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Article - Colts will regret Richardson trade


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People are criticizing and giving themselves the easy out by saying " I'll eat crow" when they know they never will.

I've been supportive of Trent, because you know if he succeeds it's good for the team, but I've never said I'll eat crow if I'm wrong.

If supporters of Richardson are wrong we all lose as Colts fans.

That last line is very poignant.

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There's some blinders on here, Monroe....we're hard on Donald Brown, Coby or DHB or the dearly departed Jerry Hughes and a half dozen others..

...we need the Rich man to beat 3.5 yards a carry down the stretch....

...but its a results based league and there's no results yet

The results....if you understand the game coordination of pounding the ball down the middle of the field, and making the defense respect that by stacking the box, which opens up the long and short passing game...has been highly effective. I am amiss as to what "no results" you are referring to.

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That's cool...and I know how you feel about the trade. But he is a Colt, you know? If a fan hammers him every time he is mentioned, it is like dissing your family.

I cheer for him in the games even though i didn't like the signing. The TD catch he had vs Denver when we motioned him into the backfield then had him ran back I went crazy cheering. I cheer for all the Colts except McGlynn & Satele. Those 2 I absolutely can't wait to get rid of if we're not gonna put McGlynn at center

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Actually, I may jump on board after that player has been given a reasonable amount of time to prove their worth. I am referring to the posters who toss a player to the curb verbally and feel the need to constantly repeat themselves, driving home their point to ridiculous lengths before the player has even had a training camp for corns sake. I defended Anthony Gonzalez for quite a while, but I eventually joined in and agreed that he was not getting it done. But not until he had time to prove himself. Some players take a year or two to find the right groove/coach/scheme.


In a shortened example, it is not unlike a fan who posts in the game thread 15 times about how our offense sucks...and then we score 39 points to win the game. Then said fan posts one time....."I was wrong"....as if that somehow makes up for it. It doesn't.


but by the same token the same thing can be said about all the richardson praising going on. both sides think they are right and shouldn't be made fun of for thinking that way. time will tell who was right. if it was a rule every post has to be positive towards the colts, there would be very few members and very boring!

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I don't think there is anything wrong with critiquing Richardson's play as long as it doesn't become Fleener-esque......name calling, and making things up.

If you want to criticize somebody, it should be the people who keep making new threads about the subject.

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I cheer for him in the games even though i didn't like the signing. The TD catch he had vs Denver when we motioned him into the backfield then had him ran back I went crazy cheering. I cheer for all the Colts except McGlynn & Satele. Those 2 I absolutely can't wait to get rid of if we're not gonna put McGlynn at center


i am sure everyone here agrees with you.

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I fully comprehend that you were calling the opinion of the Browns staffer lack of explosiveness comment dumb and not the staffer himself.

Maybe it is simply a different take on what explosiveness is. To me, it is seeing him do something that no one else can do or at least a few can do. It can be a speed thing or a power thing or a quickness thing or a combination of all those elements. There is nothing so far that suggests that he isn't just a run of the mill back because he lacks the explosiveness in question.

Now go back to my first post. The sample size to this point is still small. Maybe that will come with comfort in the offense. Maybe it never comes but he still productive. But to say he is explosive I think is just not right.

I respect your opinion, and I do agree with your sentiment about sample size. But we are going to have to agree to disagree, even though it seems we are discussing two dofferent things!

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Hey hey hey! That's not true, I admit when I'm wrong. Like with the DHB situation.

I said if he came in and had a good season & got re-signed this off-season, I'd make a status apologizing for bashing him from the moment we signed him. I'm sure most of you remember me not liking the trade

I'm referencing those who have clear and obvious axes to grind lol.

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If the Colts were to rely solely on Donald to carry the load then based off of his history he'd be injured by now.  He is nothing more than a third down back at best.  There is a reason he was given this change-of-pace role as opposed to feeding him 20 carries a game.


