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Manning TD Record


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Rex Ryan fields one of the most stubborn defenses every single year, no matter how much of a circus he lets the rest of his team become.


It doesn't matter how much the Patriots beat teams by. Wins are wins. Loses are loses.


Last year we didn't have Gronk for the AFC Championship. If we did, that game would of gone much differently. You don't lose the greatest red zone threat in the NFL to injury and remain as deadly.


Who is the hater here? lol.


I never said anything bad about Brady, you are the one who started saying Peyton breaking record means nothing blah blah, scroll up and read.


Oh its because Gronk didn't play now. Thought Brady can do magic with any player at his disposal?. Not true?.

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I thought maybe drafting Luck and moving on from Peyton would finally bring Colts fans into the real world. I think with many it has, but some are just incapable.


My biggest complaint about Colt fans after Tom Brady started winning Superbowls is, to defend your guy, you started putting greater value on MVP's and nonsense over Superbowl championships and play off victories.


The post season is where the real football teams await. You can throw 80 touchdown passes in a season against the nobodies of the NFL. If you go one-and-done afterwards in the play offs it means nothing. It means you beat up and shreded nobodies but couldn't handle the bigger fish in the pond.


Your teams owner knows the deal, which is why Peyton is now playing in Denver.

If you disagree, and would rather dump Luck to go back to having your expectations raised every year, just to play pitifully and lose your first play off game, season after season after season after season, more power to you.


Sure Post season is all that matters. I agree.


Whats the post season for Brady the last 10 years?. Let me guess, your previous excuse was Gronk not playing, now pats dont have a great defense?.


Either way, it proves its a team which wins in post season from your own words.

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I never said anything bad about Brady, you are the one who started saying Peyton breaking record means nothing blah blah, scroll up and read.


Oh its because Gronk didn't play now. Thought Brady can do magic with any player at his disposal?. Not true?.


It means nothing if he can't win games that matter, yes.

If he throws 51, 52 touchdown passes this year, it doesn't mean he is suddenly elevated to GOAT status, like an above poster said it would.


It will make headlines, sure. ESPN, which is now tabloid-trash, will make a big deal out of it, sure. A few talking-heads might even call him the GOAT for a few days, sure.

After that, it means zilch, just like Brady's currently standing 50 TD record now means zilch.


Nobody is talking constantly about Tom Brady's 50 TD season today, are they?

Just like nobody will be talking about Manning's theoretically 51 a year from now.


If he wins the Superbowl, that is something, however, that is set in stone.


They're just records. Records don't stand. Passing records especially fall like dominos in today's NFL, and will continue to do so.

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It means nothing if he can't win games that matter, yes.

If he throws 51, 52 touchdown passes this year, it doesn't mean he is suddenly elevated to GOAT status, like an above poster said it would.


It will make headlines, sure. ESPN, which is now tabloid-trash, will make a big deal out of it, sure. A few talking-heads might even call him the GOAT for a few days, sure.

After that, it means zilch, just like Brady's currently standing 50 TD record now means zilch.


Nobody is talking constantly about Tom Brady's 50 TD season today, are they?

Just like nobody will be talking about Manning's theoretically 51 a year from now.


If he wins the Superbowl, that is something, however, that is set in stone.


They're just records. Records don't stand. Passing records especially fall like dominos in today's NFL, and will continue to do so.

Classic. How conveniently you ignored my last line and ramble about nothing. Thought so.

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Tom Brady holds the record for post season wins at 17, and he isn't finished yet.

You want to talk about respecting greatness, you can begin respecting that.


It's a hell of a lot more impressive than throwing for 500 yards against a team that won't even sniff a wildcard spot.

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Last year we didn't have Gronk for the AFC Championship. If we did, that game would of gone much differently. You don't lose the greatest red zone threat in the NFL to injury and remain as deadly.




So with out great players around him, Brady is nothing. These are your words. Thank you.


Winning SB is a team effort. Pats won the 3 SBs with lot of great players. There is a reason they havent won since. I am sure you will ignore this post like you have done all the logical ones previously.

