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Bjorn Werner first round pick (merge)


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What do you know Mel Kiper 1st mock had Werner #6 to the Browns


Mcshay had Werner #2 to Jags in his second mock

Mayock's #1 DE is Bjoern Werner



Mayock moved him to #2 (which I know is not that big of deal) but also has him listed as a 4/3 DE not a 3/4 OLB ... and in his final mock has him going #28 to the Broncos which is in our range, but not a steal for us or anything.


Gil Brandt had him ranked 26th in his top 100


CBS Big Board had him ranked #21


So yes while some did have him ranked highly it was definitely not a consensus and I think he meant posters having him in their top 20 ... and I know a few did but not many.

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I think it's funny how so many posters in all the different forums this one included think this is a good pick, but less than 3 hours ago nobody and I mean nobody had any idea who this player was. I might be wrong but I can't think of 1 post from any of the forums that have mentioned this player at all.



He's been discussed on the Draft page.   Admittedly not very much, because most of us thought he was more 4-3 DE than 3-4 OLB.


But Grigson and Pagano say they're confident he can make the conversion....  

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Mayock moved him to #2 (which I know is not that big of deal) but also has him listed as a 4/3 DE not a 3/4 OLB ... and in his final mock has him going #28 to the Broncos which is in our range, but not a steal for us or anything.

Gil Brandt had him ranked 26th in his top 100

CBS Big Board had him ranked #21

So yes while some did have him ranked highly it was definitely not a consensus and I think he meant posters having him in their top 20 ... and I know a few did but not many.

It was a consensus top ten pick before the combine, he ran a 4.8 and fell on mocks and rankings
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It may have looked like they had the card in fast but they used 6min or so to turn the card in.


I was at the draft ( I was the blue bearded guy ) the clock timer was counting down it must have taken that long for the TV delay.


Anyone who says who has to have been living under a rock this last week. All ESPN and NFL network has done was do stories on him about Bjorns path to the draft.. Very nice guy..I talked to him before the draft and told him I hoped to see him in a Colts uniform..After the draft as he came off the stage I got his autograph on a Colts mini helmet. I told him congrats on being a Colt..

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this. Can't believe people complaining about getting a quality pass rusher.

It's cause Xavier Rhodes was available. Funny thing is most people are just upset cause 1. Rhodes was available & 2. They have no idea who the guy is.

It's just like when we were signing Free Agents. People got mad cause no "big name" players like Mike Wallace, DRC, Keenan Lewis, Paul Kruger, Etc. got signed by us

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It may have looked like they had the card in fast but they used 6min or so to turn the card in.


I was at the draft ( I was the blue bearded guy ) the clock timer was counting down it must have taken that long for the TV delay.


Anyone who says who has to have been living under a rock this last week. All ESPN and NFL network has done was do stories on him about Bjorns path to the draft.. Very nice guy..I talked to him before the draft and told him I hoped to see him in a Colts uniform..After the draft as he came off the stage I got his autograph on a Colts mini helmet. I told him congrats on being a Colt..

Lol...we had a laugh at your beard

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It's cause Xavier Rhodes was available. Funny thing is most people are just upset cause 1. Rhodes was available & 2. They have no idea who the guy is.

It's just like when we were signing Free Agents. People got mad cause no "big name" players like Mike Wallace, DRC, Keenan Lewis, Paul Kruger, Etc. got signed by us

Not sure how fans of Rhodes don't know who Werner is...

LOL... Only on this site...

Sense, it makes none....

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It's cause Xavier Rhodes was available. Funny thing is most people are just upset cause 1. Rhodes was available & 2. They have no idea who the guy is.

It's just like when we were signing Free Agents. People got mad cause no "big name" players like Mike Wallace, DRC, Keenan Lewis, Paul Kruger, Etc. got signed by us


Its not just that Xavier Rhodes was available or unfamiliarity with Werner I think its a combination of other players available, not trading back and picking up more picks especially after seeing the New England trade, and Werner being a 4/3 DE that we are going to have to transition ... and yes I know what Grigson and Pagano are saying about him, but what else are they going to say; "we are hoping he can make the transition"


Personally I really don't like the pick and would have rather seen us trade back.

