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Oakland's Tony Sparano given Gatorade shower after win. Why? No clue.


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Look at Tony Sparano's expression. He pauses for what seems like an eternity. He doesn't know what emotion to use to match the situation. His team is 2-11 after today's win. They're almost dead last in every statistical category. Someone else will probably take his job after the season. His team won't make the playoffs. Hell, Tony Sparano isn't even the real head coach, only interim! What is there to celebrate!? This is not a momentous occasion!

To me, this Gatorade shower represents the lack of discipline this team has. It's a trend becoming all to common. Remember when the Raiders were celebrating 15+ yds offsides after a sack? The only thing these Raiders should be celebrating is their paychecks.

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Yea i was like...what?


But maybe it feels like they have hope in the future. Ya know? 10 straight bad seasons it didnt look like the Raiders were going nowhere. But you look at it and they have a very young promising team with a super hard schedule.

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Its been 14 years since Oaks beaten the 49ers & its been since '79 since they've won the "bay bowl" in Oak.

Plus i read an intersting report suggesting Oak may likely be Harbaughs landing spot next year, so it is really quite clever of a 2-11 squad to inaugurate the interim coaches victory over what could likely be his eventual successor,

Or maybe they just crazy there in Oaksterdamn...

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Considering Pagano got a Gatoraid shower for winning a pre-season game in 2012 . . . I think it's a little hypocritical for us to be this criticial.



You are fans. You don't play for the team, no need to worry about being hypocritical. There's no money involved, don't worry about pseudo-morality.

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You are fans. You don't play for the team, no need to worry about being hypocritical. There's no money involved, don't worry about pseudo-morality.


My point is that if we are going to question why the Raiders are pouring Gatoraid on their coach for winning a regular season game against the 49er's we would also have to question even more strongly why our team poured Gatoraid on it's head coach for winning a pre-season game in 2012.

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Yeah, I saw that Gatorade shower & I was like what in hades for? Did you secure a wildcard spot or get to the AFC Championship Game? I felt bad for Sparano. He won't be back next year. 


I was happy for Charles Woodson & Justin Tuck though. I love those guys even if they are on a lousy football team right now. 


I laughed so hard on NFL Gameday Final when Deion Sanders showed a picture of Jim Harbaugh talking to the Raiders owner & said "Where's my new office gonna be?"  :lol:

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 That's why they're Oakland. Aim low and stay low.

I don't mean to laugh MOW, but that's hysterical to me.  :funny: I wonder what RB MJD is thinking: "I left Jacksonville for this? Really?" 


Okay, QB Derek Carr is legitimate. I will admit that so Jim Harbaugh has something positive to build on next year. 

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It's huge.

To me though, it's pointless like the Redskins/Cowboys rivalry in the NFC East. Unless you win your division, nobody cares from a fanbase perspective.


The Bay Area Bowl is irrelevant unless your team makes the Playoffs because of winning this particular game. 


It's likes giving a kid an ice cream treat for getting a D- instead of an F+ for almost, but not quite, failing a class. I don't reward poor season performances on average. I strive for excellence. 


Did Oakland players work hard & play well yesterday? Yes, they did. So what? QB CK had a bad game & the Raiders made the 49ers pay dearly for that. That's all. 

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Considering Pagano got a Gatoraid shower for winning a pre-season game in 2012 . . . I think it's a little hypocritical for us to be this criticial.

So we are comparing who is Gatorade worthy now? Sigh...Pagano is winning division titles. I'm pleased with that myself. Call me crazy, but I think Chuck is doing a fine job. 

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To me though, it's pointless like the Redskins/Cowboys rivalry in the NFC East. Unless you win your division, nobody cares from a fanbase perspective.

The Bay Area Bowl is irrelevant unless your team makes the Playoffs because of winning this particular game.

It's likes giving a kid an ice cream treat for getting a D- instead of an F+ for almost, but not quite, failing a class. I don't reward poor season performances on average. I strive for excellence.

Did Oakland players work hard & play well yesterday? Yes, they did. So what? QB CK had a bad game & the Raiders made the 49ers pay dearly for that. That's all.

