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Linkenbach, Why is he still here?


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Honestly, how can you not like Ijalanna when we really haven't seen him play yet? This is his 3rd year and he's really a rookie with a potential huge upside.

I'm hoping that if he can make it through camp the coaches will want to keep him just to see if he can reach his (percieved) potential. He's already got a lot of the mental game stuff down. Now he has to show the physical side.

Many people have "potential" and dont pan out. I'd rather keep a veteran who we've seen before and we know can improve. Ben should be practice squad at best.

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Many people have "potential" and dont pan out. I'd rather keep a veteran who we've seen before and we know can improve. Ben should be practice squad at best.


This is Ijalana's 3rd year on the team....   I don't think he's eligible to make the team...


I think the choices would be....


A.)    He makes the team.

B.)    He's put on the IR

C.)    He's put on the PUP list.


And even those options I'm not 100% sure about....    but I don't think the practice squad is an option for Ben....

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This is Ijalana's 3rd year on the team....   I don't think he's eligible to make the team...


I think the choices would be....


A.)    He makes the team.

B.)    He's put on the IR

C.)    He's put on the PUP list.


And even those options I'm not 100% sure about....    but I don't think the practice squad is an option for Ben....

He can't go to the PUP list now, he's practiced you can only be placed on PUP before you practice for the first time. 


So they can either keep him, release him or IR him. 


I was looking at the PS rules myself and right off hand I didn't see anything that would DQ him as he's not played in 8 games yet as a pro (unless pre-season games count towards that which I don't think they do). and what I was looking at didn't say anything about years in the NFL DQing you from it. 




Now with that said it also says nothing on there about if a guy goes on IR in years past stopping you from being on it either.


I am sure someone will come along and be able to give a better answer than me but as I understand the rules I think Ben could still end up on the practice squad but I could very well be wrong.

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He can't go to the PUP list now, he's practiced you can only be placed on PUP before you practice for the first time. 


So they can either keep him, release him or IR him. 


I was looking at the PS rules myself and right off hand I didn't see anything that would DQ him as he's not played in 8 games yet as a pro (unless pre-season games count towards that which I don't think they do). and what I was looking at didn't say anything about years in the NFL DQing you from it. 




Now with that said it also says nothing on there about if a guy goes on IR in years past stopping you from being on it either.


I am sure someone will come along and be able to give a better answer than me but as I understand the rules I think Ben could still end up on the practice squad but I could very well be wrong.


Thanks.....   always appreciate the good 411....     :thmup:


In one of his ever-other-week Friday morning chats,  I thought Kevin Bowen had said that the practice squad was only for guys in their first two years in the NFL. 


I could easily be wrong,  but that's what I thought Kevin had said.    


And since this is Big Ben's 3rd year,  I thought he would be ineligible for that. 


Either way,  if Ben can stay healthy, I hope he finds a way on to our final 53...  that'd be a nice feel good story...   :thmup:

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Thanks.....   always appreciate the good 411....     :thmup:


In one of his ever-other-week Friday morning chats,  I thought Kevin Bowen had said that the practice squad was only for guys in their first two years in the NFL. 


I could easily be wrong,  but that's what I thought Kevin had said.    


And since this is Big Ben's 3rd year,  I thought he would be ineligible for that. 


Either way,  if Ben can stay healthy, I hope he finds a way on to our final 53...  that'd be a nice feel good story...   :thmup:

You could very well be right, like I said I just saw nothing there, I am not going to claim to be an expert on this. 

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Except for Center, but still being able to play any of the other four positions on the line has value. 


I don't want Link starting for us but like you said I think he's a serviceable back up.  If back ups were good enough to be full-time starters they would be full-time starters in this league.  Sometimes I think people have unrealistic expectations for back ups on the roster.  I also think sometimes people let their own personal feelings about a player drive their judgment of him on the field rather than watching what's there.  Like you said I think Link is serviceable.  He's not good enough to be a full-time starter but if you need him for a game or two because someone is hurt he can step in and play.  No he wont be great and I am sure Grigson will always be looking for someone better if he can get him but players like Link are on every team in the NFL. 

I guess the o-line of the Colts has been so bad for so long, Guy's like link look better than they are. Manning covered these guy's for a long time, quick release and no running game. As far as unrealistic expectations, I would have a revolving door with these 300 lbs lineman until some quality players are found. Maybe coaching needs to be improved. Every time I see #72, he is being made to look foolish. The only time he leaves his feet is to fall on top of Luck and whoever sacked him.

