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Butt fumble has its own Wikipedia page?


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What is this obsession with the butt-fumble? This is a serious question. That play is brought up many times on this forum by different posters. Now we have a thread about its Wikipedia page! I don't get it.


I don't really understand it either. Given it's a terrible play, but geez, it's an unfunny joke that has long surpassed it's shelf life. It's the real life equivalent of that "Fish Stix" jokes from that South Park episode. Like many other useless phenomenons in sports I blame ESPN for it's creation.

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well wikipedia can controlled by the public. So if something happens on the news, then someone can go on their page and update it. Thats why Wikipedia isnt considered a reliable source. But you can check their citations at the bottom to see where they got the info from...

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What is this obsession with the butt-fumble? This is a serious question. That play is brought up many times on this forum by different posters. Now we have a thread about its Wikipedia page! I don't get it.

For me, it reminds me of a Benny Hill comedy sequence only that was originally intended to be funny; not a serious play that collapsed by a QB bouncing off another players backside. It's like seeing an unusual fall of a loved one. As long as they are not seriously hurt it's hilarious. Plus, considering that I have never seen a QB lose the ball like that which cost your team points, that play gets bonus points for how rare it is in NFL circles. 


How does a professional QB hold their head up high after that & shake it off? You really can't unless you already were a SB Champion like Manning or Brady because they have proven their superior play year in year out. Brees could do a butt fumble & I'd forget instantly because he's tough, clutch, & a SB warrior but Sanchez is a walking joke anyway whose defense in NY carried him to the AFC Championship Game. 


So to answer your question...Mark Sanchez never had my respect as a QB & because of that I have no reason to give a pass on the funniest implosion I have seen in decades. It's the gift that keeps on giving: Slapstick incompetence at it's zenith best.  :lol:  :funny:  lmao

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even Epic Beard Man has his own page, lol.




And it's been made into a movie starring Danny Trejo.

If anybody could make a film about facial hair compelling, Danny could pull it off...Machete 3: Whiskers & Bloody Blades From Nicaragua.  :P


They need to bring actress Jessica Alba back too. She's too pretty to die in "Machete Kills." It always ticks me off in movies when nice eye candy gets gunned down by the bad guy. Can't they mow down ladies who aren't smokin' hot? I'm just saying. LOL! [No, I am not condoning violent behavior toward any woman BTW. As comedian Craig Ferguson always says on his CBS Late night talk show, "I look forward to your letters." Just Kidding!]

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I don't really understand it either. Given it's a terrible play, but geez, it's an unfunny joke that has long surpassed it's shelf life. It's the real life equivalent of that "Fish Stix" jokes from that South Park episode. Like many other useless phenomenons in sports I blame ESPN for it's creation.

Considering that I detest South Park to my core that reference has no validity to me at all. Oh sure, people have a right to want the butt fumble to disappear, but couldn't a person just as easily say that this play makes individuals smile as the watch it over & over again on You Tube? It's making Mark famous like the David Tyree SB catch. Plus, no matter how lousy your life might be...An angry boss, a low paying job, a crappy car, no girlfriend on the horizon, a person can take comfort in the fact that they have never butt fumbled on natl. TV before.


Mark was well compensated as QB in NY & embarrassing or not he's stilling pulling down a nicer paycheck than most friends & relatives I know. You gotta view the butt fumble like Jim Mora playoffs remark & just roll with it like a trademark calling card & use it like a commercial cash cow laughing all the way to the bank. 


We live in a viral world now & as far as compromising positions are concerned this episode is minor on the celebrity scandal meter as an athlete. I don't feel sorry for Mark at all. He played in the Big Apple & you have to have a think alligator skin to play there. You excel & the fans adore you; You crash & burn the fans wanna tar & feather you. How is that ESPN's fault? It's not. He plays in Philadelphia now another cut throat football city with demanding fans get used to it Mark. 

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:spit: I love it!  I still can't say the term "butt-fumble" without laughing

I read ya 21. But, the 1 area I do feel a tiny fraction of pity for Mr. Sanchez is in the dating arena because women would say the same thing you just did. Oh, you're the butt fumble guy & burst out laughing with no hope of scoring romantically with them period. It's like that scene in the movie "There's Something About Marry" when actor Ben Stiller has an accident regarding a zipper mishap. Translation: You're never gonna live this episode down in your lifetime. 


