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Why do we want to take the ball out of Luck's hands


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Guest TeamLoloJones

WHO was he going up against?   And WHO are WE going up against this week? 




Wow.. geniuses...  ???

So how does that make him better than any of the Colts players?  Because he was man handled by a pro bowler, and the colts have yet to play them?  That somehow makes him better than any colts o lineman how exactly?....I'm waiting to hear your "genius" logic on that one.

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I fail to see how defensive and running consistency are bad things. If it wins games, it doesn't matter whose hands the ball is in. If Luck doesn't have to throw the ball 30+ times and we still win, that's fine by me. There are no style points in the NFL. A win is a win.

Because there are a select group of people that are more concerned with Luck getting gaudy stats than they are about the colts actually winning games

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Because there are a select group of people that are more concerned with Luck getting gaudy stats than they are about the colts actually winning games

You know, I somewhat get that. I was definitely on the Peyton single season TD record cheer squad. But I would gladly trade in a couple of his MVPs for a SB ring or two, and I'm pretty sure Peyton would as well. It's about team success first and personal achievement second.

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Well it would be different if we traded all our picks for Adrian Peterson. Then we would be going more towards the run...


But running backs tire out defenses and that is the mindset of Irsay and Grigson. I trust them both that they are making the right decisions to make this team better.

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You know, I somewhat get that. I was definitely on the Peyton single season TD record cheer squad. But I would gladly trade in a couple of his MVPs for a SB ring or two, and I'm pretty sure Peyton would as well. It's about team success first and personal achievement second.


I know what you mean and I kind of feel the same way.   With Peyton, I loved all the passing records.  We got to see one of the greatest QB's of all time lighting up defenses week in and week out.  Now I would like to see the greatest TEAM of all time winning game after game and becoming the next great SB winning dynasty. :)

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there is no guarantee next yrs pick will turn into #1 pick.. I can guarantee Trent R. is worth #1 pick though.


Trent Richardson is better than Jadeveon Clowney? I think TRich for our first rounder next year is worth it at almost any draft position, but not better than Clowney.

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That's the 1980s..

To effectively run the ball..you must first pass to back defenders off the line.

See: Minnesota



Peterson had how many yards last season ? Minn made the playoffs with who at QB ? 

Did the Colts have a good running game with Manning ? The Packers with Rodgers ?

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Running the ball also protects the QB. It forces the defense to stack the box rather than rush the outsides, especially to the left where Luck's blind spot is. Even if a defender gets penetration, at least Luck will see it coming so he can either take a slide, run to the outside, or dump the pass off.

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Having a balanced approach isn't conservative, it's smart. You want 50 passes a game, and can't understand the virtue of trying to improve the run game. I don't get it.

People think the NFL is a 7-7 passing academy but don't have a clue on what goes on in the playoffs. Even the 2011 Packers had a significant jump in their rushing attack between regular season and post-season on their Super Bowl run. Same thing with the Giants the next year.

Run sets up the pass. Luck does excellent in the play action pass. Put two and two together people.

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Just like with manning/edge. You HAVE to be able to run the ball to pass and visa versa. Or they can just rush 3 and sit on routes. After Edge got injuries we had to use the pass to set up the run. So it does work both ways. Only thing is we have a second year qb with a crappy line. We also have a rb who doesn't have the best record for making it through the season. And no way do I want to count on brown.

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People think the NFL is a 7-7 passing academy but don't have a clue on what goes on in the playoffs. Even the 2011 Packers had a significant jump in their rushing attack between regular season and post-season on their Super Bowl run. Same thing with the Giants the next year.

Run sets up the pass. Luck does excellent in the play action pass. Put two and two together people.

Today...pass sets up the run.

ask NOLA, NE and Denver...Got to throw the ball downfield early and often to win the SB.

Even Baltimore knew it

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People think the NFL is a 7-7 passing academy but don't have a clue on what goes on in the playoffs. Even the 2011 Packers had a significant jump in their rushing attack between regular season and post-season on their Super Bowl run. Same thing with the Giants the next year.

Run sets up the pass. Luck does excellent in the play action pass. Put two and two together p


Peterson had how many yards last season ? Minn made the playoffs with who at QB ? 