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This is Ijalana's 3rd year on the team....   I don't think he's eligible to make the team...


I think the choices would be....


A.)    He makes the team.

B.)    He's put on the IR

C.)    He's put on the PUP list.


And even those options I'm not 100% sure about....    but I don't think the practice squad is an option for Ben....

Then he should be cut. I think the only reason people want him is that it would make a great story.

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Then he should be cut. I think the only reason people want him is that it would make a great story.


I don't think it's a great story simply because he's been hurt twice in two years and now he's trying to make the team.


Also because he wasn't a Grigson pick and he was drafted high,  2nd round.    So, Ijalana making the team means his talent might still be there and useful for the team.     That's why I'd like to see him make the team.


The Colts need more talent.   Especially on the OL.    If he makes the team,  then he's got a shot to help on the line...


Hope that clarifies my thoughts....

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I'm pulling for Ijalana just like you, not just for the benefit of our team, but this kid really deserves a shot.

This is my expectation for our line as it sits right now...this hinges on everyone staying healthy.

LT- Castanzo-Reitz


C- Satele-Holmes




With McGlynn able to play C, we keep only 2 C's and no one on PS

With Reitz and Ijalana able to play T and G we only carry 9 total lineman, and one PS player.

That is a really nice unit. But Reitz and Ijalana both have a long history of injuries, while Holmes and Thornton are rookies, who missed training camp with injuries. It is like not having back ups at all.

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I am probably as hard on Linkonhisback as anyone and, IMO he is not an NFL caliber lineman but he does have some good points.


He has great technique, so he is in perfect form as he gets pushed around.


He's a very intelligent lineman, so no matter what formation the D is in he knows exactly who will be kicking his butt before the snap.


His versatility, he can play LT, LG, RG or RT, so he can weaken 4 positions along the oline, not many players in the NFL can claim that.


In all seriousness, he does have good technique, intelligence and versatility.

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Then he should be cut. I think the only reason people want him is that it would make a great story.


That's not true. I don't really care about the story.


He played pretty well in his little time on the field in 2011, and so if he can stay healthy, he has a chance to develop into a really good player. That's all it's about for me. I don't expect the coaches and Grigson to decide to keep him just because he has been hurt the past two years. I don't want us to keep him unless he's on of the 10 best linemen on the team.

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That's not true. I don't really care about the story.


He played pretty well in his little time on the field in 2011, and so if he can stay healthy, he has a chance to develop into a really good player. That's all it's about for me. I don't expect the coaches and Grigson to decide to keep him just because he has been hurt the past two years. I don't want us to keep him unless he's on of the 10 best linemen on the team.

Right. Some people thought he was first round talent. Sure, it's a great story, but more importantly it's a chance to have another quality O linemen.

However, considering when and how much he played last week, it doesn't appear the coaches have faith in him.

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I have never seen a man this big get pushed around, ran around and looked totally lost since Ogden was victimized by Freeney. He can't move quickly. Never loosing his footing or falling down, but just stands around. Is he dating one of the Irsay girls? The ability to play football has nothing to do with him being in the NFL.

For a backup, I like him...a lot..you need veteran backups in the line.....


There will be injuries and I'd rather have him than somebdy off the street..



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I made a post earlier in this thread saying that our problem with the backups and their lack of quality, is NOT a Colts problem.


It is a league-wide problem.    Every team has the same problem.   But fans of an individual team just don't know that.   They just know about their own team.   


Today,  I find a John Clayton story on ESPN.com saying the exact same team....   every team has questionable depth....  every team.    Clayton is calling for the NFL to start it's own developmental league so players who are late bloomers (and lots are)  have some place to go to get coached up before they're ready for the NFL.     It's not a bad idea, though I'm confident the NFL will never go for it.    They don't want to spend any more money.


Anyway....   it's not a long story....  and I'd strongly encourage anyone interested to take a read...   it's easy and straight to the point...          :thmup:

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Link is in what, his 4th year?  I assume he's still on his rookie contract?  I don't know if Cleary is as good either, but he must be a little cheaper.  Or he'll be cheaper next year out of the two of them.  They must know by now who Link is.


I may have my hopes up too high with Ijalana, but I'm still pulling for him.

He was undrafted and Colts resigned him this past off season to a 1 year deal.  He's an unrestricted free agent.

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