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Josh McNary charged with rape (Merge)


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Love our culture of guilty until proven innocent when it comes to rape. /s

There's a difference between an accusation and actually being charged. There is strong enough evidence for the prosecution to press charges, for me, this is all I need to see regarding his status on this team. That doesn't make him guilty; that's what the judicial system is for

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Hmmm if anyone is bored.. do a Google search of casting 360 talent agency. It's reviewed as scamming people by promising them movie and acting careers but they charge people for the service before landing them anything.... read some of the reviews. One even reads they promised her a movie role but the movie turned out to be a porno... now that's interesting indeed.

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Hmmm if anyone is bored.. do a Google search of casting 360 talent agency. It's reviewed as scamming people by promising them movie and acting careers but they charge people for the service before landing them anything.... read some of the reviews. One even reads they promised her a movie role but the movie turned out to be a porno... now that's interesting indeed.


Is that the agency the second man claims to represent?


Also, was the second man charged?

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Has anyone else taken the time to read the police report, all 15 pages.... as someone who's trained in investigations, I must first commend the detective for a very thorough job.

However, 2 things pop out at me.

1st. Mc Nary is said to have preserved all the bedding and clothing in question.

2nd. This 2nd white male thats listed in the report as being present during this time. His occupation stands out to me. A Talent casting agent. Now I'm going to speculate but I am looking this agency up to see what type of talent they deal with. It could be he was trying to coherse her with some acting or modeling career or it could be this man is a porn producer and they tried to get her to have sex for that reason. Either way, the presence of a talent agent is intriguing to me and I'd want dig deeper into that.


You have a link to police report?  A lot of the things I have read make the story sound odd

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Did you have anything to add or did you just feel like being an *?

I'll wait for the DAs and defense attorneys to render an opinion on the evidence that no one else will ever know exists. We might have videos, but we'll never talk to anyone face to face.

But if I have to say something in the meantime, I'll say...rape is bad...military is good. I thought Josh was good..but he might be bad. If Josh is bad... the Colts might be bad.

Golly, we might have to do something about Josh, or else people might think the colts are bad.

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Has anyone else taken the time to read the police report, all 15 pages.... as someone who's trained in investigations, I must first commend the detective for a very thorough job.

However, 2 things pop out at me.

1st. Mc Nary is said to have preserved all the bedding and clothing in question.

2nd. This 2nd white male thats listed in the report as being present during this time. His occupation stands out to me. A Talent casting agent. Now I'm going to speculate but I am looking this agency up to see what type of talent they deal with. It could be he was trying to coherse her with some acting or modeling career or it could be this man is a porn producer and they tried to get her to have sex for that reason. Either way, the presence of a talent agent is intriguing to me and I'd want dig deeper into that.

Thanks for the insight and the information.

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I'm glad you cleared up your position that if he raped and beat a woman that he should be released...big limb there, lol.

Not exactly saying I am going out on a limb here just saying how I feel about it.  Frankly I would be shocked if anyone disagreed with me but I wasn't exactly going for shock value with the post either. 

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This is too bad. I will wait to it plays out, but charged doesn't mean guilty, honestly the whole thing seems a little weird to me? If found to be true he should be cut, which is too bad because I think Josh has/had a future! I think there should be some sort of reserve status he could be placed on as to not be a distraction to the team!!

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2nd. This 2nd white male thats listed in the report as being present during this time. His occupation stands out to me. A Talent casting agent. Now I'm going to speculate but I am looking this agency up to see what type of talent they deal with. It could be he was trying to coherse her with some acting or modeling career or it could be this man is a porn producer and they tried to get her to have sex for that reason. Either way, the presence of a talent agent is intriguing to me and I'd want dig deeper into that.

I don't believe the report noted him as a casting agent, but rather that he had a profile up on a casting agency site. The site is a publicly accessible site that it appears anyone can make an account on. His listing is more likely to be that of a talent and not a talent agent, as evidenced by the listing of his height, weight and age - factors that are very commonly important in the process of casting for a role but not so much for listing a casting agent. 

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You missed the point.

