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Colts select Khaled Holmes, C from USC (4th Round)


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Theres a 2 part explanation why I dont like this pick. One, it just seems as though we are copying what the Titans are doing, except with worse players. (They got Levitre, we got Thomas, they got Warmack, we got Thornton, they got Schwenke, we got Holmes).


2, center should have been a postion we were solid at with both Satelle and Shipley. Now this pick shows that they were wrong about Satelle, and that was wasted money.


Huh? The Colts need inside help, so they're copying another team who needs inside help? And they didn't spend as much or use as high of picks on them, so what did you expect them to do? Draft someone better than Warmack? Draft someone better than Schwenke after Schwenke (which isn't also a good measurement). You can't compare a first round, elite prospect guard to a third round guard as though one team is copying another.


And this pick doesn't show they are wrong about Satele. Cutting Satele would show that. Trading him would do that. This pick says the Colts had a guy on their board they rated high enough to merit taking in the 4th who can play all three interior line positions. He can play either guard spot as well, which is very helpful considering there were times last year when the line was destroyed by injury. Versatile backups are great to have.

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I love how our biggest need the whole season And offseason has been o-line, and everyone complains when we go o-line in the draft... Lol


Maybe the greatest post I have ever seen!!!  But it is so true!  The #1 topic on this forum has been the O-Line.  So we go out and draft two more and so many people are complaining about it.  In fact,even after drafting our OG yesterday, many people added we still needed to upgrade center.  So we did!

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Too small IMO. Most scouting reports say he should be limited to zone blocking scheme's and got manhandled by bigger defenders. We did not need a center. 

The center was needed. Satelle was just not getting the job done and was outplayed by Shipley.  While everyone has their own opinions as to who should be picked I have faith in Grigson and his scouts. Sometimes players are taken not to be starters but to play on special teams and give depth. Not every player taken is expected to be starters. 

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Yep, I'm serious. Satele gets too much crap because he played injured most of the yr. Mike Chappell wrote about it after the season and shipley was very good when he got the chance to play.




Don't start with the "head bob" nonsense. Virtually every center in the league does the exact same thing. Matt Birk, who just retired and is a future HOFer at center, head bobbed on every single snap of his career. It's a timing mechanism that centers use with the snap count. Like I said, virtually every center in football does it.

Ok forget about the head bob although that obviously tipped some players off on the opposite side of the ball, he leans to far forward off the snap of the ball (he did it quite a bit last year) causing him to be off balance at the snap of the ball which led to him getting knocked down or blown by several times, Injury did not help I agree there but he was not anything that good prior to that, 

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We have too many wr's now. Really wont need to draft reggie's replacement till 2014/15 cuz dhb should play well and signed long term and who knows brazil whalen or a guy that didnt play or much at all may break threw between now and then also. Just sayn.


DHB only has a 1 year contract.

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Disagree about C, see my other post.


As far as WR, I'm not sure we'll find one better than Brazil, Whalen or Palmer.   Now if he's a KR specialist, that's a different story.


I think you make a good point.  I, too, have called for a WR.  However, I do wonder who gets bumped?  Right now I would see Wayne, Hilton, Hayward-Bey, Whalen, and Brazil.  So do you draft one and carry six?

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Maybe the greatest post I have ever seen!!!  But it is so true!  The #1 topic on this forum has been the O-Line.  So we go out and draft two more and so many people are complaining about it.  In fact,even after drafting our OG yesterday, many people added we still needed to upgrade center.  So we did!

There are a lot of fans who do nothing but whine and complain about every pick. It's always the same thing. It starts with if it were me I would have picked??   Well it is not you or me. Grigson did not get to be GM of the Colts by not knowing what he was doing. Not every pick is a lock to be a starter and was picked for depth and special teams. 

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Picking up Donald Thomas and Cherilus has made our line tenfold better than it was. Those two are automatic starters. So that has left ONE position of need on our line, at G. 