It's basically a blood feud, and they only play once every four years, so it's a big deal, and the bragging rights have staying power. I have a lot of Raiders fan friends, and even after they fired Allen and their season was obviously over, they were saying how they couldn't wait for the Battle of the Bay. Tickets are ridiculously expensive for that game, even at the rundown O.co. It's an event.

Everyone knows that it's petty, including the Raiders and their fans, but that's not really relevant. They are enjoying a little bit of sunshine in an otherwise bleak season. Let them have their one day of celebration. They don't have to be lectured about how insignificant the win is.

Also, while the win doesn't help the Raiders, it does pretty much end the Niners' season. So there's a little extra joy for them in getting the upperhand in the rivalry.

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It's basically a blood feud, and they only play once every four years, so it's a big deal, and the bragging rights have staying power. I have a lot of Raiders fan friends, and even after they fired Allen and their season was obviously over, they were saying how they couldn't wait for the Battle of the Bay. Tickets are ridiculously expensive for that game, even at the rundown O.co. It's an event.

Everyone knows that it's petty, including the Raiders and their fans, but that's not really relevant. They are enjoying a little bit of sunshine in an otherwise bleak season. Let them have their one day of celebration. They don't have to be lectured about how insignificant the win is.

Also, while the win doesn't help the Raiders, it does pretty much end the Niners' season. So there's a little extra joy for them in getting the upperhand in the rivalry.

I get that as neither the Niners or the Raiders have any love for 1 another Superman. I know that. The question isn't "They don't have to be lectured about how insignificant the win is." The question is when are the fans going to stop buying tickets to Raiders games until they [ownership] put a winning team on the field that can at least give the Broncos a run for it's money? 


I never understand fans who shell out hard earned dollars for a steady stream of losing. 2002 is a long to go without a SB appearance. Beating a rival means nothing if no one takes the Raiders seriously as even 8-10 winning season football franchise. 

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So we are comparing who is Gatorade worthy now? Sigh...Pagano is winning division titles. I'm pleased with that myself. Call me crazy, but I think Chuck is doing a fine job. 


Didn't say Chuck wasn't a better coach.  But before he even won a regular season game he got a gatoraid shower for winning a pre-season game.  

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I get that as neither the Niners or the Raiders have any love for 1 another Superman. I know that. The question isn't "They don't have to be lectured about how insignificant the win is." The question is when are the fans going to stop buying tickets to Raiders games until they [ownership] put a winning team on the field that can at least give the Broncos a run for it's money? 


I never understand fans who shell out hard earned dollars for a steady stream of losing. 2002 is a long to go without a SB appearance. Beating a rival means nothing if no one takes the Raiders seriously as even 8-10 winning season football franchise. 

It's not hard to understand.  You may not agree with it, but going to a game, and perhaps as one as big as the Raiders and 49ers are to their respective fans, it's an event.  Like going to a concert as opposed to just hearing a CD of them live.  There's no substitute.  Even if its' a losing team, that's not the bottom line of football.  It may be the most significant factor in why a fan my go to a game.  But some of my fondest memories of going to colts games were as a kid when the Colts were just plain terrible.  Tickets were dirt cheap, food and drinks were cheap (we scalped good seats on the lower level for $20-$30 on the regular), and the fans around were much more laid back.  I mean, we sucked, we knew it, so no one was going to get all up in arms about an unruly fan of the visiting team - heck, if anything, it made them much more approachable because we weren't going to argue back.  It was like going to a football game but with a laid back triple A baseball game mentality. 

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I get that as neither the Niners or the Raiders have any love for 1 another Superman. I know that. The question isn't "They don't have to be lectured about how insignificant the win is." The question is when are the fans going to stop buying tickets to Raiders games until they [ownership] put a winning team on the field that can at least give the Broncos a run for it's money?

I never understand fans who shell out hard earned dollars for a steady stream of losing. 2002 is a long to go without a SB appearance. Beating a rival means nothing if no one takes the Raiders seriously as even 8-10 winning season football franchise.

I'm not sure how that relates to the fact that the players were excited about a rivalry win.