He claimed McNary shouldn't "have" to rape anyone since, as a football player, he can easily get sex. And you're defending him. Unbelievable.

Obviously McNary felt that's what he had to do since he did it. Was it wrong? Of course. How else would you say that? Its a fact that famous people can get sex easily with some women. The fact you're acting so naive and judgemental towards all this is unbelievable. But i guess we can all act like Saints when hiding behind a computer.
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Obviously McNary felt that's what he had to do since he did it. Was it wrong? Of course. How else would you say that? The fact you're acting so naive and judgemental towards all this is unbelievable. But i guess we can all act like Saints when hiding behind a computer.


To the bolded, I don't think that's the way it works. 

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Not exactly saying I am going out on a limb here just saying how I feel about it.  Frankly I would be shocked if anyone disagreed with me but I wasn't exactly going for shock value with the post either. 


I know, just trying to lighten the mood of what's an awful situation.

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No duh. But obviously it seems that what McNary thought, with whatever reasoning he used.


No, I don't think that's the way it goes. I mean, I'm not speaking from personal experience, but I don't think a person rapes another person because they think that's the only way they can get sex. 

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No, I don't think that's the way it goes. I mean, I'm not speaking from personal experience, but I don't think a person rapes another person because they think that's the only way they can get sex.

Ya, but he also felt that that route was something he had to do. Maybe that was his intention, but his psychological reasoning could be numerous reasons.

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Ya, but he also felt that that route was something he had to do. Maybe that was his intention, but his psychological reasoning could be numerous reasons.

There are a lot of assumptions in this post.  First and foremost, it's assuming the girl is telling the truth and the charges are legitimate.  It's very possible that he did not rape the the accuser, that whatever happened she felt guilty about it the next day and cried rape.  Maybe she was drugged and in that state consented to sex but did not consent to being drugged.  maybe Mcnary did not know she was drugged.  Maybe McNary is a rapist and deserves to be castrated (what I think should be done to rapists) and thrown into prison for years.


But to claim from the few reports coming out that he "psychologically" thought that he had to rape that girl is putting the cart about 10 miles before the horse.

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Ya, but he also felt that that route was something he had to do. Maybe that was his intention, but his psychological reasoning could be numerous reasons.


I can't speak to his psychological reasoning, or that of anyone who has raped someone (not that he's guilty). But I think it's lacking insight (I'm trying to be nice) to say something like "why'd he rape someone, he doesn't need to do that, he could have a girl if he wanted." 

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Obviously McNary felt that's what he had to do since he did it. Was it wrong? Of course. How else would you say that? Its a fact that famous people can get sex easily with some women. The fact you're acting so naive and judgemental towards all this is unbelievable. But i guess we can all act like Saints when hiding behind a computer.




I can't speak to his psychological reasoning, or that of anyone who has raped someone (not that he's guilty). But I think it's lacking insight (I'm trying to be nice) to say something like "why'd he rape someone, he doesn't need to do that, he could have a girl if he wanted." 


I'll say it for you, it's stupid. Not to mention, just a creepy thing to say.

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Yes they are but does that mean most military personell are law breakers ? Lets get real , I had the priviledge of guarding those folks In a Marine Prison before they were sent on to Leavenworth , to insinuate most Service men are like this or women are lawbreakers is wrong that's whats real ! Respect Servicemen and Vets ! If you think in someway im defending JM your sadly mistaken. It probably is much less per capata than general public.

respect is earned not given
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Sometimes there's not a whole lot of psychological analysis necessary....sometimes we're talking about a dark-hearted, wicked :cuss: .


Two years ago most onlookers probably thought Darren Sharper was an okay guy....no more self-absorbed than your typical enough hot shot pro athlete. And although Sharper's case is still to be decided in court, the emerging picture now is that of a guy with an insidious, ruthless and predatory streak.....well-disguised behind Sharper's smooth public persona, which he quite likely used if he indeed committed the crimes he's accused of.


We simply DO NOT know these people, and it's really pointless to speculate too much.


But the team's responsibility is to cut McNary immediately with hyper-toxic charges against him such as these.


Cut him tomorrow and let the law take its course.

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