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Colts to appear on NBC's Parks and Recreation this Thursday at 8 pm ET


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"I love your team sir. I love them like they're my own children."  :lol: It reminds me of when I get to meet my favorite bands/members backstage after a phenomenal concert.


Please don't make a fool of yourself. And then I do. LOL!


My inner geek always comes out full throttle when my excitement & enthusiasm gets the better of me. Sorry Scorpions frontman Klaus Meine. I won't get into that here, but thanks for taking it all in stride. Enough said. 

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Lol at Mathis getting rejected..."He's a linebacker...skill positions only for Donna-migo"

Great clip, can't wait to watch the show. Oh and I have a thing for Aubrey Plaza (April). Don't tell the wife

You have a good eye cmgww. You also might wanna check out the film "The Do List" too. I won't tell your wife either. That's what friends do. Keep it on the down low right? A need to know basis    ;)


I was going post a trailer from the film but it's a little too provocative for a forum PG audience. Check it out on You Tube. Wives have celebrity crushes too. I see no problem with it all all personally. 



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Speaking of attractive women making men act stupid...You might get a kick out of this cameo appearance of Aubrey Plaza on Marc Maron. [A great show on IFC. Marc rocks! 1 of my favorite comedians around.]




Since you are fond of Aubrey Plaza, superb taste BTW. Go to www.YouTube.com & enter this in the search line on the site: Aubrey Plaza wth Podcast 8-8-11


A 56 minute interview is there with her & Marc, but there are too many curse words in it to post here. I figured you'd like listening to it. 

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I never watched the show cept for scrolling from channels until last seasons Colts introduction, though I knew of Rasheeda Jones from previous stuff. After that I stereotypically went Nextflix crazed and watched every episode on there and then a few online to catch up. After all that I couldn't lie that I was hooked. If you like dry yet funny humor and LOVE the Colts you will enjoy this show(Colts fandom doesn't enter the show until until Andy becomes one of the main cast members around season 3ish though).

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I saw an advertisement for it the other day.  I've only watched it when the Colts appear so you'll have to bear with me.


A blond haired woman took a snap in Lucas oil dropped back and threw the ball about 4 feet to the right of Reggie Wayne.


She yelled "Reggie, I said run an INSIDE hook!!!"  


Reggie said "I did!"


She said "Oh well I guess you would know."


Sadly this is running at the same time as the Big Bang Theory so I'll probably be watching that. 

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I saw an advertisement for it the other day.  I've only watched it when the Colts appear so you'll have to bear with me.


A blond haired woman took a snap in Lucas oil dropped back and threw the ball about 4 feet to the right of Reggie Wayne.


She yelled "Reggie, I said run an INSIDE hook!!!"  


Reggie said "I did!"


She said "Oh well I guess you would know."


Sadly this is running at the same time as the Big Bang Theory so I'll probably be watching that. 


And as a huge fan of Parks & Rec, this is the reason why it will most likely be cancelled :hissy:  NBC just has to put it on at 8.

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And as a huge fan of Parks & Rec, this is the reason why it will most likely be cancelled :hissy:  NBC just has to put it on at 8.


It is cool to have a show that is set in Indiana though.  But putting it on at the same time as the most popular currently running sitcom is probably not a good idea.  

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It is cool to have a show that is set in Indiana though.  But putting it on at the same time as the most popular currently running sitcom is probably not a good idea.  


Not a good idea but they're reasoning is that Parks & Rec is the strongest show on Thursday so it's the only one they can put up against Big Bang. No show can really match up though.

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You have a good eye cmgww. You also might wanna check out the film "The Do List" too. I won't tell your wife either. That's what friends do. Keep it on the down low right? A need to know basis ;)

I was going post a trailer from the film but it's a little too provocative for a forum PG audience. Check it out on You Tube. Wives have celebrity crushes too. I see no problem with it all all personally.


Saw it...brought back a ton of memories as it is set in 1993...very crude for sure, but funny. Plaza does well as the nerdy girl trying to learn "stuff"...but Bill Hader was hilarious as the pool manager
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Cool that the Colts are getting some love via the sit-coms...

Isn't The Middle set in IN also, & aren't they all Colts fans???

I don't watch either sit-com...


Just looked that up on Wikipedia.  Yes it is apparently.  Sad there are these two sit-coms set in Indiana and I don't watch either one.   Might have to try catching some re-runs at some point.

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I find it weird that Parks and Recreation is filmed in Indy, you would think that they would do it in New York or Hollywood...


but yea I wonder if Aziz is really a Colts fan...lol

They don't shoot in Indy regularly. It is only for special Indy related episodes.


As far as the actors being fans, I think I read in an interview last year that Rob Lowe is the only real Colts fan. Most of them (if not all) admitted to not really following football. Maybe they were converted haha

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Sadly this is running at the same time as the Big Bang Theory so I'll probably be watching that. 

I absolutely hate this show.  I tried, several times, but oh well.  To each his own. 


As to the OP, I'll definitely DVR it just for fun.  On a side note, I know that they've had the Pacers on the show a time or two as well.  I think it was an episode where they were at St. Elmos.  Might have been a different show, but pretty sure it was P&R

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So much noise about nothing. The Colts segment of the episode runs for about a minute right before the credits, nothing after that.

It's still national exposure for the Colts. For all the "we don't get enough exposure, we're a small market team" people out there...when was the last time an NFL franchise was so prominently showcased on a prime time, well viewed network tv show? And, though short, the segment was funny. Wayne, Luck, Castonzo, Mathis and AV had speaking roles....

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It's still national exposure for the Colts. For all the "we don't get enough exposure, we're a small market team" people out there...when was the last time an NFL franchise was so prominently showcased on a prime time, well viewed network tv show? And, though short, the segment was funny. Wayne, Luck, Castonzo, Mathis and AV had speaking roles....


Any longer of a segment and we would hear "they should be preparing for games, not filming TV shows. Blah, blah, blah." I thought it was a lot of fun seeing them on there, even though it was brief.

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I was disappointed that the Colts sequence didn't last longer in the "Fluoride" episode. So, Eagle Creek is in Indiana? SW1 doesn't live there & I didn't grasp the tie in initially. Thanks for the heads up Nadine. :thmup: 


I liked the part when Rob Lowe says to Nick Offerman "My wife & I bought our baby's sounds of nature machine here."


Nick raises an eyebrow in sarcastic defiance & disbelief & he replies "You bought a machine that replicates an open window?"


That statement is so vintage my father it isn't even funny. He detests waste of money, foolish purchases to his core. 

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I was disappointed that the Colts sequence didn't last longer in the "Fluoride" episode. So, Eagle Creek is in Indiana? SW1 doesn't live there & I didn't grasp the tie in initially. Thanks for the heads up Nadine. :thmup:

Just a little piece of random trivia: the Colts training facility is just across the street from Eagle Creek Park. I've driven by a number of times wondering how I could get in there. lol

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