and Grigson will take every circumstances into consideration to evaluate Caldwell's job, and they will have several conversation with JC too, befor deciding his fate.

BUT, as I sad, I trust Grigson, so if Irsay and he would decide that Caldwell should stay and prove himself, I'll take it, and hope JC will really prove himself as HC. I trust them making the best and correct decision on this matter.

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I will have far less confidence in this GM if he retains Caldwell as head coach. It's one thing to be green as far as salary cap and many other things this man has never delved into but to not x-nay a proven inept coach would about do it for me on this Grigson. Don't even tell me he keeps Caldwell, I don't want to hear it.

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Think of the GM this way. If the new GM brings in one of "his" guys they draft Luck Manning is okay. Manning starts but there are numerous deficiencies in the Indianapolis Colts. The Colts with Manning is a 6-8 game winner. I think we should keep Caldwell since a new HC would be gone within three years once ticket sales start dwindling because he Colts are in a perpetual state of rebuilding. I would like to see them keep Calwell hire Sporano as DC. (look at what Houston did by hiring Wade Phillips as DC) I believe that Colts will be back on top within a few years and it is these times when we see a true Colts fan.

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Keeping Caldwell for right now is far and away the most logical choice. There is enough going on right now without dumping all the coaches as well. Despite what some seem to think, the Colts are NOT the St Louis Rams - throwing out the baby, the bathwater, the bathtub, and starting over clean. If Grigson decides over time that he'd prefer another coach, he can let Caldwells contract expire and replace him next year - earlier in the offseason and after a proper search - when he is the established GM instead of a newbie who is still trying to figure out where the office supplies are kept.

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Examining one of Irsays Tweets from earlier this morning:

"I'm hearing lots about FISH and TEBS...but STING just called and said.."4get the weather,we will always be together!"

What does weather do? Changes a lot.... so I would guess he is referring to maybe keeping Caldwell.

I am OK with that. I think there are bigger fish to fry this off-season.

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Keeping Caldwell for right now is far and away the most logical choice. There is enough going on right now without dumping all the coaches as well. Despite what some seem to think, the Colts are NOT the St Louis Rams - throwing out the baby, the bathwater, the bathtub, and starting over clean. If Grigson decides over time that he'd prefer another coach, he can let Caldwells contract expire and replace him next year - earlier in the offseason and after a proper search - when he is the established GM instead of a newbie who is still trying to figure out where the office supplies are kept.

Even though most of us want Caldwell out, this is the most logical choice. And if Caldwell does indeed prove himself this year to either be a good or bad coach, we can make the choice as his contract is up next year anyway.

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I am sorry but if caldwell stays then we know or new gm is just a puppet for mr.irsay..most fans have had enough of his bad coaching decision and costing the team games..caldwell is a nice person but come on he is not an nfl head coach..he chokes under pressure and we have all seen it even jim

irsay has stated he has problems in this area..so lets keep him and let him choke some more? please get us another coach that can manage the game anyone would be an improvement!!!

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I am sorry but if caldwell stays then we know or new gm is just a puppet for mr.irsay..most fans have had enough of his bad coaching decision and costing the team games..caldwell is a nice person but come on he is not an nfl head coach..he chokes under pressure and we have all seen it even jim

irsay has stated he has problems in this area..so lets keep him and let him choke some more? please get us another coach that can manage the game anyone would be an improvement!!!

You can believe what you want, but "we" know nothing of the kind.

"Chokes under pressure"? Come on. And when exactly did Irsay state this?

"Anyone would be an improvement". Apparently you haven't watched very many other coaches.

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Think of the GM this way. If the new GM brings in one of "his" guys they draft Luck Manning is okay. Manning starts but there are numerous deficiencies in the Indianapolis Colts. The Colts with Manning is a 6-8 game winner. I think we should keep Caldwell since a new HC would be gone within three years once ticket sales start dwindling because he Colts are in a perpetual state of rebuilding. I would like to see them keep Calwell hire Sporano as DC. (look at what Houston did by hiring Wade Phillips as DC) I believe that Colts will be back on top within a few years and it is these times when we see a true Colts fan.

Sporano was hired as OFFENSIVE Coordinator (NOT D) by the Jets already. And with a healthy Manning, we are better than a 6-8 game winning team...especially if we replace Caldwell with someone more competent ...and if we hire the right guy, why would we be "in a perpetual state of rebuilding"?

And also, wanting to hire a better coach doesnt make us less of a Colts fan than you for wanting to keep Caldwell

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well mac if you would keep up with current events mr irsay stated that on one of his previous comments while searching for the new gm.irsay stated he has problems with time management (chokes same thing)..and yes anyone would be an improvement because the team deserves a coach that don't make the mistakes at the end of the games..i guess you like going 2-14..well alot of us don't..we would like to have a proven winner at the head coaching position..

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There is no possible way for a fan, sitting in front of his TV, to evaluate his or her head coach. Is Caldwell the right coach to go forward? He might be, based on what a pitiful combination of players he was left with last season. We do know that the players did not quit playing for him, even though it was surprising we won 2 games.