On the other hand Trent is a bell-cow, he can carry the load because his body is made for it.  His problems arise when he is forced to run between the tackles.  Unfortunately, we have a rookie and two inferior veterans opening holes for him.  It also doesn't help that our offense is very predictable.  I know that if I can predict running plays then NFL defenses have no problem dissecting the play.


I agree with other posters on here who've called for more play-action and pass attempts out of our power-formations.  I also think it would be beneficial to start taking deep shots from the very first possession because if anything can stretch a defense and take the safeties out of the box, it is Andrew's ability to launch the football 75 yards.  Last year when Ballard excelled it was because Andrew was a threat to throw for 400 yards per game, this year he has a cap of 250 yards.  It makes a huge difference. 


So maybe Trent can't "take it to the house", but neither could Edge or Addai.

I saw edge rip off some pretty good ones....pre knee injury anyway.

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T-Rich is a great blocker, a very good receiver, and a very good RB.  We have a below-average line (between the tackles anyway) and that is where he should shine (running between the tackles).  Hopefully D.Thomas comes back healthy, and Holmes can take over for Satele at C next year -- or we get a roadgrader to come in at G or C.  I have been pretty happy with Thornton's play as a rookie -- but with a better line, T-Rich will be much better.


Donnie is benefiting greatly from T-Rich, as he has much more open space in the box when he is in the game, because teams are expecting pass instead of run.


While T-Rich is not the next AP -- I do believe he is a top-tier NFL RB -- and he is still very young... as long as he stays healthy, he should continue to improve.


Where I really disagree with this article is that without T-Rich we are down Ballard and Bradshaw and we would be really struggling with the run game.  While I like Donnie a lot, he has had issues staying healthy in the past -- I think this year we are using him excellently - by having him come in as a change of pace and sporadically throughout the game we are keeping his legs fresh and his abuse to a minimum.  I have a heard time believe that he would be able to carry the load all by himself for the full season and I don't know that we have another back on this team that is capable of doing so either, other than T-Rich.


I still like this trade, as it gives us a very solid RB for at least several years to come (will be interesting when he, Luck, TY, Allen, Fleener, etc. are all up for resigning contracts).

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Actually, I may jump on board after that player has been given a reasonable amount of time to prove their worth. I am referring to the posters who toss a player to the curb verbally and feel the need to constantly repeat themselves, driving home their point to ridiculous lengths before the player has even had a training camp for corns sake.



i would rather see peoples opinions about team moves before they play out. it's easy to be a monday morning qb after everything has played out and means nothing to me.

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Green Bay have been doing a lot of good stuff with Lacy and the passing game out of power formations.

Now there's a conversation I can get on board with. I really don't care if people are eating crow or not.

I'm looking forward to Pep figuring out better ways to take advantage of TRich's skills like GB has with Lacy. He's a smart guy, he'll figure it out.

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Patience is a virtue, we gave up a lower pick for a guy who has kept Andrew up right mutiple times thus far, his superb blocking is almost worth it alone. You really want to see DB blocking for Luck? We gave up a pick who wouldn't even be playing this year, and presumably wouldn't contribute much next year anyways going on the basis on the impact of low first round picks in a historical sense.

You personally don't know anything yet because the jury is still out on the kid. He's young, I'll start worrying next year if the sluggishness continues.


So now he's gone from an "average back" , which are what the talking heads you mimic are saying to a waiver wire back which is what you get for "free." Please... 


Oh and yes Reggie Wayne was drafted in the late first as was  , Devin MCcourtny , Jahvid Best and Jerry Hughes


Reggie had the best hands in his draft, ran good routes, and had good character. Picked 30th as i recall.

26 catches year 1

49 i recall year two.

A sluggish start to his career considering he had a top, pass happy QB.


 Gotta wonder if this Mouths as some here were bragging on our O-Line after a couple games.

 We STINK at G & T. Castonzo isn`t opening up anything, like we have been used to. Cherilus hasn`t been sticking out as a run blocker.

