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Tom Telesco The New Gm?/scenario Jmv's Show.keep Caldwell And Promote A Gm From Within (Merge)


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Posted · Hidden by shecolt, January 7, 2012 - double post
Hidden by shecolt, January 7, 2012 - double post

I heard a very scary scenario today on jmv's show.Hear me out,if we are going to keep Caldwell and promote a GM from within, what really have we done other than fired a hall of fame GM. i am getting a feeling we all just got a ton of smoke blown up our you know what.If this is the case nothing has changed. Change means change and I dont see anything changing. We are gonna be stuck with Caldwell and a quality GM does not seem to be knocking down the door, ooooooooopppps we are in trouble.Can you say smoke screen???????can you say premature efireulation?

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Im willing to wait and see how everything plays out before i get all worked up about it. Even if we do promot Telesco, we honestly dont know if he is anything like Polian or not...and as much as i want a GM and Coach from the "outside" rather than within the organization, we honestly dont know how good Caldwell is yet, either, considering it seemed like Polian was the coach and not Jim

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I heard a very scary scenario today on jmv's show.Hear me out,if we are going to keep Caldwell and promote a GM from within, what really have we done other than fired a hall of fame GM. i am getting a feeling we all just got a ton of smoke blown up our you know what.If this is the case nothing has changed. Change means change and I dont see anything changing. We are gonna be stuck with Caldwell and a quality GM does not seem to be knocking down the door, ooooooooopppps we are in trouble.Can you say smoke screen???????

Smoke Screen

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I would highly doubt that one, i was thinking about the guys irsay has been looking at for GM so far and *and stampede blue confirmed my thought* that these guys are either 3-4 or base 4-3... shows you irsay wants change and in a big way, i would be happy if the colts got a 3-4 or base 4-3 GM....

Unless Tom Telesco or Caldwell has the same viewpoint as Jim Irsay neither of them are gonna be GM

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I would highly doubt that one, i was thinking about the guys irsay has been looking at for GM so far and *and stampede blue confirmed my thought* that these guys are either 3-4 or base 4-3... shows you irsay wants change and in a big way, i would be happy if the colts got a 3-4 or base 4-3 GM....

Unless Tom Telesco or Caldwell has the same viewpoint as Jim Irsay neither of them are gonna be GM

One will be GM and the other will be a lame duck coach,WHAT WILL CHANGE? I am trying to stay positive, but the longer this goes the less likely there will be change.Just getting rid of the Polians is not cleaning house. I can change my cats litter box, that does not mean it wont need changed next week.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hope not, but Isray did say wants continuity, so much for the false New ERA, if it means Caldwell stays, and that will happen if hired with in-house GM. What a sham (there's a sucker born every minute) it will be with the appearnce of reaching out to outside teams personal and wind up with-in house staff GM-No changes on coaching, philosophy, smurf size D players, cover 2, etc. I mean Caldwell is lingering around like the shadow, probably knowing his job is safe no matter what-

Thank you , as I have posted this is not change, we will be duped.
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Polian dictated what Caldwell did. The whole culture of the organization will change. I feel it is actually the complete opposite of what you are saying. If they had fired only Caldwell, then nothing would change.

In some cases that might be true, such as 14-0, maybe some starting roles, depth chart, etc.

But unless they had Caldwell wired with a zapper, some of his horrible coaching decisions are 100% on him, the way he has addressed those decisions in the media,by stating he would do them again, proves that he hasn't learned from some of his mistakes.

A change would have been showing both Polian's and Caldwell the door.

As I said on twitter, Irsay leveled the Mansion but he left the outhouse standing so far.

The longer he remains in place, the more likely he will remain as head coach and continue to stunt the growth of this franchise.

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Well maybe Caldwell wasn't the probhlem and it was the Polians. I think the pulling the players and not going for a perfect season was Polian's decision but who knows. At least we saw that the players played hard for Caldwell in this lousy season and didn't quit and that says something about the coach. JMO of course but I guess we will have to wait and see what happens if this comes about. Who knows you may see a completely coach with the Polians gone. Time will tell I guess.

I personally think the QB fiasco was strictly the Polians and that maybe Caldwell would have played Orlovsky from the beginning but Polian drafted Painter so he started him and that Collins was a Chris Polian project from what I have heard. Hopefully things will turn our alright and we can get back to a winning season.

NO, caldwell said Curtis is my guy. Stop making excuses for this poor coach.
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The whole idea of hiring withing the colt orginaztion make me wanna take a knife and jam it right into my ear.................It's a whole lot of talk but not enought action and disappoint ing in the end. The whole reason we are in the mess with cap space and bad personal is because of Polian and the front office not look you might have gotten rid of a very bad cell but the cancer is still there.

