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suh wins appeal. he'll play


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In Rodney Harrison's time.. he was pretty much the NFL's "DIRTIEST PLAYER" ... EVERY YEAR.


I'm not imagining it...   Dan Patrick busts his balls all the time about it.      

Harrison never stomped on anyone or kicked a player in the crotch. He got flags and fines for late hits but was never suspended by the league.

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In Rodney Harrison's time.. he was pretty much the NFL's "DIRTIEST PLAYER" ... EVERY YEAR.


I'm not imagining it...   Dan Patrick busts his balls all the time about it.      

Yes he was AND still never once did what Suh has done.


BTW, Rodney is my least favorite Pats player. Didn't like him as a player because he was dirty and can't stand him as a broadcaster.

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Yes he was AND still never once did what Suh has done.

BTW, Rodney is my least favorite Pats player. Didn't like him as a player because he was dirty and can't stand him as a broadcaster.

Weird. If i was a pats fan. I'm pretty sure Hernandez would be my least favorite player. But that's just me

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Weird. If i was a pats fan. I'm pretty sure Hernandez would be my least favorite player. But that's just me

Hernandez is in his own separate category. He hurts in a way that is indescribable. He had everything. The big contract, Brady tossing him passes in the Super Bowl the year prior to his arrest, Kraft in his corner, a fiancé, a new baby ... and he gave it all away. Maybe one of the most tragic, sad, and disappointing players in football history.

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Hernandez is in his own separate category. He hurts in a way that is indescribable. He had everything. The big contract, Brady tossing him passes in the Super Bowl the year prior to his arrest, Kraft in his corner ... and he gave it all away. Maybe one of the most tragic, sad, and disappointing players in football history.

also, he took the lives of other human beings

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Not surprising and not a huge deal to be honest, If he gets dirty like that just have an O Lineman strategically take him out just like I said before, He is not the first dirty player in the NFL of course and wont be the last, Players have to stick up for there own.

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In "YESTERDAYS"    NFL...      That is the whole jist of the problem here..       People are confusing era's.    


Suh would fit right in with the 1993 Dallas Cowboys....      Today he is a punk.


Just more sissification of the NFL....      I applaud Suh for keeping his edge..   even tho he is a punk..    heee.e.e.ee


Grigs...  I WANT SUH IN A COLT uni...   

His fines were for hard hits. Show me examples of stupid ones, like Suh's.

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As he should. Like I said in the other thread that didn't look intentional

What part of it didn't look intentional? The part where he never looks back at Rodgers? Or the part where he picks a foot off the ground to place all his weight on Rodgers ankle?

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In "YESTERDAYS"    NFL...      That is the whole jist of the problem here..       People are confusing era's.    


Suh would fit right in with the 1993 Dallas Cowboys....      Today he is a punk.


Just more sissification of the NFL....      I applaud Suh for keeping his edge.. 

Stomping helpless  players well after the whistle blows is not the sissification of playing football. It's the act of a thug and complete coward.


QB's in general are over protected these days, and yes the NFL has been sissified while the ball is live. (Kickoff placement for one.) Trying to injure others well after a play has ended as they're in a defenseless or near defenseless position is completely different.


All the talk of Rodney earlier on NE, he has nothing on Suh. The only really, really, dirty thing NE did that comes to mind was Vince Wilforkyoureyesout many years ago...can't remember who he did it to but he tried to poke someones eyes and it was a one time deal.  That and Brady tried to slide kick somebody in the nuts which was also a one time deal. Suh is a regular offender.


Gronk threw our boy out the club when we played after he was jawwing the best TE in the league all game. Gronk didn't try to break his leg. He didn't have his back turned. He flat out ran him over. Stuff like that is keeping your edge...not being a cheap shot artist.

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What part of it didn't look intentional? The part where he never looks back at Rodgers? Or the part where he picks a foot off the ground to place all his weight on Rodgers ankle?

The part where he doesn't even know Rodgers is there until he steps on him and the part where Lang has his jersey which has him off balance a little. The appeal process obviously didn't think it was intentional either
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The part where he doesn't even know Rodgers is there until he steps on him and the part where Lang has his jersey which has him off balance a little. The appeal process obviously didn't think it was intentional either


I've only seen a focus on the 'step', and not what else is going on around him, but I have wondered about him being engaged with an OL. However, if the appeal process obviously didn't think it was intention........why the fine?


