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My Letter To Coach Chuck Pagano


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I wrote this letter to the Head Coach of The Indianapolis Colts, Chuck Pagano. I am a veteran of the U.S. Army and while serving our country, my father fell ill, and I wrote out my view of the experience in the form of a letter to The Team and The Coach. I haven't heard a response yet, however I wait patiently as I can, but here it is, thank you for Reading!


Hello Coach Pagano and the Indianapolis Colts:

               My name is Paul Albert Lechner, I am 26 years of age, and I am a native Colts fan, who has been relocated to the swamp land. I am also a Veteran of the United States Army; I have served 3 tours to Iraq, to include OIF 06-08, 09-10, and Operation New Dawn 11-12. I separated from the military May 3rd of 2012, the same week that Andrew Luck was drafted to the Indianapolis Colts, (along with other notable players including; T.Y., Coby, Dwayne, LaVon, Vick, etc…) The day Andrew was drafted, I knew things were as they were meant to be. However, not everything that season would go as it was meant to, our Leader, the Father of the team, our Coach went out with an almost Season/Career/Life Ending Injury, one we all call Cancer. The day I read the article and saw the news reports that Coach Chuck Pagano was to undergo treatments, and seen his complexion, his demeanor due to that ailment it took me back in time when my father was sent to the Hospital with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. 

               So it was late September in Fort Hood, TX. We were on night shift; we had been up for over 24 hours, setting up and fixing issues with our communications. I could barely keep my eyes open as the night was coming to an end, and suddenly my heart gave a twist as my phone began to ring, something was wrong. I answer my phone with a hesitation, it’s my eldest sister Olivia, she’s crying hysterically, speaking incoherently, but I understand what she’s trying to tell me. Finally getting her to calm down and explain it entirely to me, the Doctors had given my father 48 hours to live,(as if hours could be given); I promptly hang up and begin contacting my superiors. My first call went into Sgt. Everett Lewis, I explain my situation, I am told it may take up to 48 hours to get me out of town and back home due to the Field Exercise we were executing. With my never fail attitude, and brazen disregard for procedures, I then call Cpt. John Dolan; the conversation that follows I will never forget.

CPT D. - “Lechner, what’s going on?”
ME - “CPT. Dolan, Sir, my father has gone to the Hospital, he was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, my sister say’s the Doctors are giving him maybe 48 hours….”
CPT D. - “Shut up”
ME - “Excuse me, Sir?” – I say not exactly happy about being told to ‘Shut up’ at this particular moment.
CPT D. - “I said, Shut up and listen. I am filling out an emergency leave form for you right now; I’m giving you 10 days of leave, if you need more just let me know. Don’t worry about the Red Cross message we’ll get that shortly. I will leave the paperwork on my desk; just make a copy and go.” –CPT D.
ME - “…Thank you, Sir…” astonished that this process was so simple; it’s the only thing I could say.

               You see, it was impossible then, and still is now to give those men the gratitude that I feel for them for helping me along my way to get home. I am forever indebted to them, so that I could be by the side of my Father, the Man who taught me to be a Man. The Coach of all my sports teams growing up, my life Coach, my best friend, the only person who I wasn’t prepared to lose, only because I thought he was just too stubborn to die. It was a gut check! The toughest thing I have ever been through. No tour to Iraq, no broken heart, no death has ever come as hard to me, as the thought of losing my Father. I prayed, I begged God to not let him be taken from my life, there was still too much to learn from him, too many days that’s needed to spend hanging out with him playing music, and watching you, our Beloved Indianapolis Colts.

               These moments as I think back on them, are so much harder to relive now, than I remember it being then. I remember getting to the hospital, riding with Aunt Suzette my Father’s sister, she flew in around the same time I had. Still in the same Uniform that I was wearing in the field, my heart screaming in my chest, not prepared to see the near lifeless eyes of the man who had raised me to be stronger than I could muster the strength to be at that moment. It had appeared as if God had forgotten my words, but just when I felt the crushing grip of this reality I saw his eyes light up with elation, and recognition of his Son, standing in the room, he tried to speak, tried but without success his words were gibberish, but not unfelt. With tears swelling in my eyes, I held him in my arms, wondering if this would be the last hug I would ever give him. I continued to pray, and continue to beg, pleading God not to take my father from me when I still needed his guidance in my life. For that one moment my hopes had been raised, but no one else seemed to really notice what I felt and saw. Doctors continued to tell us that it would take a miracle to save him, and well, God decided to bless us with a Miracle indeed.

