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I find this game tomorrow night fascinating. The niners did not beat the Rams last year and this game is in St. Louis on the short week. I still think the niners find a way to win but it will be tight. If they do drop to 1-3 the Hawks will be the happiest team in the NFC.


What do others think?

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i think the 49ers will come out and run it 30+ times to prove some thing, the 49ers forgot who they are and when the watch the film of the colts vs 49ers they are gonna relized that they were the team in the blue and white and the team in the blue and white used to be them , bigger and stronger player win in this league all the cute stuff option read , is obsolete  :rulez:

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9ers are still waiting for their receiving core to get healthy. Davis, Crabtree, Manningham they don't have a lot of weapons. Surprised they got away from the running game that went well for them against us and look for Kaep to do more read option tonight....but the Rams defense is very fast on that turf.....it will be close....19-16 my prediction....9ers

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Guest TeamLoloJones

9ers are still waiting for their receiving core to get healthy. Davis, Crabtree, Manningham they don't have a lot of weapons. Surprised they got away from the running game that went well for them against us and look for Kaep to do more read option tonight....but the Rams defense is very fast on that turf.....it will be close....19-16 my prediction....9ers

I get that the niners are banged up...but if they lose this game, there is going to be some serious questions about this team going forward.

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Defensive coordinators are starting to figure out the run option, and that doesn't bode well for the Niners. When you put most of those run option QBs in a position where they have to become pocket passers they start to look pretty average. Kaepernick may adjust and play on for another decade, or he could be just another one-season wonder.  Time will tell, but I wouldn't bet the farm on him right now.

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I get that the niners are banged up...but if they lose this game, there is going to be some serious questions about this team going forward.

No doubt there will be questions...there are now...I think they get healthy they are a playoff team....but we've seen teams never get the ship righted before. Either way if they have to go through Seattle I don't think they make it back to the SB.

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Are these guys ever going to shut up and let the game begin?  Yada Yada Yada.  I may be in the minority, but I get very tired of all the talk by these so called experts.  The game is won or lost on the field of play.  I'm ready for some football and tired of listening to them flap their gums.  :bored: :bored:

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That flat bill hat has got to go...     


Those are utterly hideous.  



And the Rams give up a 20 yard score to A Boldin.    the slowest WR in the NFL.


I wanted Jeff F to coach Indy way back when...   but now ...    I am so glad I was wrong.

Awwww man you can tell Kap is super serious because he has a super serious face on for that camera.


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I wonder if the Rams would give up a 1 for T Rich right about now?


This team is just BAD, I am a J Fish fan but .....    wow, am I glad Indy chose Pags.     



Luck may help matters ...  but dang.          St Louis just looks like a mess.     

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These guys are horrible, and I just don't understand how. The Rams have talent on that team, and I thought Fisher was the guy to help them fulfill it. It's a long season, but so far, it looks like I'm dead wrong.


Right now, I'm seeing a bunch of names that just don't give a damn. They've already quit.

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So boring.


Yeah.  Slow 1st Q for the Niners, but now they have their swagger back and the hapless Rams can't do anything about it.  Jeff Fisher looks like a man who just heard the bad news from his Dr.    He knows his job will be on the line because you can't fire the entire team.

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Anyone else seeing how the 49ers are sticking with Gore in the second half better than in the Colts game?

They didn't stick with the running game because in the second half they were getting minimal gaines and putting themselves in 2nd/3rd and long. OffensivelyPC had a nice breakdown of the SF possessions in the 2nd half.

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Gore was a no brainer,(see DeMarco Murray week 3) I assume Boldin was probably a desperation start you probably have a Packer reciever on bye, just a guess or maybe Steve Smith?

Yes Gore was easy to pick but i set alfred morris out for him. And I benched Larry Fitzgerald for Boldin right now. Either Larry or Hakeem Nicks.

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    • I’m not a religious person, but since you’re an educator I think you’re doing Gods work!   In these crazy insane times we’re all living in you’re doing one of the toughest jobs on earth.  And you’re teaching perhaps the most difficult generation to deal with.     From a distance it feels like you’re being very unfair to you.  I’m hoping in time you’ll see yourself in a completely different light.    Someone highly thought of.  A leader in the community.  A protector of young minds.   I couldn’t admire a teacher more.  
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