 Bradshaw made 4-5 great cuts to get much of his yardage. And Andrew had 30% of our run yardage after 2 games.


 IMO it is harder than ever to run in the NFL.

Gee, I regret drafting:

Dallas in rd one - he only had 3 good seasons - see Tamme

Addai in rd one




Moala in rd 2

 Glad we drafted:

Allen in rd 3

TY in rd 3

Ballard rd 5


 This guys point is brain dead. Teams make moves on THEIR best available judgement and go forth. With 1/3 of 1st round draft picks proving to be mistakes All teams take a risk with every pick.

 Our Mouth want to swap Luck for Sam Bradford?

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We might. Not every move Grigson is going to make will be a homerun. The key is to keep the bad ones from becoming tony Ugoh mistakes where it hurts three different times.



I think this subject is pretty much exhausted eh? :funny:  O.o


i am out of likes, so i will do it like this.

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I did not read through this thread but will comment on the article.


Imagine we had not traded for Richardson.  Our RBs would be Brown and uh... ummm... no one!!


we would all be talking about how we need to draft a RB.  so we don't have a 1st round pick any more...  we have like 35 million to spend in FA, basically only Davis to resign, and get Allen, Wayne, and Thomas back.  We are good now but going to be scary good next year.  next year is SB or bust time.

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How many elite players, not just rbs, come out of the first round? The answer is very few, so as I said your expectations are way over the top. If Grigson can get an elite player every time he picks in the first round then he will be the best GM ever by far, no one else will even be in the conversation. Again, that type of expectation is just not based in reality.


I would rather take my chances on getting an elite or even very good player other than a RB in the 1st round and take my RB later. Good RBs are far easier to come by in later rounds than many other positions.


The whole "I will gladly eat crow" is a bunch of mularky. Complaining about a guy 25 times for instance...over weeks, in multiple threads, is not erased with crow eating by a couple admissions.


It would take stating that you were wrong....25 times, over weeks, in multiple threads. We all know that has never happened, and will never happen. So save it.


And even at the amount of times I and a few others have complained it still pales in comparison to the number of people who make excuse after excuse for him, and blindly dismiss any article, analyst, or poster that criticizes TRICH, the trade, or even hints that Cleveland may have gotten the better end of the deal.  And for the most part the dissenters are not starting the TRICH posts, but are responding to posts. I think a couple of posts admitting you are wrong is plenty, but I'll start admitting my mistakes on that level (25 times, over weeks, in multiple threads) when the "praise every move the FO makes crowd" starts admitting the things they were wrong about.  When someone is wrong in that direction it tends to get glossed over. I am with Husker61 I would much rather see people lay their cards on the table from the start.



I'm sure all those who defend our players. And see just more than the "stats" would gladly say he is a "incert word here".

What you're all missing is. We lost our 2 starting rb's. Who was going to carry the load? Brown? We traded our late round 1st pick for an immediate productive, move the chains rb. You can't just get elite backs for chump change. That team would rather just keep the rb. Also, I'm sorry that Pep isn't calling plays that give him bigger runs. Which, he has ripped off some decent ones. Against San Fran, is was both Bradshaw and Trent wearing them down. Now we just have Trent.


I already listed RBs that were available that we could have gotten that would have given us the same mediocre play that TRICH is giving us.


Everybody keeps arguing "give him time, give him time ... I will hold off judgement until hes had a year/been through camp/etc .. etc.."  But, at the same time people are arguing that we needed someone who could come in and immediately "be the guy" since we lost Ballard and Bradshaw. You can't have it both ways ... if he can't come in and be a stud this year than there was really no urgent reason to get him, one or two of those FAs could have put up 3 ypc and ran into the d-line to "wear them down" If we did get him with the intention that he was going to come in and "be the guy" he is not living up to expectations.




