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Talib versus nicks


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Don't see the hype behind Talib, he's an average CB at best. Struggles with small & quick WR's

Can't be a top CB if you're inconsistent or your game is determined by the size of the WR you're covering


Why can't he just be a good corner? 

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Don't see the hype behind Talib, he's an average CB at best. Struggles with small & quick WR's

Can't be a top CB if you're inconsistent or your game is determined by the size of the WR you're covering

Talib's actually pretty good, superb even, he's stepped up his game substantially since getting to the league. It's the reason he was one of the top coveted corners before Denver got him.

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Don't see the hype behind Talib, he's an average CB at best. Struggles with small & quick WR's

Can't be a top CB if you're inconsistent or your game is determined by the size of the WR you're covering

He's a well above average corner. He was really good last year.

God I swear you guys think every DB sucks.

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Talib's actually pretty good, superb even, he's stepped up his game substantially since getting to the league. It's the reason he was one of the top coveted corners before Denver got him.

Shhh, no one here knows anything about CBs. I have no idea where they get these ideas from but they do and then they stick to them despite all contrary evidence.
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Don't see the hype behind Talib, he's an average CB at best. Struggles with small & quick WR's

Can't be a top CB if you're inconsistent or your game is determined by the size of the WR you're covering



It's because everything Bill Belichick touches turns to gold. I didn't understand the hype behind Matt Cassel either.

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Fun footage.  I haven't seen many NYG games, so it's good to see a relevant compilation like that against our first opponents top corner.  I wonder if he'd struggle with TY more than Nicks? We'll see.  I do think if we don't score at least 31 points, we have no shot.  I don't expect Denver will be running that much, most likely they'll just air it out start to finish with some short yardage runs for firsts and scores.  I could see a 35-31 up to a 45-41 type of game.  


Talib is a serious CB.  I wonder how well he'll be coached in Denver compared to New England.  It seemed clear he's come a long long way under Belichick (sorry if I spelled that wrong, I never seem to get it right without searching for it).  Will Denver have him in the right scheme at the right time and who will they consider our #1 WR that first game?  That should be an interesting chess match.  I think any of the 3 primary receivers we have could be the #1 on any given week.  Good luck covering all 3 on the field at one time or in combo with our TE's.  Can't wait! I we can just get the OL protection and the DB protection right this year.  That's our weakness and I hope it isn't a matter of waiting until year 4 to really put those pieces together finally. 

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