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Both teams had horrible calls and non calls against them.

The Browns, ultimately, had one at the worst possible time basically giving NE an auto win.

Funny how that always seems to happen for the Patriots. And before you bring up the PI against the Panthers you can't forget the PI they got in their favor a couple plays before that got them to that situation.

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Funny how that always seems to happen for the Patriots. And before you bring up the PI against the Panthers you can't forget the PI they got in their favor a couple plays before that got them to that situation.

I'm not defending the Patriots. I'm just saying the refs suck.


I agree the Patriots are almost always on the fortunate end of calls/luck/bounces.


Looking at the Panthers game, the Patriots got away with a blatant leg whip on a TD drive. Ultimately he was fined for it after the game, but not until the Patriots got 7 points on the drive. The Patriots as you mentioned got a free PI a few plays before the  Carolina one, too.


It's always more impactful when it essentially closes out a game, but it doesn't excuse the myriad of royal screwups refs are committing throughout entire ballgames.

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I guess the Cards and Rams are more his kryptonite.

Just admit the NFL likes to hand the Patriots wins. Then Belichick wins Coach of the Year the same year he was fined for cheating. Robert Kraft has a stranglehold on the NFL and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

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Just admit the NFL likes to hand the Patriots wins. Then Belichick wins Coach of the Year the same year he was fined for cheating. Robert Kraft has a stranglehold on the NFL and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

I think you need a nice glass of wine - perhaps a pinot noir? Or maybe white - a chardonnay?

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I'll take it. Brownies always play us tough.


I see your Colts laid another egg.


Seriously???  You're mocking the Colts for losing to the same team who defeated the Patriots???


I guess for you guys they are. 42 burger? Ouch.


Yes, a defense allowing 42 points was an ouch.


And, I think an offense that can only score 6 points against the Bengals is also an ouch. 


Yep. Any given Sunday.


But still I feel like this right now after that win :rock:


I understand being happy that the Patriots didn't lose. 


What I can't understand is being :rock: happy after a game played on home turf against a 4-9 team where the Patriots squeeked out a one-point win while also possibly losing Gronk for the season.

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Funny how that always seems to happen for the Patriots. And before you bring up the PI against the Panthers you can't forget the PI they got in their favor a couple plays before that got them to that situation.

The refs picking up the flag was the right call in pats vs panthers. Everyone knows you are not going to get a bail out call in the waning seconds of the game.

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nice win by the pats and it good that we are in the slot for the #2 seed, we need to keep ahead of Cincy and we still have a shot at the #1 seed  . . . too bad that we lost Gronk . . . we will see how that effects us going forward . . .


as for the officials they were a tad rough today . . . a lot of close calls . . . the fumble/forward progress early in the game, a few going to the ground catches/incompletes, a few groundings, and a late PI call all close calls . . .


as for all of those who whine about the late PI call, please tell the Cleveland defender not to throw out an arm bar hindering our WR's movement, indeed the ball ended up just off his finger tips . . . classic case of PI . . . they may have go the exact location correct as it was really PI at the 3 yard line and the contact continued into the end zone . . . is should of been placed at the 3 yard line, spot of foul . . . 

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nice win by the pats and it good that we are in the slot for the #2 seed, we need to keep ahead of Cincy and we still have a shot at the #1 seed  . . . too bad that we lost Gronk . . . we will see how that effects us going forward . . .


as for the officials they were a tad rough today . . . a lot of close calls . . . the fumble/forward progress early in the game, a few going to the ground catches/incompletes, a few groundings, and a late PI call all close calls . . .


as for all of those who whine about the late PI call, please tell the Cleveland defender not to throw out an arm bar hindering our WR's movement, indeed the ball ended up just off his finger tips . . . classic case of PI . . . they may have go the exact location correct as it was really PI at the 3 yard line and the contact continued into the end zone . . . is should of been placed at the 3 yard line, spot of foul . . . 

Nice try even the Pats homers in the media were saying that shouldn't have been a flag there.  Even Mike Pereira said that shouldn't have been a flag there. 




The only people I am seeing saying there should have been a flag there are Pats fans.  You got a call that makes up for the Carolina game take it and be happy about it.  Spare people trying to act like it was the correct call it wasn't. 