For his sake, I hope Mr. Sanchez finds a wife who knows nothing about professional football. He needs a woman who knows him as a private citizen not a quarterback IMO. 

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What is this obsession with the butt-fumble? This is a serious question. That play is brought up many times on this forum by different posters. Now we have a thread about its Wikipedia page! I don't get it.

You have to ask? ;)   First, it was Thanksgiving night. So it was the key game at prime time of a major holiday with the whole nation tuning in. It was Pats/Jets (Boston vs NY) to boot and was played in New York. Just a few weeks prior the Jets had the Pats beat at the razor but somehow managed to blow the game at the end as they usually do giving NE a chance to win OT which they did after the Pats stripped Sanchez of the ball to win the game. Had the Jets won that game they would have taken over sole possession of first place that year at 4-3 and dropped the Pats to 3-4. So the T-giving game was revenge for the Jets and also a chance for them to climb back into the divisional race.


In terms of the play itself, it happened early in the game. I think second quarter and was kind of the centerpiece of a whole night of follies for the Jets. It pretty much encaptured the way the Jets played the whole night (kind of how Denver's safety in the SB was a tip off of things to come) and of course was unbelievably funny which is why it has its own page. It would have been one thing if Sanchez just fumbled but he took off and ran into his OLs bum and then fumbled and of course the ball perfectly bounced to Gregory who ran it back for a TD. The entire sequence of the play is hilarious and one of the funniest I have ever seen in pro football. As one friend of mine remarked, "It gets funnier every time you watch it." :D

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I have always felt bad for Brandon Moore though. On the wiki page, he had these quotes:


When Sanchez watched the replay with some of his teammates, they were generally supportive. "Hopefully we'll laugh about it later," he said. Moore remarked of the play's popularity, "The littlest things nowadays turn into Internet sensations. It's not surprising." When asked if he found the play amusing, Moore answered, "No."


In August 2013, New York Post sports reporter Justin Terranova wrote that the butt fumble "has come to define Sanchez’s downfall with the Jets." Terranova wrote that the play had unfairly overshadowed Sanchez's AFC Championship campaigns in the previous two seasons, as well as Moore's "ten years manning a generally-solid Jets offensive line." When Moore retired in 2013, he reflected on the play, "It's amusing to me that people think it's so amusing. The way I look at it, I don't think it should have any link to my career. I don't think it stands for what I was as a player for 10 years. I really don't give it much thought."

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You have to ask? ;) First, it was Thanksgiving night. So it was the key game at prime time of a major holiday with the whole nation tuning in. It was Pats/Jets (Boston vs NY) to boot and was played in New York. Just a few weeks prior the Jets had the Pats beat at the razor but somehow managed to blow the game at the end as they usually do giving NE a chance to win OT which they did after the Pats stripped Sanchez of the ball to win the game. Had the Jets won that game they would have taken over sole possession of first place that year at 4-3 and dropped the Pats to 3-4. So the T-giving game was revenge for the Jets and also a chance for them to climb back into the divisional race.

In terms of the play itself, it happened early in the game. I think second quarter and was kind of the centerpiece of a whole night of follies for the Jets. It pretty much encaptured the way the Jets played the whole night (kind of how Denver's safety in the SB was a tip off of things to come) and of course was unbelievably funny which is why it has its own page. It would have been one thing if Sanchez just fumbled but he took off and ran into his OLs bum and then fumbled and of course the ball perfectly bounced to Gregory who ran it back for a TD. The entire sequence of the play is hilarious and one of the funniest I have ever seen in pro football. As one friend of mine remarked, "It gets funnier every time you watch it." :D

Ha ha. Thank you for that. I understand Pats fans bringing it up but why do fans of teams other than the Pats and Jets seem so hung up on it? Something about "butt-fumble" sounds perverse. I don't know.

I agree with your comment about Moore, but it seems like most fans associate the play with Mark Sanchez, not Moore.