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Just out of morbid curiosity, when it's all said and done, would you rather Andrew Luck finish his career in Indianapolis with Tom Brady's accomplishments or Peyton's?


Yeah, that's what I thought.


Case closed.


Tom Brady's accomplishment??. Its Pats accomplishment. There is no one player who does it. Those were your own words. Stay consistent in your rambling atleast.

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Makes no sense. People on here talk about John Unitas, Bert Jones, Edgerran James, Marvin Harrison. None of them are currently on the Colts. Should they stop talking about them? Manning is to the Colts as Jones and Unitas were.

I doubt many true Indy Colts fans talk about Unitas and Jones. It's part of the franchise history , but most only care about the last 30 years. Manning though, is very relevant to Indy fans, as is Harrison and James.

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You probably were born after 2004 or another lacklustre Pats fan who hates greatness.


Manning did not play for 6 quarters when he made 49 TDs and he took way lesser snaps than Brady did for 50 TDs. Most of those TDs came at the end of 4th quarter ( remember the Titans game ?), who was piling stats?.


Just stop hating and respect talent.


I got to looking.


Peyton threw 7 TDs in the 4th QT his record breaking year. 6 when the team was trailing or tied....Peyton threw 19tds in the 2nd half 

Brady threw 10TDs in the 4th QT his record breaking year. 4 when the team was trailing or tied....Brady threw 18tds in the 2nd half


Peyton threw 31TDs at 19 yards or less. 7 Tds under 3 yards.

Brady threw  34TDs at 19 yards or less. 11 Tds under 3 yards. 


Brady may have had a few that were 'excessive' 1 @ 31-7 in week 3, 1 @ 42-21 in week 7, 1  @ 38-0 in week 8.....

Manning had one that looked 'excessive'...1 @ 41-24 in week 12.....


I think its a misconception about Brady 'compiling stats'. I think the 38-0 sticks out in peoples mind, and it Saints what he actually accomplished.  

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So with out great players around him, Brady is nothing. These are your words. Thank you.


Winning SB is a team effort. Pats won the 3 SBs with lot of great players. There is a reason they havent won since. I am sure you will ignore this post like you have done all the logical ones previously.

Lol, ran away as usual.

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we are going to debate that the TD record (which :Peyton will set) is diluted because of Peyton's WR screen passes


Just heard Eric Davis on NFL AM suggest as much...


Does anybody here think that a 50-yard pass over the cornerback is 'less of a TD pass' than a screen to the wide out who runs the 50 yards?

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50+ TDs are impressive not matter which way you slice it. Unlike Colts fans who want to try to tarnish Brady's 50 Tds in 2007, I can freely admit Manning's effort this year is just as extraordinary no matter if they were 2 yard TDs, screens, or bombs or if they came in garbage time. And like I have said all along, he is doing this after four neck surgeries. Hard not to be impressed.

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Tom Brady threw his touchdowns against some of the best defenses in football, on a schedule far more difficult than anything Peyton has ever faced.

The Jaguars, the Titans, and the 2000~2010 Texans are not competition. Last year the AFC West outside of Denver had a grant total of about 10 wins. He smashed all of them while also losing to every single last post season team he faced.

Nobody is challenging Peyton's ability to play great football against bottom feeders.

Just so you know the AFCSouth was the best division in football from 2002-2010. They were tied with the NFCEast. You can find my thread if you'd like.

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Just out of morbid curiosity, when it's all said and done, would you rather Andrew Luck finish his career in Indianapolis with Tom Brady's accomplishments or Peyton's?


Yeah, that's what I thought.


Case closed.

I personally think they can both do quite well on their own with out Brady's accomplishments thank you. :)

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Lol, ran away as usual.


Ok, so this is your home forum, and not mine, so I'm trying not to get overly hostile here, but you really want to have this conversation.


First of all, yes, quarterbacks do have win/loss ratios. Everyone understands this except for Peyton apologists and they purposely fail to understand it for the sole intention of trying to diminish Tom Brady's accomplishments to make Peyton look better.


Here's a serious reality check for you.