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We could have done worse. Only time will tell. I just hope we draft a Guard with our next two picks. Frederick gone in the first was a shocker I hope we can get Barrett Jones. I don't think our Line is fixed already with Cherilus and Thomas. Otherwise nice to have a german speaking player at the Colts so: Hallo und herzlich willkommen bei den Colts Björn, auf eine hoffentlich großartige Saison und lange Karriere in Indy!

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He's been discussed on the Draft page.   Admittedly not very much, because most of us thought he was more 4-3 DE than 3-4 OLB.


But Grigson and Pagano say they're confident he can make the conversion....  

I watched some videos on individual games ( not highlight reels) and he seems to play better standing up. Add the fact that he is the JJ watt of college and he could easily transition to 3-4 unlike freeney who played a decade in the 4-3.

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Its not just that Xavier Rhodes was available or unfamiliarity with Werner I think its a combination of other players available, not trading back and picking up more picks especially after seeing the New England trade, and Werner being a 4/3 DE that we are going to have to transition ... and yes I know what Grigson and Pagano are saying about him, but what else are they going to say; "we are hoping he can make the transition"


Personally I really don't like the pick and would have rather seen us trade back.

If they didn't believe it why would they have drafted him?

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Its not just that Xavier Rhodes was available or unfamiliarity with Werner I think its a combination of other players available, not trading back and picking up more picks especially after seeing the New England trade, and Werner being a 4/3 DE that we are going to have to transition ... and yes I know what Grigson and Pagano are saying about him, but what else are they going to say; "we are hoping he can make the transition"

Personally I really don't like the pick and would have rather seen us trade back.

You mean the trade where pats don't pick until 52nd now and what they got in return was 640 points less than what the 29th pick was worth
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The fact of the matter is that none of us are GM's. We have other day jobs. These people who picked Werner live and breath football 24/7 and have done so for the majority if their lives.

They know what they are doing. Don't start crying until Grigson starts missing. It hasn't happened yet. Give the Germanator a chance.

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So, if he's going to start in role we signed Walden to fill (Which, lets be honest here, that's what NEEDS to happen. Unless we drafted a player in the first to sit on the bench, in which case I call shenanigans) what in the name of Manning do we do with Walden? 


That Walden deal... It just continues to deteriorate into the "bad idea" void.

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Where does the info I keep seeing about how fast we made the pick come from?  I am not sure how long it took, but it was not that fast (definitely not 30 seconds) ... best I can remember one of the times it showed the commentators with the Colts clock in the back ground it was already ticking down around 5--6 minutes (maybe someone who DVR'd it can check). So I definitely do not think the pick was made that fast.

I was watching NFL network and before the Vikings pick even made the stage the Colts pick was made. They had to wait till the Vikings pick got his jersey from the commish before announcing the Colts pick. It was made within the first minute after the Vikings pick was made. 

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So, if he's going to start in role we signed Walden to fill (Which, lets be honest here, that's what NEEDS to happen. Unless we drafted a player in the first to sit on the bench, in which case I call shenanigans) what in the name of Manning do we do with Walden?

That Walden deal... It just continues to deteriorate into the "bad idea" void.

Back up role and restructure in the offseason next year
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@gregrakestraw: Grigson: Really didn't want anything to do with trading down. Werner was who we wanted. After Minnesota made their pick, it was high fives.

@KBowenColts: Grigson on Werner's film: "He's the first guy off the ball every down. His closing speed is excellent on the film."

@KBowenColts: Grigson said that him and Pagano went down to Florida State to work Werner out. He can play both SAM and RUSH linebacker.

@KBowenColts: Pagano: "He's a dynamic pass rusher. We knew we needed to address that. He was the higheset rated player on the board at the time."

@KBowenColts: Pagano on Werner: "He's an outisde linebacker. He's an edge setter."

if they are happy with him and are sold then so am I, just wasn't expecting him to fall to us


I take it as Grigson going for substance as opposed to flash. As long as Werner can chase qb's like dogs chase mailmen, I'll be satisfied. Either this spells the end for Hughes or we are really deep now at OLB.


I think Hughes days are numbered

Pagano:  "He's a Dynamic pass rusher.  We Knew we needed to address that.  He was the highest rated player on the board at the time."


Remember the Colts board does not equal everyone here or ESPN's or the NFL Networks.


Before you slam them for it ask yourself who do you trust more Grigson and Pagano or Kiper a guy that had a thread a day ago who people were making fun of him?

