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When will Luck be calling his own plays?


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Tough to say.  Pep knows he's capable of running an offense, but that was college-level.  The NFL offense is a different animal.  Luck himself may not feel ready to be calling his own plays regularly.  I'm sure they give him options to work with at the line, but he's not Peyton Manning.  Peyton runs his offense, period.  I'm not sure what they pay an OC for.


I guess my question in response is:  how long did it take Peyton to start running his own offense?

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After watching Rivers execute that offense masterfully Monday night, I fully agree that it would be advantageous to empower Luck a bit more prior to the snap. 


I dislike Rivers more than just about anyone else in the NFL but holy cow, that was something to watch. 

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Never. After he succombs to the pressure on sunday of having to play against his predecessor and failing miserably he will retire on Monday and go on a walkabout to make sense of it all. He will then move to Tibet and become a monk, spending the rest of his life trying to forget his failed career in the NFL.





















joking lmao

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Never. After he succombs to the pressure on sunday of having to play against his predecessor and failing miserably he will retire on Monday and go on a walkabout to make sense of it all. He will then move to Tibet and become a monk, spending the rest of his life trying to forget his failed career in the NFL.





















joking lmao


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Never. After he succombs to the pressure on sunday of having to play against his predecessor and failing miserably he will retire on Monday and go on a walkabout to make sense of it all. He will then move to Tibet and become a monk, spending the rest of his life trying to forget his failed career in the NFL.



joking lmao


I was beginning to wonder...



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Tough to say.  Pep knows he's capable of running an offense, but that was college-level.  The NFL offense is a different animal.  Luck himself may not feel ready to be calling his own plays regularly.  I'm sure they give him options to work with at the line, but he's not Peyton Manning.  Peyton runs his offense, period.  I'm not sure what they pay an OC for.


I guess my question in response is:  how long did it take Peyton to start running his own offense?


Denver's OC calls the plays in to Peyton, but Peyton has the authority to change the play in any way that he wants.  Once the entire offense is on the same page with intimate knowledge of the entire playbook and system then I'm sure Luck will be given more leeway at the LOS.

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Denver's OC calls the plays in to Peyton, but Peyton has the authority to change the play in any way that he wants.  Once the entire offense is on the same page with intimate knowledge of the entire playbook and system then I'm sure Luck will be given more leeway at the LOS.


So it sounds like the OC is more like a consultant... :thmup:

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So it sounds like the OC is more like a consultant... :thmup:


I suppose...in the same way that Josh McDaniels, Sean Payton, Mike McCarthy (to name a few) are "consultants".   Because I have little doubt that Brady, Brees and Rodgers (respectively) have the same authority to change a play at the LOS. ;)

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Luck calls his own plays at times, what difference does it make as long as the team executes



Denver's OC calls the plays in to Peyton, but Peyton has the authority to change the play in any way that he wants.  Once the entire offense is on the same page with intimate knowledge of the entire playbook and system then I'm sure Luck will be given more leeway at the LOS.


Sums up the OP's question pretty good

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Luck will call his own plays when he's ready and capable to do so. Right now it's about gelling this team to be a serious playoff contender. Skies the limit for Andrew, but let's remember he's still in a learning stage.

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Luck will call his own plays when he's ready and capable to do so. Right now it's about gelling this team to be a serious playoff contender. Skies the limit for Andrew, but let's remember he's still in a learning stage.

Ha, ha, ha...Andrew is in less of a learning stage than Pep.
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Never. After he succombs to the pressure on sunday of having to play against his predecessor and failing miserably he will retire on Monday and go on a walkabout to make sense of it all. He will then move to Tibet and become a monk, spending the rest of his life trying to forget his failed career in the NFL.

joking lmao

Is he really?????

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I know he is only in his 2nd season, but I feel that he is smart enough to begin experimenting with calling his own plays at the line.


He already does quite a bit.  Am I the only person that see's this?


Sure he doesn't do it as much as Peyton but the guy changes the play at the line fairly often.  

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He already has several audible options like was already mentioned and the commentators the past couple games have talked about how often he does it.  We don't notice it as readily since he doesn't do all the presnap theatrics we're all used to seeing from Peyton, but just because he's much more subtle with it doesn't mean he's not still doing it.  I fully expect him to be running no huddle and calling many of his own plays in a couple years assuming we're stable at the offensive coordinator position and everyone on offense is comfortable with the system.  You have to remember there are 10 other guys out there that also have to be comfortable enough to pull off the no huddle successfully. 

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He'll call audibles, but I don't think the coaches will ever give him the control they gave to Peyton.  It makes him too irreplaceable if the worst case injury scenario occurs.  For the last decade we'd be hopeless without Manning.  With the system we have now we'd at least have a chance for someone to step in and win some games.

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He'll call audibles, but I don't think the coaches will ever give him the control they gave to Peyton. It makes him too irreplaceable if the worst case injury scenario occurs. For the last decade we'd be hopeless without Manning. With the system we have now we'd at least have a chance for someone to step in and win some games.

Our helplessness without Manning was due to not having a defense or running game to support Manning. It did not have to do with his control of the offense. It would be silly and a waste of Luck if they do not let him command the offense like that.

I think next year we should see Luck in full command so if he sees us in bad plays can get us into the right play. Given how smart Luck is it would be such a waste to treat our offense like a college offense.

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Denver's OC calls the plays in to Peyton, but Peyton has the authority to change the play in any way that he wants.  Once the entire offense is on the same page with intimate knowledge of the entire playbook and system then I'm sure Luck will be given more leeway at the LOS.

This is a really good point,. Jason....I think you are 100% right

Peyton does NOT call his own plays...he just can check out of them with total freedom and he has a larger list of 'check down' plays than most teams...

Andrew doesn't call his plays but I think Pep has faith in him to check into a better play.

I do not know how many 'checkdown' plays Andrew can call, though..

....a lot that is how many check down plays your offensive teammates can handle

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Every adjustment at the line of scrimmage is a play change, is calling the shots on the field. Pep is not in his ear telling him what Andrew Luck already sees himself. I mean come on, Pep calls a screen play, Luck see's the linebacker's read on the screen, he then sends Reggie, T.Y., DHB, or Fleener in motion to see what kind of coverage they have on them, he then calls sends the man coverage deep out, and hits them for the long ball. I mean essentially he is already running his own offense, he just still has a voice in his ear telling him the next play they believe is whats needed. I'm under the impression that this is Lucks offense already, he is still learning his old OC's offense again after being in a Bruce Arians offense last season. Two entirely different game plans, and styles. So I believe he is already taking the reigns, but it's slow rolling with a lot of the young guys out there and parts of the 2nd team filling in due to injuries to our team. I'm just saying though lol thanks. 

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