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Breaking news: Colts trade for Trent Richardson (((merge)))


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Again. I judge a qb by how many air yards he gets and how he wins both of which luck did better than rg3. I'd agree That's a good example if Trent outperformed Martin. As I mentioned above I tend to agree than Morris was a product of his system. I'm not going to fault Martin for performing good just because he was on a slightly beyyer team than richarson.


I have had the misfortune of reading all of your comments in this debate, and this is probably my favourite.


I dont throw this out often, but I believe this situation calls for it...



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I think at this point in the league It's pretty much set up the run with the pass. Unless you're Vikings or jags. In which case you run to set up the run haha.


Don't quite agree, although it's a pass dominant league all the successful teams still have a serviceable at the least rushing attack (exception being the Broncos). Of course having a good passing game tends to mean a good O line which helps in the running game, or they are running a read option scheme with a mobile QB where you are truly using the threat of the QB run to set up the HB run (Morris). 

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It screams of desperation. Richardson does not have lightning speed either. I can think of other RBs I would rather have before him for a #1.

Desperation? Trading for a 22 yr old RB with multiple years left on his contract & who can run, catch & block. I could see your point if he was 28 & in a contract year. Watch some of his highlights, looks fast & elusive to me and not going down on first contact! I was at the Colts vs Browns preseason game & Trich looked like the REAL deal to me but who knows I'm just arm-chairing it ha! GO COLTS

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Desperation? Trading for a 22 yr old RB with multiple years left on his contract & who can run, catch & block. I could see your point if he was 28 & in a contract year. Watch some of his highlights, looks fast & elusive to me and not going down on first contact! I was at the Colts vs Browns preseason game & Trich looked like the REAL deal to me but who knows I'm just arm-chairing it ha! GO COLTS

Yes I know it was preseason :D

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Desperation? Trading for a 22 yr old RB with multiple years left on his contract & who can run, catch & block. I could see your point if he was 28 & in a contract year. Watch some of his highlights, looks fast & elusive to me and not going down on first contact! I was at the Colts vs Browns preseason game & Trich looked like the REAL deal to me but who knows I'm just arm-chairing it ha! GO COLTS

My comment was directed at the fact that they seemed desperate given the injury to Ballard. IMO the run game seems like it would have chugged along this year. Ballard would be back next year so why not use that pick to bolster other more important needs?

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Guest TeamLoloJones

If someone is your entire offense like ap, Maurice Jones drew,Calvin Johnson, Chris Johnson than naturally they will put up more numbers than someone who is a cog in an en offense.

Thats not always the case. When a defense only has one guy to worry about it makes it easier to stop him.  Look at Ap in week 1.  Had a long TD, then the Lions shut him down when they made him the only priority.

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My comment was directed at the fact that they seemed desperate given the injury to Ballard. IMO the run game seems like it would have chugged along this year. Ballard would be back next year so why not use that pick to bolster other more important needs?


I get that. Seems like they wanted to add another back, and they wanted to do it now, so much so that they were willing to surrender a first rounder. But I don't really think pointing to Ballard says anything. He's having a major knee operation, so know one knows if he'll be back to form next year. And he's not a special talent, fully healthy. Again, I'm a big Ballard fan, but he's been overrated around here for awhile. Adding Richardson is a significant upgrade, even if Ballard is 100%.

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Run Trent, Run....!!!


Let me hear you say that in your best "Forrest Gump"/Tom Hanks voice Gramz!  ;)

Emmitt gets it.


Emmitt Smith @EmmittSmith22 3h

And Luck will be even better with Trent and Trent will be better with Luck. Great combo!!!

Whoa, SW1 actually agrees with Emitt Smith a despised Dallas Cowboys RB. Does that make this a "Catch 22" situation since SW1 is forced to agree with anything a Dallas Cowboys player says? 


So I just read 18 pages of this thread...  someone Shoot Me Now...


Good Grief People...  I'm quite certain some of you would complain if you won the lottery...   :facepalm:

Shoot BOTT beat me to the punch with the "taxes" line. But, I will say this though. Winning the lottery does tend to rip families apart & create resentment & divided loyalties among siblings & relatives too Gramz. 

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I have had the misfortune of reading all of your comments in this debate, and this is probably my favourite.


I dont throw this out often, but I believe this situation calls for it...



How do you measure a qb than? Someone misquoted me as saying that by "my" logic rg3 is better than luck for whatever reason. I simply clarified to that person that I judge a qb by his aerial threat and wins. Rg3 can get all his running yards but in my opinion a qb is only as successful as his arm and how many wins he gets. Rg3 has the wins but not the arm in my opinion.

