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Skip Bayless is attacking Luck on First Take


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Everyone knows Andrew isn't a H.O.F lock yet. He's blowing the whole thing out of proportion to be different.


He admits he is, and his reason is-  Everyone touted him Luck is the best since Peyton Manning, and Jim Irsay tossed Manning aside (essentially saying Luck is better, that is Bayliss speak) to get him. His bar is very high because of that.  So Luck turns out better than RGIII, and Luck even wins a playoff game.  Yet Bayliss won't lose sight of the fact Luck has 6 TD passes and 8 Interceptions in the playoffs.  And Luck had 3 vs. KC before turning it on and making the comeback win from the loss Luck (supposedly) created. So until Luck wins more than a couple more playoff games and goes at least one complete playoff game with no interceptions at all while tossing a few TD's, he won't get off the Luck is overrated spiel he has memorized.  Even then, I'm sure he'll dig and create a new reason.  so don't worry about Bayliss.  Let Stephen A. Smith bicker with him about it.

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I don't see anyone saying it.  


This is a freaking Colt's forum board. . . If anyone in the world where going to be Luck homers and say he's a lock for the HOF way too early it would be here.


I havn't seen people saying he's a lock for the HOF.  


A lot of people think when it's all said and done he will be there.  But I've never seen anyone claim he's a lock.  Because honestly that would be stupid.  You never know what could happen.  God forbid it but a career ending injury to Andrew Luck right now and there is no way that Luck makes the HOF, at least not as a player.  


Yeah, i'ts a weird thing for Skip to take aim at. I don't think i've ever seen anyone say it anywhere either. To me, it just sounds like he's grouping all positive arguments about luck and exaggerating them in his own head and spewing out what he thinks he's hearing. Have people made comparisons to him and Peyton? Of course, he's following in his footsteps, so naturally, the media is going to constantly write about it. Was he rated as the top QB prospect since Elway? Yes, and of course, it's going to be reported. And certainly people are going to report when he does good and when he does bad.  But lock HOF?  Yeah, send me a link first, Skip.  He's basically criticizing the argument from group of people that doesn't exist, or if it does, its shared by a very very small amount of people.  To me, it's like saying something so obviously true, it would have been stupid to say it in the first place.  I dunno..something like saying America shouldn't be a communist country. Pretty much everyone is going to agree with that and the only people that will get all riled up by it are like the 10 or so Americans that think America should be communist. I mean, if you're going to troll someone, at least troll a larger cross-section of NFL football fans.


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His hatred goes back to the Colts releasing Manning. For some reason he thinks it was a simple decision to stay with Manning and roll the dice on his health and pass up Luck. He really lives in a very simplistic world.

Also helps that he didn't actually have to make that excruciating decision.  Only colts fans really understand how hard that was.


IDK skip constantly chiming in on it is redonkulous

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And how is that comment insulting, or a slam on Luck. Bayless also continually talks about how talented Luck is.

Bayless has a show based on controversy. I doubt that Bayless himself believes what he is saying. It makes the rating go up the more controversy is talked. I quit watching that show years ago. The point counter point gets old quick. What I don't understand is why anyone would care what Bayless has to say?
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My response to this article was a resounding "duh." Don't think he's really attacking Luck.


Of course Luck isn't a HOF qb yet. He has the potential, but nobody really knows if it's gonna happen.


He's just saying everybody before and after the draft have set the expectations so high on Luck that he (Bayliss) is setting his bar on him to a exceptionally high level. And holding Luck's body of work up to that, he has fallen well short.  He'll quote you the 1 -  2 playoff record, the 6 TD's versus 8 Interception in the playoffs and even his incredibly low QBR scores from last year by memory-


"His QBR (scale of 0-100) was only 42.5 in Week 6, a 19-9 Monday night loss at San Diego ... only 13.6 in Week 10, a 38-8 home loss to St. Louis ... 21.9 in Week 12, a 40-11 loss at Arizona ... and 37.1 in Week 13, a 22-14 home win over Tennessee."


He'll mention Russell Wilson's ring.  Luck needs playoff wins, decent QBR, no picks, and hoisting the Lombardi for Bayliss to chow down on a plate of Crow.  Bank it.  Nothing short will do for that dude.

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so he is sayin Luck is being crowned as a quarterback?? I'm confused

Hmmm, that's kind of what I was thinking..............

None the less Skip just gets paid to start up controversy, he couldn't possibly be as stupid as some of the things he says.........or is he?????or is he just zombie?????