Do you think subjective MVP awards and a few passing records, impressive as they are, make Peyton Manning GOAT over Joe Montana? If so, that is a delusional line of thinking, period. It's Tom Brady that is compared to Joe Montana, and thus in the conversation for all time GOAT, and so the only reason that Peyton Manning, very wrongly, even sneaks into the conversation is because people compare and debate Tom Brady and Peyton Manning because they are the best of their generation.


However, Montana is (or at least was) the reigning GOAT of all time quarterbacks. Remove Brady from the conversation and Colts fans are trying to compare a quarterback with one lonely championship, an abyssmal post season record, and a reputation for choking in big games, with Joe Montana. Why? Because he has some Marino-esque passing achievements and won a few arbitrary and subjective awards (MVPs).


No, and again, No.


Tom Brady is the one that is compared to Joe Montana because of his post season wins, performances, and Superbowls.


Peyton Manning piggy backs his way into the conversation on Tom Brady's shoulders.

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Here's a thought... :topic:

The thread is about Peyton's TD's this year...and if he'll Break the Current Record.

Why oh Why, does every thread about Peyton have to be turned into a thread about "Tom Terrific"..... :scratch: No matter what, no-one can take away what he is accomplishing this year, after 4 neck surgeries, and the fact that some, including Peyton himself, wondered if he'd ever play again. It's pretty incredible to watch, and I'm taking it all in, one game at a time.

He's still my favorite, and always will be. No-one will ever change my mind, and I'll never change anyone else's mind, so I don't even try.

There will never be a cut-in-stone, unanimous decision or definitive GOAT.. Just enjoy these guys, and what they do on the field for our enjoyment week in, and week out.

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Ok, so this is your home forum, and not mine, so I'm trying not to get overly hostile here, but you really want to have this conversation.


First of all, yes, quarterbacks do have win/loss ratios. Everyone understands this except for Peyton apologists and they purposely fail to understand it for the sole intention of trying to diminish Tom Brady's accomplishments to make Peyton look better.


Here's a serious reality check for you.


Do you think subjective MVP awards and a few passing records, impressive as they are, make Peyton Manning GOAT over Joe Montana? If so, that is a delusional line of thinking, period. It's Tom Brady that is compared to Joe Montana, and thus in the conversation for all time GOAT, and so the only reason that Peyton Manning, very wrongly, even sneaks into the conversation is because people compare and debate Tom Brady and Peyton Manning because they are the best of their generation.


However, Montana is (or at least was) the reigning GOAT of all time quarterbacks. Remove Brady from the conversation and Colts fans are trying to compare a quarterback with one lonely championship, an abyssmal post season record, and a reputation for choking in big games, with Joe Montana. Why? Because he has some Marino-esque passing achievements and won a few arbitrary and subjective awards (MVPs).


No, and again, No.


Tom Brady is the one that is compared to Joe Montana because of his post season wins, performances, and Superbowls.


Peyton Manning piggy backs his way into the conversation on Tom Brady's shoulders.


Good to know. From now on Terry Bradshaw is the best ever.


Best post season record and most championships.

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And I'm not saying that throwing over 50 touchdown passes in a single season isn't very impressive. Throwing 49 was impressive, even after Brady threw 50.

I'm just saying that it doesn't make him GOAT if he does, like an above poster suggested. That's honestly ridiculous.


Breaking a single season passing record doesn't hoist someone above Joe Montana's career.


I think some Colt fans just have this thing where they want him to be GOAT soooooo bad and have something of a Brady insecurity and look for any single reason to try and elevate him to greatest of all time. That sounds a little harsher than I intend it to, but I will stand by it. You hate Tom Brady. You have reason to. If Tom Brady and Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots didn't exist, there's no telling what your organization might of achieved (assuming you could get past the Steelers).


You hate him. I get it. You like your guy. I get it.


But you try to put him on a pretty high pedistal for some pretty lackluster things, while ignoring all of his career faults and throwing every other facet of your organization under the bus in his defense.


