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Colts 53 Man Roster Projection (Mike Wells)


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Only parts here I don't agree with is Werner beating out the other OLB. I really don't have Werner making the team this year but they may keep him just cause he's on his rookie deal and they wanna give him a chance since he was a 1st rounder

And I don't have Guy beating out Dewey. Dewey was solid on special teams aside from the drop on the fake punt against DAL haha and I think he could turn into a solid safety rotation for us

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I'd like to keep quarles, swoope, hodges, herrera, urlick, price, r.smith, lankford, varga and tipton for PS. Plus no way we only hold 4 safeties


there really isnt anyone besides adams lowery geathers and anderson worth keeping on the 53

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Wells' attempt at the roster is as good as any would be.  Most of us could get it 90% right assuming no injuries.  The other fly in the ointment on these predictions is the cuts / pickups made after everyone has cut down to 53.  Always movement there that is impossible to predict.


To Wells' try, a few things stand out to me.


4 rb's and 6 wr's - that seems one too many for each although not an unreasonable prediction by any stretch.  I would think 3 RB's with at least one on the PS is more likely.  It is also difficult to see 6 WR's with one of them not being Whalen.  Your better get some ST's coverage out of those guys and Carter or Brown do not seem likely candidates for that role to me.


TE - I really think they want Swoope to show enough to keep around.  If he shows anything, he may become a cheap replacement for Allen or Fleener in 2016.  May be hard to keep him on the PS so he is one my sleepers to make the 53.


10 OL seems high as well - I would think 9 is more likely with a couple like Ulrick John on the PS.  Only 8 at most would dress on game days so I think they can manage the roster at this position that way.  Plus OL do not really help on ST's to a large degree - I think they can add back end of the roster with guys who can help there.


I would think 10 DB's make the squad which means Anderson or McDonald are added.


My two cents...




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Only parts here I don't agree with is Werner beating out the other OLB. I really don't have Werner making the team this year but they may keep him just cause he's on his rookie deal and they wanna give him a chance since he was a 1st rounder

And I don't have Guy beating out Dewey. Dewey was solid on special teams aside from the drop on the fake punt against DAL haha and I think he could turn into a solid safety rotation for us


No one enjoys being wrong more than you.

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Wells' attempt at the roster is as good as any would be.  Most of us could get it 90% right assuming no injuries.  The other fly in the ointment on these predictions is the cuts / pickups made after everyone has cut down to 53.  Always movement there that is impossible to predict.


To Wells' try, a few things stand out to me.


4 rb's and 6 wr's - that seems one too many for each although not an unreasonable prediction by any stretch.  I would think 3 RB's with at least one on the PS is more likely.  It is also difficult to see 6 WR's with one of them not being Whalen.  Your better get some ST's coverage out of those guys and Carter or Brown do not seem likely candidates for that role to me.


TE - I really think they want Swoope to show enough to keep around.  If he shows anything, he may become a cheap replacement for Allen or Fleener in 2016.  May be hard to keep him on the PS so he is one my sleepers to make the 53.


10 OL seems high as well - I would think 9 is more likely with a couple like Ulrick John on the PS.  Only 8 at most would dress on game days so I think they can manage the roster at this position that way.  Plus OL do not really help on ST's to a large degree - I think they can add back end of the roster with guys who can help there.


I would think 10 DB's make the squad which means Anderson or McDonald are added.


My two cents...


With no FB I can't see us going under 4 RBs, personally.

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I would have cut V. Brown, J. Brown, and Guy (put him on the P.S.) and keep Anderson, McDonald, and Hodges.  I think we should keep 5 safeties since it seems like our weakest position group.  I think if Donald Thomas is healthy we should cut Louis and keep Thomas.    

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I'm not yet convinced that Duron Carter makes it into the 53 this year. He'll have a chance to show what he can do against NFL-caliber players during the preseason, but it might make sense to give him some time on the practice squad and bring him along a bit more slowly.

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I'm not yet convinced that Duron Carter makes it into the 53 this year. He'll have a chance to show what he can do against NFL-caliber players during the preseason, but it might make sense to give him some time on the practice squad and bring him along a bit more slowly.

He could get plucked off the PS simply just for being Carter's son

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I'm not yet convinced that Duron Carter makes it into the 53 this year. He'll have a chance to show what he can do against NFL-caliber players during the preseason, but it might make sense to give him some time on the practice squad and bring him along a bit more slowly.


I think the Colts had to beat out a number of teams to get Carter....


If we put him on the P.S. I think some very weak team will grab him at some point of the season. 


If Carter goes on the P.S. (and I don't think he will)  I think that signals he's a disappointment.    I hope that doesn't happen.

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I think the Colts had to beat out a number of teams to get Carter....

If we put him on the P.S. I think some very weak team will grab him at some point of the season.

If Carter goes on the P.S. (and I don't think he will) I think that signals he's a disappointment. I hope that doesn't happen.


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I pretty much agree with the exception of


-Anderson (Means Guy is cut)

-I don't think V Brown makes the cut

-I think Galea or Hodges makes the roster


I think McDonald has a good shot at beating out Anderson or Guy.  Who knows though, to me, McDonald has the most upside, but Anderson and guy might have a little more versatility at safety.