It's like a bad M.Night Shamalablahmanhmnnanan movie....

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He motivates so much emotion in people

That's what he's paid to do, create controversy, be the black sheep in essence. I personally don't like the guy however, but you could pay me 6 figures a year to bash Luck or go against the general mold of what the general public thinks.........


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Mostly I see people here praising him as if he walks on water.  One guy even said getting blown out by the Steelers was because Luck is such a great QB, the Steelers were scared of him.


I missed that!  Scared of him?  OTOH, it is true the Steelers were up 10 points and 4th down deep into the Colts Redzone. (4th and 1 at our 11) Does Tomlin kick a FG and go up by 13 points and give Luck the ball back with 5 1/2 minutes down just two scores?  No, he goes for it.  Then changes his running play to a rollout pass.  We defensed it perfect, except Werner letting Heath Miller slide between him and RJF into the endzone uncovered.  Ben's 3rd progression spotted him for the TD, just before Sergio Brown sacked him from behind on a safety blitz.  Why did Tomlin go for it?


I know if Werner would have covered and defended Miller on that play, we would have only been down 10 points (44 - 34) with 5 1/2 minutes and a huge emotional momentum swing in our favor, instead of being down 3 scores at 51 - 34.  That tells me Tomlin respects Luck and didn't want it in his hands.  But scared?  Nah...

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No you haven't.


I usually don't agree with thedude, but I've seen the same type of comments on here as well.  Hell I remember leading up to the 2012 draft when there was some discussion over who to draft or whether to trade the pick....there were some who commented that you don't pass up on a "future Hall of famer".  

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I usually don't agree with thedude, but I've seen the same type of comments on here as well.  Hell I remember leading up to the 2012 draft when there was some discussion over who to draft or whether to trade the pic....there were some who commented that you don't pass up on a "future Hall of famer".  

You are right.  People may agree or disagree with me, but I never back away from any comment I have made.  I always stand behind my comments.  Period.

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Mostly I see people here praising him as if he walks on water. One guy even said getting blown out by the Steelers was because Luck is such a great QB, the Steelers were scared of him.

yeah, and when i go to seahawks forums, i see a lot of wilson blowhards, whats your point? Did you really think colts fans were the only fanbaae that appeared to bow down to their QB? If anything, Seahawks fans have the most to knob about...they finally won their first superbowl.
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What bothers me about Skip is that he has made it his mission to constantly undercut Luck. 


"Oh the Chiefs we decimated by injury so that Playoff victory really doesn't count."


"Oh the AFC South is such a weak division why wouldn't the Colts go 11-5?"


"Oh the Patriots have a much tougher schedule after this game than INDY does so their winning percentage this season doesn't mean much." 


To quote Jskinnz from the forum: "Try to keep up Slappy, we ain't building a rocket here" Ah Skip, does INDY have any control over what opposing players get injured on game day? Does INDY determine their season schedule of foes every year? Does INDY get to choose what teams they face in the AFC South? The answer to all 3 questions is no. That's a league matter outside our team's domain. 


Also, what in the hades does likability have to do with anything Skip when you keep criticizing Luck for ball security issues on the field? "I like Andrew he's a nice young man" has no relevancy to his performance on a football field. It's like if a boss said you produce sloppy work, riddled with mistakes, & you are always missing deadlines. I'm gonna have to fire you but you are a sharp dresser & everybody around the office loves you man as the life of the party. You see what I did there? I inserted something completely irrelevant to the conversation that has zero bearing on the topic at hand. Bayless excels at that. 


Also Skip, when was the last time you complemented Luck on something. Yes, He has thrown picks, but he takes responsibility for his mistakes which shows maturity. Do you ever acknowledge that? Nope. 


Here's the kicker: Did Andrew ever say he's a 1st ballot HOF QB right now? No. Why are you holding him to a standard that other journalists set not himself? Take it out on your media colleagues Skip not Andrew. 


Good bless you Jeff Saturday for reminding Skip that our QB is only in year 3 & he doesn't fold under interception pressure. I could hug you Jeff. You are the best my man!  :thmup:

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Here's the kicker: Did Andrew ever say he's a 1st ballot HOF QB right now? No. Why are you holding him to a standard that other journalists set not himself? Take it out on your media colleagues Skip not Andrew. 


That makes no sense at all.  He's doing exactly what you are asking him to do here.  He's not assigning responsibility to Luck for the comments of others. 


You guys are making a mountain out of the proverbial mole hill on this one.