Did the Colts have a good running game with Manning ? The Packers with Rodgers ?

Brady got three rings and he had a two headed running game all three of those years. 

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Today...pass sets up the run.

ask NOLA, NE and Denver...Got to throw the ball downfield early and often to win the SB.

Even Baltimore knew it

And tell me, which of those teams has won the Super Bowl recently? Even the Saints and Baltimore had a good running game and it wasn't so much that it was GOOD as it was the THREAT of a good running attack. Let those defenses play off coverage continuously and the Saints and Ravens would run a couple of draw plays to change that.

Every team that has won the SB in the past 10 years has either rushed really well in the playoffs and or has a good enough of threat to.

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People think the NFL is a 7-7 passing academy but don't have a clue on what goes on in the playoffs. Even the 2011 Packers had a significant jump in their rushing attack between regular season and post-season on their Super Bowl run. Same thing with the Giants the next year.

Run sets up the pass. Luck does excellent in the play action pass. Put two and two together p


Peterson had how many yards last season ? Minn made the playoffs with who at QB ? 

Did the Colts have a good running game with Manning ? The Packers with Rodgers ?

Brady got three rings and he had a two headed running game all three of those years. 


What does that have to do with teams being able to run the ball ? The Pats could run the ball pretty well in those SB wnning years It's when they were pass happy that they failed


 We didn't have the right combination of O linemen and RB's to run the ball and take pressure of Luck. Donald Brown is a reserve at best and Bradshaw is very brittle and probably could never carry a big load. So with Luck , a little bit of an improved O line and a powerful fast RB , Grigson feels we can now run the ball. I just don't see where his thinking is so flawed.

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We don't really want to keep the ball entirely out of Luck's hands.


We want to keep the ball out of opposing teams hands.......lol



Are you referring to the 2nd and twos and 3rd and ones we have not been able to get running the ball for years ? Are you thinking about the 2nd and 3 we had in the middle of the 3rd quarter and was obvious Pep had no confidence to just run twice and pick up the 1st down ? It was right after a 7 yard pass to Havril . It was huge for us to punt the ball back at that time in the game. Fact is you need to be able to pound the football and pick up those tough yards. Richardson will not go backwards on the first hit and will give us an element we have not had since E James. 

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The people that think we need to throw the ball every down, Don't know the first thing about Football and should stop watching now... Being able to run the ball has so many benefits 1.) Opens up Play action 2.) Controls the clock 3.) Keeps your QB from getting killed, cause the defense won't all out blitzes every play

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Are you referring to the 2nd and twos and 3rd and ones we have not been able to get running the ball for years ? Are you thinking about the 2nd and 3 we had in the middle of the 3rd quarter and was obvious Pep had no confidence to just run twice and pick up the 1st down ? It was right after a 7 yard pass to Havril . It was huge for us to punt the ball back at that time in the game. Fact is you need to be able to pound the football and pick up those tough yards. Richardson will not go backwards on the first hit and will give us an element we have not had since E James. 


Yep this. I think it's been so long that people forgot what it used to look like here with a top RB lol.......


Besides, I get sick and tired of the Dan Marino pass happy offenses at times that fizzle out in the postseason. I am more then fine with this team trying to run the football again. I was initially stunned this move went down and happened. The more it sinks in though the more I am really starting to like the potential here now and long term....

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Yep this. I think it's been so long that people forgot what it used to look like here with a top RB lol.......


Besides, I get sick and tired of the Dan Marino pass happy offenses at times that fizzle out in the postseason. I am more then fine with this team trying to run the football again. I was initially stunned this move went down and happened. The more it sinks in though the more I am really starting to like the potential here now and long term....

Precisely Jules. I wanna see a RB that fights through contact not falls down immediately like a house of cards like Donald Brown does. God, I get so sick & tired of seeing that year in; year out from Brown. It drives me insane. JMO.


I will take brute force over speed any day of the week in my RB. Besides, Brown doesn't have exceptional speed. In fact, he's never had it & he's not a north & south runner. Brown is more east & west to me. The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. 