It seems like 6 WRs is a bit much to me, espeically is Swoope proves he can play, so I'm with you on V. Brown.


I think Herrera, Galea, or Hodges all have a good shot to beat out Muamba.  Another one of these guys might make the team if Mathis is on the injured list to start the year.


We usually keep 4 safeties on the roster. I really think Geathers will make an immediate impact 


I also dont see Vincent Brown making the team over Whalen


I don't see us keeping 6 WR's, personally -- meaning Brown and Whalen are both out.  I could be wrong though.  Whalen has shown a good work ethic in the league, but I don't think he's done anything to stick out.  The fact he was removed as PR last year shows me the coaching staff didn't have much faith in him -- it seems to me that if he is going to make it in the league (or on this team), ST is where he has to find his niche -- bringing Josh Cribbs out of retirement to keep Whalen off the field, IMO, is not a good sign for his future with this team.


Wells' attempt at the roster is as good as any would be.  Most of us could get it 90% right assuming no injuries.  The other fly in the ointment on these predictions is the cuts / pickups made after everyone has cut down to 53.  Always movement there that is impossible to predict.


To Wells' try, a few things stand out to me.


4 rb's and 6 wr's - that seems one too many for each although not an unreasonable prediction by any stretch.  I would think 3 RB's with at least one on the PS is more likely.  It is also difficult to see 6 WR's with one of them not being Whalen.  Your better get some ST's coverage out of those guys and Carter or Brown do not seem likely candidates for that role to me.


TE - I really think they want Swoope to show enough to keep around.  If he shows anything, he may become a cheap replacement for Allen or Fleener in 2016.  May be hard to keep him on the PS so he is one my sleepers to make the 53.


10 OL seems high as well - I would think 9 is more likely with a couple like Ulrick John on the PS.  Only 8 at most would dress on game days so I think they can manage the roster at this position that way.  Plus OL do not really help on ST's to a large degree - I think they can add back end of the roster with guys who can help there.


I would think 10 DB's make the squad which means Anderson or McDonald are added.


My two cents...


I am not very optimistic about Vick Ballard.  He's coming off 2 season ending injuries.  I'd like for him to prove me wrong, but I cannot see him not having lost a step or 2, plus with Gore, Boom, Robinson and Tipton in the mix I don't think Ballard is going to get any preferential treatment to help him get more looks than those other guys.  Robinson, who has been described as a 'bowling ball' with good hands, is a guy I could see also potentially filling in at a FB role from time to time.


If Swoope shows he is worth it, I imagine we keep 4 TE's at 5 WR's.  We used Allen and Doyle in FB type roles last year, which I can see us doing again.  Swoope seems like he'd basically be a receiving threat at TE and may be comparable to a 6th WR.


I agree 10 OL seems high, but with the injuries we had last year, I could see the staff wanting to have extra insurance this year.  For some reason, I see Ulrick John (if healthy) making it over Heenan.  I am also not optimistic about Donald Thomas -- just like Ballard coming off 2 season ending injuries when you were not a superstar is a tough thing to do.  I hope he stays healthy and is back to pre-injury form, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.  Then Denzelle Good seems like a giant athlete -- I think he at least sticks on the PS.


I would have cut V. Brown, J. Brown, and Guy (put him on the P.S.) and keep Anderson, McDonald, and Hodges.  I think we should keep 5 safeties since it seems like our weakest position group.  I think if Donald Thomas is healthy we should cut Louis and keep Thomas.    


They say D'Juon Smith can play S and DB.  If that is true, we might not have a need to carry a 5th S.




Overall, I think Wells did a pretty good job.  As others have noted, a lot will depend on injuries and what happens in other camps. 


Personally, I don't see Ballard or Thomas getting back to the form they were in prior to 2 straight season ending injuries.


If you look at last year's final roster to Well's list we had:


2 QBs/2 QBs (highly doubt this changes)

4 RBs/4 RBs (I can see us keeping 3 RB this year instead of 4 -- if Gore is healthy, we shouldn't really need a 4th RB)

6 WRs/6 WRs (Cribbs was just a return specialist -- if Dorsett can be that for us, I don't see the need to carry 6)

3 TEs/3 TEs (If Swoope shows he can be good receiving threat, it makes sense to me for us to drop a RB or WR and allow Allen/Doyle to block and play a full back type role in certain packages)

9 OL/10 OL (Due to last year's injury troubles here, I could see why we may want to keep a 10th around, but who knows)

6 DL/ 7 DL (This will be based on health, IMO, but I could see Kerr or Parry getting axed or PSed)

9 LB/9 LB (I think 9 is the number we go with, unless Mathis starts on the injured list and someone shows to be a total ST beast, I could see us having 10 upon Mathis' return).

11 DB/ 9 DB (I tend to think we will keep at least 10 DB, but if D'Juon Smith shows versatility to play S if needed and if Geathers shines, 9 might be all that is necessary -- I tend to think at least 1 of McDonald, Sheldon Price, or Anderson makes this team)

3 ST/3 ST (I don't see this changing, between Overton, Vinny, and Patty Mac I think we may very well have the best group of 'STers' in the NFL)

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