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Browns Transition Tag Alex Mack


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You have absolutely no idea how the Transition tag works.


Let me TRY to explain.


  • Any team can TRY to sign him.
  • Whatever teams he wants to "accept" an offer from we can match.
  • If no teams make an offer, he can negotiate with the Browns
  • If he decides not to sign, he can play ONE! ONE! season at 10 million


If no team will offer him 10 million, there is absolutely no way he is getting 10 million dollars per year unless it is a one year contract. It's not 10 million dollar a year, it;s 10 for one year, if all else fails. 

This is right except that the transition tender is the the Cap Percentage Average of the ten largest Prior Year Salaries for players at the position.  This is not the same as the franchise tender where it's the average of the top 5 prior year salaries.  So it wouldn't be 10 million, it owuld be a little bit lower.  For this year in particular, it's $9.142 million.

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Very worth it, especially since the Browns have even bigger fish to fry, like finding that QB that can lead your team into the future

Where are they going to find that this off season? Another rookie project? There isn't an NFL ready Qb in the draft according to a lot of "experts"

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Where are they going to find that this off season? Another rookie project? There isn't an NFL ready Qb in the draft according to a lot of "experts"

I dont think there is either, Bortles and Bridgewater, Mcarron and Murray is as close as it gets but that dont mean you tear other pieces of the puzzle  down because you cant find those 1-2 (maybe 3 if Ward leaves) pieces

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You have absolutely no idea how the Transition tag works.


Let me TRY to explain.


  • Any team can TRY to sign him.
  • Whatever teams he wants to "accept" an offer from we can match.
  • If no teams make an offer, he can negotiate with the Browns
  • If he decides not to sign, he can play ONE! ONE! season at 10 million


If no team will offer him 10 million, there is absolutely no way he is getting 10 million dollars per year unless it is a one year contract. It's not 10 million dollar a year, it;s 10 for one year, if all else fails. 

Yeah, it's $10 million, that's completely my bad, totally was looking at transition numbers from 2010


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10 million for one season = 10 million A year.


You are forgetting the possibility that the Browns and Mack negotiate a long-term contract that is not $10 mill/year. Something they have not really been able to work on because Mack has been out of the country since Farmer took over the job.

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This is an *ic move by the Browns.  For $1M more, they could have used the franchise tag and have been able to negotiate SOME compensation if he wanted to sign elsewhere.


I don't think so.


The odds that Mack signs the 1yr 10mil+ tag are high. I know I would, and I would have also jumped at 1yr 11 million.

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Considering that is the average of the top best centers in the league no they are not.  Mack is easily one of the best centers in the league and this gives them some time to negotiate a long term deal with him and they can match any offer that comes his way.


This definitely hurts our chances at getting him as I do not see us making a reckless offer so the browns will more than likely match.


I was hoping the Browns were dumb enough to let him free agency so we could nab him.



It says Offensive Linemen.  So its not all with Centers, it includes the top 10 highest paid offensive linemen.

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Very worth it, especially since the Browns have even bigger fish to fry, like finding that QB that can lead your team into the future 


It's almost a way to force Mack to sign or get way overpaid. A team offers him a solid contract, we match it and keep him. Not exactly the same as him re-signing on his own free will, but regardless he stays in Cleveland that way. We have gigantic holes at both guard spots, we cannot afford to lose our second best lineman. 

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I'm pretty sure it's 10 million per year. Also, if Browns match, Mack is forced to sign the contract.


No ... Teams do not have to start contracts at $10 million a year.  


Also as I have said in other posts ... Although I don't think the Colts would do it, but there are probably a 100 ways an attorney could construct a contract that was essentially a poison pill for Cleveland, but is not officially a poison pill by definition and thus would not violate the NFL rule.

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No ... Teams do not have to start contracts at $10 million a year.  


Also as I have said in other posts ... Although I don't think the Colts would do it, but there are probably a 100 ways an attorney could construct a contract that was essentially a poison pill for Cleveland, but is not officially a poison pill by definition and thus would not violate the NFL rule.

Oh ok. I'm assuming 10 million is the starting price. Yes, we can offer a poison pill, but I think Iancolts was referring to no poison pill.

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Oh ok. I'm assuming 10 million is the starting price. Yes, we can offer a poison pill, but I think Iancolts was referring to no poison pill.


We cant officially use a poison pill ... and I doubt that Indy would if they could ... I just believe there are creative ways to craft a contract if a team wanted that would accomplish the same as a poison pill but would fall within the rules ... we just haven't seen teams try it because of the infrequent use of the transition tag.

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We cant officially use a poison pill ... and I doubt that Indy would if they could ... I just believe there are creative ways to craft a contract if a team wanted that would accomplish the same as a poison pill but would fall within the rules ... we just haven't seen teams try it because of the infrequent use of the transition tag.


The wording of the 2011 CBA leaves basically only one 'poison pill' option - to heavily front-load a contract so the original team can't match. This only works if the team that tagged him doesn't have a lot of cap space.

This is not an issue for the Browns.

It could work in the case of Worilds and the Steelers.


From the CBA:


"Notwithstanding Subsections (i) and (ii) above, no Offer Sheet may contain a Principal Term that would create rights or obligations for the Old Club that differ in any way (including but not limited to the amount of compensation that would be paid, the circumstances in which compensation would be guaranteed, or the circumstances in which other contractual rights would or would not vest) from the rights or obligations that such Principal Term would create for the Club extending the Offer Sheet (i.e., no 'poison pills')."

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Lol. I think he means that we have roughly $40 million to spend.. And that Mack would cost roughly $10 million a year.. Which is one fourth of our free cap space..

At least that's what I got out of it..


Okay, well that makes more sense that what he actually said. Never mind that we don't have to use $10m in cap space to sign a player to a $10m/year contract, but whatever.

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Okay, well that makes more sense that what he actually said. Never mind that we don't have to use $10m in cap space to sign a player to a $10m/year contract, but whatever.

I mean that's what I got out of it at least..

I could be wrong.. But I'm pretty sure that's what he was trying to say.

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Okay so I read almost all of the posts on this topic pretty much boils down to 10 mill a year for Mack. We need a center but not at 10 lol. Guess onto the next flavor Puente or EDS


You wouldn't have to pay him 10 mil. The Browns most likely won't pay him 10 mil. That's just how much he gets this year IF he doesn't negotiate a contract with the Browns or another team and just signs the tender.

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To get a center for the future, cant u do somerhing like pay him 15 mil next season and have the rest of the contract at lower numbers? Like 5mil. Basically frontload the contract so the Browns cant or dont want to match? Kinda like the Rockets did with Jeremy Lin

you could but, 1 year of a front loaded contract wont deter the Browns from a comparative deal. They have cap space too and you have to think about the contract as a whole and not just that one BIG year if one was ablt to do what you describe.

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To get a center for the future, cant u do somerhing like pay him 15 mil next season and have the rest of the contract at lower numbers? Like 5mil. Basically frontload the contract so the Browns cant or dont want to match? Kinda like the Rockets did with Jeremy Lin

You could try, but keep in mind that the Browns have more cap space than the Colts. This would be a much more realistic option for a team trying to sign Worilds away from the Steelers who are in cap trouble.

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Wasnt aware of their cap situation. I hate all these franchise tags. If the NFLPA wasnt so weak, they would be gone. Mack seems to want to go elsewhere. But he's not. Seems like the Browns are basically just bullying him into signing a long term deal even tho he might not want to. Since they're going to match any contract.

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