And I'm not sure it really matters, certainly not to me, as I'm not a Raiders fan. How they support their team or protest against poor performance is of no consequence to me. And I don't think fans are going to stop going to games because of a bad team. There are only 8 regular season games a year, and it's a fun occasion, whether the team is good or not.

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It's not hard to understand.  You may not agree with it, but going to a game, and perhaps as one as big as the Raiders and 49ers are to their respective fans, it's an event.  Like going to a concert as opposed to just hearing a CD of them live.  There's no substitute.  Even if its' a losing team, that's not the bottom line of football.  It may be the most significant factor in why a fan my go to a game.  But some of my fondest memories of going to colts games were as a kid when the Colts were just plain terrible.  Tickets were dirt cheap, food and drinks were cheap (we scalped good seats on the lower level for $20-$30 on the regular), and the fans around were much more laid back.  I mean, we sucked, we knew it, so no one was going to get all up in arms about an unruly fan of the visiting team - heck, if anything, it made them much more approachable because we weren't going to argue back.  It was like going to a football game but with a laid back triple A baseball game mentality. 

That's where I differ with others OPC. When I go to listen to bands live, I go to see excellent musicians not mediocre or lack luster ones. I respect quality & I don't cater to ineptness ever. 


Even in my football choices, I don't support decades of lackluster play. Now, if I can see that new ownership or fresh coaching is being hired to fix a bad franchise & restore winning ways that's different. I can be patient if I see change is being made for the benefit of a team down the stretch. 


Baseball is not my favorite sport either. In fact, I detest it of all the professional sports out there because it takes forever for games to end & that's why they call it the natl. past time because so much time passes by waiting for the actual innings to end. JMO. My apologies if you love baseball as a sport BTW. I just have more efficient & entertaining ways of wasting my time.  


Sure football at a stadium that doesn't win often can be affordable food wise, ticket wise, parking fee wise, & merchandizing wise I get that & it's a valid point OPC. Me, I just don't tolerate failure over the longterm & I've always been that way in my personal sports & entertainment preferences. 

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That's where I differ with others OPC. When I go to listen to bands live, I go to see excellent musicians not mediocre or lack luster ones. I respect quality & I don't cater to ineptness ever. 


Even in my football choices, I don't support decades of lackluster play. Now, if I can see that new ownership or fresh coaching is being hired to fix a bad franchise & restore winning ways that's different. I can be patient if I see change is being made for the benefit of a team down the stretch. 


Baseball is not my favorite sport either. In fact, I detest it of all the professional sports out there because it takes forever for games to end & that's why they call it the natl. past time because so much time passes by waiting for the actual innings to end. JMO. My apologies if you love baseball as a sport BTW. I just have more efficient & entertaining ways of wasting my time.  


Sure football at a stadium that doesn't win often can be affordable food wise, ticket wise, parking fee wise, & merchandizing wise I get that & it's a valid point OPC. Me, I just don't tolerate failure over the longterm & I've always been that way in my personal sports & entertainment preferences. 

Fair enough.  Oh and I don't take it personal.  Everyone's got different tastes.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

You are fans. You don't play for the team, no need to worry about being hypocritical. There's no money involved, don't worry about pseudo-morality.


Hey, it was just a simple thread with various points of view, and then suddenly, in classic Bogie-like fashion,  there was a soap box for you to jump on and start talking about people being hypocritical and pseudo-morality.


Where does this stuff come from?    Is talking football really that beneath you?    That's why most of us are here....


Not sure about you.....    but most of us just want to talk some football.....


Hey,  what a concept.

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I'm not sure how that relates to the fact that the players were excited about a rivalry win.

And I'm not sure it really matters, certainly not to me, as I'm not a Raiders fan. How they support their team or protest against poor performance is of no consequence to me. And I don't think fans are going to stop going to games because of a bad team. There are only 8 regular season games a year, and it's a fun occasion, whether the team is good or not.

I just never understand getting excited over beating an arch rival as an athlete if your team has an abysmal season record. Okay sure, I know it's extremely hard to win games at the NFL level & I'm not going to blame any athlete for celebrating a hard fought victory during an emotionally grinding season. 