There's a little bit of oddity in this whole thing, to me.

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It's all about perception.   


Suh is a "bad boy' and will always be judged as such...    Gronk is a "good guy" ...


I PROMISE you...    there is footage of the great RG out there doing a little "extra" ...    to think he is an angel is comical. 


What side of  the NFL and the media a player is on go a long way in a players perception.       Suh has done himself NO favors...    but Gronk is wound pretty tight too..     But we all like Gronk.            And we hate Suh,.


Whatever..  Suh "STOMPING"  AR?  LOL ...      seriously ..     dude was walking backwards and I seriously wonder if dude did in fact know who was he "backing into?"  


He should be judged on "this" action..      not his past.

Stomping helpless  players well after the whistle blows is not the sissification of playing football. It's the act of a thug and complete coward.


QB's in general are over protected these days, and yes the NFL has been sissified while the ball is live. (Kickoff placement for one.) Trying to injure others well after a play has ended as they're in a defenseless or near defenseless position is completely different.


All the talk of Rodney earlier on NE, he has nothing on Suh. The only really, really, dirty thing NE did that comes to mind was Vince Wilforkyoureyesout many years ago...can't remember who he did it to but he tried to poke someones eyes and it was a one time deal.  That and Brady tried to slide kick somebody in the nuts which was also a one time deal. Suh is a regular offender.


Gronk threw our boy out the club when we played after he was jawwing the best TE in the league all game. Gronk didn't try to break his leg. He didn't have his back turned. He flat out ran him over. Stuff like that is keeping your edge...not being a cheap shot artist.

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Are you bleeping kidding me?! Suh stepped on Rogers not once but twice. I'm so furious he won his appeal right now that I'm biting my tongue right now. 


What the hades is the point of citing a player for an intentional act if all the player has to do is beg, plead, & say it's a Playoff game? 


He knew exactly what he did to Rogers & why he did it & he should not be given a pass because it's a wildcard game. Suh you should have thought of that before you tried to injure Aaron, increase your chances of winning the NFC North, & get a week off. 


That judge who allowed Suh to write a check for his unhanded tactics is a fool. What kind of lesson are you teaching kids who watch football? You can cheat & all is forgiven if you have a big enough back account? 


Bleep you Suh. I'm just furious at the system, Suh, & the league right now...Is this due process in action? You could have fooled me. 


Also, Nate Burleson stopping trying to defend Suh like you're his lawyer or public relations guy. You look childish man seriously dude knock it off. Does Suh have you on retainer or something? 


Hey Suh, let me ask you a question, if you were down on the ground & had a Packers LB step on your leg or ankle more than once defiantly with cleats trying to injury you & threaten your livelihood, would you be cool with say Clay Matthews cutting a check & playing next week like nothing ever happened? 


I have lost so much respect for you as a pass rusher Suh. You disgust me man & make me sick! 

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So he was suspended. Then appealed and got a 70k fine. 70k for what? for doing nothing wrong? For maybe we're not sure it was intentional so we'll fine him 70k just in case?  


In the end did the NFL not want the Lions best player out for the City of Detroit in a playoff which can be one and done.  Interesting.

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So he was suspended. Then appealed and got a 70k fine. 70k for what? for doing nothing wrong? For maybe we're not sure it was intentional so we'll fine him 70k just in case?

In the end did the NFL not want the Lions best player out for the City of Detroit in a playoff which can be one and done. Interesting.

Most players don't get their full suspension taking away during an appeal, right or wrong. Usually it's just reduced when they are right, the NFL isn't going to let them walk free and admit they made a mistake so they have to keep some kind of penalty on them to save face
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I PROMISE you...    there is footage of the great RG out there doing a little "extra" ...    to think he is an angel is comical. 


Whatever..  Suh "STOMPING"  AR?

I've never seen Gronk do anything in the same ballpark as a multitude of acts by Suh.


I didn't say Suh stomped AR. I said he's stomped defenseless players well after the whistle blows.

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So he was suspended. Then appealed and got a 70k fine. 70k for what? for doing nothing wrong? For maybe we're not sure it was intentional so we'll fine him 70k just in case?  


In the end did the NFL not want the Lions best player out for the City of Detroit in a playoff which can be one and done.  Interesting.

