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Sure. We'll get a win there eventually.


Wouldn't worry about the whol e"never won in Indianapolis" thing


You guys are seriously just a QB away (and a few other pieces) from taking the divsion. We should've loss yesterday but neither of the QB's in a Texans uniform could do much. Colts are above average team at best. Lots of flaws. 2 weeks straight we've barely escaped a Loss

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Wouldn't worry about the whol e"never won in Indianapolis" thing


You guys are seriously just a QB away (and a few other pieces) from taking the divsion. We should've loss yesterday but neither of the QB's in a Texans uniform could do much. Colts are above average team at best. Lots of flaws. 2 weeks straight we've barely escaped a Loss

Yeah, it sucks that the Texans have such terrible luck with quarterbacks. Hopefully by the time we find one the Colts defense hasn't become the monster that everyone has been hoping for (I guess we aren't the only team that has a longstanding problem, lol).

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Yeah, it sucks that the Texans have such terrible luck with quarterbacks. Hopefully by the time we find one the Colts defense hasn't become the monster that everyone has been hoping for (I guess we aren't the only team that has a longstanding problem, lol).


Defense still has about 2 years,and injury free to get to monster status so you guys have some time lol

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Wouldn't worry about the whol e"never won in Indianapolis" thing

You guys are seriously just a QB away (and a few other pieces) from taking the divsion. We should've loss yesterday but neither of the QB's in a Texans uniform could do much. Colts are above average team at best. Lots of flaws. 2 weeks straight we've barely escaped a Loss

Not really. They aren't. But enjoy the narrative. And really QB like luck come around every 15 years so good luck with that Texans! Lousy franchise with zero upside.

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Wouldn't worry about the whol e"never won in Indianapolis" thing


You guys are seriously just a QB away (and a few other pieces) from taking the divsion. We should've loss yesterday but neither of the QB's in a Texans uniform could do much. Colts are above average team at best. Lots of flaws. 2 weeks straight we've barely escaped a Loss


Unfortunately, the Colts are just a pass rusher away (and a few other pieces) from being an elite Super Bowl contendoer, let alone taking the division.


You are aware that other teams get to add draft picks and free agents this offseason, just like the Texans do, right?

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Wouldn't worry about the whol e"never won in Indianapolis" thing

You guys are seriously just a QB away (and a few other pieces) from taking the divsion. We should've loss yesterday but neither of the QB's in a Texans uniform could do much. Colts are above average team at best. Lots of flaws. 2 weeks straight we've barely escaped a Loss

So even though we won, the Texans get imaginary "should have won" credit, for doing absolutely nothing?

Seems legit.

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I'll take a division crown any way I can get it. Ugly, pretty, lopsided, or by the skin of my teeth. Nice work fellas! I'm proud of all of you.

After 2011 & Curtis Painter, I never take anything for granted anymore.

Well said SW1. You can steamroll through the toughest schedule of all, and still lose when it comes to sudden death games.

More happy than sad, for sure, and form is temporary. Every game starts at 0-0.

Proud of this team....again.

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So even though we won, the Texans get imaginary "should have won" credit, for doing absolutely nothing?

Seems legit.


Wouldn't say they did nothing seeing as how they got a pick 6 and completely dominated our offense. But like I said, their offense did nothing to help the defense. Sloppy win for the 2nd straight week. It'll catch up to us eventually. Only a matter of time, and it just might be this week in Jerry World 

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Wouldn't say they did nothing seeing as how they got a pick 6 and completely dominated our offense. But like I said, their offense did nothing to help the defense. Sloppy win for the 2nd straight week. It'll catch up to us eventually. Only a matter of time, and it just might be this week in Jerry World

Their offense contributed 3 points. The other 7 came from Luck making a poor decision.

And even completely "dominating" our offense, still lost by 7.


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Well said SW1. You can steamroll through the toughest schedule of all, and still lose when it comes to sudden death games.

More happy than sad, for sure, and form is temporary. Every game starts at 0-0.

Proud of this team....again.

Thanks BHC. I ran out of likes. Here are 4 thumbs up instead:  :thmup:  :thmup:  :thmup:  :thmup:

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What have the Colts evolved into? Going to the legs against both of our QBs, breaking the leg of Fitzpatrick and possibly taking out Savage for the foreseeable future too? Whatever. Enjoy your paper crown.


First of all, Fitzpatrick was stupid enough to try and bulldoze forward through a LB and a D Lineman while running the ball, hardly the defenders fault. QB's aren't conditioned to do that nor are they built to sustain those types of hits...  further to that stupid act, if you go back and watch the hit, he just gets rolled sideways and the manner in which they both go to ground is just an unfortunate tangle for Fitz... Trying to make our team sound like cheats and people who would purposely injure other players does nothing to make the Texans suck any less...

Secondly, calling our division title a "paper crown" is derisive of your own team, not ours. Get over it because your season is over. Better luck next year you sore loser.

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Tripping on Fitzpatrick which broke his tibia, not flagged:




Tripping is a personal foul and illegal because people can BREAK THEIR LEG which is exactly what happened.


Video of hit on Savage:




Clearly the Colts player goes for the legs instead of the midsection. I have seen Watt flagged for hits higher than this one. Say what you want, he chose the legs on purpose.



Get a grip.


It's called football.


It's a brutal, violent game.    Stuff happens.


Tough breaks for you and I'm sorry and all that,  but if this is too much for you....   either don't watch or don't be a fan.


Because stuff happens in football games.

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Get a grip.


It's called football.


It's a brutal, violent game.    Stuff happens.


Tough breaks for you and I'm sorry and all that,  but if this is too much for you....   either don't watch or don't be a fan.


Because stuff happens in football games.


I wasn't upset about tough breaks. Yes, they happen every game.


What I was upset about is every single Colts fan flat out denying that your players did anything wrong, when it's clear as day that they did. THAT is what upset me, and I expected more from your fan base.


I am enjoying the beat down put on the Colts today...a little justice is nice, even if it has to come from "them Cowboys".

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, December 25, 2014 - spamming
Hidden by Superman, December 25, 2014 - spamming

I ask nobody to buy colts products for 3 months if you play fantasy football. They say they do not care about those fans who play well if they do not care about us then they should not care about us spending our money for them. Take Luck out??? Do they reallize this was the fantasy superbowls this week???? Well that pulling him just cost me $6000 dollars by 1 point!!!!!!!!!!! They probably do not care because it is just stupid fantasy football but as their fans and drafting their players, well guess what $6000 is a lot of money for me. If you are not going to put your best team on the field and you do not care about your fans then I guess that myself I have $6000 dollars I can't spend on Colts items. That money probably means nothing to you but it means a lot to me and probably a lot of other fantasy fans or yours. I as all fantasy players not to buy Colt items off of their site but to wait for 3 to 6 months to let them know there is a lot of us to answer for.

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I wasn't upset about tough breaks. Yes, they happen every game.


What I was upset about is every single Colts fan flat out denying that your players did anything wrong, when it's clear as day that they did. THAT is what upset me, and I expected more from your fan base.


I am enjoying the beat down put on the Colts today...a little justice is nice, even if it has to come from "them Cowboys".


I think if it was obvious that the Colts players were trying to hurt the Texans players the NFL would've come along this week and finished the Colts players.


Did they?     No.


The NFL is not the least bit shy about fining players they think are trying to hurt others.    And they didn't in this case.


So,  what's obvious to you is not obvious to anyone else.


Glad you can enjoy the Colts getting stomped on,  but your premise that the Colts were trying to hurt the Texans is laughable.


So,  as long as you don't mind being the fool....  then enjoy it!     :thmup:

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