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From what I can tell through the first nine games (admittedly I did not see the game yesterday as it wasn't being aired in South Bend...stupid Bears), it isn't so much the scheme that isn't working so much as it is the playcalling. The playcalling is in general far too conservative and predictable. I saw that Luck flung it almost 50 times yesterday, but I am guessing this had more to do with the Colts being down by so many points than it did a change in philosophy.  


I think this team would benefit by adopting an aggressive mindset on both sides of the ball, but especially offense. Passing to open up the run would be beneficial rather than vice versa. I do agree with you though that a bigger emphasis on quicker/shorter routes would probably help Luck and the OL considerably.                                                          

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If we had Duane Allen, I would like the west coast.  There is no way that Fleener alone would allow that offense to prosper.  The reason being that we would need Allen's blocking (edge protect, etc.) to allow two dangerous weapons at TE to counter-act the defense that would be setup to attack the West Coast.  Strong side attack w/weak-side blocking or TE threat.  

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How about guys execute better. Pep didn't cause Castonzo to get whipped on the first drive causing a fumble, he didn't cause Luck to have the accuracy David Woodley, he didn't cause Hugh Thorton to go the wrong direction on 3rd and 1 , etc etc

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it is clear the no coast offense isn't working, should pep try the west coast short pass offense?


Yup, that's exactly what we should do. I'm amazed that we haven't made any coaching changes after our 6-3 start

actually wouldn't be such a bad idea, because we tend to do better and luck does better on those short passes. plus its a clock killer

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Offensively, I think we look best while running the no huddle. We should hide the scoreboard from Andrew Luck, tell him everytime we get the ball that it's the 4th quarter with 2 minutes to go and we are down by four. I figure he'd catch on quickly, but hey, it's worth a shot.

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How about guys execute better. Pep didn't cause Castonzo to get whipped on the first drive causing a fumble, he didn't cause Luck to have the accuracy David Woodley, he didn't cause Hugh Thorton to go the wrong direction on 3rd and 1 , etc etc


Hey practice makes perfect right? I decided that even though I'm a good right handed bowler with multiple 300 games, I'm gonna switch to throwing left handed this year and see if I can make it work, even though all of the other guys on my team are relying on my high scores, it doesn't matter because the coaches said this was going to be our best chance to win, but under your mantra I should just execute.


My point being....it's not that simple. This is the NFL, if your players cannot execute something the way it's supposed to be executed after 9 games, then you change, you don't say "This is how we are going to do it" and refuse to adapt hoping that the players will come aorund. Most of the games this year have been try to make this Power Run offense work for the first half, and if not unleash Luck in the 2nd. I think most teams are on to us.


When we are missing key pieces to our offense we need to make changes to adapt, not just say "Hey DHB, your the new X Receiver" It's not going to work, he's not that good. We need to play to the strengths of the players that we have instead of trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole.

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Hey practice makes perfect right? I decided that even though I'm a good right handed bowler with multiple 300 games, I'm gonna switch to throwing left handed this year and see if I can make it work, even though all of the other guys on my team are relying on my high scores, it doesn't matter because the coaches said this was going to be our best chance to win, but under your mantra I should just execute.


My point being....it's not that simple. This is the NFL, if your players cannot execute something the way it's supposed to be executed after 9 games, then you change, you don't say "This is how we are going to do it" and refuse to adapt hoping that the players will come aorund. Most of the games this year have been try to make this Power Run offense work for the first half, and if not unleash Luck in the 2nd. I think most teams are on to us.


When we are missing key pieces to our offense we need to make changes to adapt, not just say "Hey DHB, your the new X Receiver" It's not going to work, he's not that good. We need to play to the strengths of the players that we have instead of trying to make a square peg fit in a round hole.

Except what I pointed out had nothing to do with the power running game.

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We run just about every run scheme, it's just his go to run play is the power play which 90% of the time blows up in our face

A whole lot of blowup in Richardson's face compliments of the 'butts' of Thornton, Satele and McGlynn.......and add Castonzo and Cherilus to the big butts club yesterday.....abysmal...absolutely abysmal.


I want to say I caught Jack Doyle making a couple of nice blocks yesterday.  He sealed his man well.

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The downside of BTM is the absolute dogma the coaches have preached about stop the run and run the ball (and I would suggest it been strongly preaced from the beginng of this year run the ball from power formations). There is no chance we will look at the playbook and more frequently use the plays that have been effective. The old Celtics played 1 way and they molded the players to the system if you couldn't fastbreak they replaced you, they never adapted the system to the players strengths. That is the philosophy staked out by this coaching staff..... the only way to win is to be a team that can first stop the run and run the ball at will. It's not true but you won't convince this staff.

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Words to describe yesterday's loss:



High School (perhaps not even that good)

No Heart
No Desire
No Fire
No Direction


 . . . and the worst word . . . .



What did we learn as fans when Peyton was here about the run versus pass, and what to do when neither is working well. Quick outs, quick hitters, etc., etc., etc. It opens up the run, period.

Much too often I hear the "so called" experts say "you have to establish the run to open up the passing game!" Peyton proved that wrong using the above.


How long is it going to take the coaches to realize this???? This coaching staff has only been here for 1-1/2 seasons so they can be burned out, but they have to do more than punch the clock!!!!


I like Chuck Pagano a lot, but I don't believe he's NFL head coach material. That's no being harsh, it being factual. There's not enough fire, no sense of urgency, zero imagination and creativity, and he fails to motivate.

How about Bruce Arians? Remember him? I know it wouldn't have been right to give him the head coaching job, but in retrospect we'd be better off.


Would someone in this organization please step back and take a close look at what's happening? In any other organization or business, heads would be rolling now!

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