               The next morning upon arrival at the Hospital my Father’s condition had dramatically improved from the night before, Doctors couldn’t believe it, neither could I. They were saying he was their Miracle Case of the month. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, shortly afterwards he begin to recover, he asked me for a new Electric Acoustic Guitar. So I talked with a local shop owner who knew my father well, and we always shopped there for our musical needs. Tom sold me a beautiful Fender Acoustic with just gorgeous details at a hell of a deal because of whom it was for. That afternoon he was off and playing on it, his fingers sore and clumsy where once they had been hard and precise. He had to relearn how to play the guitar after 30+ years of experience playing, and playing better than well.

               We used to sit in the living room and listen to my father play his old Epiphone Acoustic with his Grateful Dead stickers on it, the same guitar that today hangs on my wall, and is played by me. Those were the times we focused on, and now over 3 years later, [now] a year and a half after my separation from the military, my Father is in remission. His strength is up again, playing music like a professional again, and  we are still watching Colts Football every game, every week, and never regretting giving our hearts to our team. I told him when I got out of the Army I would love to take him to a Colts game, we live in Fort Pierce, FL now, a long throw away from Indianapolis. So my options have been limited, I could hope the Colts would play either the Dolphins at home, or TB at home, but those games haven’t happened this year, so our only choice was really Jacksonville at home, we have since then been to 2 games in Jacksonville where our Banner has been waved proudly and with great enthusiasm.

               My father is a Diehard fan, as am I. I love the Indianapolis Colts, and if I’m not wearing my hat, then I’m wearing one of my shirts. I typically keep our Banner on my bedroom wall, always ready, and waiting for another game. The day Luck was Drafted I bought 2 Jerseys, to make it official, one for myself and one for my father. He called me a few days later and said, “Son you’ll never believe what just showed up in the mail for me, 2 Luck Jerseys and this awesome New Hat.. “ He sent me a picture of him wearing the Jersey and my Hat. It was a great feeling seeing the smile on his face, and to hear his elation of a good surprise.

               My father and I were sitting out back on our patio watching the television when Coach Chuck Pagano gave a speech that was heartwarming, uplifting, and showed his true strength and convictions while dealing with his illness. You told the team that you would be there to dance at your daughters weddings, and that you would be there to hoist the Lombardi Trophy, not once, but hopefully on multiple occasions. That day my Father looked at Coach Pagano and tears came to his eyes, and he said “I know how you feel Chuck, I’ve been right there with you.” He later told me that that moment was one of the toughest moments he had ever witnessed, not because it wasn’t beautiful and inspiring, however, because it reminded him of how hard the fight was for him, and how hard it had to be for you Coach Pagano.  My Father is not only my hero, but he is also my inspiration. I didn’t always know this, but he was part of the company that was contracted to install all the cabinetry into the old RCA Dome, we have only ever seen the new field from the outside on unfortunate trips to Indianapolis for deaths in the family, or other bad news since we’ve moved to Florida. Someday we hope to come back to Indiana for a home game at Luc(k)as Oil Stadium, with a roaring crowd I am sure, and see you and the Colts give it your all battling it out on the gridiron.

               The purpose of this Letter is to one share not only my Story, but the Story of my Father with you and the team. I’m sending with this letter Our Banner, and an Andrew Luck jersey. As well as a reverse addressed package with postage paid. I wanted to surprise him with something that will not only surprise him, but absolutely blow his mind. My idea for him was to get the Entire team’s signature on our Banner, and then Andrew Lucks signature on the Jersey. I know it’s asking a lot but if it were possible to get a picture of the team with the Banner as well. I want to frame all of it for him, and surprise him with it on his Birthday February 26th. If not, I would entirely understand if it is asking too much of you guys, I’m just thankful you’ll find time to read this letter and hear our story.


Forever a Fan,

Paul A. Lechner

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Thank you for your service.

Your letter to Coach is extremely touching and I have to admit that I shed a tear or two, having lost loved ones to cancer. I hope that you get the banner and a lot more for your dad. I wish you both the best of luck and thank you for sharing this personal bit of your life with your fellow Colts fans.. 

