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Colts @ Bengals Ranting Thread


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Why in the hell.. I just cannot fathom what in the hell he was looking at. He must have tripped over his tied up shoe strings. Chapman smacked his foot which made him trip. We are getting robbed out of a win in this game because of this. Going into halftime 0-7 is much better than 2 scores down. I hope this lights a fire under the colts second half. OMG.

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you know because other guys are tearing it up out there...

Face it due to injuries the talent just isn't there on offense.

We can't block, run or catch. Pretty hard to run an offense with those problems.

DHB dropped yet another pass...and they still play him...i call that stubborn he's not helping the team....i understand about injuries but DHB still isn't helping...

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I'm doing EVERYTHING I can to not curse in this post but Jeff Triplett is the WORST ref I have ever seen in my life. That was the WORST call I have ever seen in my life. I am so ticked off right now, un-freaking-believable. Fire this man, Goodell, you are freaking BLIND if you don't fire this man.

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At this rate no point in cheering for playoffs if we have to play against a nfl team and the refs


I'll save you the trouble.


Last year it was all about getting Ray Ray his ring. Ravens had all the breaks their way in terms of calls in EVERY game.


This year I have a hunch it will be all about trying to get Peyton and Denver the trophy........which will make many here happy even though they will get all the breaks their way.

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For weeks now we have watched a pathetic attempt at offense, and it's just getting old. There is "ZERO" creativity in Pep Hamiltons offense. It's straight ahead run, or straight drop back pass. Where are the toss plays (even though they wouldn't gain anything anyway), roll outs, bootlegs, something to get this offense kick started. And what do we get today????? Five punts and a missed field goal. This is my OFFICIAL REPLACE PEP HAMILTON statement.


Are you listening to your fans Mr Irsay. We are tired of this.




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Guys why are you being dumb. Clearly the air in the exact spot he was running suddenly got thicker and tripped on his foot.

At minimum there was conclusive evidence that gravity in that exact running lane got stronger and pulled Green-Ellis to the ground.

No proof however, that he was tripped by the guy who whacked his foot.

Don't be such homers.

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If I were an owner dishing out millions of dollars in contracts, watching this crap week after week would send me into a full on meltdown.


The Colts have been outscored 114-24 in the first half of the last 6 games. This falls squarely on the coaching staff. 


Hell, Id like to see him just out and fire Pep Hamilton tomorrow. Ya, Colts are still going to make the playoffs, but lets be honest, they arent going to make any noise with the way they are playing, with all the injuries, especially to Reggie. 

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DHB dropped yet another pass...and they still play him...i call that stubborn he's not helping the team....i understand about injuries but DHB still isn't helping...

rogers dropped one too and DHB did make a nice catch, I was shocked too. When you only have four guys he's going to play if anything I agree with what chap wrote, at some point you blame Luck for his drops because he keeps throwing to him. Not really of course but keep in mind the Colts have extremely limited options. It's not so much being stubborn as it is lack of options.
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