Fans of any team are free to demonstrate their allegiance any way they deem fit. I am only speaking from my own individual point of view. If you asked me to encapsulate the Raiders problem, it is this: Ownership there under Al Davis was too hands on, vocal, & they never gave their head coaches any room to breathe. Yes, I know John Madden won a ring there, but their primary failure was a lack of stability & giving up on coaches to quickly. In addition, until recently, Oakland was a notoriously cheap franchise unwilling to bring in premier talent. Yes, they brought in Randy Moss, Warren Sapp, MJD, & Justin Tuck, but you can't throw good money after a dynamic WR, pass rusher, or RB & think 1 or 2 key pieces are gonna achieve division titles & playoff runs. 


It really boils down to this: Is the athlete just after a ring or a large payday after the bling has already been accumulated & won? Me, like I said to OPC above, I just can't support a team that often comes up on the short end of the stick season after season with no hope on the horizon. Now, if Jim Harbaugh is indeed hired in the Bay area as anticipated, I will be happy for this club to finally feel what relevant looks like again. 


I get your point Superman, but I would never subscribe to that mindset. A nicely written post anyway. 

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i wonder if bill o'brien gets a gatorade shower if the texans finally beat the colts in indy this sunday

As long as Bill doesn't have his defense carry him off the field like Buffalo Bills DC Jim Schwartz did earlier this year, I'm cool with it. Jim's a good defensive mind, but man was that a crazy move on his part. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

Hey, it was just a simple thread with various points of view, and then suddenly, in classic Bogie-like fashion,  there was a soap box for you to jump on and start talking about people being hypocritical and pseudo-morality.


Where does this stuff come from?    Is talking football really that beneath you?    That's why most of us are here....


Not sure about you.....    but most of us just want to talk some football.....


Hey,  what a concept.



Can you ever reply to me without being a straight up jerk?


Most people on here are just trying to have fun and post comments, but not you. Every single reply to me is a personal attack, and most the time I ignore it, but you cross the line a lot. Say what you want about me, call me anything you want to feel good about yourself, but I'm not the one that consistently follows people around on a daily basis and quotes everything to bombard them with whiny essay length rants. Quite frankly, I don't care, and have other things to do. So I'm not really sure about you and your obsession with replying to every single post of mine you can find.


I talk about what I want to talk about, and in your classic fashion you make sure it's a way to attack. Hope it makes you feel better that for the second time in just a few months you managed to get a reply out of me, so pat yourself on the back and sleep good at night.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

Can you ever reply to me without being a straight up jerk?


Most people on here are just trying to have fun and post comments, but not you. Every single reply to me is a personal attack, and most the time I ignore it, but you cross the line a lot. Say what you want about me, call me anything you want to feel good about yourself, but I'm not the one that consistently follows people around on a daily basis and quotes everything to bombard them with whiny essay length rants. Quite frankly, I don't care, and have other things to do. So I'm not really sure about you and your obsession with replying to every single post of mine you can find.


I talk about what I want to talk about, and in your classic fashion you make sure it's a way to attack. Hope it makes you feel better that for the second time in just a few months you managed to get a reply out of me, so pat yourself on the back and sleep good at night.


Just wondering.....


But do you ever go back and read what you write here?


I ask that because you seem totally lost as to why I come along and poke and prod you.   And I admit that I do.


But I'm not trying to be a jerk about it.    I'm simply trying to get you to focus on the fact that you're the person most likely to jump off topic and start a rant about the evils of society and the terrible things that come out of sports.   Which is fine if that's what the thread is talking about.    But you toss those into threads that have nothing to do with it.    You see a soap box and up you jump to lecture everyone here about how morally superior you are and how inferior the rest of us who like football are.


Oh, and you also like to tell everyone about your great predictions and how they come true -- even when I've pointed out that the exact opposite happens.   You often seem detached from reality.


You're completely unaware that you do this.   That's why I poke and prod.    Hello?!?


I have no idea why someone who likes to talk about the terrible things in football in specific and sports in general spends so much time on a fans football message boards.    And much of the time, all you're doing is succeeding in annoying the people you're interacting with.    If you're under the impression I'm the only one you're bothering, then you're not paying much attention to the reactions you get....