Edited by 21isSuperman
Mod edit: politics
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One will be GM and the other will be a lame duck coach,WHAT WILL CHANGE? I am trying to stay positive, but the longer this goes the less likely there will be change.Just getting rid of the Polians is not cleaning house. I can change my cats litter box, that does not mean it wont need changed next week.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We all need to be patient... if the stories kravitz and stampede blue told were true just firing BP and CP alone makes a HUGE difference... no one will yield the kind of power he had so that is a big change... the defensive philosophy will change for sure... i can assure there will be changes.. all along during the season irsay was saying there will be some changes and now its happening... i dont think he will just say that and not do it, this isnt politics.

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Posted · Hidden by Peytongirl, January 7, 2012 - a kinder way of saying the coach is full of crap
Hidden by Peytongirl, January 7, 2012 - a kinder way of saying the coach is full of crap

In some cases that might be true, such as 14-0, maybe some starting roles, depth chart, etc.

But unless they had Caldwell wired with a zapper, some of his horrible coaching decisions are 100% on him, the way he has addressed those decisions in the media,by stating he would do them again, proves that he hasn't learned from some of his mistakes.

A change would have been showing both Polian's and Caldwell the door.

As I said on twitter, Irsay leveled the Mansion but he left the outhouse standing so far.

The longer he remains in place, the more likely he will remain as head coach and continue to stunt the growth of this franchise.


Caldwell's an outhouse. Full of fecal matter.

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NO, caldwell said Curtis is my guy. Stop making excuses for this poor coach.

I'm not making excuses and sorry if you took it that way but I have a right to post the same as you. As many have said Caldwell was a puppet of Polians maybe he was told what to say by Polian. I don't know and neither do you so unless you know for sure don't jump on me for what I posted. Also I'm not a Caldwell lover but until we have a new coach there is not much anyone can say or do since no one has any solid knowledge of what went on behind closed doors between the Polians and Caldwell as to who masterminded things that happened we can only assume. JMO of course.

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I heard a very scary scenario today on jmv's show.Hear me out,if we are going to keep Caldwell and promote a GM from within, what really have we done other than fired a hall of fame GM. i am getting a feeling we all just got a ton of smoke blown up our you know what.If this is the case nothing has changed. Change means change and I dont see anything changing. We are gonna be stuck we Caldwell and a quality GM does not seem to be knocking down the door, ooooooooopppps we are in trouble.Can you say smoke screen???????

Some of the most successful companies in the world are very good at attracting talent and having it grow inside the organization. Promoting for within allows a company build culture and creates a workplace where employees feel they can go somewhere in the organization. People always talk about the business side of football when referring to dealings with Manning any player for that matter.

I feel the Colts had a very successful decade and during that time and built a culture of winning in the locker room and in the management. I will admit we had a terrible year and that could be complacency, age, or lack of proper succession planing. I am more than willing to see what the Colts management and ownership, can do. If they think they have the guy in the organization I'm all for it.

In fact I'm a bit worried about completely shaking this team up. If we can put up points and our defense can defend the pass, which it used to be able to do, tha'ts how you compete with teams like the Packers, and Patriots.

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The guy that is being talked about is Tom Telesco and he is not only being looked at by the Colts but by the Rams and Bears. He also got some interest last off-season and is viewed as an up and comer. I would be conerned if no one else seemed to want him but frankly I think he's an up and comer who was going to be a GM in the very near future regardless of what happened here.

As for Caldwell I know this is an extremely un popular view here because of the dislike for the guy but I really think Irsay likes him and is torn with what to do with him. I think he would agree Caldwell is not the best HC out there but if the new GM doesn't have someone he's really crazy about I can see Caldwell staying not unlike what the Browns did. I also don't think Irsay views this seaosn as a direct product of Caldwell's coaching. I think he viewed it as a lack of talent which is why he fired the GM. I think he really questions if a different coach would have won many more games.

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I am all for Telesco as the GM. I don't get if Caldwell would stay, though. After all, if you are going to fire a Hall Of Famer like Polian and keep a guy with a headset like Jim Caldwell, it makes zero sense.

So I really hope it is Telesco and a new head coach. Maybe Mike Zimmer or Jay Gruden.

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I heard a very scary scenario today on jmv's show.Hear me out,if we are going to keep Caldwell and promote a GM from within, what really have we done other than fired a hall of fame GM. i am getting a feeling we all just got a ton of smoke blown up our you know what.If this is the case nothing has changed. Change means change and I dont see anything changing. We are gonna be stuck we Caldwell and a quality GM does not seem to be knocking down the door, ooooooooopppps we are in trouble.Can you say smoke screen???????

Come on.