Exactly Kiper just rates players, he's not looking at individual needs.


It's cause Xavier Rhodes was available. Funny thing is most people are just upset cause 1. Rhodes was available & 2. They have no idea who the guy is.

It's just like when we were signing Free Agents. People got mad cause no "big name" players like Mike Wallace, DRC, Keenan Lewis, Paul Kruger, Etc. got signed by us

Personally I wanted Xavier Rhodes as I am not set on Toler.  While I believe Werner was the smarter pick, again I loved rhodes

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Bad pick, Werner does not fit our 3 4 defense . He definitely is not a OLB and if they do put him on the end teams are just going to run straight at him and more than likely over him. I know we lost Freeney and need to try and replace him but the Colts are going to expect Werner to drop into coverage and he is just not athletic enough to do that. Very odd pick IMO.

How can you call this a bad pick when he hasn't got onto the field yet? The Colts will play basically in the 3-4 but will also switch to a 4-3 at times in the hybrid defense. You are assuming too much.

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If they didn't believe it why would they have drafted him?


I didn't say they didn't believe it ... I am sure every GM "believes" they drafted the right player.  I would have just rather have someone we know can play a position or at least do not have to transition with our 1st round pick. 

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Back up role and restructure in the offseason next year

Can we just call Doc Brown and try and fix it that way? 


Honestly, why would Walden re-structure? I'm sure they brought him in telling him he was going to be the starter, and the man at the position, and whatnot, and if we're not going to hold up that end of the bargain, why should he help us out of the pile of crap we jumped into?


He's getting paid like he never would have otherwise, and now he doesn't have to do as much to earn that penny, now. 


I mean, think about it. Would you restructure if you felt bait-and-switched that way?

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   Hello Colts fans...I'm gonna start out by saying I'm a Browns fan primarily but the Colts are one of my top secondary teams I've rooted for over the years, if not my top secondary. Manning pulled me in and Freeney/Mathis kept me coming back. You guys were my yearly hope of keeping the f'ing patriots out of the superbowl. Ok, so why I am signing up now? To tell you guys you freakin stole one in this years draft. I've been following that kid for a few months now, I've watched almost all his games from the past two seasons. Youtube has awesome "VS" highlights which take a player and show only the offense or defensive snaps from an entire game and highlight said player before every snap. I watched a bunch of these video's from all the top guys, Moore/Jones/Mingo/Ansah/Jordan etc, etc. Basically anybody that had a shot of becoming a Cleveland Brown. Months ago before the draft some mocks had Werner going 2nd but some people were saying this kid could possibly go to a 3-4, so I looked him up.


   Honest to god this german kid is the real deal. The only defensive guy who's "overall" tape looks as good as Werner's was Demontre. All these guys put on great highlight reels, hell so does Werner. But when you look at a guys every snap from multiple games...you realize these highlights are just complete nonsense with a lot of these guys. I'll use our pick tonight as an example....Barkevious Mingo is AWESOME when nobody's touching him. Same with Ansah. Just freaks that when they get their wheels rolling just flash all over the place. The problem is those are highlights. WHat happens to em play after play in succession? Mingo, Ansah and Jordan had real problems when offensive lineman from good programs were able to get a hold of them. When Mingo got run at, he couldn't hold the point. I'm really curious as to what my browns expect of him in our 3-4 cause if the play goes his way he's either gonna get trucked or he has to sidestep a lineman too much and the play is by him. He's freakin 6'4 240.....can't play the run as a 3-4 OLB at that weight and frame, not in the NFL, not if you're expected to hold up at the point and turn runs inside.


    So now Werner. I invite all of you who don't know who this guy is to go to youtube and type in "Bjoern Werner Vs.". Look at the senior games especially. He had an awesome junior year but he was playing in the 270's. They dropped him to like 255-260 and he may have gotten even better. First off, the kid is the most explosive front seven player off the line in the entire draft this year....hands down. When he gets in his 4 point he blows off the ball like a boss. I remember reading that * kipper talking about Werners lack of "fast twitch" or explosiveness blah blah blah....utterly ridiculous I don't think he watched a minute a tape. Tape doesn't lie. Werner got what, 14 sacks in the ACC? All of the edge. If there's one cut on him it's that he got all his sacks off pretty much the same move to the outside, lacks experience in making moves to the inside...big deal that can be taught, especially when tackles in the NFL are gonna have to cheat to the edge with him. He develops one solid inside move and you guys replaced Freeney.