Here's another thought to ponder I don't know if it would have happened or not but let's say we didn't waste a 1st round pick on a RB, and instead picked up a M. Turner, C Benson, P Hillis, etc ...(or some combination of FAs).  Now Reggie goes down ... do we end up with Josh Gordon? I was not in favor of a trade for Josh Gordon, but I think we might have made a move with our #2 if we were still sitting there with our 1st. As much as I dont like trading a high draft pick for someone 1 misstep from a suspension, I would have much rather gave up a high pick for Gordon than TRICH.

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Reggie had the best hands in his draft, ran good routes, and had good character. Picked 30th as i recall.

26 catches year 1

49 i recall year two.

A sluggish start to his career considering he had a top, pass happy QB.


 Gotta wonder if this Mouths as some here were bragging on our O-Line after a couple games.

 We STINK at G & T. Castonzo isn`t opening up anything, like we have been used to. Cherilus hasn`t been sticking out as a run blocker.

 Bradshaw made 4-5 great cuts to get much of his yardage. And Andrew had 30% of our run yardage after 2 games.


 IMO it is harder than ever to run in the NFL.

Gee, I regret drafting:

Dallas in rd one - he only had 3 good seasons - see Tamme

Addai in rd one




Moala in rd 2

 Glad we drafted:

Allen in rd 3

TY in rd 3

Ballard rd 5


 This guys point is brain dead. Teams make moves on THEIR best available judgement and go forth. With 1/3 of 1st round draft picks proving to be mistakes All teams take a risk with every pick.

 Our Mouth want to swap Luck for Sam Bradford?




Yeah.. it's just no huge deal to give up a probable pick in the 20's. What really annoys me is some of the talking heads have said that teas shouldn't "waste" a 1st round pick on a RB unless he's an Adrian Peterson clone. Some of our board members here have taken this and ran with it. Yes you can get good running backs in the 3rd round , the 5th round .. ho hum d.. zzzz. You can also get good offensive linemen , defensive linemen , Qb's etc etc etc in those rounds too.


Boys and girls , there is no "steadfast rule" that says you only take special RB's in round one. The draft is just like it always was. You take the most value at the pick when it's your turn. Yes , there has been a slight change in the RB position as teams do tend to keep their guys fresh and rotate more , but this does not mean you take backs late in the draft. 

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I did not read through this thread but will comment on the article.


Imagine we had not traded for Richardson.  Our RBs would be Brown and uh... ummm... no one!!


we would all be talking about how we need to draft a RB.  so we don't have a 1st round pick any more...  we have like 35 million to spend in FA, basically only Davis to resign, and get Allen, Wayne, and Thomas back.  We are good now but going to be scary good next year.  next year is SB or bust time.


Our RBs would have been Brown and one of several FAs who could have slammed into the D-Line for 3 ypc to "wear them down".


We would have Ballard back, could resign Bradshaw, and/or draft a RB with a 2nd or 3rd rnd pick, or rent a RB in FA.


and we still have our 1st

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Here's another thought to ponder I don't know if it would have happened or not but let's say we didn't waste a 1st round pick on a RB, and instead picked up a M. Turner, C Benson, P Hillis, etc ...(or some combination of FAs). Now Reggie goes down ... do we end up with Josh Gordon? I was not in favor of a trade for Josh Gordon, but I think we might have made a move with our #2 if we were still sitting there with our 1st. As much as I dont like trading a high draft pick for someone 1 misstep from a suspension, I would have much rather gave up a high pick for Gordon than TRICH.

Can't disagree with you there but who could if imagined losing Wayne for the season? I was for bringing in M. Turner or one if those guys also. Would if been a bandaid at best. We would have needed to draft a RB next year anyways so now we're a year ahead. Did we pay a steep price? Sure you could say that. But I'm not going to discard him so fast being his only been with us got 4-5 weeks. Kevin Bowen stated today that during the bye he just now moved his family down. There's is much more than just slapping on some pads and running with the ball. Plus, I'm pretty sure he felt crappy about being traded in the first place. Now, he needs to start showing what he's got!

And to your comment about huskywhatever#, how about the Colts fans bashing Werner? Is it cool to just call him a bust and throw him under the bus in his first season having only played a couple games. I really wonder about the intelligent level on this board.

