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Irsay's Twitter Use and Grigs


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Do you believe that Irsay's twitter use somewhat hamstrings Grigson? As we all know, this mysterious wr has caused many of us to lose sleep, but I can only wonder what it does to Grigs. When Irsay over-hypes a marginal player, many of us are disappointed. What say you?

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Do you believe that Irsay's twitter use somewhat hamstrings Grigson? As we all know, this mysterious wr has caused many of us to lose sleep, but I can only wonder what it does to Grigs. When Irsay over-hypes a marginal player, many of us are disappointed. What say you?

why would anyone lose sleep over something in which they have no control

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Irsay signs checks.  If Grigson has a problem, nothing will be said.


However, nothing I've seen in his tweets identifies anyone in particular until it is official.  By saying we're targeting a WR, no one else in the league is the wiser unless they are the ones being dealt with.


I don't think Irsay's tweets really harm anyone but the overanxious fan.

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Do you believe that Irsay's twitter use somewhat hamstrings Grigson? As we all know, this mysterious wr has caused many of us to lose sleep, but I can only wonder what it does to Grigs. When Irsay over-hypes a marginal player, many of us are disappointed. What say you?

I am sure it has added pressure to him to deliver.Now the question is what he can deliver.

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I don't have a problem with Irsay's Twitter use, but I don't like how he announced that we were working on a deal before the deal was done. I didn't like it with the Vontae Davis trade, and I didn't like it this time either. If he's going to announce the news once a deal is done, that's a different story. I actually like that part of it. But wait until the deal is done.

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I think it does nothing to hamstring Grigson at all.  I think Irsay is crazy like a fox.  IE, he only lets out exactly what he wants to get out there.  He put this out there on twitter Saturday night that the Colts were in the market for a WR and close to a deal.  Yet it's Tuesday afternoon and the media has still yet to figure out who the team or player is the Colts are talking too.  That's unheard of in this day in age with the media. 


Honestly I think Irsay's tweet did exactly what he wanted it to do on Saturday night which was draw attention in Indianapolis away from the Pacers, IU, and Butler and put it squarely back on the Colts.  He waited a long time for Indianapolis to become a football town and he's going to do everything in his power to make sure the Colts stay the main focus of the Indianapolis sporting world.  I don't think it's a mistake that he sent that tweet out on a night where IU and Butler both lost and the Pacers were coming off a loss the night before.  He saw a chance to get people talking Colts again and took it. 


He comes across the quirky fun owner but I think that is just a cover what he really is which is a very smart businessman.


Of course I see this picture and all that goes out the window...



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Do you believe that Irsay's twitter use somewhat hamstrings Grigson? As we all know, this mysterious wr has caused many of us to lose sleep, but I can only wonder what it does to Grigs. When Irsay over-hypes a marginal player, many of us are disappointed. What say you?

I don't think it helps the negotiation and it can hurt a lot if the other team sees how excited Jimmy is to get the player...they might up the ante for compensation.

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Irsay has his say in the deal anyway. So I don't see how it matters what he says, he is just keeping fans updated on what's going on. There is not one deal that happens with the Colts that doesn't get the approval of Irsay, so I'm sure Irsay gave Grigson the OK to go after this WR when Grigson brought this idea to Irsay's desk

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In general, Irsay's tweets are harmless (though I no longer read them unless they become impossible to ignore here).


But, IMO, the WR set of tweets were at best embarassing, at most queered the deal.


Jim needs to NOT comment on FA or the draft.

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In general, Irsay's tweets are harmless (though I no longer read them unless they become impossible to ignore here).

But, IMO, the WR set of tweets were at best embarassing, at most queered the deal.

Jim needs to NOT comment on FA or the draft.

you should send him a tweet with your concerns

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Do you believe that Irsay's twitter use somewhat hamstrings Grigson? As we all know, this mysterious wr has caused many of us to lose sleep, but I can only wonder what it does to Grigs. When Irsay over-hypes a marginal player, many of us are disappointed. What say you?

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Great that he interacts with the fans although at times maybe a bit much.  JI plays blind man's bluff while Grigson plays the cards close to the vest.  As I said in another thread it would be a nice change of pace if he would under promise and over deliver sometimes with twitter.

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Great that he interacts with the fans although at times maybe a bit much.  JI plays blind man's bluff while Grigson plays the cards close to the vest.  As I said in another thread it would be a nice change of pace if he would under promise and over deliver sometimes with twitter.

That's exactly my point. I feel like when Irsay hypes up something that Grigs can't deliver, then it hurts Grigs in our eyes a tad. It could be the exact opposite though. Grigs could be overselling to Irsay which gets Irsay giddy like a school girl.

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you should send him a tweet with your concerns


I'm about Jim's age and have never tweeted.  (As an IT consultant, limiting a tweet to the length of an old-fashioned SMS is silly)  My 12-year-old grand-daughter tweets, and the 10-year-old is ready.  We'll leave it that way.

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