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Doug Baldwin is possibly referenced wr... per roto


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it wont be, it will be our fifth.. seems seattle wants a higher and thats holdup.. seems baldwin has history with luck n pep


Well...   congratulations!   You're wrong twice!


First,  Baldwin is not terrible.   And that's not a Stanford view.   That's a football view.


Second,  it's not going to our 5thR draft pick....    because we don't have a 5thR draft pick.    At least, not yet we don't.


And to the poster who worried Baldwin for our #1....   please....   Baldwin would be had for a mid, or possibly even late draft pick, not a #1.


If it is Baldwin, the biggest problem the Colt's would have is how stupid Irsay would look for making such a fuss over a mid-level player.   


Boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy....     :facepalm:

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Baldwin is a nice little receiver.    Nothing more.    I'd offer Seattle our #6 this year.    If they wanted more, I'd add our #6 next year.


BUT THAT'S IT!     He's not worth more than that,  and I'm a Stanford guy.


I simply don't believe all this fuss is over Baldwin.


IndyStar's Mike Chappell seems to believe it's over Cruz.    That's the name that makes the most sense.    So, until proven otherwise,   my radar is set on Cruz watch.

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Not even Irsay would make a big deal over trading for Baldwin. Besides that , spending 5 days on a minor deal like that would be ridiculous. Things like "big fish and "lots of moving parts" would make this pretty much out of the question.

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Not even Irsay would make a big deal over trading for Baldwin. Besides that , spending 5 days on a minor deal like that would be ridiculous. Things like "big fish and "lots of moving parts" would make this pretty much out of the question.


We are assuming Irsay was coherent when he made those tweets.  It could be Baldwin.

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A trade for Baldwin makes ZERO sense. We have 4 guys on the roster that are just like Baldwin and probably just as good if not better. Not to mention the fact that Irsay would look like a complete baffoon if it turned out to be him. Another thing is, that there is no way on earth that it would take this long to figure out the details of this trade. This is not the type of trade that would take more than an hr. or 2 to complete.

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A trade for Baldwin makes ZERO sense. We have 4 guys on the roster that are just like Baldwin and probably just as good if not better. Not to mention the fact that Irsay would look like a complete baffoon if it turned out to be him. Another thing is, that there is no way on earth that it would take this long to figure out the details of this trade. This is not the type of trade that would take more than an hr. or 2 to complete.

Heck to the NO for this old Colt fan!  I am with ya Balzer!

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Well, we've overpaid for players in free agency so far so trading a high pick for Baldwin wouldn't surprise me at all. 

Freeney was overpaid too....just sayin....28 mill over the last two years....brutally overpaid....


I still need to see how the contracts were set up before I will say overpaid...some look better after analysis....Walden's for one.


Cherilus looked high with up front...I hope we make good decisions from here on out....

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A trade for Baldwin makes ZERO sense. We have 4 guys on the roster that are just like Baldwin and probably just as good if not better. Not to mention the fact that Irsay would look like a complete baffoon if it turned out to be him. Another thing is, that there is no way on earth that it would take this long to figure out the details of this trade. This is not the type of trade that would take more than an hr. or 2 to complete.

Somebody with some sense!! A Baldwin deal could be figured out in about an hour not 6 days

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