Regardless if Suh plays or not I don't see that having a much of a factor in whether the Dallas wins, The game will come down to whether or not Matt Stafford can at the very least keep up with what Romo is likely to do in Dallas without making big mistakes (interceptions)... I got to watching the replay and I actually thought the action in front of him caused him to take that 1st step backwards on Rodgers leg.....the 2nd step and standing on his leg however......Not so much

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It is what it is...     BIG names bring BIG headlines...  


The Pitt DB who NAILED Green "helmet to helmet" did not get a flag,   has not been fined,  and will not get suspended?


I am sorry...     THAT "HIT" was FAR MORE SAVAGE than N Suh backing up on poor little ole Aaron Rodgers and his sore little boo boo of a calf.   


If it were Curtis Painter instead of Aaron R...     This a non issue.


Player safety?   really?    tell that to the Bengals.        and their BEST player.       

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This is why I find Nate's defense of Suh so infuriating:


Did he ever turn around & say to Rogers. "Oh no Aaron, I 'm so sorry let me help you up?" He went straight backwards without looking, stepped on Rogers, & then backed right up & did it again like he was running over a family pet just because he could. Suh, doesn't even have to be sincere just look like you care at a bare minimum. That at least would give you wiggle room on appeal. He's not even smart about cheating. 


I'm not even gonna bring up previous incidents here, but someone in the spirit of Christmas/New Years "Nutcracker" should reach out to former Texans QB Matt Schaub for comment on recent developments. 




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Regardless if Suh plays or not I don't see that having a much of a factor in whether the Dallas wins, The game will come down to whether or not Matt Stafford can at the very least keep up with what Romo is likely to do in Dallas without making big mistakes (interceptions)... I got to watching the replay and I actually thought the action in front of him caused him to take that 1st step backwards on Rodgers leg.....the 2nd step and standing on his leg however......Not so much

Yes we know without Suh it wouldn't necessarily effect the game but the perception it might have by the city of Detroit and thus the NFL? Just a thought.

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If it were Curtis Painter instead of Aaron R...     This a non issue.       

Actually no, JD. I'd still watch Painter just to see how many picks he threw. Tremendous incompetence fascinates almost as much as tremendous skill on any football field. 


Besides, his game can't get any worse. Who knows it might improve & force him to move & make quicker decisions in the pocket. Only teasing! 


Yeah, I get your point: Marquee NFL name recognition matters to the refs, the competition committee, & the Commissioner to fill seats & sell merchandise at the highest price possible for maximum profit.


Here's the problem though: Suh build his reputation in this league as a bad boy enforcer & he can't pretend he's just an innocent bystandard being unfairly picked on now. 


You made your bed Suh of your own volition now have the balls to swallow your own medicine like a man. 


Did anyone else force you to step backwards twice? No, then quit your belly aching & shut the hades up you darn cry baby.[ I am referring to SUH here not JD BTW].

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Look, Suh had a right to appeal the initial NFL suspension by Merton Hanks, Vice President of Football Operations for the NFL. In addition, just because an athlete won their appeal over my firm objections, I do respect the process itself even though it clearly dropped the ball in it's final resolution. Suh is an amazing player on defense, but he needs to get his act together & adjust to the new rules. This isn't the 70's Steel Curtain, or the 85 Bears, or the Lawrence Taylor Giants anymore Suh. Wake up man! 


For such a smart guy in civilian clothes, why do you act like a deranged barbarian in the Motor City? Aggression I like, but cheap shots & stupidity over & over again no. I used to think that eventually the light bulb of reason & minimal penalties would finally click on but now, Suh is a lost cause. How many excuses does 1 guy get before the NFL landscape has to universally admit that he's dirty & plays the game completely wrong & the only person he's really hurting are his teammates who must field more questions like: What is it about Suh that brings the worst publicity to your organization, fanbase, & city? How do you quiet the distraction when Suh keeps tarnishing the owner by acting so immature & spoiled? How do you focus on a game plan when all you're thinking about is darn it quit being a natl. embarrassment. If I was Suh's teammate, I'd tell him to knock this crap off or we will settle this childish behavior in the parking lot. 