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Thank you for your service.

Your letter to Coach is extremely touching and I have to admit that I shed a tear or two, having lost loved ones to cancer. I hope that you get the banner and a lot more for your dad. I wish you both the best of luck and thank you for sharing this personal bit of your life with your fellow Colts fans.. 

It was a pleasure, and thank you for your gratitude as well as for taking your time to read the letter. I hope so as well, I mailed it out about a month ago and I remain patient I am excited to hear back about it, but I have waited to share it with more than just family and friends.

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I wrote this letter to the Head Coach of The Indianapolis Colts, Chuck Pagano. I am a veteran of the U.S. Army and while serving our country, my father fell ill, and I wrote out my view of the experience in the form of a letter to The Team and The Coach. I haven't heard a response yet, however I wait patiently as I can, but here it is, thank you for Reading!

Hello Coach Pagano and the Indianapolis Colts:

My name is Paul Albert Lechner, I am 26 years of age, and I am a native Colts fan, who has been relocated to the swamp land. I am also a Veteran of the United States Army; I have served 3 tours to Iraq, to include OIF 06-08, 09-10, and Operation New Dawn 11-12. I separated from the military May 3rd of 2012, the same week that Andrew Luck was drafted to the Indianapolis Colts, (along with other notable players including; T.Y., Coby, Dwayne, LaVon, Vick, etc…) The day Andrew was drafted, I knew things were as they were meant to be. However, not everything that season would go as it was meant to, our Leader, the Father of the team, our Coach went out with an almost Season/Career/Life Ending Injury, one we all call Cancer. The day I read the article and saw the news reports that Coach Chuck Pagano was to undergo treatments, and seen his complexion, his demeanor due to that ailment it took me back in time when my father was sent to the Hospital with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

So it was late September in Fort Hood, TX. We were on night shift; we had been up for over 24 hours, setting up and fixing issues with our communications. I could barely keep my eyes open as the night was coming to an end, and suddenly my heart gave a twist as my phone began to ring, something was wrong. I answer my phone with a hesitation, it’s my eldest sister Olivia, she’s crying hysterically, speaking incoherently, but I understand what she’s trying to tell me. Finally getting her to calm down and explain it entirely to me, the Doctors had given my father 48 hours to live,(as if hours could be given); I promptly hang up and begin contacting my superiors. My first call went into Sgt. Everett Lewis, I explain my situation, I am told it may take up to 48 hours to get me out of town and back home due to the Field Exercise we were executing. With my never fail attitude, and brazen disregard for procedures, I then call Cpt. John Dolan; the conversation that follows I will never forget.

CPT D. - “Lechner, what’s going on?”

ME - “CPT. Dolan, Sir, my father has gone to the Hospital, he was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, my sister say’s the Doctors are giving him maybe 48 hours….”

CPT D. - “Shut up”

ME - “Excuse me, Sir?” – I say not exactly happy about being told to ‘Shut up’ at this particular moment.

CPT D. - “I said, Shut up and listen. I am filling out an emergency leave form for you right now; I’m giving you 10 days of leave, if you need more just let me know. Don’t worry about the Red Cross message we’ll get that shortly. I will leave the paperwork on my desk; just make a copy and go.” –CPT D.

ME - “…Thank you, Sir…” astonished that this process was so simple; it’s the only thing I could say.

You see, it was impossible then, and still is now to give those men the gratitude that I feel for them for helping me along my way to get home. I am forever indebted to them, so that I could be by the side of my Father, the Man who taught me to be a Man. The Coach of all my sports teams growing up, my life Coach, my best friend, the only person who I wasn’t prepared to lose, only because I thought he was just too stubborn to die. It was a gut check! The toughest thing I have ever been through. No tour to Iraq, no broken heart, no death has ever come as hard to me, as the thought of losing my Father. I prayed, I begged God to not let him be taken from my life, there was still too much to learn from him, too many days that’s needed to spend hanging out with him playing music, and watching you, our Beloved Indianapolis Colts.