New GM, new special teams coach, new def coord....AT LEAST. I'd call that change.

Plus, if they would have totally cleaned house, half this board would say we really "closed the window".

At least wait and see what actually happens.

I hate when people ask for change then complain when things actually do change. We can't have it both ways.

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One will be GM and the other will be a lame duck coach,WHAT WILL CHANGE? I am trying to stay positive, but the longer this goes the less likely there will be change.Just getting rid of the Polians is not cleaning house. I can change my cats litter box, that does not mean it wont need changed next week.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First everyone said the Polians "ran the organization".

Now all of a sudden nothing has changed?

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If JC is the Colts HC next THERE WILL BE FAN ISSUES.

Sorry, but this made me laugh so hard I pee'd. LIke there aren't fan issues right now? Like no matter what decision is made, there wont be fan issues? I am going to guess that it will be an issue with you. It wont be an issue with me.

Basically, since this fanbase grew by 1000% + during the Manning era, the issues were relatively small, until we started to seriously lose. Guess when the fan issues will go away? When we start winning again, not when a certain decision happens or doesn't. Not pointing a finger at you, just saying that many of us aren't raging against this coach...in fact, we aren't raging against anything. We just enjoy watching, following, and rooting for the team.

My guess is that if Jim selects TT as GM, it will be because he possesses many of the attributes that he is looking for. Considering the fact that he has been involved with this franchise since he was a child, I would guess that Jim knows more about the Colts than anyone alive. And after that, if TT keeps JC as coach, then that too is a decision made by a person with so much more knowledge than any of us, that it makes fan issues not a factor. Reality is, if fans are dissatisfied, they will go away. And in that same breath, if the Colts keep winning, the fans will not go away......no matter who the coach is.

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The onside kick was outcoaching..

Pierre dropping a sure TD was outcoaching....

Letting your foot off the gas with two min to go in the first half to set up the fatal onside kick.... Yes out coached in every way

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Irsay last night was excited about an unknown ( to us ) candidate from the Montreal Alouettes: Jim Popp.

Appearantly he's done a great job for 16 years in all aspects of GM responsibilities. Two big questions

come to mind immediately, though: 1-Does this candidate have ANY track record that indicates he would

do well during the NFL draft? 2- Is this candidate an indication that Irsay wants a weaker, compliant GM

who will not oppose his wishes regardless of their merit?

I have no idea, but based upon draft history, I'm still in the Marc Ross camp. The draft is still the most important

function of the GM position. I am a bit worried. Anybody know Jim Popp's record?

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First everyone said the Polians "ran the organization".

Now all of a sudden nothing has changed?

Gotta love it!

I dont know why everyone is in such a hurry to get things done.

The season isnt even over yet, and everyone is already saying we will promote Telesco.

How about some of the personnel from teams still playing? Some might decline just to keep the focus of the team on playing and not guys possibly leaving.

Also, it makes perfect sense to keep Caldwell until a new GM is in place. That is if you want your new GM to feel like he can be in control where he needs to be, and make the decisions regarding the head coach.

Could be to that Caldwell might stay on the team but be "reassigned" to a different position. The players like him, and he can get them to play hard, he just doesnt make the right decisions all the time.

Since someone already mentioned JMV, I am pretty sure it was on his show they said you cant fire someone and then turn around and bring them back.

Its best to wait for the GM and see what happens then.

Besides, none of it matters if Manning cant play...and no-one even mentioned that yet.

One thing at a time guys...its not going to be a quick easy fix, its a long drawn out process that will play out over the next few months.

I really dont think you will see the final staff "roster" anytime soon, and they will probably not have some in place until they absolutely must.

I hope Im wrong and that it happens fast, but I wouldnt bet on it.

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The key to me is, scouting groundwork is done over a few years of a player's tenure at college. Having Tom Telesco promoted preserves a lot of the scouting brains and work we have done. If we lose Tom Telesco, the key question is, will Tom Telesco take any scouts with him?

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telesco might be great...no one really knows. i remember when michigan state named judd heathcote's long time assistant tom izzo head coach, i thought to my self "wow, not a real ambitious hire". turns out izzo has done ok

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I heard a very scary scenario today on jmv's show.Hear me out,if we are going to keep Caldwell and promote a GM from within, what really have we done other than fired a hall of fame GM. i am getting a feeling we all just got a ton of smoke blown up our you know what.If this is the case nothing has changed. Change means change and I dont see anything changing. We are gonna be stuck we Caldwell and a quality GM does not seem to be knocking down the door, ooooooooopppps we are in trouble.Can you say smoke screen???????

What "Hall of Fame GM"? Of the positions currently represented in HOF GM is the 2nd hardest after kicker to get inducted and one championship is not enough.

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