    Ok so you're saying well alex, that's all fine and good but he did that with his hands down...we run a 3-4. Yes, yes that is an issue. One that FS St. kind of negated this past year cause they dropped him to OLB weight, he kept his strength, and they stood up him on a lot of plays when they thought it was a run. Ok so I can't vouch for how the guys gonna cover in space, that is a definite issue with him cause he barely did at all in college....but what I do know is that when they stood him up to stop the run he was a golem. Straight up land squatting golem. Even though he was like 3rd in the nation in sacks, remember he played in the ACC so he played the best of the best including the SEC on a regular basis, his strength is his run stopping. It was jaw dropping to see the guy stuff monstrous offensive lineman, even push them back into the run lane...disengage at will and if not make the tackle, get in on it or at the very least redirect to the inside. I mean this freak fcker was taking on tackle and fullback combo blocks and still holding the point. There was just a ridiculous play he made against Miami where he lined up to the inside between the guard and tackle and both combo blocked him. I mean these two OL were utterly enormous, well over 600lbs of meat blocking down on him. He held them up for an instant and then disappeared...it looked like he just got swallowed up. Next thing I see is that freaks helmet pop up on the other side of the tackle. So he fired out into the block, read the play, then dipped down and to his left to come out on the other side of the tackle as the two OL spill out past him. His pad level was the same when he popped up on the other side, facing up field looking for the incoming runner. The runner looked like he might break to the outside but he saw Werner and cut inside after the two lineman. By that time the defense had collapsed down. Runner still got a few yards but it could have been a lot worse. That whole Miami game Werner was going up against Centrell Henderson who's gonna be a top 10 pick likely when he comes out. Miami even had to send help with the fullback on Werners side. Werner still was literally inches from potentially have 5 or 6 sacks in that game cause he was brushing by the qb around the edge all game long. The tackle did alright against him I'm not gonna say Werner dominated him...but as the game wore on Werner started to grind him down. There was no drop of in performance from him. But that was in pass protection...Werner stuffed the run on his side the whole game.


   So this is why I wanted my browns to take a look at him and possibly try to convert him. I understood the reluctance of my fellow fans to use the #6 pick on him especially when we have glaring issues in our backfield and we picked up Paul Kruger in the offseason. But despite already having 3 OLB'ers we still took Mingo with Milliner on the board. Bizarre but that's why we're not good. Oh well. YOu guys though, with Luck running the offense and a top 5 running game which I don't believe you ever had with Manning right? Dear god you guys look potentially sick. The defense was 7th against the pass but 22 against the run...that number is coming down with Werner I promise. No question about it. You guys have Walden on the other side and Mathis is still the premier pass rusher...you're set. The Werner pick was sick for you guys. You got "exactly" what your defense needed. It's possible in the next year or two you have a defense that Manning never had behind him and Luck looks to be no worse. The Colts are back in the AFC championship in two years.

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I was watching NFL network and before the Vikings pick even made the stage the Colts pick was made. They had to wait till the Vikings pick got his jersey from the commish before announcing the Colts pick. It was made within the first minute after the Vikings pick was made. 


I am talking about how long the Colts were on the clock, and the Colts pick was NOT made in the first minute ... it took 5-6 minutes before pick was submitted ... see post #204 from someone who was there.

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Can we just call Doc Brown and try and fix it that way?

Honestly, why would Walden re-structure? I'm sure they brought him in telling him he was going to be the starter, and the man at the position, and whatnot, and if we're not going to hold up that end of the bargain, why should he help us out of the pile of crap we jumped into?

He's getting paid like he never would have otherwise, and now he doesn't have to do as much to earn that penny, now.

I mean, think about it. Would you restructure if you felt bait-and-switched that way?

Restructure or get cut its his choice next offseason lol, because all I see him as now is a back up role just like he was in GB
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I am definitely not psyched about this pick ... didn't we already try the "turn a 4/3 DE into a OLB" experiment with Freeney without great success???  Just don't see trying it again with all the players that were still available and I am guessing at least a couple of offers to trade back. Seeing New England rake in the draft picks a few picks later did not help matters any either.


If OLB was such a pressing need that we had to take Werner in the 1st than we should have further addressed it in Free Agency.