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Our RBs would have been Brown and one of several FAs who could have slammed into the D-Line for 3 ypc to "wear them down".


We would have Ballard back, could resign Bradshaw, and/or draft a RB with a 2nd or 3rd rnd pick, or rent a RB in FA.


and we still have our 1st


i completely agree!

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Can't disagree with you there but who could if imagined losing Wayne for the season? I was for bringing in M. Turner or one if those guys also. Would if been a bandaid at best. We would have needed to draft a RB next year anyways so now we're a year ahead. Did we pay a steep price? Sure you could say that. But I'm not going to discard him so fast being his only been with us got 4-5 weeks. Kevin Bowen stated today that during the bye he just now moved his family down. There's is much more than just slapping on some pads and running with the ball. Plus, I'm pretty sure he felt crappy about being traded in the first place. Now, he needs to start showing what he's got!

And to your comment about huskywhatever#, how about the Colts fans bashing Werner? Is it cool to just call him a bust and throw him under the bus in his first season having only played a couple games. I really wonder about the intelligent level on this board.


ladies and gentleman, we have a new excuse, not having his family with him.


i haven't seen much bashing of werner. like i said before, you are going to see different opinions about a number of things. there is nothing wrong with it.

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And to your comment about huskywhatever#, how about the Colts fans bashing Werner? Is it cool to just call him a bust and throw him under the bus in his first season having only played a couple games. I really wonder about the intelligent level on this board.


I am fine with people making their opinion known.  I am not a fan of the Werner pick, but not in favor of bashing a rookie at a difficult new position and tend to give them more time to prove themselves before I am too hard on them.  But, if people really don't like him and they have legitimate criticisms of his play, then that is their prerogative.


I have come out frequently in defense of several players ... including Fleener(even though I did not like the draft pick), DHB, and even Jerry Hughes ... but, I just really dislike the TRICH trade.

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Our RBs would have been Brown and one of several FAs who could have slammed into the D-Line for 3 ypc to "wear them down".


We would have Ballard back, could resign Bradshaw, and/or draft a RB with a 2nd or 3rd rnd pick, or rent a RB in FA.


and we still have our 1st

im not sold on Ballard as a franchise back, brown is brown, and Bradshaw can't stay healthy for a full year.  The FA backs available when Ballard/Bradshaw were McGahee and....???   


it is not as easy as just "grabbing a FA back" in the middle of the season lol.  you are crazy if you think you have seen the best of Richardson on the colts or all he can do is slam into the DLine for 3 ypc.  Our OLine is WAY below the average OLine in the NFL.  


we are a good team on the verge of being great.  one piece we were missing was a stud RB.  We have one now.  Let him get used to our team and once we get more pieces to the puzzle (not to mention a healthy Allen who can run block) and we will have us one heck of a running game next year.  



i still think he is going to break out as a top 10 fantasy football back the rest of the year starting this week.  we have played some tough Ds but the schedule looks much easier the second half of the year.



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I would rather take my chances on getting an elite or even very good player other than a RB in the 1st round and take my RB later. Good RBs are far easier to come by in later rounds than many other positions.



Now there is a point that I agree with you.  I also would rather not spend a first round pick on a rb.  However, the other backs that you mentioned are probably not the answer either.  Grigson may or may not have tried to trade with another team, I'm speculating here.  I would think that he would have looked at many options and he determined the best one was Richardson.  Hopefully he can build a better interior o-line and then Richardson will be much more effective.

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I would rather take my chances on getting an elite or even very good player other than a RB in the 1st round and take my RB later. Good RBs are far easier to come by in later rounds than many other positions.