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Win a SB with PM - Complain that it wasn't enough

Cut Manning - Complain that we were ruining ourselves

Clear 1/3 of the team - Complain that we were ruining ourselves

Hire Grigson - Complain that he didn't have enough experience

Hire Pagano - Complain that we moved too slow and missed all the good coaches (BTW, how have all those great coaches done?)

Hire BA - Complain that will only run screen plays and besides, Steeler fans are glad to see him gone

Hire Pep - Complain that we should have hired BA as head coach

.....I am too tired to finish this list, but I'll bet one can see a familiar word in each one

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Minnesota??  You can't be serious. They don't have a pass in their playbook. 


What-what happens is, the-the-the center has-has the ball first. And-and-and the quarterback will say, "Hike." That's when the c-center puts the ball in-into the hands of the quarterback. So what I do is, I-I start tacklin' the quarterback, unless he give the ball to-to s-somebody else, in which case, I-I try to tackle that person.

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We seem obcessed with running the ball....


...We gave up year's No.1 (which hopefully wont be a high pick) for ANOTHER running back


We didn't even give Bradhsaw a full shot as the starter (obviously we didn't bring in TR to come off the bench)



    We have a premier QB. I don't want to be a running team.


..and Im worried that our defensive coach....our conservative OC and our O-lineman GM believe in a philosophy that went out in the 80s


That running the ball and defense can win consistently..and you don't want to throw 30 times.



    Im worried that we'd spend a No,.1 on a RB when we need O-line and D-line help


Every time you take the ball out of Andrew Luck';s hands, you are doing the opposition favor



I don't think we want to take the ball out of Luck's hands....    


But, I think we want to make the 30-34 runs per game more effective. 


If our running game is more effective,  then so to will our passing game be....


At the end of the year,  I still think we'll have thrown the ball more than we ran the ball.   I expect to do that in most games,  just not all games.    But we must make the defense respect the run....   do that,  and Luck will be dramatically more effective...

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Precisely Jules. I wanna see a RB that fights through contact not falls down immediately like a house of cards like Donald Brown does. God, I get so sick & tired of seeing that year in; year out from Brown. It drives me insane. JMO.


I will take brute force over speed any day of the week in my RB. Besides, Brown doesn't have exceptional speed. In fact, he's never had it & he's not a north & south runner. Brown is more east & west to me. The shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line. 




This coming SB out doors in Jersey is tailor made for a balanced physical team like Seattle IMO. Look, I am not saying we will be there either. Heck just making the playoffs again at this point would be a joy. But, we want to hopefully make it someday and to do that we can't just ride Luck's arm alone either....people get too carried away with passing yards/TDs per regular season IMO. It's fun when it happens but it means very little come January/February.


You know this too SW....you are a fan of sound fundamental gritty well balanced football teams. I love my QBs and how fun they can be to watch but they need help when it really matters and against the better teams.


Grigson/Irsay have a vision of what they want us to become. They just have to keep adding these needed pieces and are trying.

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This coming SB out doors in Jersey is tailor made for a balanced physical team like Seattle IMO. Look, I am not saying we will be there either. Heck just making the playoffs again at this point would be a joy. But, we want to hopefully make it someday and to do that we can't just ride Luck's arm alone either....people get too carried away with passing yards/TDs per regular season IMO. It's fun when it happens but it means very little come January/February.


You know this too SW....you are a fan of sound fundamental gritty well balanced football teams. I love my QBs and how fun they can be to watch but they need help when it really matters and against the better teams.


Grigson/Irsay have a vision of what they want us to become. They just have to keep adding these needed pieces and are trying.

Thanks Jules! I appreciate that. I do strive for balance actually. Yup, there are times when you must win ugly on the ground kicking FGs. I will be patient. I like what Grigs & Pagano have done beefing up both lines. It might take another year, but I am confident that we will compete for SBs through the air & on the ground. I'm not going anywhere Jules & neither are you.  ;)  :thmup:

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to effectively pass the ball you must be able to run the ball

This. If teams fear the running game it will make the passing game that much better. I have a feeling this could be a perfect match for our Colts. Richardson from what little I have seen always seemed to be good at catching the ball, and blocking out of the Backfield.

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