Why did we need a center? We have Shipley and Staele, who will be embattled for the right to start come camp time. 


looks like the guy is going to play guard.  Scouting profile says he had trouble snapping the ball at USC. He also only able to do 13 reps on the bench at the combine.

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Solid pick. Grigson said you could never have too many lineman, this pick backs up what he said. So what if we have passed on Patton, this isn't the last draft ever. WR is not a big need and if it is a need next year we may use our 1st pick on one. No need to russle your jimmies.

Yeah we can clearly see they don't think WR is much of a need this year. They could still add some positional depth via UDFA or the later rounds.

I like what they are doing. This team is going to have so much depth it's ridiculous. Let everyone duke it out and may the best man start!

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The center was needed. Satelle was just not getting the job done and was outplayed by Shipley.  While everyone has their own opinions as to who should be picked I have faith in Grigson and his scouts. Sometimes players are taken not to be starters but to play on special teams and give depth. Not every player taken is expected to be starters. 



Satele played injured last yr. It was written about in the local media. I'm not digging it up to prove it. Satele has a proven history of playing much better than last yr.. 1 bad yr. after 3 solid one's doesn't make you a bad player. Good Lord, if that was the case, why did so many want DHB. He's been awful since he got in the league and yet people were practically wetting themselves after we signed him out of excitement.

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They must like they're CB group. Maybe they think cassius can improve this season if someone gets hurt and he plays as a nickel corner. We did win 11 games last year.. I still feel like we'll take a corner, but now we have three picks left and there are the options of CB,WR,S,OT,RB

well Darius Butler was great in the Nickel last year, didn't even play for us the whole season and he had 4 int, Vontae Davis is a stud and IMO will be one of the top corners in the NFL, and we signed Greg Toler who they feel can be a very good #2 corner, and as bad as some people think Cassius Vaughn is, he is better than most #4 corners in the NFL

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I really don't understand why people complain about adding interior linemen. Over the past several seasons our interior line has been beaten to heck. Any and all depth helps this team.

It's the draft. The colts could draft Reggie White's genetically engineered clone and somebody would complain

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looks like the guy is going to play guard.  Scouting profile says he had trouble snapping the ball at USC. He also only able to do 13 reps on the bench at the combine.




This is my biggest problem with him, he's weak and has been stated in every scouting report I've seen on him.

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Picking up Donald Thomas and Cherilus has made our line tenfold better than it was. Those two are automatic starters. So that has left ONE position of need on our line, at G.

Why did we need a center? We have Shipley and Staele, who will be embattled for the right to start come camp time.

Depth and competition

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Satele played injured last yr. It was written about in the local media. I'm not digging it up to prove it. Satele has a proven history of playing much better than last yr.. 1 bad yr. after 3 solid one's doesn't make you a bad player. Good Lord, if that was the case, why did so many want DHB. He's been awful since he got in the league and yet people were practically wetting themselves after we signed him out of excitement.


Funny.....   that's what some people say about Holmes.    He was badly hurt last year.


He was very highly thought of before that having played extensively his first three years.  


Interesting that their profiles should be so similar......    Hmmmmm...........

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well Darius Butler was great in the Nickel last year, didn't even play for us the whole season and he had 4 int, Vontae Davis is a stud and IMO will be one of the top corners in the NFL, and we signed Greg Toler who they feel can be a very good #2 corner, and as bad as some people think Cassius Vaughn is, he is better than most #4 corners in the NFL

Yep. But its like speaking it to brick walls. Some folks don't want to hear the truth.

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Why is everyone so fixated that we must get a WR? I don't think we need another one.


Wayne, DHB, Hilton, Brazill, Whalen, Kelley.


The first 4 produced last year and will be big this upcoming year. Whalen was a beast in pre season last year before his injury and Grigson & Pagano has said multiple times that they love what they saw from him. Kelley is a big WR and I'm curious to see what he can do.

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