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Nice try even the Pats homers in the media were saying that shouldn't have been a flag there.  Even Mike Pereira said that shouldn't have been a flag there. 




The only people I am seeing saying there should have been a flag there are Pats fans.  You got a call that makes up for the Carolina game take it and be happy about it.  Spare people trying to act like it was the correct call it wasn't. 


I could care less what someone from the media thinks frankly, or what his history or resume is, if I remember correctly this was the same guy that when he was doing his official reviews on NFLN and would support PI calls would always talk about "not looking back at the ball + contact = PI" somehow he seems to have forgotten this formula on the plane ride from the NFL to FOX studios  . . . 


but regardless it is really just you and me and the other talking here and would hope that you and the rest of the individual here are intelligent enough to come to their own conclusion on the matter without having to go to a source that supports a particular position . . .


but time and time again, that formula is true to form whether you like it or not, you can't just ignore it because its the pats . . . but the bottom line, as you can see in the video, Boyce was ahead of the guy, not by much but ahead of him, then McFadden has his arm on Boyce . . . and he was not looking back at the ball . . . we may not like the PI calls, and I am one of them, as more often than we have an under thrown ball which results in the DB not looking back/contact=PI even though the WR can't even get to the ball, but it the nature of the NFL, whether we like it or not . . . but here you had a ball that is not underthrown and was just on the finger tips of the WR, contact and the DB not looking back . . . not the best in the world, but not a phantom one either . . . as the ball was near the finger tips, contact that interfered to a degree with his forward momentum can have an effect on this ability to concentrate and catch a close pass . . . so we get PI


its not a classic grab and hold or turning of a WR, but it is one of those calls of contact and not looking back combined with the WR in a better position to get to the ball . . . and that is called a lot, regardless of what the media, you or I wish . . .


BTW I did not have a problem with the call late in the Panther game but many of the media did . . .


the problem is the NFL and the nearly no tolerance on defender not look back/contact combination, of which this was . . . don't blame the refs, blame the culture of the NFL and PI calls . . . I don't like it either, but it how its called . . .


my only caveat was the balls was just off the finger tips it was not a yard over thrown, so for me, that puts more emphasis on the contact not being totally clean or free from wrongdoing . . .

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I could care less what someone from the media thinks frankly, or what his history or resume is, if I remember correctly this was the same guy that when he was doing his official reviews on NFLN and would support PI calls would always talk about "not looking back at the ball + contact = PI" somehow he seems to have forgotten this formula on the plane ride from the NFL to FOX studios . . .

but regardless it is really just you and me and the other talking here and would hope that you and the rest of the individual here are intelligent enough to come to their own conclusion on the matter without having to go to a source that supports a particular position . . .

but time and time again, that formula is true to form whether you like it or not, you can't just ignore it because its the pats . . . but the bottom line, as you can see in the video, Boyce was ahead of the guy, not by much but ahead of him, then McFadden has his arm on Boyce . . . and he was not looking back at the ball . . . we may not like the PI calls, and I am one of them, as more often than we have an under thrown ball which results in the DB not looking back/contact=PI even though the WR can't even get to the ball, but it the nature of the NFL, whether we like it or not . . . but here you had a ball that is not underthrown and was just on the finger tips of the WR, contact and the DB not looking back . . . not the best in the world, but not a phantom one either . . . as the ball was near the finger tips, contact that interfered to a degree with his forward momentum can have an effect on this ability to concentrate and catch a close pass . . . so we get PI

its not a classic grab and hold or turning of a WR, but it is one of those calls of contact and not looking back combined with the WR in a better position to get to the ball . . . and that is called a lot, regardless of what the media, you or I wish . . .

BTW I did not have a problem with the call late in the Panther game but many of the media did . . .

the problem is the NFL and the nearly no tolerance on defender not look back/contact combination, of which this was . . . don't blame the refs, blame the culture of the NFL and PI calls . . . I don't like it either, but it how its called . . .

he's the former head of officials like it or not he's more qualified to rule on this than you or me. You got a big call today just take it and be happy no one outside of New England is buying it was the correct call stuff. Also your QB blew a gasket over the Panthers game so it wasn't just the media.
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