Again, you take Tom Brady out of the conversation completely, and try comparing Peyton Manning's.... stuff.... to Joe Monatana's, and trying to call Peyton the GOAT all of a sudden seems really, really silly.

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We've been having this conversation for over ten years now. If you don't get it now, you never will.

Enjoy your attaboy awards.

yet you're the one on a colts board, not the other way around.

Also, your screen name proves you put a large emphasis on the regular season.

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Good to know. From now on Terry Bradshaw is the best ever.


Best post season record and most championships.

And thats how crazy these debates get...if you try to narrow it down to one reason you end up fooling yourself. We all know Terry wasn't the greatest ever...just like despite the fact that Bret Farve has a lot of passing records he isn't considered the best ever either....somewhere between championships and statistics is a grey area...where we will find several players...all of which are considered "One of the best ever"....which is all that can be said...because its all opinionated and very subjective.


All that said this thread is a bout him approaching the TD record and Brady is relevent because he currently holds it. I do agree no matter what happens it will get broken again some day soon...probably by Rodgers but who knows...coming off the career threatening injury and the limitations to his body it is pretty dang impressive whatever the case...this OLD MAN is lighting up the league. Regardless...the way he carries himself...he IS a champion..he has won a SB..and taken his team back to another...and carried probably more mediocre teams to the playoffs than anyone outside of Dan Marino...I'm happy watching him play because I don't know how many more times I will get...its truely special...and I'm sure everyone feels the same way about Tom in a couple years too...as he approaches retirement.

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Winning SB is a team effort. Pats won the 3 SBs with lot of great players. There is a reason they havent won since. I am sure you will ignore this post like you have done all the logical ones previously.


Bold part is absolutely true. But consider that aside from Brady, every other roster spot turned over in between the first (2001) Super Bowl they went to and the last one they went to after the 2011 season. That's 10 years, with the only constants being Brady and Belichick. 


I'm not trying to give him more credit that he deserves. But anyone who uses the "team accomplishment" argument simply doesn't understand that team and how it works. We've seen a lot of great players fade as their great teams dissolved year-by-year. More than a decade later, with 51 different teammates from the ones that ran out of the tunnel versus the Rams, Brady still has the Patriots right in the thick of things.


That doesn't make him the GOAT. I don't actually believe in the concept of one, because you'll never get a universal opinion. 


But it's indisputable fact that he's got a better winning percentage and has won more playoff games than any other QB in history. 



I got to looking.


Peyton threw 7 TDs in the 4th QT his record breaking year. 6 when the team was trailing or tied....Peyton threw 19tds in the 2nd half 

Brady threw 10TDs in the 4th QT his record breaking year. 4 when the team was trailing or tied....Brady threw 18tds in the 2nd half


Peyton threw 31TDs at 19 yards or less. 7 Tds under 3 yards.

Brady threw  34TDs at 19 yards or less. 11 Tds under 3 yards. 


Brady may have had a few that were 'excessive' 1 @ 31-7 in week 3, 1 @ 42-21 in week 7, 1  @ 38-0 in week 8.....

Manning had one that looked 'excessive'...1 @ 41-24 in week 12.....


I think its a misconception about Brady 'compiling stats'. I think the 38-0 sticks out in peoples mind, and it Saints what he actually accomplished.  


This is good stuff, nice job. 


I said it at the beginning of the season... no QB will ever throw 50 or 50+ TDs without some "stat padding." That applies to both guys. It seems like most people are judging it based on the color of the uniform though.  ;)


50+ TDs are impressive not matter which way you slice it. Unlike Colts fans who want to try to tarnish Brady's 50 Tds in 2007, I can freely admit Manning's effort this year is just as extraordinary no matter if they were 2 yard TDs, screens, or bombs or if they came in garbage time. And like I have said all along, he is doing this after four neck surgeries. Hard not to be impressed.


Well said. Manning is having a monster year, and as a fan of the game I'd be lying if I said anything else. You don't have to root for the greats, but if you try to diminish their accomplishments, you're a bush-league fan. 