Most of us would like to see a switch from cover 2 to man to man coverage in the secondary. I sure would. Would Caldwell be the coach to oversee this transition?

Several have mentioned the possibility of switching from a 4-3 to a 3-4. Would Caldwell be the right coach to go forward with this new alignment?

Everything I have read about our new GM, is that he has a special talent for grading talent in others. With that understanding, IMO, let us leave those decisions to our new GM. If Grigson is all that I am hearing, he will make the right decision and BoooYaah. Colts are back to dominating the AFC South.

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Think of the GM this way. If the new GM brings in one of "his" guys they draft Luck Manning is okay. Manning starts but there are numerous deficiencies in the Indianapolis Colts. The Colts with Manning is a 6-8 game winner. I think we should keep Caldwell since a new HC would be gone within three years once ticket sales start dwindling because he Colts are in a perpetual state of rebuilding. I would like to see them keep Calwell hire Sporano as DC. (look at what Houston did by hiring Wade Phillips as DC) I believe that Colts will be back on top within a few years and it is these times when we see a true Colts fan.

The Colts with Manning were 10-6 in 2010..with 15 boys on the disabled list...

...6-8 with Manning seems far fetched with next year's schedule

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well mac if you would keep up with current events mr irsay stated that on one of his previous comments while searching for the new gm.irsay stated he has problems with time management (chokes same thing)..and yes anyone would be an improvement because the team deserves a coach that don't make the mistakes at the end of the games..i guess you like going 2-14..well alot of us don't..we would like to have a proven winner at the head coaching position..

Welcome to the board. I suggest that you "quote" people when you respond to them. Otherwise it appears that you are trying to take a smack at them without them seeing it and having the opportunity to respond. Not good form.

I'm not going to debate you on Caldwell's merit. I get it, you don't like his game management. I'm guessing that you don't like his facial expressions either. There are a couple of dozen threads on here devoted to the topic, and nobody has ever succeeded in changing anybody's mind about anything. You're obviously entitled to your opinion.

Frankly the only reason that I replied was because of your choice of words. It isn't appreciated on here when people express their opinions as if they are fact ("if caldwell stays then we know or new gm is just a puppet for mr.irsay"), and act is if they are speaking for others instead of just themselves ("most fans have had enough of his bad coaching decision"), or twist words to ascribe their opinion to others ("he chokes under pressure and we have all seen it even jim irsay has stated he has problems in this area").

And of course now your reply is nothing less than an obnoxious attempt to bait me further ("if you would keep up with current events", "i guess you like going 2-14").

And these are just your first two posts. :sigh:

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Think of the GM this way. If the new GM brings in one of "his" guys they draft Luck Manning is okay. Manning starts but there are numerous deficiencies in the Indianapolis Colts. The Colts with Manning is a 6-8 game winner. I think we should keep Caldwell since a new HC would be gone within three years once ticket sales start dwindling because he Colts are in a perpetual state of rebuilding. I would like to see them keep Calwell hire Sporano as DC. (look at what Houston did by hiring Wade Phillips as DC) I believe that Colts will be back on top within a few years and it is these times when we see a true Colts fan.

We would have won at least 10 games with Manning this year, and I would venture to say that it would be more in the 12+ range. Look at what the Pats did with a D that is as bad or worse than ours was this year. I would say the same holds true for next year. He makes that big of a difference.

I do agree that if we keep Caldwell, a top-tier DC needs to be brought in. I would be neutral about JC staying in the off season, and would either become more positive or negative depending on how the team looks next year. Not really fully supporting him staying, but willing to let him coach out the final year of his contract. Who is a better replacement at this point? Zimmer or Billick?

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I cannot imagine any scenerio where Caldwell survices. Also any GM that comes in gets their own coach. Secondary, Grigson will probably want to change the systems, and Caldwell is a Tony Dungy-Light coach. I honestly hope they impliment more of a west coast offense and an attacking defense like the Giants do. Peyton Manning can play any offense and Andrew Luck is well schooled in West Coast, so it would make the team not so reliant on one player.

I look forward to the next coach. I want to see another up and coming coach similar to what Grigson is to GMs. If we go older, Brian Bellick.

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Think of the GM this way. If the new GM brings in one of "his" guys they draft Luck Manning is okay. Manning starts but there are numerous deficiencies in the Indianapolis Colts. The Colts with Manning is a 6-8 game winner. I think we should keep Caldwell since a new HC would be gone within three years once ticket sales start dwindling because he Colts are in a perpetual state of rebuilding. I would like to see them keep Calwell hire Sporano as DC. (look at what Houston did by hiring Wade Phillips as DC) I believe that Colts will be back on top within a few years and it is these times when we see a true Colts fan.

WHAT? You want to keep Caldwell for the sake of saving the new coach his job? You get a new coach so you don't lose games, you install new systems around the players you get/have. Keeping Caldwell makes ZERO sense. NONE! He is one of the worst coaches in the league. Get a new coach!!!

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I honestly hope they impliment more of a west coast offense

Haven't the Colts been relying on a short passing attack instead of trying to establish the run for some time now? Most fans respond by complaining that they don't run enough (and you could make the argument that it's more a function of a weak oline than anything).