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You have to ask? ;)   First, it was Thanksgiving night. So it was the key game at prime time of a major holiday with the whole nation tuning in. It was Pats/Jets (Boston vs NY) to boot and was played in New York. Just a few weeks prior the Jets had the Pats beat at the razor but somehow managed to blow the game at the end as they usually do giving NE a chance to win OT which they did after the Pats stripped Sanchez of the ball to win the game. Had the Jets won that game they would have taken over sole possession of first place that year at 4-3 and dropped the Pats to 3-4. So the T-giving game was revenge for the Jets and also a chance for them to climb back into the divisional race.


In terms of the play itself, it happened early in the game. I think second quarter and was kind of the centerpiece of a whole night of follies for the Jets. It pretty much encaptured the way the Jets played the whole night (kind of how Denver's safety in the SB was a tip off of things to come) and of course was unbelievably funny which is why it has its own page. It would have been one thing if Sanchez just fumbled but he took off and ran into his OLs bum and then fumbled and of course the ball perfectly bounced to Gregory who ran it back for a TD. The entire sequence of the play is hilarious and one of the funniest I have ever seen in pro football. As one friend of mine remarked, "It gets funnier every time you watch it." :D


It was, in short, the lowest of low points for the J-E-T-S Jets-Jets-Jets. 

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It was, in short, the lowest of low points for the J-E-T-S Jets-Jets-Jets. 

Yeah that play kind of encapsulated Mark Sanchez which is a shame really as he had helped to lead them to those AFC champ games but Rex so badly managed him and failed to develop him and then brought in Tebow that the butt fumble was the inevitable result. I have always believed Sanchez was not really as bad as he looked the last couple of seasons in NY but more a product of a dysfunctional coaching team.

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omg, they have a Sports Science segment on the butt fumble.


That was hilarious. The only science part was him running as hard as he could into that lineman's tushy. I never realized on the play that Sanchez changed direction because he saw the safety on the right which made him go back inside into Moore's backside. My only question is how did he know enough to change direction from seeing that safety 5 yards down field but somehow managed to not see Moore's bum? haha


I remember right after the play happened. Cris Collinsworth was trying to credit Vince Wilfork for shoving Moore into Sanchez. And then when the replay was shown, Cris said, "Wait a minute, let's see that again." I never laughed so hard. They so badly wanted to credit the Pats and not humiliate Sanchez but they had no comment except to say he ran into Moore.

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Yeah that play kind of encapsulated Mark Sanchez which is a shame really as he had helped to lead them to those AFC champ games but Rex so badly managed him and failed to develop him and then brought in Tebow that the butt fumble was the inevitable result. I have always believed Sanchez was not really as bad as he looked the last couple of seasons in NY but more a product of a dysfunctional coaching team.


His career was horribly mishandled by Ryan and the Jets' front office. Bringing in Tebow that year was just a ridiculously bad decision. I don't think Sanchez ever mentally recovered from everything. I like Rex as a coach and he's very entertaining but his player management (with offensive guys, anyway) has not been great. 

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His career was horribly mishandled by Ryan and the Jets' front office. Bringing in Tebow that year was just a ridiculously bad decision. I don't think Sanchez ever mentally recovered from everything. I like Rex as a coach and he's very entertaining but his player management (with offensive guys, anyway) has not been great. 


Maybe so but I'm not convinced Sanchez ever had it to begin with. 

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Maybe so but I'm not convinced Sanchez ever had it to begin with. 


He only started one year at USC, I think... so that's entirely possible. He played very well late in 2009 and in 2010. It's not like he carried the team but he did make some plays. By the end he just looked shell-shocked. 

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Be careful, Wiki is full of lots of misinformation. I have to constantly correct history pages with no sources.


I'd have to disagree. Even the most infamous people and places are given accurate detailed information. I knew people would refute this, so here is a print screen of Bill Belichick I took several years ago.



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I'd have to disagree. Even the most infamous people and places are given accurate detailed information. I knew people would refute this, so here is a print screen of Bill Belichick I took several years ago.



I like the Patriots, but even SW1 has to admit that your post is freaking hilarious man. Well played ReMeDy!  :worthy:  :P A sith lord from the dark side indeed...LOL! Only teasing...

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