Suh just doesn't get why people are so irate with him & the dude never learns from his mistakes & it's always somebody else's fault--the ref, a defender got in my way, he was induced to commit defensive encroachment, the list goes on & on...Grow up man seriously & take responsibility for something once in your life on the field of play. Sigh...That's never gonna happen in my lifetime I'm afraid. 


JJ Watt is the perfect professional on defense for Houston while Ndamukong Suh is a huge detriment to his team, coaching staff, & fanbase. The athletic talent is there as well as the drive to win, but he refuses to win cleanly & above board. That's the problem. Cheating is not an honorable strategy. 

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So the morale of the story: If you're going to attempt to injure someone, do it before a playoff game.

Either that or with enough cash in your bank account, all your sins or legal infractions are systematically forgiven & eternally absolved RMDY.


Forget priests; get a good accountant & a lawyer for immunity from any possible sign of guilt, wrongdoing, or criminal activity designed to inflict harm or damage upon another. 

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Off topic slightly, but Detroit Lions players have a history of mental lapses during critical games. Remember, DE Willie Young vs QB Tom Brady? 




Yes, I know it was under HC Jim Schwartz not Jim Caldwell, but the Lions don't always roar at the right time do they? 


For once, Suh didn't cost his team yardage. Imagine that...Amazing eh? LOL! 

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Top 10 Reason Why Ndamukong Loses His Cool During Games: 


[imagine David Letterman reading this list aloud with a drumroll]


10. He's angry that his momma loved Johnny Cash & called him "A Boy named Sue/Suh.


9. His new Dodge Charger he ordered from the Motown dealership with velvet, lavender upholstery is on back order for 2 more months.


8. He refuses to be a guest on the Letterman Show because Dave loves the Indianapolis Colts as his favorite football team in the NFL & the Lions always lose inside Lucas Oil Stadium.


7. His girlfriend promised him Happy Hour Fun Time on his birthday & then came down with a splitting headache. Happy Hour Revoked. 


6. He swore the 1st rule in the Lions playbook says "If you're not cheating; you're not trying hard enough & your commitment to deception is not strong enough."


5. Everytime Suh hears Aretha Franklin's song "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" he has an overwhelming urge to do something illegal: Speed in his car, step on somebody, or get a roughing the passer penalty.


4. It's Suh, does he really need a reason to go crazy & ballistic on the field? 


3. He wanted planters peanuts on gameday & Texans QB Matt Schaub was right there so he figured let's improvise on the fly. 


2. Remember that scene in "Revenge Of The Nerds" where the laundry nerds get even with the mean jocks by making their athletic unmentionables very, very warm? Payback is a...rhymes with witch.


1. He took finance in high school, but was absent on the day the teacher taught their students how to save money vs  spend it recklessly on speeding tickets & massive fines. 

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The part where he doesn't even know Rodgers is there until he steps on him and the part where Lang has his jersey which has him off balance a little. The appeal process obviously didn't think it was intentional either

So what in your mind, do you believe he thought he was stepping on? He may not know Aaron was there with the first step, but the second one he sure does.

Do you think he believed he gained the power to levitate? And then lifted up his other leg to test his theory?

I mean it's such a bad acting job, it's not even funny. Have you ever been shoved from behind and not even look back? Especially since you 100% "accidentally" stepped on someone?

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Stomping on a player is one thing, merely stepping on them in not a big deal.  That sounds bad, but in reality, there wasn't much chance of any harm.


What Newsome did to Fitzpatrick was worse.  Although not intentionally meant to harm, he intentionally meant to trip which causes far more injuries than merely being stepped on.


And engaging someone in a block and holding it until you drive them into a camera is worse than both, and the congratulatory attitude displayed by Gronk and Belichick after it happened was worse yet.  But the Pats fans would go crazy and the NFL lose money if Gronk was suspended for the rest of the season like he should have been.


I bet a classy guy like Caldwell didn't laugh about Suh's play.

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Suh is a dirty player and there's no doubt he stepped on Rodgers intentionally but I don't have a problem with this ruling. If it was the regular season then a one game suspension is well deserved, but for the playoffs I think this would be unfair to the rest of the Lions players and fans, especially since they only make the playoffs about once a decade. I'm sure the NFL will have the referees keeping a close eye on him and he'll get a quick ejection if he tries anything similar during the playoffs and I'm sure Suh knows it too. Fining the hell out of him while still giving the Lions a fair shot to win is the right way to go, IMO.

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