I know Grigson and Pagano are saying this is "their guy" so hopefully I am wrong and Werner is a OLB Beast; but as of right now my faith in Grigson is not quite as high as it was. He needs to hit the rest of this draft out of the park or I think I will question his judgement a little more than I have up until now.

We did with Mathis as well and Mathis by all accounts has taken to the 3/4 defense just fine.  Freeney was an older player and like trying to teach an old dog new tricks sometimes trying to teach older players who have been in the NFL for over 10 years a new position just doesn't work.  Also, I think Freeney is just close to being done which could be part of the reason why he's on no one's roster right now.  Also the Colts keep saying they use the hybrid defense not just a 3/4 so while I am sure we are going to see a lot more 3/4 than 4/3 we will still see the 4/3 from time-to-time. 


A first round draft pick is beyond cheap compared to elite pass rushers in free agency.  The Colts wanted a pass rusher and to get one of those in free agency they would have had to spend a lot more money than they spent on any other free agent.  So they elected to do it in the draft.  I also think they wanted a younger guy who can be groomed to be Mathis's replacement in a couple of years because Mathis is no spring chicken himself.  They weren't looking for a guy who was going to come in and start opposite of Mathis day one like Freeney.  If that was the case they would have never signed Walden.  He was brought in to sure up the run defense and let Mathis move to the other pass rushing linebacking spot.  The guy we drafted tonight is going to be depth behind Mathis and will probably see action in pass rushing situations as he's brought along.  That's why I think the guy who might get hurt the most from this pick is Hughes.  If they thought Hughes was the long term answer this pick doesn't make as much sense. 


Who knows what offers Grigson was getting.  It could also be that Grigson and Pagano see something the rest of us just don't see in this guy and think he could be a really special player.  Judging by how quickly they made the pick I think that might very well be it.  There was no hesitation there.  It was almost like they couldn't wait to make the pick which tells me they were sold on the guy they wanted and weren't interested in trading back.  Trading back doesn't always work out well for the team that trades back.  I know it's a different sport but just ask the Pacers.  They traded the second pick in the 1984 draft and could have had Michael Jordan rather than Tom Owens who they got for the pick and Vern Fleming who they got later in the draft.  I am not saying this guy is going to be the Michael Jordan of football but sometimes if you really like the guy on your board it's best just to stay put.


I think it's a little rough to lower your opinion of Grigson because of this pick before this pick has even had a practice yet let a lone a game.  Just stay patient if they get it wrong don't worry there will still be plenty of time to blame them for it later. 

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I didn't say they didn't believe it ... I am sure every GM "believes" they drafted the right player. I would have just rather have someone we know can play a position or at least do not have to transition with our 1st round pick.

Transition like Terrell Suggs, Demarcus Ware, Aldon Smith, Tamba Hali, Cameron Wake, and countless others?
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Bad pick, Werner does not fit our 3 4 defense . He definitely is not a OLB and if they do put him on the end teams are just going to run straight at him and more than likely over him. I know we lost Freeney and need to try and replace him but the Colts are going to expect Werner to drop into coverage and he is just not athletic enough to do that. Very odd pick IMO.

If you think teams are going to run straight at him you haven't watched his tape. Run stopping is his greatest strength, even though he had 14 sacks...he was kind of a one dimensional pass rusher which he absolutely will have to address and he's admitted it. His run stopping is instinctual. You can't teach that kind of onfield cok strength. He flashes into the lanes and squats, can't be moved....but he still doesn't allow lineman to swallow him. He holds them at arms length and then disengage's to go after the runner. Watch tape that's all I can say. Watch his full game tape..all defensive snaps. He will immediately be a run stopper for the Colts, his pass rush may take a bit of time to mature though. Against NFL offense's he's going to have to refine his rush.

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So, if he's going to start in role we signed Walden to fill (Which, lets be honest here, that's what NEEDS to happen. Unless we drafted a player in the first to sit on the bench, in which case I call shenanigans) what in the name of Manning do we do with Walden? 


That Walden deal... It just continues to deteriorate into the "bad idea" void.

I think the traditional idea of "starter" needs to be dismissed in regards to Paganos hybrid defense. Walden seems to have been brought in to help against the run, where Bjoren will be a pass rusher...

With so many FA's signed almost any pick (outside of maybe Guard) would have displaced someone brought in duing FA...

