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A STUNNING worthless stat


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Another worthless stat I found interesting was during the Colts vs. Titans game when they said Zach Mettenberger has not one a single game as a starter. I think they said he's had about 11 starts? Oh well, the streak continues!

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8 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

That's weird.  I thought it was the QB who is on the field when the winning points are scored gets credit for the win.

In reality, we all know who gets the credit.   But stats are stats...  and in the NFL the starter gets the W or L.


This was definitely one for the record books, even if it's not in the record books.   Know what I mean?

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1 hour ago, Susie Q said:

But we all know who won the game and got them the # 1 seed.   :6:

He was great coming off the bench. Was happy to see the crowd cheer for him when he came on the field. He has had a lousy year and was happy to see him get that moment and game.

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Ahhh Jeff Fisher....met the guy and wish I hadn't. Let's just say what you see on TV is what you get lol. He has been unlucky to not have good qbs (except when he had Mcnair) so that makes it hard to say its all him....but owners seem to LOVE this guy....no one ever gets rid of him.

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16 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

  Here's another one to rival that in worthlessness...


Brock Osweiler gets credit for today's Denver win over San Diego

I laugh at that one because Peyton is one win away from the record. I also laugh when last month people made fun of Alabama QBs for having no wins in the NFL. Greg Mclroy came in a game in relief of Sanchez who threw his 3rd INT of the game and beat the Cardinals 7-6 for the Jets.

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4 hours ago, amfootball said:

He was great coming off the bench. Was happy to see the crowd cheer for him when he came on the field. He has had a lousy year and was happy to see him get that moment and game.


Agree, I was happy for him. Old and wise, but not defeated yet :).

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22 hours ago, DalTXColtsFan said:

Jeff Fisher has 6 winning seasons in 21 years as an NFL head coach.


I couldn't believe that when I read it so I had to go back and double-check.


I don't think that would be considered a worthless stat. I think that is a pretty telling stat when considering Jeff Fishers resume

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I was just discussing Fisher with a friend of mine on New Years....I'm still not sold on him being a bad coach. He seems to be the king of 8-8, I will say that. Does he have GM duties? I'm not real sure off the top of my head. 


But it when he does have offensive talent I feel like he uses it correctly. Eddie George. MVP for McNair. Chris Johnson ran for 2k yards. Gurley has a nice rookie season. But I don't ever recall him having a WR (early Mason?)....and he generally seems to have a goodish defense regardless of the talent. 



His QBs have been decent at there absolute best, Young, Fitzpatrick, Bradfird, Locker, Collins, Foles were all starters, I don't even want to get into his often used backups...


And he's had awfully bad division luck. He happened to be in ours during our 15yr heyday....then signs into the NFC West which has been dominanted by SB caliber teams for 5yrs....


i get get that people think he's overrated. But I'm not sure I'm ready to get on board with that. 

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14 hours ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

In reality, we all know who gets the credit.   But stats are stats...  and in the NFL the starter gets the W or L.


This was definitely one for the record books, even if it's not in the record books.   Know what I mean?

I agree.  I was really excited when I saw him get the win because I thought that was the record breaker.

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On 1/5/2016 at 6:11 PM, BloodyChamp said:

If he wasn't such a dirtbag he'd have a good reputation similar to Jim Mora, Bum Phillips and those guys. But...dirtbag so yeah.



Jim Mora is a scum bag. Any coach that flat out quits in the middle of the season and gets up to that podium and says "I'm out, bye everyone" is scum. 


He left that Saints team high and dry, after slowly trading away all their good players, most of them going to rivals. He sent Morten Andersen and Bobby Hebert both to Atlanta; Rickey Jackson to SF, and then let Sam Mills go to Carolina, where he has a statue today. Vaughan Johnson also left for Philly, and the earliest linebacker that left was Pat Swilling who ended up in Detroit. 



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On 1/4/2016 at 7:49 PM, oldunclemark said:

  Here's another one to rival that in worthlessness...


