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The 28th ranked defense....


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Should be around 15th-20th, never 28th, that is B S. And, for the analysts still bashing our run defense, when was the last time they actually watched the Colts play? Our run defense is better than average for the NFL as a whole. People around the league are going to learn who Parry and Anderson are by the end of the season if they haven't already...

From the shows I've watched the d-line has been getting praise with the 2 rookies and Langford. It's the LACK of a pass rush that's been getting knocked. I'm not a fan of free releases off the line by opposing wrs either.

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They both got their respective * kicked by Hopkins and they both were playing in a scheme that they don't excel.

And we've gotten to the nub of my point. If Davis wasn't hurt and didn't need to be on the field due to other injuries in the secondary, they wouldn't have ran that scheme to keep their best/available players on the field. I don't think Hopkins could run wild on Davis unless injury plays a direct factor. The scheme probably wasn't what was desired by the DC, just what was necessary in that instance. Davis by a long mile has been the best D player to this point. 

But yeah, your quote is right. I just don't expect the secondary to be the biggest issue if health doesn't get in the way.

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Are we ranked 28th in defense due to yards given up or points given up?


Edit: After looking some things up we are ranked 19th in run defense due to yards given up, and not yards per attempt which is much more important to look at. If rush defense was based off of yards per attempt we would be ranked 11th. We are also ranked 28th in pass defense which may be justified due to the injuries and yards we have given up. We are lacking a dominant pass rush and our defense has been pretty vanilla this year compared to other years as our hands have been tied with injuries. I don't think we are as bad as we are made out to be as some of their ranking systems aren't the best for ranking defenses. I think we are a middle of the pack defense nothing dominant, but nothing terrible just average.

Good point about the YPC. That's the stat that really matters. They look like a top run defense, and they are. They're forcing teams to throw it. The bad news is, teams are having success throwing it thanks to the anemic pass rush. It does no good to shut down the run game if you can't stop the pass. And with the upcoming stretch of the schedule, things could get ugly for the Colts D.

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Our lack of pass rush and shoddy CB play could really hurt us this week if we don't get it cleaned up.

Hopefully what we saw was Toler being rusty still and not quite up to 100%. Davis looked like there was something wrong also. Either that or it's the zone crap.

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28th is a totally skewed summary. 5 new defensive line players (3 rookies) who have never played together before are merging with a new team that has a new safety and the return of Robert Mathis. The top 3 CB's have all been injured. The roles, strengths & best style for the D is still being discovered. This defense has good players and good coaching and they are much better than then this arbitrary stat. In short; this stat is a joke...

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It all starts with the pass rush. It might not always translate in the stats, but the run defense is the best we've had in years. The secondary is shut down but we've been injured.

But it all falls back down to the pass rush. People are throwing the ball all on us because all coverage eventually breaks down after awhile. However, the pass rush won't get better until 2016.

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After 5 games the Colts are ranked 28th overall in the NFL. I know we've had some injuries in the secondary but considering the lack of elite offenses faced to this point while also playing a few bad teams do you have ANY concerns about the defense going forward? I've never been a Greg Mac fan because his knock has always been geared toward his rather basic 3-4 scheme lacking exotic blitzes and his tendency toward a bend but don't break style. I thought with Chuck as hc the defense would become a lot more aggressive but I'm not seeing it. Six sacks after 5 games for a team in the 3-4 is pedestrian. Now comes the meat of the schedule with the Colts facing the big boys. Will the defense get better or will they drop to the bottom of the barrel?

The defense is suffering from a lack of pass rush. Teams are passing at will and they arent teams with good passing attacks. It's frustrating but the fact is that we don't have any pass rushers. Mathis is just returning from a big injury especially at his age. Trent Cole is done. Newsome hasn't shown anything. Couple that with the injuries in the secondary and you see why teams are passing all over on us. I don't blame Manusky. He just doesn't  have what he needs to work with.