These moments as I think back on them, are so much harder to relive now, than I remember it being then. I remember getting to the hospital, riding with Aunt Suzette my Father’s sister, she flew in around the same time I had. Still in the same Uniform that I was wearing in the field, my heart screaming in my chest, not prepared to see the near lifeless eyes of the man who had raised me to be stronger than I could muster the strength to be at that moment. It had appeared as if God had forgotten my words, but just when I felt the crushing grip of this reality I saw his eyes light up with elation, and recognition of his Son, standing in the room, he tried to speak, tried but without success his words were gibberish, but not unfelt. With tears swelling in my eyes, I held him in my arms, wondering if this would be the last hug I would ever give him. I continued to pray, and continue to beg, pleading God not to take my father from me when I still needed his guidance in my life. For that one moment my hopes had been raised, but no one else seemed to really notice what I felt and saw. Doctors continued to tell us that it would take a miracle to save him, and well, God decided to bless us with a Miracle indeed.

The next morning upon arrival at the Hospital my Father’s condition had dramatically improved from the night before, Doctors couldn’t believe it, neither could I. They were saying he was their Miracle Case of the month. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, shortly afterwards he begin to recover, he asked me for a new Electric Acoustic Guitar. So I talked with a local shop owner who knew my father well, and we always shopped there for our musical needs. Tom sold me a beautiful Fender Acoustic with just gorgeous details at a hell of a deal because of whom it was for. That afternoon he was off and playing on it, his fingers sore and clumsy where once they had been hard and precise. He had to relearn how to play the guitar after 30+ years of experience playing, and playing better than well.

We used to sit in the living room and listen to my father play his old Epiphone Acoustic with his Grateful Dead stickers on it, the same guitar that today hangs on my wall, and is played by me. Those were the times we focused on, and now over 3 years later, [now] a year and a half after my separation from the military, my Father is in remission. His strength is up again, playing music like a professional again, and we are still watching Colts Football every game, every week, and never regretting giving our hearts to our team. I told him when I got out of the Army I would love to take him to a Colts game, we live in Fort Pierce, FL now, a long throw away from Indianapolis. So my options have been limited, I could hope the Colts would play either the Dolphins at home, or TB at home, but those games haven’t happened this year, so our only choice was really Jacksonville at home, we have since then been to 2 games in Jacksonville where our Banner has been waved proudly and with great enthusiasm.

My father is a Diehard fan, as am I. I love the Indianapolis Colts, and if I’m not wearing my hat, then I’m wearing one of my shirts. I typically keep our Banner on my bedroom wall, always ready, and waiting for another game. The day Luck was Drafted I bought 2 Jerseys, to make it official, one for myself and one for my father. He called me a few days later and said, “Son you’ll never believe what just showed up in the mail for me, 2 Luck Jerseys and this awesome New Hat.. “ He sent me a picture of him wearing the Jersey and my Hat. It was a great feeling seeing the smile on his face, and to hear his elation of a good surprise.

My father and I were sitting out back on our patio watching the television when Coach Chuck Pagano gave a speech that was heartwarming, uplifting, and showed his true strength and convictions while dealing with his illness. You told the team that you would be there to dance at your daughters weddings, and that you would be there to hoist the Lombardi Trophy, not once, but hopefully on multiple occasions. That day my Father looked at Coach Pagano and tears came to his eyes, and he said “I know how you feel Chuck, I’ve been right there with you.” He later told me that that moment was one of the toughest moments he had ever witnessed, not because it wasn’t beautiful and inspiring, however, because it reminded him of how hard the fight was for him, and how hard it had to be for you Coach Pagano. My Father is not only my hero, but he is also my inspiration. I didn’t always know this, but he was part of the company that was contracted to install all the cabinetry into the old RCA Dome, we have only ever seen the new field from the outside on unfortunate trips to Indianapolis for deaths in the family, or other bad news since we’ve moved to Florida. Someday we hope to come back to Indiana for a home game at Luc(k)as Oil Stadium, with a roaring crowd I am sure, and see you and the Colts give it your all battling it out on the gridiron.

The purpose of this Letter is to one share not only my Story, but the Story of my Father with you and the team. I’m sending with this letter Our Banner, and an Andrew Luck jersey. As well as a reverse addressed package with postage paid. I wanted to surprise him with something that will not only surprise him, but absolutely blow his mind. My idea for him was to get the Entire team’s signature on our Banner, and then Andrew Lucks signature on the Jersey. I know it’s asking a lot but if it were possible to get a picture of the team with the Banner as well. I want to frame all of it for him, and surprise him with it on his Birthday February 26th. If not, I would entirely understand if it is asking too much of you guys, I’m just thankful you’ll find time to read this letter and hear our story.

