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If Burfict trys this against our players....


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Easy solution...


If he pulls this again, on next play assign three players to him.

Two to Hi-Lo the joker. Low guy preferably targeting the knee.

While he is writhing on the ground in pain have the biggest lineman on the field

pancake the buzzard into the middle of next week!


Problem Solved!


edit: Not Kosher, but effective.

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I can't believe all Burfict got was a fine for this. That fine is pocket change to him and what he did is inexcusable! To purposely try and injure a fellow player should be AT LEAST a few games suspended without pay.... minimum! That type of behavior can put players out for months.


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I think Burfict should be suspended for the rest of the season, dead serious. He purposely and blatantly tried to injure two of Carolina's best players on their recently surgerized ankles. What if he had succeeded? Their season would essentially be over. So, I think Burfict's season should be over. IMO this is despicable behavior and Goodell is an absolute joke of a commish for not suspending him for AT LEAST a few games. 

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He didn't play dirty today, but the guy is either going to have a short career or be paralyzed if he doesn't stop leading with the crown of his helmet.  Sometimes he darn near leads with the top of his helmet.  He's a danger to his own self.

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He didn't play dirty today, but the guy is either going to have a short career or be paralyzed if he doesn't stop leading with the crown of his helmet. Sometimes he darn near leads with the top of his helmet. He's a danger to his own self.

I agree. I don't see him changing though. He knows one speed (a la Bob Sanders) and he seems pretty dumb.

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