Personally, despite my rooting interests, it would not bother me to see Manning break Brady's record this year. Maybe it was because of how the '07 season ended, but that record has never seemed all that important to me. And I'm quite sure that within the next 5 or so years, someone is going to throw 60 anyway. 


I'd just like to see the Patriots win at least one more title with Brady and Belichick still together. As a fan, that's all that really matters to me at this point. Records/individual awards and championships are not mutually exclusive, but the former seem a lot like consolation prizes most of the time.

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Also, your screen name proves you put a large emphasis on the regular season.


My opinion on regular season stats and records is that they make a nice feather in a cap that is otherwise woven with championships and post season victories.

Peyton Manning isn't the only one that has taught me this. There have been a few Patriot seasons (2010 comes to mind the most) where a team looks amazing against nobodies and bottom feeders and 2nd tier competition and then gets exposed against real teams in the post season.


The play offs are where the good teams are. Regular season stuff is good if it's matched with play off performances. Otherwise I just think it sort of relegates regular season achievements to worthless and fools gold.


I would of much rather Brady threw 40 touchdowns in 2007 and won the Superbowl. I would of much rather the Patriots lost one of the 16 games in the regular season and have Rodney Harrison stop the helmet catch for a 4th Brady/Belichick championship.


To use Peyton as an example, if he does throw 51 or 52 touchdown passes, it'll be huge news.... for three days. Then if he loses his first post season game, all you're going to hear is how he can't handle big games or the play offs.


Nobody handed us a free Lombardi because we were 18-0 and the moment that we lost that Superbowl, nobody cared that we were.

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And I'm not saying that throwing over 50 touchdown passes in a single season isn't very impressive. Throwing 49 was impressive, even after Brady threw 50.

I'm just saying that it doesn't make him GOAT if he does, like an above poster suggested. That's honestly ridiculous.


Breaking a single season passing record doesn't hoist someone above Joe Montana's career.


I think some Colt fans just have this thing where they want him to be GOAT soooooo bad and have something of a Brady insecurity and look for any single reason to try and elevate him to greatest of all time. That sounds a little harsher than I intend it to, but I will stand by it. You hate Tom Brady. You have reason to. If Tom Brady and Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots didn't exist, there's no telling what your organization might of achieved (assuming you could get past the Steelers).


You hate him. I get it. You like your guy. I get it.


But you try to put him on a pretty high pedistal for some pretty lackluster things, while ignoring all of his career faults and throwing every other facet of your organization under the bus in his defense.


Again, you take Tom Brady out of the conversation completely, and try comparing Peyton Manning's.... stuff.... to Joe Monatana's, and trying to call Peyton the GOAT all of a sudden seems really, really silly.

I don't even believe Joe is the best qb ever....but that is your opinion. I 100% believe you put Dan Marino on that team and they are just as good if not better. I go back and forth between Unitas and Marino all the time and I throw Brady and Manning and Montana in the convo as well...but this is soo subjective...each person has their own criteria for what GREATNESS is that no two people will agree 100%....so it's pointless!!! WHO CARES.....we will forever be talking about both until we die because we recognize the greatness in BOTH players....you can't measure greatness in championships or stats...but its clear these both are on the MT. Rushmore of QBs....for some the same reasons and different ones. I simply enjoy the quality of play each has shown over the years and what they have brought to the league and each of their respective teams and cities.

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1. Brady

2. Montana

3. Unitas.

4. Elway.

5. Marino


Thats my list.


Montana is just the standard, so I used him. His four rings, not Bradshaws, is who everyone has to apparently chase.


Another reason I take regular season stats with a grain of salt is because it largely depends on strength of schedule. Denver has a very soft schedule this year. While it is impressive to throw that many touchdowns, it isn't something he would be doing if he was on, say, the Arizona Cardinals, and saw the 49'ers and the Seahawks twice a year, along with every other defense in the NFC that's a heckuva lot more stubborn than the Oakland Raiders.


It's something that a quarterback for the Rams, for example, just wouldn't be able to do. I don't remember what Indy's schedule was when he threw 49, but depending on what it was, 49 might of been more impressive than this years hypothetical 51, and all that gets lost in history.