Forever a Fan,

Paul A. Lechner

Thank you for sharing and for your service I hope you get a reply soon I've lost many family to cancers and my grandmother is a survivor I'm so thankful she made it through cause in so close to her and wouldn't be the same with our her god bless you and your father
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Thank you for sharing and for your service I hope you get a reply soon I've lost many family to cancers and my grandmother is a survivor I'm so thankful she made it through cause in so close to her and wouldn't be the same with our her god bless you and your father

Thank you for reading, I greatly appreciate the response. Unfortunately I too have lost a lot of family to cancer I couldn't be more thankful that my father made it he is my hero. God bless you, and your family. 

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Thank you for your service to our Country first and foremost !!!  And thank you for sharing your letter with us, what an inspiration to hear your dad's miracle story !!!


I hope you hear back soon from Coach Pagano and the team.  May God bless you and your family :)

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Thank you for your military service & the sacrifices you have personally made to protect our liberties as citizens of this nation. I also appreciate the moving story of your father & the courage it took to reveal such intimate details of your family's private circumstances during an unsettling time in your life.


You are a gifted writer PLechner87 & I look forward to reading more of your posts on the forum. 

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I wrote this letter to the Head Coach of The Indianapolis Colts, Chuck Pagano. I am a veteran of the U.S. Army and while serving our country, my father fell ill, and I wrote out my view of the experience in the form of a letter to The Team and The Coach. I haven't heard a response yet, however I wait patiently as I can, but here it is, thank you for Reading!

Hello Coach Pagano and the Indianapolis Colts:

My name is Paul Albert Lechner, I am 26 years of age, and I am a native Colts fan, who has been relocated to the swamp land. I am also a Veteran of the United States Army; I have served 3 tours to Iraq, to include OIF 06-08, 09-10, and Operation New Dawn 11-12. I separated from the military May 3rd of 2012, the same week that Andrew Luck was drafted to the Indianapolis Colts, (along with other notable players including; T.Y., Coby, Dwayne, LaVon, Vick, etc…) The day Andrew was drafted, I knew things were as they were meant to be. However, not everything that season would go as it was meant to, our Leader, the Father of the team, our Coach went out with an almost Season/Career/Life Ending Injury, one we all call Cancer. The day I read the article and saw the news reports that Coach Chuck Pagano was to undergo treatments, and seen his complexion, his demeanor due to that ailment it took me back in time when my father was sent to the Hospital with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

So it was late September in Fort Hood, TX. We were on night shift; we had been up for over 24 hours, setting up and fixing issues with our communications. I could barely keep my eyes open as the night was coming to an end, and suddenly my heart gave a twist as my phone began to ring, something was wrong. I answer my phone with a hesitation, it’s my eldest sister Olivia, she’s crying hysterically, speaking incoherently, but I understand what she’s trying to tell me. Finally getting her to calm down and explain it entirely to me, the Doctors had given my father 48 hours to live,(as if hours could be given); I promptly hang up and begin contacting my superiors. My first call went into Sgt. Everett Lewis, I explain my situation, I am told it may take up to 48 hours to get me out of town and back home due to the Field Exercise we were executing. With my never fail attitude, and brazen disregard for procedures, I then call Cpt. John Dolan; the conversation that follows I will never forget.

CPT D. - “Lechner, what’s going on?”

ME - “CPT. Dolan, Sir, my father has gone to the Hospital, he was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, my sister say’s the Doctors are giving him maybe 48 hours….”

CPT D. - “Shut up”

ME - “Excuse me, Sir?” – I say not exactly happy about being told to ‘Shut up’ at this particular moment.

CPT D. - “I said, Shut up and listen. I am filling out an emergency leave form for you right now; I’m giving you 10 days of leave, if you need more just let me know. Don’t worry about the Red Cross message we’ll get that shortly. I will leave the paperwork on my desk; just make a copy and go.” –CPT D.

ME - “…Thank you, Sir…” astonished that this process was so simple; it’s the only thing I could say.

