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Center's still available-Ryan Wendell-New England


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I was reading an article on Sportsline.com giving grades out to FA and at the end of the article Prisco mentioned several centers who were still on the market who he was surprised by.

The name Ryan Wendell was mentioned, who has been New England's starter for the last 4 years, only missed 3 games in all that time, and is only 28. He must be decent to be there starter, but you know they don't like to pay big money to lineman. Plus they have signed a lot of people lately, Edelman back today, Brandon Browner, and the huge two year contract for Revis which will be redone after this year. Regardless, I don't know why his name has not come up on the forum. He seems like he would be a good acquisition. I don't know a lot, but with our need at center, either we have decided to seriously pursue Mack, and put a lot of eggs in one basket, or decided to use the draft. I am sure I am over thinking it, since only 5 days have gone by. Prisco mentions a couple more, he likes, DeLaPuente, etc. Below is his little quote on the centers still available:


Even with Dietrich-­Smith going off the market, there are still good centers available. There's San Francisco's Jonathan Goodwin, New England's Ryan Wendell and Brian De La Puente from the Saints. Then there's also Cleveland's Alex Mack, although the Browns could match any offer he would get since they put the transition tag on him.


Thoughts on Wendell.

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I just looked at the PFF numbers, and they kind of confirm what I thought. 


1) Wendell had a really bad year last year. 

2) Goodwin and Montgomery weren't great in pass protection, but were above average in run blocking.

3) de le Puente was good in pass protection, not so good run blocking.


So I'd take Goodwin or Montgomery, absolutely, as one or two year stopgaps. And either could play guard also.

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Wendell is serviceable but not long term solution by any means from what I see( I didn't chart anything but I studied him vs Bills, Bucs and Jets ), Struggles to get to the second level and hit his targets, Generally not going to get bullied in pass protection vs bigger Dlinemen. Struggles to adjust to blitzes I think and to adjust the the line call to pickup the blitz, Not going to open up holes up the middle in the run game consistently

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By the front office moves so far, every sign indicates Holmes entering camp the starter

Thats what Im thinking is going to happen to. For Grigsons sake I hope Holmes can handle the job well because if not if ya think people weren't already frustrated with him for not properly addressing the line already then wait until Holmes flops big time...If that happens of course, It wont be pretty if Holmes dont come through

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I don't see how everything indicates that. Everything indicates we are very interested in Mack which to me indicates Grigs see's C as problem. If we don't get Mack I could see Goodwin coming in as a stop gap at least until Holmes proves he can handle the job. I like the Costa signing but he plays G too as did Holmes before moving to C Holmes was all pac 10 honorable mention at G his sophomore year  prior to moving to C so we have a lot of interchangable parts. I think that is a good thing. Last I heard Goodwin was conteplating retirement I think he will still be hanging around after the Mack situation is resolved unless the Pats grab him don't think he's looking to go to a team that is not a real contender would rather hang them up. I think Mack is a Colt when it is all said and done. He is interested we are interested. If that happens we have a really good O line with a lot of answers if we get hit with injuries. Maybe Holmes turns out to be a G in the end.

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Ok guys, I know I did not research the player, as I said when I linked it. I went by what a writer said, but geez. I think we could try a little etiquette, and not make people feel like they are stupid for posting. I saw an interesting post, had not seen the name bandied about, and wondered why?

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Ok guys, I know I did not research the player, as I said when I linked it. I went by what a writer said, but geez. I think we could try a little etiquette, and not make people feel like they are stupid for posting. I saw an interesting post, had not seen the name bandied about, and wondered why?


Pretty sensitive ... 

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NE KNOWS OL talent...if they are willing to part with someone...chances are there is a red flag. I'm just hoping Thomas is going to work out. We just have a lot of ??? in the middle....whether it's both Guard spots and Center. Really really hope we hit on some of these draft picks (Thorton and Hughes)....we need to find our OWN talent because you can't afford to BUY talent all the time.

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NE KNOWS OL talent...if they are willing to part with someone...chances are there is a red flag. I'm just hoping Thomas is going to work out. We just have a lot of ??? in the middle....whether it's both Guard spots and Center. Really really hope we hit on some of these draft picks (Thorton and Hughes)....we need to find our OWN talent because you can't afford to BUY talent all the time.

Grigson knowing O Line talent is questionable at best at this point

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No it isn't


Chuckle! His LT is a RT. He made a decent RT the highest paid in the League. And they BOTH were amongst the Worst Tack;es last year giving up Hurries. And HIS Interior Line was the Worst in the League, with Link as a top backup. WOW!! Yes, as per the O-Line his record is terrible. But all in the past as he addressed it in the draft and has had time now to make several moves.

 Ever see anything about the solid pickup of Lance Louis?

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