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I've never noticed that.  He states his opinion when Luck is the subject of the conversation at the time. 

As I often say to my relatives of a different political persuasion than me, he is entitled to his own opinion not his own facts. Skip excels at omitting relevant facts. He's a Jedi Master at it actually. 

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That makes no sense at all.  He's doing exactly what you are asking him to do here.  He's not assigning responsibility to Luck for the comments of others. 


You guys are making a mountain out of the proverbial mole hill on this one.


Are you under the impression that people here are reacting to what Skip said/wrote today?


They're not.    People here are reacting to what Skip has been saying about Luck dating back to his senior year at Stanford.


Three years of negative comments.    Three years of RG3 is better.     Three years of "it's too soon for the Hall of Fame"....


And on and on.


When Luck plays well,  Skippy is.........   silent.     Unless it's a game like last year's playoff game vs. KC when all he talked about was Luck's interceptions and not the 2nd biggest comeback in the history of the NFL.     That little factoid got played down while Skip harped on the turnovers.


This is the same kind of nonsense Skip trades in with guys like Tim Tebow.    Once Skip takes a position he doesn't admit he's wrong -- ever.    (sound familiar?!?)      He'll take one absurd position after another to defend his view.    To this day, I don't believe he's admitted he was wrong about Tebow.     It's not Skippy's way.


The next time Skip Bayless says a mostly positive review about Luck will officially be the first time. 


All of this and more are what people are harping about here.    It's exhausting frankly.     They're not reacting to today's slight.


It's slight after slight after slight after slight.   And little on the positive side.   It got old a long, long time ago.

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As I often say to my relatives of a different political persuasion than me, he is entitled to his own opinion not his own facts. Skip excels at omitting relevant facts. He's a Jedi Master at it actually.

eh...he doesnt respond to difficult posts.. he would rather beg the trolls. He at least makes a good joke from time to time.
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Are you under the impression that people here are reacting to what Skip said/wrote today?


They're not.    People here are reacting to what Skip has been saying about Luck dating back to his senior year at Stanford.


Three years of negative comments.    Three years of RG3 is better.     Three years of "it's too soon for the Hall of Fame"....


And on and on.


When Luck plays well,  Skippy is.........   silent.     Unless it's a game like last year's playoff game vs. KC when all he talked about was Luck's interceptions and not the 2nd biggest comeback in the history of the NFL.     That little factoid got played down while Skip harped on the turnovers.


This is the same kind of nonsense Skip trades in with guys like Tim Tebow.    Once Skip takes a position he doesn't admit he's wrong -- ever.    (sound familiar?!?)      He'll take one absurd position after another to defend his view.    To this day, I don't believe he's admitted he was wrong about Tebow.     It's not Skippy's way.


The next time Skip Bayless says a mostly positive review about Luck will officially be the first time. 


All of this and more are what people are harping about here.    It's exhausting frankly.     They're not reacting to today's slight.


It's slight after slight after slight after slight.   And little on the positive side.   It got old a long, long time ago.

I've heard Bayless talk about how talented Luck is more than anything else.  It's just that some of you think that when Bayless speaks well of another young QB, that is automatically a slam against Luck.

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That makes no sense at all.  He's doing exactly what you are asking him to do here.  He's not assigning responsibility to Luck for the comments of others. 


You guys are making a mountain out of the proverbial mole hill on this one.

So, Skip is Frank Sinatra in "The Manchurian Candidate" 1962 film then? He has no free will or independent thought. Nice try there. I'm not buying that. 


Like NCF said, Skip being spewing that anti-Luck crap for awhile now. He's been around a long time just like influenza & the Bubonic Plague. 


"He's not assigning responsibility to Luck for the comments of others." Are you kidding me? What exactly do you think Skip means when he repeats the phrase "The premature coronation of Andrew Luck" on a permanent feedback loop that he keeps mentioning over & over again?


The implication is that Andrew is viewed as NFL royalty with just 1 Playoff win according to other NFL pundits & broadcasters; That is the crux of Bayless's argument: If you repeat the lie enough, the unfounded criticism becomes believable in Skip's distorted head. 

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I've heard Bayless talk about how talented Luck is more than anything else.  It's just that some of you think that when Bayless speaks well of another young QB, that is automatically a slam against Luck.


Few here care about what Bayless says about other quarterbacks.


But rare is the day that Skip says something positive about Luck and typically when he does its in the middle of a rant about Luck's flaws or his premature coronation,  etc.


Skip is a Luck hate of the highest order.....