Anyway, not trying to rain on your parade here.


I just don't put a lot of stock in this stuff.


Last season the Patriots were one of the highest scoring teams of all time, setting records for 1st down conversations, and this and that and the other thing.


It didn't mean much in the AFC Championship game. Brady was playing golf while Flacco was winning a Superbowl.

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Ok, so this is your home forum, and not mine, so I'm trying not to get overly hostile here, but you really want to have this conversation.


First of all, yes, quarterbacks do have win/loss ratios. Everyone understands this except for Peyton apologists and they purposely fail to understand it for the sole intention of trying to diminish Tom Brady's accomplishments to make Peyton look better.


Here's a serious reality check for you.


Do you think subjective MVP awards and a few passing records, impressive as they are, make Peyton Manning GOAT over Joe Montana? If so, that is a delusional line of thinking, period. It's Tom Brady that is compared to Joe Montana, and thus in the conversation for all time GOAT, and so the only reason that Peyton Manning, very wrongly, even sneaks into the conversation is because people compare and debate Tom Brady and Peyton Manning because they are the best of their generation.


However, Montana is (or at least was) the reigning GOAT of all time quarterbacks. Remove Brady from the conversation and Colts fans are trying to compare a quarterback with one lonely championship, an abyssmal post season record, and a reputation for choking in big games, with Joe Montana. Why? Because he has some Marino-esque passing achievements and won a few arbitrary and subjective awards (MVPs).


No, and again, No.


Tom Brady is the one that is compared to Joe Montana because of his post season wins, performances, and Superbowls.


Peyton Manning piggy backs his way into the conversation on Tom Brady's shoulders.



But the fact that Joe Montana played on one of the most complete , dominant teams in NFL history had nothing to do with winning championships ?


I used to do a lot of business with people in Boston .. I sold and they bought . So I need them a lot more than they needed me.What you have above is just so typical of the crap I used to hear from them and had to bite my tongue. Guess what ? What you have above , especially that * , lame "piggy back" plie of manure is just plain annoying and ridiculous. Wish I could have said that a few years back but had to feed my family.

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But the fact that Joe Montana played on one of the most complete , dominant teams in NFL history had nothing to do with winning championships ?


I used to do a lot of business with people in Boston .. I sold and they bought . So I need them a lot more than they needed me.What you have above is just so typical of the crap I used to hear from them and had to bite my tongue. Guess what ? What you have above , especially that * , lame "piggy back" plie of manure is just plain annoying and ridiculous. Wish I could have said that a few years back but had to feed my family.

I think what is astonishing about Joe is that he played in four SBs without throwing one pick. He won the biggest game every time he was in it and has three SB MVPs along with two league MVPs. I get the whole argument about him having stacked teams but he is on par with Michael Jordan in terms of his ability to play big in the moment and in the end that is what you want from your best players.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

10 TD's with 4 games to go?  I wouldn't bet on it happening.  Manning has cooled off since the beginning of the season and if the Bronco's have nothing to lose in Week 17 they might bench him.  

He just threw 5 TDs last night...

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I think what is astonishing about Joe is that he played in four SBs without throwing one pick. He won the biggest game every time he was in it and has three SB MVPs along with two league MVPs. I get the whole argument about him having stacked teams but he is on par with Michael Jordan in terms of his ability to play big in the moment and in the end that is what you want from your best players.


There's that... but there's also the fact that he played before the salary cap era when NFL teams with money could stack their teams like the NY Yankees.


If that was still allowed today, Brady or Manning could be playing with Calvin Johnson and every other good receiver in the league, just by throwing money at them, and completely destroying every passing and TD record in the books.


The NFL play offs is also more competitive today than it was back then because of it. A few of Montana's Superbowls were very lopsided because the 49'ers were just miles better. The blow out against Denver comes to mind.


Today all the play off teams are much more evenly matched. Despite the rule changes to the game making it more passer friendly, it's hard to argue that the NFL over all isn't a lot more competitive and talented than it was then.

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Only in the minds of Colt fans. If he goes down in the post season this year you can kiss any chance at GOAT redemption for Peyton Manning goodbye, 51 TDs or not.