And even at the amount of times I and a few others have complained it still pales in comparison to the number of people who make excuse after excuse for him, and blindly dismiss any article, analyst, or poster that criticizes TRICH, the trade, or even hints that Cleveland may have gotten the better end of the deal.  And for the most part the dissenters are not starting the TRICH posts, but are responding to posts. I think a couple of posts admitting you are wrong is plenty, but I'll start admitting my mistakes on that level (25 times, over weeks, in multiple threads) when the "praise every move the FO makes crowd" starts admitting the things they were wrong about.  When someone is wrong in that direction it tends to get glossed over. I am with Husker61 I would much rather see people lay their cards on the table from the start.




I already listed RBs that were available that we could have gotten that would have given us the same mediocre play that TRICH is giving us.


Everybody keeps arguing "give him time, give him time ... I will hold off judgement until hes had a year/been through camp/etc .. etc.."  But, at the same time people are arguing that we needed someone who could come in and immediately "be the guy" since we lost Ballard and Bradshaw. You can't have it both ways ... if he can't come in and be a stud this year than there was really no urgent reason to get him, one or two of those FAs could have put up 3 ypc and ran into the d-line to "wear them down" If we did get him with the intention that he was going to come in and "be the guy" he is not living up to expectations.




Here's another thought to ponder I don't know if it would have happened or not but let's say we didn't waste a 1st round pick on a RB, and instead picked up a M. Turner, C Benson, P Hillis, etc ...(or some combination of FAs).  Now Reggie goes down ... do we end up with Josh Gordon? I was not in favor of a trade for Josh Gordon, but I think we might have made a move with our #2 if we were still sitting there with our 1st. As much as I dont like trading a high draft pick for someone 1 misstep from a suspension, I would have much rather gave up a high pick for Gordon than TRICH.



Now even Pep is starting the "excuse" thing. This is getting really bad and we should call mangement out and MAKE them admit this colossal blunder.





Colts OC Pep Hamilton admitted he has not been satisfied with his usage of Trent Richardson, and reexamined it during the Week 8 bye.

The Colts have been banging Richardson between the tackles behind poor run blockers, with very little success. It's promising that Hamilton recognizes the issues. "I have to do a better job of finding ways to get Trent out in space," Hamilton said. "I have to do a better job coming up with schemes that not only give our offensive line a chance to be successful, but of course create holes for Trent and create schemes that complement his wealth of talent. That's one of the things that we spent time as an offensive staff looking at during the bye week." Because Richardson's perceived value is so low at the moment, he's worth targeting in trades on the cheap. He's still going to get the ball a lot in a productive offense, and has a chance to pay serious stretch-run dividends for forward-thinking fantasy owners.
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why is this being ignored? If you could list a source though, it would be great. 



Yeah !!!  Why IS this being ignored ? This could be vital information in proving Trent Richardson stinks like bad feet. We need this kind of stuff very badly .. please ... source please !!! "It would be great" ... hopefully you aren't really serious.

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Yeah !!!  Why IS this being ignored ? This could be vital information in proving Trent Richardson stinks like bad feet. We need this kind of stuff very badly .. please ... source please !!! "It would be great" ... hopefully you aren't really serious.

I honestly don't understand you. I'm just trying to bust the myth about this stacked box stuff going on. https://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2013/05/08/facing-eight-in-the-box/

Here's an article on it. 

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ladies and gentleman, we have a new excuse, not having his family with him.

i haven't seen much bashing of werner. like i said before, you are going to see different opinions about a number of things. there is nothing wrong with it.

Yeah cause nfl players are supposed to be robots. Not care about being traded. Able to learn a playbook over night. Not care about his family or where he needs to live. You are fricken clueless. As soon as he gets comfortable where he can just react instead if over thinking he will be fine. But fine, let's just go ahead and chalk him up as a bust. Cause obviously that's what we need to succeed, a team full of busts.

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I honestly don't understand you. I'm just trying to bust the myth about this stacked box stuff going on. https://www.profootballfocus.com/blog/2013/05/08/facing-eight-in-the-box/

Here's an article on it.

What would it matter if the box was stacked or not if you're playing the run first and know the run is coming. Meaning when we hike the ball they are crashing the gaps with or without the box being stacked.

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