I think the run defense has been improved but that's just my opinion. With Moore and Irving playing more I think that will get even better.

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28th is a totally skewed summary. 5 new defensive line players (3 rookies) who have never played together before are merging with a new team that has a new safety and the return of Robert Mathis. The top 3 CB's have all been injured. The roles, strengths & best style for the D is still being discovered. This defense has good players and good coaching and they are much better than then this arbitrary stat. In short; this stat is a joke...



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So does Greg Mac go outside his comfort zone and start dialing up blitzes or does he LACK the creativity or know how to run an aggressive 3-4 scheme? This is who Greg Mac is which is why he has lost prior jobs as dc. Greg is serviceable but he is not an upper tier dc in the coaching ranks. A nice guy with nfl experience as dc who can be plugged in but is NOT a game changer as far as fielding defenses that reek havoc while applying pressure from ANYWHERE with exotic and timely blitzes. (a 3-4 staple) Compare the big sack totals of some of the other notable winning teams running the 3-4 scheme and most don't even have top notch secondaries or big time pass rushers. (Broncos and to a lesser degree Packers being the exception) Greg has a tendency to s SHOW blitz with everyone crowding the line then at the snap of the ball half drop back into zone coverage. I rarely see delay blitzes, stunts or even creativity in some timely safety or corner blitzes. I don't know maybe Greg will change his stripes.....

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So does Greg Mac go outside his comfort zone and start dialing up blitzes or does he LACK the creativity or know how to run an aggressive 3-4 scheme? This is who Greg Mac is which is why he has lost prior jobs as dc. Greg is serviceable but he is not an upper tier dc in the coaching ranks. A nice guy with nfl experience as dc who can be plugged in but is NOT a game changer as far as fielding defenses that reek havoc while applying pressure from ANYWHERE with exotic and timely blitzes. (a 3-4 staple) Compare the big sack totals of some of the other notable winning teams running the 3-4 scheme and most don't even have top notch secondaries or big time pass rushers. (Broncos and to a lesser degree Packers being the exception) Greg has a tendency to s SHOW blitz with everyone crowding the line then at the snap of the ball half drop back into zone coverage. I rarely see delay blitzes, stunts or even creativity in some timely safety or corner blitzes. I don't know maybe Greg will change his stripes.....


?? We had 41 sacks last year using what you don't believe "Manusky" (I don't know where this Mac ish is coming from) is capable of doing. We also had a pretty healthy secondary for the most part of last year as well, to which we've roughly had for 1 game so far this year. Once press coverage becomes the norm, I think the blitzing/sacks/QB pressures will come in bunches. As of now, you're letting stats smack you in the mouth to the point of overreaction.

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Defense numbers are very misleading. If you watch the games, you'll see that they've more than held their own; it's the offense turning the ball over, going 3 and out constantly that is hurting the team.


How does a team score 16 points against the Jags in 5 quarters of play? :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

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?? We had 41 sacks last year using what you don't believe "Manusky" (I don't know where this Mac ish is coming from) is capable of doing. We also had a pretty healthy secondary for the most part of last year as well, to which we've roughly had for 1 game so far this year. Once press coverage becomes the norm, I think the blitzing/sacks/QB pressures will come in bunches. As of now, you're letting stats smack you in the mouth to the point of overreaction.

Thanks but I know what his name is and how it's spelled. Greg has been the dc here like 4 years now and I say Greg Mac because I've heard some in the media call him that so maybe it's a some sort of nickname but I'm more concerned about the defense....   :facepalm:  Anyway how many of those sacks came last year against the division and how many came in the 2 Patriot games, the Steeler game or the Cowboys game? I say again will this team just sit back generating NO pass rush due to injury or go out and TRY to manufacture something with much better teams on the horizon? Yes I know the offense hasn't been exactly stellar either but they appear to be headed in the right direction with better play calling. This defense will be tested starting Sunday and that 28th overall ranking will either be justified or shown to be non sense!!   

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