There has been absolutely nothing special about this years Denver regular season. Just a lot of stat-compiling.


Until last night they had a losing record against play off teams, and are now just 2-2, with the 2 wins coming against the fools gold Chiefs.


Sorry, but stat-padding against scrubs doesn't make you a GOAT. Winning play off games does, against real teams, and real defenses.


Records are meant to be broken. They're transitory but their very nature. That's what seperates them from Championships, which are forever.

Manning threw 49. Brady threw 50. If Manning throws 51, someone some day will throw 52. When they do, it won't make them the GOAT.


Tom Brady was sat in six games the year he threw 50 touchdowns. Has Manning even taken a seat once yet?

You say that as if the Pats had a better record than  2-2 against playoff teams.  They don't.  Everything else you said falls into the "swap the two QBs teams and we'll see who has the better playoff record."  Ever since Brady hasn't had a top 5 defense, he hasn't been any better than Peyton in the playoffs.  I always find it funny how condescending some of you Pats fans are, but you're blind support of Brady is no better than Colts fans blind support of Peyton.

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As far as the conversation about championships and playoff victories, I don't think you can use that the measure a QB.  


You have to have good teams around your QB to do that.  


And some teams with elite QB's grow too accustomed to their QB doing everything that they don't fix obvious problems.


How many games did the Pat's win with Matt Cassel at QB?  And that's a guy that the absolute BEST thing you could say about him is that he's a game manager.  And a lot of worse things could be said about him.

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He just threw 5 TDs last night...


Yes but prior to that he was cooling off.  We'll have to see if that continues.  Especially with the potential of him being benched in Week 17, just one game of 1 or 2 TD passes could completely de-rail the chances at the record.

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    • Kid had everything, big, strong, fast, had the enjoyment of being drafted by the Vikings family, was going to make big money too. I had him going 3rd round coming out, I was close. This is really sad, only 24!
    • This was terrible. You never expect an active NFL player to pass away, much less someone who just got drafted a month ago. RIP Khyree Jackson and his teammates.   Also my condolences to @NFLfan. Must be tough to go through this as a fan of the Vikings. This is a nightmarish situation. My best friend is a Marlins fan in baseball, and he had to go through this with Jose Fernandez.    I thought Jackson was going to be a hit at the NFL level. Unfortunately, we will never know. Prayers to his friends and family that they can get through this tragedy.
    • To follow this up before a certain poster tells me the NBA disagrees with me about Tatum because he made 1st team All-NBA, I would just reply and say no way is he better than Edwards. I would take Edwards over him all day and twice on Sunday. Edwards got jipped  making 2nd team. Without Edwards, the Wolves wouldn't even make the playoffs in the West. 
    • Bo Jackson is the greatest athlete of all-time, if anyone thinks otherwise, I want what they are drinking . He was a great NFL football player/RB, good Pro baseball player. Could bench press 450 pounds down to chest and up once and run a 40 in 4.1.
    • He is and he is overrated. He is a great player but I could even argue his teammate Brown is better. Let me say this, I know I come off as a Tatum hater, I really am not. He just never performs in the playoffs like a #1 option. Brown won the MVP for example. Take Brown off that team and the Mavs would have definitely beat them then. Tatum is on a loaded team, they have Brown, Porzingis, White, Holiday, and Horford.    Off the top of my head, players that are better than Tatum are: Joker, Luka, Giannis, Embiid, Edwards, SGA, and even Brown - so he isn't top 7. I would even take Brunson and Haliburton over him - they have more responsibility playing PG and are young as well. I have Tatum top 10 - he is slightly better than Butler and Mitchell, Tatum is great but shaky at times, he cracks my top 10 because LeBron, Curry, and Durant are old and Leonard is always injured. Without Haliburton, the Pacers would be a .500 team. Without Brunson so would the Knicks. Without Tatum, Boston would still win 55 games with Brown/Porzingis/Holiday/White/Horford, they could have won around 70 this past season but quit playing the last 2 weeks.
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