Anyway, I'm not sure of the technical distinctions, but I always thought that the West Coast Offense was largely a way of making a limited (but accurate) QB more effective. I'd be concerned that it would restrict Manning more than anything.

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Welcome to the board. I suggest that you "quote" people when you respond to them. Otherwise it appears that you are trying to take a smack at them without them seeing it and having the opportunity to respond. Not good form.

I'm not going to debate you on Caldwell's merit. I get it, you don't like his game management. I'm guessing that you don't like his facial expressions either. There are a couple of dozen threads on here devoted to the topic, and nobody has ever succeeded in changing anybody's mind about anything. You're obviously entitled to your opinion.

Frankly the only reason that I replied was because of your choice of words. It isn't appreciated on here when people express their opinions as if they are fact ("if caldwell stays then we know or new gm is just a puppet for mr.irsay"), and act is if they are speaking for others instead of just themselves ("most fans have had enough of his bad coaching decision"), or twist words to ascribe their opinion to others ("he chokes under pressure and we have all seen it even jim irsay has stated he has problems in this area").

And of course now your reply is nothing less than an obnoxious attempt to bait me further ("if you would keep up with current events", "i guess you like going 2-14").

And these are just your first two posts. :sigh:

well thank you for informing me on the proper way to use the forum..i will try my best to improve on my posts..have to give the rookies a little break..just stating me and my friends opinions..will tell them we need to get better at this. thanks again for your input..
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Please do the right thing and start over......no more playoff timeouts and no more poor SuperBowl coaches game-plans. We all know we only got there off of the leftover Dungy reign. Even Dungy began to pick against him in later games. I love the Colts....have always loved the Colts and always will....but please give us a chance.

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well thank you for informing me on the proper way to use the forum..i will try my best to improve on my posts..have to give the rookies a little break..just stating me and my friends opinions..will tell them we need to get better at this. thanks again for your input..

No problem, and it wasn't my intention to try and stiffle you, I was just explaining why you pushed by buttons. Take it for what it's worth. There are all kinds of posters on here, and your opinions are just as valid as mine or anybody elses. With this misserable season we have had there are a lot of contentious issues to discuss and a lot of frayed nerves doing the discussing.

Personally I'm OK with Caldwell, but I'd be OK with him being replaced as well. I just don't see it as being anywhere near the most important issue right now, and I'm concerned that if Irsay fires the entire organization they won't have time to address everything properly by the time the season starts. Plan ahead, make informed decisions, move one step at a time, I can find fault with some of Caldwells game management as well, but the fact that the team was still leaving their guts on the field and verbally defending him at the end of this horrible season says a lot. I've seen a ton of other coaches who I think would be a lot less desireable. If they get rid of him, they had better be 100% confident that it's an improvement.

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WHAT? You want to keep Caldwell for the sake of saving the new coach his job? You get a new coach so you don't lose games, you install new systems around the players you get/have. Keeping Caldwell makes ZERO sense. NONE! He is one of the worst coaches in the league. Get a new coach!!!

Caldwell has got to the playoffs as many times as Mike Tomlin and Bill Belichick in the last 3 years and he has the same playoff record as Tomlin without dick Lebau running his defence and probably better than Belichick's as well. He has an arguable better record than Rex Ryan and never lost our team and commands respect from his players and inspires them to keep going. There is a reason why both Manning and Irsay back him. So he is far from the worst coach in the league which is why Manning and Irsay are backing him. Get him a DC (Spagnuola) quick and we will get a :lombardi: !!!

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Caldwell has got to the playoffs as many times as Mike Tomlin and Bill Belichick in the last 3 years and he has the same playoff record as Tomlin without dick Lebau running his defence and probably better than Belichick's as well. He has an arguable better record than Rex Ryan and never lost our team and commands respect from his players and inspires them to keep going. There is a reason why both Manning and Irsay back him. So he is far from the worst coach in the league which is why Manning and Irsay are backing him. Get him a DC (Spagnuola) quick and we will get a :lombardi: !!!

Man I hate to agree but you do present some crediable facts. Who knows, this could be a blimp on the radar and we could pick it up next year with a new DC.

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Haven't the Colts been relying on a short passing attack instead of trying to establish the run for some time now? Most fans respond by complaining that they don't run enough (and you could make the argument that it's more a function of a weak oline than anything).

Anyway, I'm not sure of the technical distinctions, but I always thought that the West Coast Offense was largely a way of making a limited (but accurate) QB more effective. I'd be concerned that it would restrict Manning more than anything.

It's a grossly overused moniker for offenses that use short passes to move the chains. It could be applied to almost any offense in today's NFL, including the Colts.

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Sporano was hired as OFFENSIVE Coordinator (NOT D) by the Jets already. And with a healthy Manning, we are better than a 6-8 game winning team...especially if we replace Caldwell with someone more competent ...and if we hire the right guy, why would we be "in a perpetual state of rebuilding"?

And also, wanting to hire a better coach doesnt make us less of a Colts fan than you for wanting to keep Caldwell

I think you are misquoted Tony Sparano the former Miami HC is the new OC for the Jets.

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