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Thats not always the case. When a defense only has one guy to worry about it makes it easier to stop him.  Look at Ap in week 1.  Had a long TD, then the Lions shut him down when they made him the only priority.

I understand that, but it seems to usually be the case for great players. Ap will get his this season, No doubt.

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im a browns fan here is all you need to know about Trent....dances too much, doesnt run downhill, no burst. hes not going to get better. vision and running style dont change.


see below his 8 in the box numbers 





see what scott fujita ex brown who played every day in practice with him last year says.





that is all

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No TDs arent overrated. Scoring TDs are.


Is banking a carry in the red-zone for 1 yards really that impressive?

No disrespect Dustin but go check out his rookie highlights. A lot of hardnosed runs in there for TD's, love the one against the Bengals where he makes 4-5 guys miss....Man I'm hoping for the best w TRich :blueshoe:  :goodluck:

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im a browns fan here is all you need to know about Trent....dances too much, doesnt run downhill, no burst. hes not going to get better. vision and running style dont change.

see below his 8 in the box numbers


see what scott fujita ex brown who played every day in practice with him last year says.


that is all

Sounds like he had more problems with his locker room interaction and personality than his actual skill set. Maybe he came in as mr.3rd man picked and thought he was above the team or whatever. Maybe a change in scenery was best for all parties involved.

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im a browns fan here is all you need to know about Trent....dances too much, doesnt run downhill, no burst. hes not going to get better. vision and running style dont change.


see below his 8 in the box numbers 





see what scott fujita ex brown who played every day in practice with him last year says.





that is all

That's a very nice chart with statistics you have there and can't say they are wrong :D  BUT from what "I've" seen from highlights, games, in person (10 rows up @ the 25 yard line a month ago) TRich looks every bit the #1 back and a great weapon for Luck! At that game he was the only and I mean ONLY player that scared me on the Browns O! I'm hoping with more weapons, less pressure/workload when dinged up he can really take off in Indy

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That's a very nice chart with statistics you have there and can't say they are wrong :D  BUT from what "I've" seen from highlights, games, in person (10 rows up @ the 25 yard line a month ago) TRich looks every bit the #1 back and a great weapon for Luck! At that game he was the only and I mean ONLY player that scared me on the Browns O! I'm hoping with more weapons, less pressure/workload when dinged up he can really take off in Indy


he shouldnt scare anyone he has 2 runs over 20 yards in his career.. he is big and strong but not as elusive as you would think. he is a contact runner so that means more injuries in 15 games hes had  ankle, knee and shin and rib injuries. 


the main thing that should scare you last year the great montario hardesty averaged about 1 yard per carry more last year then trent did.

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he shouldnt scare anyone he has 2 runs over 20 yards in his career.. he is big and strong but not as elusive as you would think. he is a contact runner so that means more injuries in 15 games hes had  ankle, knee and shin and rib injuries. 


the main thing that should scare you last year the great montario hardesty averaged about 1 yard per carry more last year then trent did.

If your valuation of his skill set is correct you should over the moon at getting a 1st back for him. So your purpose of posting here is, what, to twist the knife a little for your own amusement?

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he shouldnt scare anyone he has 2 runs over 20 yards in his career.. he is big and strong but not as elusive as you would think. he is a contact runner so that means more injuries in 15 games hes had  ankle, knee and shin and rib injuries. 


the main thing that should scare you last year the great montario hardesty averaged about 1 yard per carry more last year then trent did.

I'm happy for you that you're happy to be rid of him.


I'm happy for us, that we now have him...   Carry On...

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If your valuation of his skill set is correct you should over the moon at getting a 1st back for him. So your purpose of posting here is, what, to twist the knife a little for your own amusement?


no not really i see people thinking he is a young AP and posting crazy things i just want to let them know what he really is.......that being said i think im going to be a colts fan for this year since my brownies have mailed it in until after the 2014 draft lol

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no not really i see people thinking he is a young AP and posting crazy things i just want to let them know what he really is.......that being said i think im going to be a colts fan for this year since my brownies have mailed it in until after the 2014 draft lol

Welcome aboard.  You'll get a taste of what it's like to root for a winning team and  You may never go back to the dark side  :)

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Who QB'd Cleveland last year?  How many stacked boxes did TRich see?  How much man to man did the QB see..  and fail to deliver on?      Cleveland's sample size is VERY small.      I just watched a vid of this kid in the SEC taking it to the house.


A great running game is a QB's best friend, but a great passing game is ALSO a RB's best friend.     