If Rhodes was the pick, then Toler was a "bad idea"...

As it stands, if Grigs can still grab a solid G, S/CB, & a playmaker at RB or WR I think he could have another steller draft, and really have some quality depth...

But I really like the Werner pick, didn't think he'd fall....

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We did with Mathis as well and Mathis by all accounts has taken to the 3/4 defense just fine.  Freeney was an older player and like trying to teach an old dog new tricks sometimes trying to teach older players who have been in the NFL for over 10 years a new position just doesn't work.  Also, I think Freeney is just close to being done which could be part of the reason why he's on no one's roster right now.  Also the Colts keep saying they use the hybrid defense not just a 3/4 so while I am sure we are going to see a lot more 3/4 than 4/3 we will still see the 4/3 from time-to-time. 


A first round draft pick is beyond cheap compared to elite pass rushers in free agency.  The Colts wanted a pass rusher and to get one of those in free agency they would have had to spend a lot more money than they spent on any other free agent.  So they elected to do it in the draft.  I also think they wanted a younger guy who can be groomed to be Mathis's replacement in a couple of years because Mathis is no spring chicken himself.  They weren't looking for a guy who was going to come in and start opposite of Mathis day one like Freeney.  If that was the case they would have never signed Walden.  He was brought in to sure up the run defense and let Mathis move to the other pass rushing linebacking spot.  The guy we drafted tonight is going to be depth behind Mathis and will probably see action in pass rushing situations as he's brought along.  That's why I think the guy who might get hurt the most from this pick is Hughes.  If they thought Hughes was the long term answer this pick doesn't make as much sense. 


Who knows what offers Grigson was getting.  It could also be that Grigson and Pagano see something the rest of us just don't see in this guy and think he could be a really special player.  Judging by how quickly they made the pick I think that might very well be it.  There was no hesitation there.  It was almost like they couldn't wait to make the pick which tells me they were sold on the guy they wanted and weren't interested in trading back.  Trading back doesn't always work out well for the team that trades back.  I know it's a different sport but just ask the Pacers.  They traded the second pick in the 1984 draft and could have had Michael Jordan rather than Tom Owens who they got for the pick and Vern Fleming who they got later in the draft.  I am not saying this guy is going to be the Michael Jordan of football but sometimes if you really like the guy on your board it's best just to stay put.


I think it's a little rough to lower your opinion of Grigson because of this pick before this pick has even had a practice yet let a lone a game.  Just stay patient if they get it wrong don't worry there will still be plenty of time to blame them for it later. 


Like I originally stated I hope I have to come back and have to admit I was wrong and Werner is a stud.  I agree with many of your points, there just seemed like so many more options the way the draft was falling .... personally I wanted to trade back. They actually took a while to make the pick (5-6 mins) I even thought they were making a trade they took so long ... which is another reason I question whether if they were as excited about the pick is what they are portraying.


I don't think its the end of the world, I would have just liked to see us have some more 2-4 round picks, especially the way this draft is falling and as much late talent as there seems to be.

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    • Davis had a very good rookie season after being drafted in the 2nd round out of Ohio State (I believe).   Graded in the 70’s against both the run and pass.      But his last three years have been disappointing, as he’s graded in the mid-50’s.   The reason I’m so interested in this signing, is (A) I’m sure it was heavily influenced by the new DL coach, Partridge.   And (B) we’re paying him 2/14.  I don’t recall that kind of money ever being given to a basic backup before.   Don’t think Davis is here to push Stewart, the Colts just signed him to 3/39.  That tells me the Colts defensive staff sees him differently.   I don’t know what the plan the staff has come up with for Davis, but I’m looking forward to watching it play out. 
    • What I’m reading on him the Pacers did get good value. Looks like he will need time to develop but he is in the right situation to do that. The pacers are stacking some quality young players that will prove to be more outstanding depth or assets if they choose to make a trade. Very exciting time for the team right now.  
    • I’m not a religious person, but since you’re an educator I think you’re doing Gods work!   In these crazy insane times we’re all living in you’re doing one of the toughest jobs on earth.  And you’re teaching perhaps the most difficult generation to deal with.     From a distance it feels like you’re being very unfair to you.  I’m hoping in time you’ll see yourself in a completely different light.    Someone highly thought of.  A leader in the community.  A protector of young minds.   I couldn’t admire a teacher more.  
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