Brock Osweiler gets credit for today's Denver win over San Diego



He did outplay Manning, who came in and just completed a whopping 5 passes for 59 yards. That's Tebow numbers. 


That's hardly anything, also considering Brock has outplayed him all year long, since the old man is the one that put 19 interceptions on the board, with only 7 touchdowns. 

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2 minutes ago, Bogie said:



He did outplay Manning, who came in and just completed a whopping 5 passes for 59 yards. That's Tebow numbers. 


That's hardly anything, also considering Brock has outplayed him all year long, since the old man is the one that put 19 interceptions on the board, with only 7 touchdowns. 

When the oldman wins the SB I want to see you here apologizing for constantly bashing him. It's actually 9 TD's and 17 INT's. Anyway once he came in Denver marched right down the field, before he came in that Offense was a Turnover machine.

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13 minutes ago, Bogie said:



He did outplay Manning, who came in and just completed a whopping 5 passes for 59 yards. That's Tebow numbers. 


That's hardly anything, also considering Brock has outplayed him all year long, since the old man is the one that put 19 interceptions on the board, with only 7 touchdowns. 

If you thought Brock outplayed Peyton Sunday, you didn't see the game.

Brock had great numbers but little end zone success.


Peyton led 4 scoring drives with none of the turnovers many here have been railing on him about

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22 minutes ago, Bogie said:



He did outplay Manning, who came in and just completed a whopping 5 passes for 59 yards. That's Tebow numbers. 


That's hardly anything, also considering Brock has outplayed him all year long, since the old man is the one that put 19 interceptions on the board, with only 7 touchdowns. 

Sorry to correct you but Manning started 9 games and won 8 of them. So by my math that's one more than Brees and the Saints had all season. Oh and by the way Manning played with a pretty serious injury that did make him miss 7 1/2 games. You may keep knocking him but he continues to be a great QB no matter how much it get's under your skin.

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20 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

If you thought Brock outplayed Peyton Sunday, you didn't see the game.

Brock had great numbers but little end zone success.


Peyton led 4 scoring drives with none of the turnovers many here have been railing on him about

Sometimes people just look at stats. Anyone that watched the game could clearly see the game turned around when Peyton came in. He made it look easy. On those good runs he checked off/Audibled because the Defense was playing the pass.

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

When the oldman wins the SB I want to see you here apologizing for constantly bashing him. It's actually 9 TD's and 17 INT's. Anyway once he came in Denver marched right down the field, before he came in that Offense was a Turnover machine.

I don't know why this guy is even allowed to post when all he does is bashing Peyton with inaccurate information and on top knowing there are several Peyton fans here being a former Colt.


I get confused with the definitions of baiting and trolling.


To the topic, only a Peyton hater will think Peyton didn't win that game. Heck, even AMF praised Peyton :).

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19 minutes ago, Shane Bond said:

I don't know why this guy is even allowed to post when all he does is bashing Peyton with inaccurate information and on top knowing there are several Peyton fans here being a former Colt.


I get confused with the definitions of baiting and trolling.


To the topic, only a Peyton hater will think Peyton didn't win that game. Heck, even AMF praised Peyton :).

Yep. As long as certain people want to continue putting the guy down then I will call them out. I have no idea why a Saints fans of all people would dis him. I can see Pats fans doing it because of the Tom/Peyton rivalry but he's the only Saints fan I have ever seen on any Site bash him with snide remarks. Personally it's getting a bit old but hey people can Post what they want and if he doesn't like Peyton that is his opinions. I would really like to hear why he doesn't like Peyton? Still have never heard the reason. Peyton was even born in New Orleans. I could see if we beat them in the SB but even there Peyton gave his team a gift with the INT. Some people will just hate to hate I guess.

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Everyone has their favorites and everyone has the guys they don't like. So it is what it is I guess. I am over it. I will let Peyton's play speak for itself come Playoff time. If he wins the SB than I was right, if he loses in the Playoffs I don't mind at all for anyone to say, I told you so. To constantly put someone down is strange to me though even when he plays good. I don't even do that with Tom and I cant stand the Pats.

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