You see, it was impossible then, and still is now to give those men the gratitude that I feel for them for helping me along my way to get home. I am forever indebted to them, so that I could be by the side of my Father, the Man who taught me to be a Man. The Coach of all my sports teams growing up, my life Coach, my best friend, the only person who I wasn’t prepared to lose, only because I thought he was just too stubborn to die. It was a gut check! The toughest thing I have ever been through. No tour to Iraq, no broken heart, no death has ever come as hard to me, as the thought of losing my Father. I prayed, I begged God to not let him be taken from my life, there was still too much to learn from him, too many days that’s needed to spend hanging out with him playing music, and watching you, our Beloved Indianapolis Colts.

These moments as I think back on them, are so much harder to relive now, than I remember it being then. I remember getting to the hospital, riding with Aunt Suzette my Father’s sister, she flew in around the same time I had. Still in the same Uniform that I was wearing in the field, my heart screaming in my chest, not prepared to see the near lifeless eyes of the man who had raised me to be stronger than I could muster the strength to be at that moment. It had appeared as if God had forgotten my words, but just when I felt the crushing grip of this reality I saw his eyes light up with elation, and recognition of his Son, standing in the room, he tried to speak, tried but without success his words were gibberish, but not unfelt. With tears swelling in my eyes, I held him in my arms, wondering if this would be the last hug I would ever give him. I continued to pray, and continue to beg, pleading God not to take my father from me when I still needed his guidance in my life. For that one moment my hopes had been raised, but no one else seemed to really notice what I felt and saw. Doctors continued to tell us that it would take a miracle to save him, and well, God decided to bless us with a Miracle indeed.

The next morning upon arrival at the Hospital my Father’s condition had dramatically improved from the night before, Doctors couldn’t believe it, neither could I. They were saying he was their Miracle Case of the month. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, shortly afterwards he begin to recover, he asked me for a new Electric Acoustic Guitar. So I talked with a local shop owner who knew my father well, and we always shopped there for our musical needs. Tom sold me a beautiful Fender Acoustic with just gorgeous details at a hell of a deal because of whom it was for. That afternoon he was off and playing on it, his fingers sore and clumsy where once they had been hard and precise. He had to relearn how to play the guitar after 30+ years of experience playing, and playing better than well.

We used to sit in the living room and listen to my father play his old Epiphone Acoustic with his Grateful Dead stickers on it, the same guitar that today hangs on my wall, and is played by me. Those were the times we focused on, and now over 3 years later, [now] a year and a half after my separation from the military, my Father is in remission. His strength is up again, playing music like a professional again, and we are still watching Colts Football every game, every week, and never regretting giving our hearts to our team. I told him when I got out of the Army I would love to take him to a Colts game, we live in Fort Pierce, FL now, a long throw away from Indianapolis. So my options have been limited, I could hope the Colts would play either the Dolphins at home, or TB at home, but those games haven’t happened this year, so our only choice was really Jacksonville at home, we have since then been to 2 games in Jacksonville where our Banner has been waved proudly and with great enthusiasm.

My father is a Diehard fan, as am I. I love the Indianapolis Colts, and if I’m not wearing my hat, then I’m wearing one of my shirts. I typically keep our Banner on my bedroom wall, always ready, and waiting for another game. The day Luck was Drafted I bought 2 Jerseys, to make it official, one for myself and one for my father. He called me a few days later and said, “Son you’ll never believe what just showed up in the mail for me, 2 Luck Jerseys and this awesome New Hat.. “ He sent me a picture of him wearing the Jersey and my Hat. It was a great feeling seeing the smile on his face, and to hear his elation of a good surprise.

My father and I were sitting out back on our patio watching the television when Coach Chuck Pagano gave a speech that was heartwarming, uplifting, and showed his true strength and convictions while dealing with his illness. You told the team that you would be there to dance at your daughters weddings, and that you would be there to hoist the Lombardi Trophy, not once, but hopefully on multiple occasions. That day my Father looked at Coach Pagano and tears came to his eyes, and he said “I know how you feel Chuck, I’ve been right there with you.” He later told me that that moment was one of the toughest moments he had ever witnessed, not because it wasn’t beautiful and inspiring, however, because it reminded him of how hard the fight was for him, and how hard it had to be for you Coach Pagano. My Father is not only my hero, but he is also my inspiration. I didn’t always know this, but he was part of the company that was contracted to install all the cabinetry into the old RCA Dome, we have only ever seen the new field from the outside on unfortunate trips to Indianapolis for deaths in the family, or other bad news since we’ve moved to Florida. Someday we hope to come back to Indiana for a home game at Luc(k)as Oil Stadium, with a roaring crowd I am sure, and see you and the Colts give it your all battling it out on the gridiron.