What the heck, Indy gets the #3 pick in the 12 draft for 3 years at 2.2m per...     Cleveland has already PAID this dude his signing bonus, Cleveland is looking at DEAD cap space for the next 3 years.        If I was a Browns fan I would be burning all my gear because this organization is totally clueless.  I mean they are going to suck anyway, why not keep your best player and still get a top 5 pick?   There are plenty of QB's coming out in the 14 draft...    Bridgeater, Murray, AJMac, Boyd, Hundley, and Mariotty whatever from Oregon.    VERY DEEP.      The Browns will screw this up also.


Hope you win the Teddy B sweepstakes,   Odds are your team will win a couple and get the second or third pick only to get outbid by some other SAVVY franchise and pick another dud at QB.    


Bottom line, Indy is still Indy and the Browns are still in Cleveland.  :thmup: ;)


Rock On Browns....  

he shouldnt scare anyone he has 2 runs over 20 yards in his career.. he is big and strong but not as elusive as you would think. he is a contact runner so that means more injuries in 15 games hes had  ankle, knee and shin and rib injuries. 


the main thing that should scare you last year the great montario hardesty averaged about 1 yard per carry more last year then trent did.

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im a browns fan here is all you need to know about Trent....dances too much, doesnt run downhill, no burst. hes not going to get better. vision and running style dont change.


see below his 8 in the box numbers 





see what scott fujita ex brown who played every day in practice with him last year says.





that is all

Well a losing culture is a losing culture...   and it tends to make some "disinterested" ...   Cleveland drafted a 21 year old big man on campus from BAMA.. who was used to WINNING.   He was still your best player last season and Cleve gave him away for virtually nothing.


A Luck, R Mathis, C Redding, R Wayne will get the diva (if there is any) out of him real quick.  This team is all about heart, not losing.

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im a browns fan here is all you need to know about Trent....dances too much, doesnt run downhill, no burst. hes not going to get better. vision and running style dont change.


see below his 8 in the box numbers 





see what scott fujita ex brown who played every day in practice with him last year says.





that is all

I watched TR every week at Bama. He is a STUD RB and if he played like that in in in(I cant even say that word) for you guys. Rest assured he wont be like that here. Get ready to cry some more. We all went through it when Peyton left. It is hard to lose your best player. Especially when it is your main offensive weapon. Good Luck to your team.

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im a browns fan here is all you need to know about Trent....dances too much, doesnt run downhill, no burst. hes not going to get better. vision and running style dont change.


see below his 8 in the box numbers 





see what scott fujita ex brown who played every day in practice with him last year says.





that is all



Playing for a perennial losing team, when the FO is doing nothing to bring in anyone to help you succeed would make me isolated and wearing my headphones too. TRich is not AP, he cannot take the entire team on his back and make up for horrible QB play, especially with that offensive line. Also your 2nd RB averaged more YPC because they didn't stack the box against him, because he wasn't as a big of a threat to run it on them.


Once Trent embraces the Indy culture, and realizes he is primed for success he will light it up. There was nothing magical that happened to him when he hit the browns to become a bust. He is still the Runner from Alabama that tore up the turf, and he will show it here in Indy.

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Playing for a perennial losing team, when the FO is doing nothing to bring in anyone to help you succeed would make me isolated and wearing my headphones too. TRich is not AP, he cannot take the entire team on his back and make up for horrible QB play, especially with that offensive line. Also your 2nd RB averaged more YPC because they didn't stack the box against him, because he wasn't as a big of a threat to run it on them.


Once Trent embraces the Indy culture, and realizes he is primed for success he will light it up. There was nothing magical that happened to him when he hit the browns to become a bust. He is still the Runner from Alabama that tore up the turf, and he will show it here in Indy.

Let em have it brah

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im a browns fan here is all you need to know about Trent....dances too much, doesnt run downhill, no burst. hes not going to get better. vision and running style dont change.


see below his 8 in the box numbers 





In Cleveland, Richardson was a talented back that was held back by the players around him. In 2012 he averaged 3.6 yards per carry and that was down to 3.4 early in 2013. On the plus side, he’s forced 14 missed tackles on him, which is tied for the best in the league so far.


One of Richardson’s biggest problems has been facing eight defensive players in the box too often. By defining players in the box as all defensive linemen, linebackers and safeties within eight yards of the line of scrimmage, Richardson faced eight or more men on the box on 52.6 percent of his carries. On those carries, he averaged just 3.2 yards per carry. When it was seven or fewer in the box, that was up to 3.9 yards per carry. With Andrew Luck at quarterback, teams can’t put eight in the box to stop Richardson as often as they used to.


In Indianapolis, the Colts have used 11 personnel (aka three receiver sets) on 46.2 percent of their offensive plays. This should only go up with Dwayne Allen landing on injured reserve. Teams typically respond to three receiver sets with a nickel defense (only six men in the box). Richardson has had 42 carries in those situations, and has averaged 4.8 yards per carry.


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