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Why do you guys give Bayless the attention he wants?

He's the Eminem of ESPN. Insert shocking opinion here, insert shock factor value over there, and boom, people give him what he wants - attention = ratings.

I've said this before & I'll say it again: I watch Skip Bayless to prepare me for when some of my relatives who excel in meaningless diatribes & anti-logic show up at Christmas. Think of it like a crash course in stupidity discourse & debate.


Yeah, I do feed the symbolic bear at the zoo [skip Bayless] more than I should by commenting on the crazy stuff he says that's true Bogie, but part of me likes it too like something bad for you that's not good for you but you indulge in it anyway. 


It always frustrates me that Skip will defend Brett Farve like a blood brother & slam Andrew Luck like an illegitimate child he barely even acknowledges or praises. Yeah, that's my problem not Skip's.


But Stephen A. Smith always cheers me up when he defends Luck, highlights his achievements, & drags Favre through the mud.  haha Man, I love that. 

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Few here care about what Bayless says about other quarterbacks.


But rare is the day that Skip says something positive about Luck and typically when he does its in the middle of a rant about Luck's flaws or his premature coronation,  etc.


Skip is a Luck hate of the highest order.....

The point is that when he speaks highly of another, some here translate that to be hating on Luck.  If few here care, why do people here get so spun up about what he does or doesn't say?


Personally, I've never heard him say anything negative about Luck.

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So, Skip is Frank Sinatra in "The Manchurian Candidate" 1962 film then? He has no free will or independent thought. Nice try there. I'm not buying that. 


Like NCF said, Skip being spewing that anti-Luck crap for awhile now. He's been around a long time just like influenza & the Bubonic Plague. 


"He's not assigning responsibility to Luck for the comments of others." Are you kidding me? What exactly do you think Skip means when he repeats the phrase "The premature coronation of Andrew Luck" on a permanent feedback loop that he keeps mentioning over & over again?


The implication is that Andrew is viewed as NFL royalty with just 1 Playoff win according to other NFL pundits & broadcasters; That is the crux of Bayless's argument: If you repeat the lie enough, the unfounded criticism becomes believable in Skip's distorted head. 

Like I said, Bayless is the type of guy people love to hate. Some even go so far as to change their view on something in order to disagree with him

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Like I said, Bayless is the type of guy people love to hate. Some even go so far as to change their view on something in order to disagree with him

Don't get it twisted please. The reason people strongly take issue with his criticism of Luck is that Bayless is using the coronation argument against him. Here's what I mean:


1st he says other NFL analysts & broadcasters rave about Andrew & wanna take his measurements for a yellow HOF jacket thereby mocking all this elite recognition bestowed upon him & then Skip turns around & demands HOF production from Andrew every Sunday. Do you see what the problem is with that thesis? 


On the 1 hand, Skip is saying that Luck is not worthy of early HOF accolades & then he turns around & applies those HOF standards against Luck every single week. Skip can't have it both ways. He can't say all this elite praise is unfounded & then self impose an elite benchmark of success that Skip himself created. In other words, if a person thinks a QB hasn't arrived in this league yet you can't turnaround & apply a plateau of excellence that you never believed Luck was capable of in the 1st place Skip. 


Hate is irrelvant; My problem is a double standard that Skip himself created regarding Andrew Luck.

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1st he says other NFL analysts & broadcasters rave about Andrew & wanna take his measurements for a yellow HOF jacket thereby mocking all this elite recognition bestowed upon him & then Skip turns around & demands HOF production from Andrew every Sunday. Do you see what the problem is with that thesis? 



I don't hear him demanding HOF performance from him.  But then, isn't HOF performance a requirement for induction into the HOF?


I hear Bayless talking a lot about Luck's outstanding talent.  He also says that he hasn't given up yet on RG III and some of you take that as a slam on Luck.  Why?  I do not know.

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The point is that when he speaks highly of another, some here translate that to be hating on Luck.  If few here care, why do people here get so spun up about what he does or doesn't say?


Personally, I've never heard him say anything negative about Luck.



If you've heard Skip say good things about Luck and have never heard him say anything bad about Luck,  my guess would be you don't watch his show much.

Threads pop-up here all the time over the latest insults from Skip.....   And they've been popping up since I arrived here in May of 2012..


This is not a new development.    Which is the point of his article.     That reporter Mike Wells asked him "Why does he hate Andrew Luck?"   A view that Wells told Bayless Colts fans have of him...


That didn't come from just one comment.....

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