The purpose of this Letter is to one share not only my Story, but the Story of my Father with you and the team. I’m sending with this letter Our Banner, and an Andrew Luck jersey. As well as a reverse addressed package with postage paid. I wanted to surprise him with something that will not only surprise him, but absolutely blow his mind. My idea for him was to get the Entire team’s signature on our Banner, and then Andrew Lucks signature on the Jersey. I know it’s asking a lot but if it were possible to get a picture of the team with the Banner as well. I want to frame all of it for him, and surprise him with it on his Birthday February 26th. If not, I would entirely understand if it is asking too much of you guys, I’m just thankful you’ll find time to read this letter and hear our story.

Forever a Fan,

Paul A. Lechner

I say let's put some pressure on Irsay's twitter page and let's make this gentlemans wish come true. Knowing how good of a guy our owner is when it comes to reaching into the community, I'm sure he'd get it done.

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It was a pleasure, and thank you for your gratitude as well as for taking your time to read the letter. I hope so as well, I mailed it out about a month ago and I remain patient I am excited to hear back about it, but I have waited to share it with more than just family and friends.


The Colts organization is amazing in supporting their veteran fans.  Im sure you will get something back.  My wife wrote to a few players one time when i was deployed.  She and the Colts surprised me with a signed and personalized photograph of Peyton Manning and one of Adam V.  On another occassion i was gone for 5 months doing training and then would go on Christmas leave, shortly after Christmas leave i was going to go to Korea.  I wanted to surprise her with something special before i left and asked to purchase an on field pass just for my wife even though thats for VIP and Season ticket holders for last years Dec 30th Game against Houston.  The representative i talked to provided me with an on field pass for me, my wife, and my daughter for free.  They really are an amazing organization and group of players.  I was able to get a signed rookie card sent to me from Austin Collie who was her favorite player.  I can almost guarantee you will get something, just be patient. 


I was so grateful i ended up making them a Cobra weave keychain, (Blue and White and Blue and Pink) for every player, front office person, and customer service reps like the one that helped  me (over 200, talk about time consuming).  Also gave them a plaque much like the ones you receive when you PCS from a unit. 


Glad to hear your father is in remission and is doing better. 

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Thank you for sharing your story and also for your Service to our Country.


It may take some time, but I feel confident that The Colts Organinzation, Coach Pagano and Players will honor your request.

Right now, they're concentrating on what to do to win games, but in time I believe they will make your wishes come true.

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This is Our Banner at the game in Jacksonville, The following pictures are of My Father, My Mother, My Girlfriend, and myself. 
We are all wearing our colts colors Proudly. From Left to right in most of our pictures is Myself, My GF, My Father, and then My mother but they get a little moved around as the pictures progress. 


Picture of Me yelling something while a Camera Guy told me to Stand up, my lovely girlfriend stayed seated here.


Here all the Colts fans in the area try and steal our thunder, and someone cut my mother out of this picture, she's in the white shirt to the right of my father. 


Everyone Chanting Reggie's name as he left the field for the last time that game, after a hell of a performance. Me and Dad standing down in the front Row, egging the rest of the fans, by starting chants, and losing my voice... They have photos of us, they know we exist Lol...


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Thank you for your service.

Your letter brought back many memories for me. It is rough watching your father go through something like that. I remember the phone call from my sister well. It's something I would never wish on my worst enemy. It's great hearing that your dad recovered. That ordeal really makes you appreciate all of the little things in life. I hope the Colts come through for you and your dad. God bless.

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  • 5 weeks later...



The colts Signed and sent my jersey and banner back, they signed the banner, but not the jersey, and no letter came with the box. I was really hoping for a letter back from Coach Pagano, but I am just happy they responded the way they did. I'm so happy, and when my father opened the box he said it was the best Christmas gift he had ever received. I've never seen him happier than when he showed me the banner on friday.. It was amazing! Thanks for all your support, this truly is the best organization in Football.. I'm just saying!

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