I spend the least amount of my time on the NFL page here where you live.   So, I'm not looking for trouble with you.   I'd just wish you'd stick to football.....


I'll try and do better avoiding you....   I don't like this much more than you do....

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument

Just wondering.....


But do you ever go back and read what you write here?


I ask that because you seem totally lost as to why I come along and poke and prod you.   And I admit that I do.


But I'm not trying to be a jerk about it.    I'm simply trying to get you to focus on the fact that you're the person most likely to jump off topic and start a rant about the evils of society and the terrible things that come out of sports.   Which is fine if that's what the thread is talking about.    But you toss those into threads that have nothing to do with it.    You see a soap box and up you jump to lecture everyone here about how morally superior you are and how inferior the rest of us who like football are.


Oh, and you also like to tell everyone about your great predictions and how they come true -- even when I've pointed out that the exact opposite happens.   You often seem detached from reality.


You're completely unaware that you do this.   That's why I poke and prod.    Hello?!?


I have no idea why someone who likes to talk about the terrible things in football in specific and sports in general spends so much time on a fans football message boards.    And much of the time, all you're doing is succeeding in annoying the people you're interacting with.    If you're under the impression I'm the only one you're bothering, then you're not paying much attention to the reactions you get....


I spend the least amount of my time on the NFL page here where you live.   So, I'm not looking for trouble with you.   I'd just wish you'd stick to football.....


I'll try and do better avoiding you....   I don't like this much more than you do....



This is the kind of reply I am talking about, I didn't even read all of it. You want to rant, rant away I don't give a %.


You are an * and that's all I have to say, and you spend a lot of time posting rants at me and I ignore it, ignore it and ignore it but sometimes you push me too far and I'm going to push back. You have no room to talk about about me "living here" when you're the one that follows me around and posts these emotionally charged rants at me all day. I don't get this from anyone else on here, except for you. I get a lot of replies upset with me but it don't phase me. I post on here and most the time I am in private messages talking with friends. I don't spend all day looking for you to mine people for quotes and intentionally be a jerk to them cause I don't know, you're having a bad day or something? I don't care.


Maybe you should go back and read what you actually post and then question if it makes you come off as an immature jerk or not rather than obsessing with me all day. "OMG look! Bogie made a post! I'm MAD GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" - that is how you come off to me.


Who cares about my predictions? It's something for fun. People don't come on here to take sports overly too serious. Sports (like politics, since that's how you treat it around here) is something you have absolutely no control in whatsoever. I make predictions, I make comments, I give my opinions, so what. It's not hurting you, but you choose to become overly offended at it, that's not my fault.


My life does not revolve around football. I have plenty of other things to talk about rather than a silly game, most of my friends on here know this too, and I spend more time talking about music with them rather than I do sports, what's wrong with that? Nothing if you ask me.


At the end of the day, I am not the one that follows you around posting emotionally charged whiny essay length responses and posting personal attacks cause you're mad over an opinion. If I bother you so bad, you can easily ignore me like I have been doing you since this summer. Post your essay length rants at me and embarrass yourself as you have been doing for months, I don't care. This is the last time I will reply to you, so I hope it makes you feel good that you finally got something out of me.



Moderators note - if you want to give me a warning point for this post, I understand it and I won't object, but I'm getting tired of this. I never report these personal attacks and I ignore it continuously, but I am getting tired of it from this specific member. It has went on for months on end and I am getting sick of it. It has to end eventually, I'm not going to keep putting up with it.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, December 10, 2014 - personal argument



I ask that because you seem totally lost as to why I come along and poke and prod you.   And I admit that I do.



So you basically do admit you follow Bogie around at times and critique his every word for fun? Must be enjoyable to single out someone.


Oh, and you also like to tell everyone about your great predictions and how they come true -- even when I've pointed out that the exact opposite happens.   You often seem detached from reality.



Says an anonymous poster to an anonymous poster online........




I'll try and do better avoiding you....   I don't like this much more than you do....




This just sounds creepy.........

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