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Tebow rally planned in Jacksonville


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Does that make the Jags better on offense compared to what Tebow can do? Probably not. I mean Henne didn't even get them a TD until garbage time.

What can tebow do? Overthrow passes and fumble? He doesn't have the broncos O-line or WRs if he goes to Jax. He wouldn't have the defense that allows him to win with 15 points.

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What can tebow do? Overthrow passes and fumble? He doesn't have the broncos O-line or WRs if he goes to Jax. He wouldn't have the defense that allows him to win with 15 points.


He is just a threat. He may not be the most fundamentally sound player, but he can provide a dimension the Jaguars do not have.

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People can agree or disagree with what I'm about to write, but personally, I don't care, but this is something I feel I need to say...


I think that the name TEBOW be forever banned from this,and any other site when it pertains to being an NFL QB...I am so sick of hearing about him with every team he's been on, how he doesn't get time to play, how he stinks up the field when he does get a chance to play, how he forgets to shave, how he picks his nose..etc...The guy is not an NFL caliber QB, HE is a decent runner. IF he would get it out of his mind that he is an NFL QB, and try out for Fullback, or Tight End, then I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it.


If he does go to Jacksonville, and does end up their QB, it will make the Jags look even more of a laughing stock then they already are. Granted, with all the extra and unnecessary hype that would go there, ticket and jersey sales would increase for a short time, and there would be something to talk about for their fans...but when they still continue to lose, and that person throws 6-32 with 7 ints a game, that will end quickly, and the Jags will still be where they are. I'm not trying to knock the Jags in anyway,, I remember the days when the Colts were the worst team in football consistently for years.


Give it up,,,if you want another chance to play in the NFL...do what is best for the team, and stop being so stubborn and vain about being only a QB,,,You can run and you run hard. You have heart..By insisting on being the QB, you are only hurting yourself, and your team. You say you are a team player? Then put the team's needs ahead of your own.

Maybe then you will become an NFL caliber player. Until then, keep doing the great work you do for the church and communities...That in itself, should be your focus....not being a QB.

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Tebow Rally results:  http://msn.foxsports.com/lacesout/planned-tim-tebow-rally-draws-maybe-a-few-people-at-best/?ocid=ansfox11


Quite some turnout.  I'll never understand some fans that confuse NFL skill sets with their support of him and his religious beliefs.  I'm all for sharing your faith, but that doesn't mean everyone that is religious should be playing on an NFL playing field.  And Tebow fans, especially, take it to irrational levels. 

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Tebow Rally results:  http://msn.foxsports.com/lacesout/planned-tim-tebow-rally-draws-maybe-a-few-people-at-best/?ocid=ansfox11


Quite some turnout.  I'll never understand some fans that confuse NFL skill sets with their support of him and his religious beliefs.  I'm all for sharing your faith, but that doesn't mean everyone that is religious should be playing on an NFL playing field.  And Tebow fans, especially, take it to irrational levels. 

i think it is even scarier.  most people dont truly want him because of his religious beliefs.  I think the Jags fans honestly want him because they think he is a franchise QB...

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